irzzrr - i m Men's Shoes SHOES Men's Shoes fP Women's Shoes Children's Shoes Women's Shoes Children's Shoes PPL VW IC Tl A1A thaL !n 0U Contral 0rc2n y cannot find a shoo stock with as com- IMUW plcto on assortment of all kinds of shoes as we can' now show you 60 Styles of Men's Dress Shoes, 14 Styles of Men's High-Cut, Shoes, 25 Styles of Boys' School Shoes, 40 Styles of Ladies' Dress Shoes, 42 Styles of Girls' School Shoes, 24 Styles of Children's School Shoes, 14 Styles of Infants' Shoes. Surely you can find just the shoe you want in a stock of this size. Every shoo that wo sell carries our ironclad guarantee "Your money back if not satisfied." Our shoes aro all guaranteed to be solid leather, no cut off vamps, and to give good service for tho uso they aro intended. Can you get this guarantee from any other shoe stock in this county? In our Wall street windows you can get some idea of tho size of our stock and the variety of styles wo carry. Read carefully tho following numbers, then come and SEE the goods. Men's Shoes Boys' Shoes LadiesShoes 60 STYLES. No. 106 Itootm hut, patent colt blurh i'i, Hi !. tin otlglnnl mill d C tE nolili Itiit I'iu'ii ipJtC J 00mkJ No. 1 130 1'iiH'tit cult Imiioii, M-rfur-ati-il tamp ami foxing. I'xti'ii- tf C ft ftluii ! A joiing mtitt'it nlion t)JS NO. 15971 hub latt, vi'liiur calf Itluch cr. ulngln wilo. A hIiimi that U "ill (Tit- 0 C A flit" 1'ilc.. tfO.UU No. 1119---Inn mi'titl hlucher, ilimlilc mil.-, Illt.'I Mflgllt, KIM lU'll IlljJM. All llltO-tlll-llllll- litu lii fur tliu li'iil llo Jinlng limn. A e ! $4.50 NO. 1135 ItluWll Calf. butNlll, ulllg t. IIK.,1 lull) lll-liltMul tll, M.fulUlcO UIIIl Ami fllXlliL' IM1 of tin' virt lMt tlii i.iion. Wit mi ff ycl Dim 'llllljf tilt khou III 5T"tO HI-CUTS 14 STYLES. lU-in. tops from H.ia to.... $6.00 U-in. tops from $7.00 to.... 5.00 12-in. tops from $LW) to.... $5.00 AM) AM. (II AKANTKKI) 25 STYLES. NO. 106fl--l'uti'iit coji n.nt iip iinglo oli. A mjlUli ill cm nhoi) (in Ik,i. $3.75 NO. 1985 ISoxcnlr, bluihi-r Sniwi). nlilc, Hcrli'cal)li m'IiimjI hIioc, (J J (f IHa wi-nr In rtur ulr $J,UU NO. 1I3 Double Mile kunuanx) calf, liluclicr ilut him till Mini' fur m'IiooI arm M'n lilm hiiiIIi' $3.00 40 STYLES. NO. 630 Holland, gin metal pump I hem I Htjlo and vr tico In tliii number No. 1408 HlackMuedo. plain too. v.-ry dri.v Tho 1110,1 twpular tf A e f hIiou this noaion ThtL. Sll 11 GIRLS' SHOES. .STVM-S NO. 579 lrU patent button. Rickey Inmii. mat toi. iNiiontiuirf Httli ) t?( tiiiM'1 A leader In quality pO.OU No. 1628 nun metal button. ldo tralght la,t, a ilemlld hIhmi tfj'i tt( for ever) -da; u ear pC.JJ NO. 559 Ilux calf, half double wde, school hvcl. Aik aliout UiU number $2.00 INFANTS' SHOES. It HTYMiS I1W. AJ H,r tmnmit WL iJtrDl (JC Ir.lNtr .Htf. bifl Mlr Nn Yi? I'.lml Ir.lhrr. Aur umki. ye. II L "II You will find the prices on hII of our shoes lower thnn you vim miy uieSAMliUUALlTY iinvw here in the (.mint v. W'r bin all our nlmiMt tliits-t fiiuii Uih manufacturi-iN and tlifrib ai. all the I I i " imiwi unu iruinv uur iiu o iuu iio -i ntmnvb that in i" ' ' "THE Stohk ok HtvrrKU Vai t-a." J ;?-?---niit CSX6&. I BITS AIJ0UT TOWN. F. A. SUlFuri! roturnod Tliurstlny from I'ortland T. N. Miriiufco lofl .Sunday for Ann Arbor, Mich, Sheriff T. N. Iliilfnur wan nvor Friday from I'rinuvillv. M. (2. Aulm-y wiw up Friday from Ijiidluw on litiHiuiM.1. 