, J MEND INVITES EVERYONE TO JOIN HEfc IN CELEBRATING THE COMING OF THE TRAINS HERE, AFTER MANY DELAYS. DATES OCTOBER 5-6 The bend bulletin. VOI,. IX. HKNIJ. OltrcwiN. HtlUAY, SKI-I 22, 1011. NO. 28 DEFINITELY SET DAYS H Fv"Fm m Ra P ft I HILL TO DRIVE GOLDEN SPIKE AT BEND OCT. 5 Two Days of Festivities to Commemorate Coming of Trains-Excellent Program of Entertainment FOR BIG CELEBRATION Hill Officials Order Track Laying Rushed to Bend Great Empire Builder and Son to Attend. MALIIINL I AVISO RAII.WAV I HACK TO III.M). Portland, Oregon, Sept. 2I, I9ll O. Al. Patterson, Prcs., ' IScml Commercial Club, Mend, Oregon. Air. James J. I till, Ar. L. V. Mill and party will reach Bend by auto about noon Oct. 5. It will be all right to arrange celebration and have ceremony of golden spike driving about l:30 The party will want to leave with automobiles about 2:30 p. m. for a ride through the Sisters country, reaching the railroad at Redmond. Signed C. R. GRAY, Pres. Oregon Trunk Railway. u Portland, Oregon, Sept. 2I, I9ll if !' ?. 4 Air. Patterson, JJend, Oregon. in y. v Prospects good for railroad to be in-Bend Oct. 5, both .Air. Hill and Gray doing all possible to accomplish this result. Present plans would indicate that it would be Oct. 6 before Air. Mill reaches Bend. Ought to kuow.d.efinitely today. Signed A. 0. HUNTER. In reply to the telegram sent by the Commercial Club to James J. Hill, the following message was received tin's morning: "Alany thanks for your kind invitation to our chairman (J. J. Hill). Have delayed reply on account of perfecting plans to make most of our time in Cen tral Oregon. Have just wired Carl Gray. "Have mailed our itinerary. Will probably have evening meeting at Princ vllle Oct. I, all day at Burns the 3rd, spending night of 4th at Prineville. Arrive Bend noon of 5th, remain two hours and have spike driving right after lunch. Will you kindly advise parties interested. "I will bring two automobiles. Chairman's party will be: W. H. Dun woodie, banker, grain and flour man of Minneapolis; E. C. Cook, president of Alinneapolis Trust Co.; Prof. Chamberlain, our development commissioner; W. A. Campbell, secretary Northwest Development League; Theo. Schurmeir, merchant, St. Paul, and myself. "Hope you can arrange for one or two extra autos from Prineville to Burns and return to Bend. After spike driving, we propose an auto trip to Sisters, taking the train at Opal City, reaching Spokane by noon of 6th or earlier if possible. (Signed) "L. W. HILL." GOVERNOR WEST AND PARTY HERE RAILS CLOSER State Executive Will Be On Hand For Celebration If He Can Possibly Get HereSpeeches On Good Roads ,TWO A1ILES ARE BEING LAID DAILY "If it is possible for me to getaway from the Capitol, I certainly will attend the Bend celebration," said Governor West, who spent last night in Bend. "You have a right to be happy over the coming of the railroad, for it means prosperity for Bend." Accompanying the Governor were Sam Hill, R. H. Thompson, of Seattle, S. N. Bowlby and other Good Road enthusiasts. They spoke to a packed house at the Commercial Club. The party is on its way to Aledford by way of Crater Lake. At This Kate, Track Will Reach Ucnd Hy October 1 Force or 200 A)en at Work Crooked KlverCrnsscd Sun day Redmond toCclcbrntc Sept. 30 BUSINESS MEN'S ROLL OF HONOR ' " ' M Names of Those Who Have Subscrib ed Money to Make Celebration Big: PropositionIs Your Name There? Th celebration will bo ii two-day ull'iiir nni something bigger thnnlCont nil Orogon lias yut neon The committees appointed to arrange for it hnvoj been busy mill announce an altractivu program Among tht entertainment features will ho: t Broncho hunting, log rolling content, tub, horwV foot, novelty and children's races, football, prize