The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 20, 1911, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
NO. 18
At IhU Rule, Trk Will Reach lltfnil
lly October I I'urco ul ZOO Men al
Work-Crooked HlvtrCromd Sun
day Kcdmonil loCtlcbrataSrpt. JO
IUIIh on tin' OrcKun Trimk-Ik''
chut' line arc lit'lnu niphlly InM
toward Hi?rnl. Work wan Htnrtfil
on thin nidi' of Crooki'tl Itlver Sun-
. I II.. I.. I.I !... .1.... A
Ojty aim ll milt' nun uiui mi). i
foro' f about lfiu ini'ii In at work
ami two mile of tlcn ami Html art
IkjIiUT. put down dully. Hlllinan
wiut readied Monday afternoon mid
lU'dinoml will et it 11 rut train to
morrow. The eelehratlon there hax
1m!vii M't for Saturday, Srpt. III).
At the rate at which the track
InylnK niaclilne In IhiIiik ujH'rntiil.
rallx bhmild he Into llvnd ly Oct. 1.
I.. I.. Fox. who wiw the truck-
Inylnjc k'anit at work Sunday, wiu
told that the llillmun line would
connect with the Oregon Trunk ut
Mftolluii tomorrow. He wiu nlwi
Informed that Opal City would re
main the frelitht termlnun until
frclk'ht triilnn were ox.Tnttl Into
I lend.
It in undurntood that the Hill
road will run It pniMviiKvr trnlmi
out of thin city in the inorninK nnd
the Hiirrlmnn In the vvvninir. The
running time, after the road ii
balliwteil and kH In kmkI Imh
will Ik cut U-tween here and Port
land ho that piuwnKi'rii IcnvliiK
there in the mornlnj will jfet here
by tt p. in. Six conductorx and
their fnmllien will make their reni-
dence here, it In unik'nttootl, iu well
iu other connected with the two
Am mum ait fiulK'it hlprrn.'titn
In-Kin t" reach llend, Henry
Mimter will put on two auto
truckM between here and liurim.
He expect to uho upecially
t'oiiHtrut'ted euro of Ktarnlard
track width. Iliirrlwm and
HIkkh will have their truck In
here by (Jet. 20.
James J. and Louis Hill Will Be Here
On 5th-Chief Engineer Budd Prom
ises Trains By 10th, Maybe Sooner
Some 12,000 Acrrn or Land Tributary
to II. nJ Will He IrrlgaUd-Local
Alan One of the Incorporator
Articled of Incorporation of tho
Suttle'n Ijiku Improvement Co.,
with a capital utock of flO.KOO,
have been filial with the county
clerk at l'ririvvlllu. The Ine irpor-
atorn are I.. I). Wient of llend, J
V. Howard, a well known utock
man or t rook county, urnl ,. M.
Ilrown of I'ortland. The olllce of
the cuiiipany will be in Head and
the organization meeting of Block
holder lit IxdriK held today.
"The new company will build n
canal from Ijikc Creek to nouie 12,
000 acre) letween ('line Full and
Sinter." nalil Mr. Wiet. "It will
ulao count rue t a ytcm covering
Suttle and Illue Ijikca. The land
to be Irrigated He about 18 ml leu
from thin city, on the went nlde of
the Deachutea, und will be indirectly
tributary to Bend."
Chief Engineer Itudii nnd two ntone mason arrived this morn
ing nnd UirteI work on the depot. "Track laying i progressing
line," paid Mr. Iludd, "Itailt will reach Redmond tomorrow and the
MldetrnckH I hi laid there Friday. Marring accident, trains will be
In Hend by October 10, nure, probably earlier."
The Warren bill recently
panned by Congrowi granting
leave of abnence to homestead
era applies not only to those
who have not yet eKtabliidied
reHidence on their claim, but
to all in The Dalles land dlntrict,
according to Congressman
LafTerty. The leave of absence
period ends April 15, 1912.
Blght-ycar-old (Ieorc Spindle r
Starti on Long Hike When Oame
I Over and Make IJ Miles Be
fore Falllnx Uy the Way aide
For the tutrixm; of stirring up
Interest In the HuniH development i
meeting Secretary Siiwhlll of the i
Central Oregon Development league
left yesterday to visit ton southern
Central Oregon towns. He will
hold rallies at I-n I'lne. Crescent, '
Fort Klamath. Klamath Falls, Mor
rill. Honanxn. Iikevlew. 1'alnloy,
Silver bike and Fort Rock, return
ing home then.
. .... . ... ..I.... ,i...i I
m llie wnnisoevurs win givu wieir
',... f..t..rlu lllllllnr 1-VlllllV I.V'lMllnL- In
lt.U. ,11 ........ .' ......... ...