1 M. J. and K. W. HohorU of htatont won) Itond vmltorx hitnday. Mm. H. V. Skui loft Thumday for I'orUnnd on u visit of ncvurul "S WCtikH. I J. II. Wonundy in on a huslncu ' 4rip to Tortliuid and Soattlu this rok. ' i W. II. Winjr, who tins Ik'hii Hick vltli typhoid lover, has recovoreu ,nd in ablu to Imi out niraln. Gus T. Itartinun of Portland arrived Saturday nlht to visit his daiiKhter, Mrs. II. J. KKKlcHton. G. P. Putnam loft Sunday for Now York, stopping on routu at Portland nnd Soattlo upon husiness. was In town liis nlllco i Mrs. John K Ityiin today on liusinotM. II. I). True him movinl into tho Itowloo liulldink'. J. N. Miutton of j Pino was in town Monday on Inisinowi. Mm. CtitirliM Niswon'or has loon III at her homo for sovoral days. Tho School Hoard will moot in roKular sotwlon tomorrow niKlit. M. F. Hawthorne of Iji Pino was iloiiiR business In I lend Saturday. A. K. Soiral roturnisl Stmdnv from his vacation trip in bouthorn Oregon. II. I). Brown wont down to Port land Friday on a short busino trip. F. C. Fish and little son aro in Salem visiting rola Mm. Hdwin lives. Mrs. Avorill morning. Avorill accompanied Mr. to Portland yesterday J. S. Parmintor has bought from Tho Kend Co. lot It, block 24, on Greenwood avenue. Furniture 2!! Pianos I huvo on hand completu lines and can furnUh your homo complete. Parlor Suites Bed Room Furniture Dining: Room Sets Kitchen Outfits Cull any time and look my line over. I will lie pleased to meet and talk with you whether you buy or not. l'Ol'ULAll 1MUCES. E. M. THOMPSON Wlioro Your Dollar Dooa Ita Duty. Wall street fl Pond, Oregon S. K. IloIivrU lias begun work on n cottage which ho will build for himself in IWhutos Addition. Tom Hollo of Idaho sustained n broken collar bono Sunday by being thrown from a broncho lie was riding. Mm. It. II. Hrowulow returned Saturday night from n two months visit with her parents at Chowoluh Wash. Mr. and Mrs. C. It. True and son have moved into town from ditch farm in order to put their boy in scnooi. Hoscoo Howard returned Sundnv from n business tri to Portland. leaving for the Hose City again yesterday. F. C. Alderdyco of Drake, Colo., and Tom Alderdyco, nn 0ml City rancher, wore guosu Saturday night at Hotel Hend. Miss Grace French, who aiHint the summer with her brother. A. L. French, left Sundav for North Yakima and Spokane. T. F. J. Duffy, an nttornoy of Prineville, spent tho week-end hero with friends, returning to the county seat yesterday. Mm. F. O. Minor nnd turn k'pnnnth loft yesterday for Corvallis. They will spend the winter thoro. Kennoth entering the 0. A. C. Thomas Triplott loft Thursday for Willamette Valley points to got a load of fniit. Ho drove across the Cascades by wagon. At the Pilot Hutto Inn Snturdnv evening a stag dinner was given in honor of 15. P. Putnam by triends. Plates were laid for i20. Dick Dovo and family expect to leave today for Hend where they will reside and conduct a rooming house. Madras Pioneer. K. F, Logan of Marble. Minn., who is owner of land at Hend, was n visitor here several days lust week taking a look over tho country. Floyd Dement ruturnod Tliiinulnv after an absence of several weeks. during which timo ho visited Port land. Astoria and tho Putrot Kmmil cltioj, A meeting of the Whatsoever will he held nt the church Friday at 2:110 p. m. to make final arrange ments for tho cafeteria supjwr next week. Kditor Walter A. Shoar of the I Hillings County Republican, Sentinel 1 Hutto. N. I)., was in Hcml but uwlr j looking over the Contral Oregon Amr 07 -itrap Wtm S. 7A $3.25 "" N-i St IHV 0-inch top. An H- 4 r $5.00 Hk.4 half IkIIowb BktA Wl. II i No. 549 Tan calf, volwa top. button. Decld.