EDITORIAL. Jntncs J. Hill, the man who has done most for Central Oregon, will be our guest on October 5, and a tremendous crowd will be within our city. It therefore behooves every loyal citizen of Bend to be stir himself mightily. We can and we will if I everybody does his part make this a celebration worthy of the great event it will commemorate. Let everyone write friends inviting them to attend. Decorate your homes and business houses, cleanup, your back yard and let's show visitors "BEND THE BEAUTIFUL." Every man, woman and child should i do his duty. I or tho newspapers thoro hnvo sprung n now advertising scheme, Witness tho following names and dates of two of tho town's nowspaHrs: "F..pross Morning, Thursliv, Sep tember 8. 11)11," and "Chronicle County Klunmth, Thursday, Sop tombor 7. 1011." Some of tho newspaper of Con trnl Oregon are continually trying to cast slur at Hond, jealous no doubt that it is progressing so much faster than their own towns. Take olT those green glasses, brethren of the quill, come to lloiul on Railroad Day and you'll see what a lively little city we have hero on the banks of the Deschutes. CliNTRALORUOON MAILS. Mail service in Central Oregon hns long leen the acme of irregu larity and uncertainty, but it seems to be getting even worse. Whore the trouble is or who is to blame, it would probably take several Sher lock Holniescs to determine. Uncle Sam has ever been stone deaf to any entreaties for improvements, nnd the long-suffering public must continue to boar all sort of un necessary delays, some of these often causing loss of money. To illustrate in regard to the dis patch of mails: A few days ngo we received a letter from the Har ney County News saying copies of The Bulletin of August '23 nnd 30 reach ed there the evening of September 6. These papers were mailed here at 6 o'clock on the 23rd and 30th, respectively, going to I'rineville and from there by stage. Editor Dnvoy wrote to send them out to the main line and around by Uaker. Again: On Saturday, the 16th. copies of Uie Lakeview Examiner of September 7 were put in the boxes of subscribers at Bend. Two weeks for mail to go from Bend to Burns, nine days for mail to come from Lakeview to Bend. That's going some. But what's the use to "kick"? An inquiry or a protest to the I'ostoffice Depart ment would be replied to about January 15, 1912, and then would propably say: "Matter has ' been referred to proper authorities for investigation," a polite way of say ing: "T'ell with the Central Oregon people." That's the way our dearly beloved Government does business in the I'ostoffice Department. PAR.VUJRS SHOULD ATlt-M). , i In nddition to the address which D. 0. Lively of Portland nnd an 0. A. C. professor will deliver here on y the 30th to farmers. Phil Bates. ' publisher of the Pacific Northwest, will seak on good roads. Mr. Bates is a great mixer nnd stren uous worker, and his address has aroused much enthusiasm wherever delivered. j What each of the throe speakers ' will have to say will be of special interest nnd help to the farmers of Bend and they should all take ad-1 vantage of the opportunity to learn more about hog raising, the dairy ' business and mnking of good roads. I The lectures will be free and given at a convenient time nnd the farm ers are urged to be on hand to hear them. I The Stnte Medical Board has started a crusade against practi tioners without license. Eleven "doctors" were arrested in Portland at the first spreading of tho net. Heard Here and There i The Oregon State Editorial As-' sociution will meet in annual session in Portland Sept. 21-23. ! In August the United States Geological Survey passed upon and recommended for designation 23. M2 acres under the enlarged homestead act. This makes a total of 190,30 I.- 927 acres of land In the public-land States which have been declared enturable under this act in 320-acro tracts. President Tuft left Boston Friday on a 13.000-mllo trip to the PncllF Coast. Ho will travel through 21 States. Senator Bourne has endorsed the candidacy of Senator l.n Follotto for the Republican nomination as against President 1 aft. J. W. Ferguson has been ap pointed State Insurance Commiss ioner to succeed Sam Kroxer. who has become Deputy Secretary of State. Facilities for physical training for both men and women at the (). A. C. will be greatly Increased this year by remodeling of the gym nasium building. Tillman Router of Madras and J. II. Cray of Prinoville will lo the official representatives of Crook county at the Dry Farming Con- grow at Colorado Springs, Colo . Oct. 1(5-10. Senator Bourne announces he has the appointment of a principal nnd tliree alternates to the Naval Academy at Annapolis. Examina tions will be held at Portland Oc tober II. A new state manual of the course of study for the elementary schools of Oregon has just been issued by Supt. Alderman of the State Educa tional Department. A number of improvements have been made in the old state course. "An even distribution of the work among the eight grades is the sjecial aim of this course," says Mr. Alderman, "so that each grnde can easily com plete its assignment in one year. The effort has also been made to preserve harmony in each subject by grades, so that there will be no break between the fourth and fifth grades, nor between the sixth and seventh grades, tho two places where omissions are most likely to occur." Tilings seem to have Iwcome quite topsy turvey at Klamath Falls. "SWELL CHAP" Everybody talks about the nifty clothes he wears. He bu) s them at THE MEN'S TOGGERY Whore you will find ALL the LATEST FALL STYLES In HATS, SUITS, SHOES RAINCOATS, OVERCOATS A. L. FRENCH Oregon street, Bend, Oregon, Experiment conducted by Editor Turner of tho Madras Pioneer this your prove tho theory that mllo mnlxo, as a substitute for corn, can ho grown successfully on dry laud without Irrigation and give good re turns for the investment. I Wlio Duo Vour Prsiilng? I Tho Star Dry Cleaning House, with A. L. French, does all kinds of cleaning, pressing niiil repairing of clothes In n neat manner and at reasonable prices. Ladles' work as well as men's done. Satisfaction given and woik promptly done. A trial will convince you 27tf RANGES COOKS AND HEATING STOVES OF ALL KINDS. 0fo lwk 0 way l$ w u Ml S ui-"' - - i g"f' I 5mi ! ). Our prices are ritflil. See us before buying. SKUSE HARDWARE COMPANY Bend, Oregon Good Investments IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK AT THESE PROPERTIES $3000.00 Lot 5, Block 13, Bond Addition $3000. Erect a $3000 building on this property and you can get 2Q per cent on your investment. $450.00 Lot 5, Block 3, North Addition. $450.00 Lots 9 and 10, Block 23, Center Addition. These two lots give a combined frontage on Koa Avenue of 100 feet. Vf I( you haven't aplat showing tho location of these lots let us know and wo will be pleased to furnish same All property sold on EASY TIME PAYMENTS 5 DISCOUNT FOR CASH We will delivergreen wooddur ing the Autumn months, a t $2.00 per load. A good chance to get your winter's wood cheap. WOOD Woiwill deliver green wood, dur ing the Autumn months,at $2.00 per load. A good chance to getyourjwinter's wood cheap. OUR SIDING SAW IS INSTALLED and we now have for sale 4 and 6-inch . , High Grade Lap Siding The BEND COMPANY L i