In Justice Orcutt's court Friday
was heard the cow of Joe Klllott vs.
Harvey Winslow for tho collection
of an alleged hay account of 528.
three years old. The jury could
not agree nnd a mistrial resulted.
Saturday in a case involving the
ownership of a colt, brought by the
same parties, the jury found in
, favor of Winslow. C. S. liotison
' reprownted Klllott and Vernon A.
I ForU'8 npjeared for Winslow.
With assurance that James J. and people of Hend, a total of $790.50
Iiuls W. Hill will be here on Oc- having been subscribed to noon to-
tober fi and with track being laid day. With few exceptions, every
from ("rooked River at a rate of )erson who was asked to contribute
two miles a day, the Commercial gave something.
Club adopted a resolution Monday , The live committees met last
night In favor of having the Rail- Thursday night ut L-ira's Htore and
road Day celebration on Thursday discus-ted ways and means and out-
und Fridny, Oct. fi and fi. A. 0. . lined a program. Clyde McKay
Hunter left yesterday morning for i presided us chairman. Each com-
I'ortland to prcMint
behalf of the club,
the mutter, on
to the Oregon
mittec was given an idea of the
nmount of money available for its
Trunk olllcials, and u long telegram use, and on Friday night the beveral
km sent to James J. Hill urging
him to use his Influence to have the
rnllrorul ready for trains to reach
Rend by Oct. C.
A telegram was received from L.
W. Hill while the club was In sess
ion, stilting that he nnd his father
would come to Bend from the con
vention at Burns, spending Oct. C
committees met separately and got
down to nctive work. Reports of
what had been done were tnnde
Monday night nt the club meeting,
which was also presided over by
Mr. McKay In the absence of Presi
dent Patterson.
A sjK.'cial feature of the celebra
tion will be the exhibits. Already
Farmers In Extreme Eastern Part of
County Say Roads Arc Oood
Take Out Oralu for Seeding.
Trade that has formerly been
going to Burns, Paisley and other
interior towns Is already beginning
to come to Bend. Last week two
ranchers who live only a few miles
this Hide of the Harney county line
were here buying supplies. They
were Robert McDowell and J. D.
Mr. Wilmot said they have been
going to Paisley and Burns for
goods but have switched to Bend
now as prices are much lower here
and the roads good. Eight days
are required to make the round trip
oi zzu miies. u ine Kend mer
chants treat us right, we will do all
our trading here," said Mr. Wilmot.
"We are taking out much grain to
plant this fall and will be back later
for fruit and vegetables. We'll try
to make it suit to get in for your
big Railroad Day celebration."
Editor (ieorgo Putnam of the
Medford Mail-Tribune and F. L.
Toil Velio of Medford were here
Monday on their way to Biggs to
meet Coventor West and Sam Hill,
the Washington State good roads
' advocate, and take them to Med
ford by way of Crater Ijike. They
will pasrt through Bend tomorrow.
(Ieorgo Bates is having built at
' 1... .l.l ..wiwinliit.nil fiia-tit ti rtiiiii l.nrn
1 1 If Mill VArVI Illll'lilV IMIII .! 1'iMII
Jtho Fuiks building. Ieglnnlng about i Uflx7r. fin-t in dimensions that will
filllO o'clock. The ladies are pre- be modern and up-to-date. He now
Daring some good things to eat and , milks ten cows and Is preparing to
Invite tho general public to count. Increase his herd, finding the dairy
und dine with them. i business here profitable.
Bend the Beautiful is Very
Rich in Undeveloped
Tho near advent of tho railroads Is going to do
velop these resources.
The man with n BANK ACCOUNT Ih going to
see his account grow with this development, because
he will have ready money to Invest in tho good
things that will develop.
Development will continue in and around Bend
for tho next twenty years. Those who "haven't a
BANK ACCOUNT now can build one. How? By
depositing what money you havo and adding your
Havings to it. You will be surprised how quick your
wivingH account will grow and when your opportunity
present Itself, you too can prosper.
Start It don't deluy. Small and largo deposits
equally appreciated at this bunk. Wo wunt to help
to make everybody tributary to Bend prosiwrous.
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend, Oregon
"Consorvativo Banking for Conservative People."
L II DAIRD, (rrc.ldent) J. W. MASTRKS, (Vice Treildent)
1'. O. MINOR, (Secretary)
h. D. IUIHD, 1'. O. MINOR, S. V. DAIRD,
here. , the exhibit committee has secured
In the resolution, it was pointed or nrranged to get enough pro-
out that the weather conditions will ducts for a wonderful disnlnv.