light, dance, concerts by thu hand, pillow lights, climbing a greased pole, drill by thu school chil dren, parade, addrowos, and other features not yet arranged. I A special feature of the celebration will ho the' exhibits. Already the exhibit committee has socuredj or arranged to got enough products for n won derful disnlav. Booths will be erocted along Wall and Horn! streets and the visitors will ho shown, not merely told of, thu products of every kind found at Head. Liberal prizes will no awarded ior larm prod ucts bv tho celebration committee, in addition to thu prizes given by tho First National Hank through tho Commercial Club. Invitations will bo sent to all the to.wns of Central Oregon.- -I IlKND'S FRIISNDS WILL ALl HE HI-HE. Jl 7 .. & " VI kifcNIKU w - y.i oreoons fri . L-.JWkSSw LL" ' " " L li;f friAniVci . TSf The HcydComixttU'..,. fisw ,lirt ,SuU9'l Wttnk..,. - 5i I. yllc Tow liktte to i$ vo J. M. lwrtnec Sw 5'lie lien I llijllotiiut.-....,... 3$ w li. M. TliouiOii low II. V. Skuxj .',... .,t' luuo II. J. HkkIcUu.. 500 A. .M. l.Htu - Co;'. i 35 iJ O'Doniii'll llro .', louo l'ttlU'IMHI DlUilCo 10 (H) II. I'vnull 5) Denclnilos Hanking & Tnut Co., luoo V. C. lltetlenlniKO" ' W. II. WiliK 5 S"Uthcrlml K McIiiUx.1 S" 11 1). Tine 5 W C. McCiimio 5 O. A. Tlmroii 5 a) linu'8 DiivliUon 501 R lUrilctt uo McnklctS: 1'otil ,. 5" Kcil Cross DrtiK Co 5 W John W. While 5 J Kynu , jou K. M. Smith Ltulliuig Co lot)') II. 11. Dovles , . 5W J. N. Hunter .' low SuwunUS: Koiihletm 500 Geo. K. Hope 5'" l'lovtl Deiiicut 30 iu Antoae Anne 5 (Icore llatcK a 00 Wen.imlv I.ivery Co 5 00 W. H. Adair 500 1 HntMt lWn UeWty'C. ".;...'. Clm. IU tl , (' . I'altm. A. 1.. l'rencb. .....V..... i Hotel lieml. CIm. I). Knue... K..A Sitlitr. .... V. IVirv Smith J,If. TttKKatt&Co... I. I). Wiest (lun ltre l'runk Dalton Jul. Cirton llettfur UiiiKras Myetk it Wilkey Curmotly llros , Sum McMurtrie r.utio vS: Stephens McOrath & Co Slh or tooth & llrowtler Ilolinct'.S:' iSmiih Klkliw&.O'Kane MiUeUrnRich I'.Cl'isl?. Overturf.Uavis.Miller Co HenrY I.iuster S. C. Cnl.lttell H. 11. Gould Star Theater V. H. Staats J, II. Weuaudy S. J. Spencer, In?, J.siiii;sJii-jw..'-v 500 S no a fx 10 10 aa 00 300 10 00 10 00 30 00 30 00 30 OO 3 5 30 00 10 00 500 30 OO SO OO 30 OO 30 OO 30 OO aooo 30 OO 10 00 ' 1500 1000 500 1000 1000 10 00 5 00 500 .10 00 Rails on the Orogon Trunk-Des-chutos line are boing rapidly laid toward Bond. Work was started on this skle of Crooked Rlvor Sun day and a mile laid that day. A force of about 150 mon is at work and two miles of ties and steel are being put down daily. Hillman was reached .Monday afternoon and Redmond yesterday afternoon at 2-80 o'clock. The celebration there has beon set for Saturday, Sept. 30. At the rate at which the track laying machine Is being operated, rails should be into Rend by Oct. 1. It is understood that the Hill road will run its tNuwengcr trains out of this city in the morning and tho Hsrriman in the evening. The running time, after the road is balltuted and got in good shape, will be cut between here and Port land so that iNuwengens leaving Uiore in the morning will got here by G p. m. Six conductors and their families will intiko their resi dence here, it is understood, as well as others connected with tho two linos. The first load of stone for tho depot was placed on the ground Monday nftornoon. From 15 to 20 perch will be haulod daily. Stono cutters of tho Orogon Trunk are here nt work. Arrives for Celebration. James Hill Eggloston arrived in Bend lost night to attend tho Railroad Celebration and Is and is n guest at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Eggleston. James Hill is a 9-pound boy and "Dad" is smiling as much Sb as if trains werehere already. .islK vz?L v- v