-dly ,.r.c .,t:v. r:r. : . :::n. ,n . :r. $4.00 No. 1816 .Shrlnur, gun mutal. button, round, me 1 Uluiu Hl-too, very hort vamp. A ff A rr , Miapp.Miiart talking ho Jp4.00 I calf, blucher, Ideal ithoo for utrcct wear No. 426 Hl-cut. black Uix calf. mWng w ...:::. :UH. .,op-. . $6.00 Tho Prices On Our Ladies' Shoes run mini ti.,o io i.uj ami wi havi.all stlh-s from n'lifnvy 41km. to wear on th. ranch to tin. dainty patfnt Icathi-r pump for eveninir w-ar. "oui monei back If not NUNfled.'5 country. Tho Rend Co., through H, J. Douglas, last week sold to ninnr ! F. 'Hoover of Galosburg. Mich., lots i;i ami u, block PJ, on Greenwood avenue. Tho meetings which Rev. J. M. Hupp has boon conducting lwn closed Mondny evening and ho left for his home at Kettle Falls. Wash., yesterday. J. L. Sumrall sjnjnt Saturday in Culver, going down to represent the defendant in n case brought hv tho upai spring Lompany against II. I neimuecK. W . H. Wing has bought out the Interest of C. J. Hoke in The Palm and will continue to conduct the business at the same place. Ho in. tends to add to his stock. , ,WI .9undersn of Chicago, a friend of H. V. Skuse, spent Satur day and Sunday here looking for a business location. Ho may return to make his home in Bend. Miss Nona RlVhnntcnn f !.! has been engaged to teach in the I Prineville public schools the coming year and will have chanre of tho third grade. Crook County Journal. C. J. Ruck nf iWtin.i .i George R. Hyslop of Corvallis left Monday for their homes, taking im mem samples of thy soil up the river which they had been ex amining. They will make analyses of it. II. J. Doutrlas wont Hnu-n tn xr ,i- 1 ras Sunday to meet his wife and , little daughter, who have been visit jing in Tacoma and Madras since tho I first of June. They will make their 1 home here, occupying the new ) Brosterhous residence in Park Ad j dition as soon as It is ready for j occupancy. j Who Does Your Pressing? . The Star Dry Cleaning House. with A. L. French, does all kinds of I cleaning, pressing and repairing of clothes in a neat manner and at reasonable prices. Ladies' work as .well as men's done. Satisfaction 1 given and work promptly done. A trial will convince you. 27tf Chicken dinner a specialty every Sunday at Hotel Bend. 25tf Mrs. A. M. Lara expects to leave Friday or Saturday on a uwk'a trip to Portland and says that she will do shopping for any ladies who may ask her. Tho West Side Ladles of Laidlaw will give a domostic scionco nnd agricultural exhibit at Laidlaw Sat urday, Sept. 23, and invite Bond jieople to attend. Miss Mary K. Coleman, who entered the piano contest as the candidate of tho Rend school, has withdrawn as such and is now run ning independent. R. R. Chess, formorlv nf Pull for. nia, has come to Central Oregon to locate aim is looking tho country over for a few weeks. Ho was here several days last week. Mrs. L. P. Hagley and daughter left Saturday morning for Portland whore thoy will make their homo for tho winter. Miss Riil'Iov will attend business college. A. F. Shireman received word a few days, ago that Fred L. Helfrich, tho shoemaker who loft Bond some weeks ago, died nt Oregon City on August 19. Ho took treatment at Hot Lake Sanitarium but his caso was hopeless. WWW44W4Wwwwww ! FULL LINE OF i : : : z t t t t Fall S Winter Goods Now in stock. Woolen and fleece-lined underwear for men and women, hosiery for everyone, wool gloves and mittens, the new Aviation Caps for the girls, sweater coats, auto scarfs, etc. You will need something in these lines. Alany have told us that our prices are as reasonable as those in Portland or Seattle. Favor your pocketbook by buying here. Every item guaranteed to give saltfatlion or money bacf. That's our tat of quality. I Rowe's Store &CEXT VOOTl TO POSTOFFICE. BEND "TheSamc Goods for Less Money." 044M