I)e better the first of Octoler than Booths will be erected along Wall
later; thnt n finer exhibit of pro-1 and Bond streets and the visitors
ducts grown here can be displayed, will Ihj bhown, not merely told of,
and that the Portland party attend- the products of every kind found at
ing the Burns convention could at-' Bend. Liberal prizes will be aword-
tend on their way home. wJ for farm ,,rolucta by the cele-
Whatever the dates of the cele- . ,, ... . , ....
. , , . , ,, , oration committee, in addition to
bratlon, it will Ihj n two-day nllair
and something bigger than Central lhe vrlzi ivt'n b' thc F5r8t
Oregon has yet soon. The com- National Bank through the Com
mittees npMinted to arrange for it
have Injen busy and announce an
attractive program. Among the
entertainment features wilt be:
l'.rnnrho lniMtinir. loo- rolllnir run.
........ ...i. i .... i. i here, free booths beinir nrovided for
lUMin, iuii, iiunH. umi, nuvuiiy unu . , I
rhiMnm'. rnnM f.u.llmll ,, SUKIHIIIU irwilllUIII glun.
.VU. . ......, ,.. ...v..n..v,
dance, concerts by the bund, pillow
fights, climbing a greased K)le,
The first load of stone for the
depot was placed on the ground
Monday afternoon. From 15 to 20
perch will be hauled daily. Stone
cutters of the Oregon Trunk are
expected here this week to begin
In a dispute over the use of a
"crowder," an implement used in
making irrigation ditches, William
Arnold and Alvin Mueller came to
blows Saturday. Mr. Arnold hnd
mercial Club. Invitations will be two ribs on the left side broken. Dr.
U. C. Coe being called to set them.
sent to all the towns of Central Ore
gon, through their commercial
organizations, to hnve an exhibit!
Preferring football and walking
home to no football and riding.
George Spindler, 8 years old, found
when he started out on a 33-mile
hike that it was not play he was up
against then. After making 13
miles, he gave out, began crying
and was taken in and cared for by
a Good Samaritan.
George accompanied his mother
to Fremont last week and while re
turning home, according to what
his father told Thc Bulletin at his
home near The Bend Co.'s mill last
night, became fascinated with a
football game at the old town of
Rostand. He failed to heed his
mother's commands to come on and
get in the wagon, and it required
the services of a neighbor's boy,
who was with Mrs. Spindler, to get
him away from the game. After
going a short distance he got out,
leaving cap and coat behind, and
went back to football. His mother
drove on, expecting him to catch
up, but he remained to play too
long and when the game ended
found himself 33 miles from home
alone and afoot. He set out on the
long hike, but by the time he reach
ed the home of W. P. Vandevert,
13 miles from Rosland and 20 miles
from Bend, he was exhausted. He
was found in the road, crying, was
taken in, fed and cared for so well
that last night he had no desire to
return home.
George is well known in Bend for
his red hair, freckles and mischief.
He is in the first grade at school.
Wanted Everybody to know
that Innes '& Davidson's barber
service Is the best in Bend.
Hjjwin. iqf QT V'1!!?'
drill by the school children, parade,
addresses, anil other features not j
yet arranged. !
The finonco committee has met
liberal response
around Bond are especially urged to
make exhibits of horses, emtio, hogs,
K)ultry, etc.
The finance committee has not
been able to call on everybody yet,
but none will be missed. The list
from the j (Continued on pnge. rive) 5Wf
Full Stock of J)
Yon Will Always fjM
y Find Here ? ffy
) The kind that has been sold to vjjS
S for a Years. I
) Before You Buy Hardware See S J
N. P. Smith ' 1
Wall Street F'
The First National Bank
Or. U. O. COE. Prttld.nt E A, BATHER, Vic
O, S. HUDSON, Cathl.r
Capital fullr paid . . . S35.000
Btockhold.rt1 liability . 36,00O
8urplu .... SO 000
Why Not Raise Hogs?
We want to furnish the FARMERS of
this community three car loads, or 150
head, at actual cosL, and take your note
for them at one year.
These hogs will be purchased in tho
Middle West, by experienced buyers, thro
the Portland Union Stock Yards and sold
to you at actual cost and freight..
Oregon pays the Middle West five
million dollars annually for hogs. Why
not keep this money in Oregon. Better
still, keep part of it in Crook County.
The local market will be good, and
you can always sell them in Portland.
It's good business for you, for us and
Central Oregon.
Call or write for particulars. The
first applications received will be given
Vwn-Ww,srfw"vvrvirTnrrwvwTirvv- '-t' A.rf' fcrf ,a "- a , tr