r Good tment IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK AT THESE PROPERTIES Inves fl7'" IllM $3000.00 Lot 5, Block 13, Bond Addition $3000. Erect a $3000 building on this property and you can get 20 per cent on your investment. $450.00 Lot 5, Block 3, North Addition. I $450.00 Lots 9 and 10, Block 23, Center Addition. Thcso two lots give a combined frontage on Koa Avenue of 100 feet. V M yu havon't apInL showing tho location of thcso lots let us know and wo will bo pleased to furnish same. All property sold on EASY TIME PAYMENTS 5. DISCOUNT FOR CASH 4s, J WejwXll deliver green wood, dur ing the utunm jmonths, at $2.00 per load. A good chance to get your winter's wood cheap. WOOD Wo will dolivcr green wood, dur ing tho Autumn months, at $2.00 per load. A good chanco togot your winter's wood cheap: OUR SIDING SAW IS INSTALLED and we now have for sale - High Grade Drop Siding TiTe BEND COMPANY "VETS" TO MEET REUNION AND CAMP FIRE AT LAIDLAW e'4 so1." sec G and wis sw'f, sec. 5-13-11. 1. II. V. Randell to A. G. Trnhnn, Its 5 and G, blk 53. Redmond. $10. Commander West Issues Call for Ses sion to Be held Next Saturday Picnic Dinner Will Be Feature of Day Program in the Afternoon KKPORTOFTHK CONDITION CIJ' The First National Bank OF BEND No. wj 4t BenJ. la the suit of Orison, at the etex of Commander J. I. West of the Crook County Veterans' Association haa issued the following call: "Soldiors of All Wars, Attention. "The Crook County Veterans' Association will hold its second an nual session on the island at Laid law, Oregon, on Saturday, Sept. 23, 1911. Guard mounting by Com mander West will take place at 10 a. m. The forenoon will be for getting acquainted. Everyone is requested to bring a well-filled lunch basket, or coffee, beans and hard tack. Dinner at 12 o'clock. "A program of exercises will bo given beginning at 1:30, as follows: Address, Commander Wost; Roll Call, Adjutant Cook; Sons and Daughters of Veterans one hour for sings and music. "It is hoped every veteran in Crook county, with his family, will be present and help in friendship I and encouragement. Uring yourj flags and badgos. Leave dull care bghind. Be happy one day. "Election of officers at the close ! of the session. Camp fire in the evening. "J. I. WEST, Commander." Ul.tOe, !Xpt. Itt, tflt. KKSOfkCWJ. Leant laxlrilaeevata . . .. "rerarait. aewrea aitauflecitrei I' h. (whhIi to yrr ctrculetia) Bond, Mcurllie, Hie. tunklnf hour, furniture and 6iturr . Due from National Hanka (net itwrn agenta) ... .... ...... Du from rUata and iTteate Banke ar,l Uankere, Truil Corapaale and bar. lun Hanki ..... . ........ . .. Due from Approred Heaenre Aceata Checka and other Caeh Item Nolea of olhrr National Banka Fractional fa per Currency, Nickela and Centa ....... . Lawful Money Xeaerve Id Bank. n Spie.... .......J Ji oo Lef aMcnder notea 1.400 00 Redemption fund with U 8. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) ijo.141 4 IIJMM tfir r? Jtu M 7JSi 11,911 6n i tt 60 yn Total.. . IJIJ.T4S Ut MABIMTIHS. Capital atock paid In I3. 00 Surptue fund ... 6,cuu 00 (Jndtrtded I'rolila, leaa Hipeuaea and Taiea paid - U V) National llanV Nolea outatandlun . Ilyw 00 jvue 10 niaic ana rriraic junta ami Jou 00 l.J "' ) IS ... ! bi ... 1,149 " UIJ.J4J V, Ilankera Individual depuatta turret to cheek Demand Certfneatre of lepoalt Time Cerufitatea of Derxxit . .. Caanicr'e checka outatandiPK ...... Total 6TTU ntt nuunv i Oaiilycf Crook, j M- I.C S lludum. Caahier ef the ahoee named .auk, do toltwuly ewear that the aUe atate raent tatructetac beat of my knowledge and belief C. rt. HVltMjS, Ca.hier. CoKXfcCT Arrtar. V. C. Cuk. K. A. Tllta. II. C. HLLia. Direct art. SuhacrlWat and iwortl to beftw e me tlila 'th day of hept.. lyn MiWtaG MekHYNoLDS. Notarj I'uUIC. Notice of Sale of Stock for Unpaid A acssments In the Fall River Irri gation Company. TO WHOM IT MAV CONCKRN: Ie it known that, uniler ami by Wrtueofa resolution ol the Hoar I ul Dlrcctora nl The I'all Ricr Irrigation Coinpiiny, iiu.lv miile anil acloplnl, the aalil The I'all Kucr Irriitatiou Com (win v. will, on Ihe 18th ilay of September. 1911, at the Company's office at the rciiilcucc of M. J. Main. In Crook County, acll nt public auction I lie lollowlnn portion ol Ita alock for ileltnqueilt anil unpaid aaaceetiienta due thereon, towil: 160 aliarea, aubacrititil l John Peter, ilue on tame f6j 35 16x1 iliarri, aulrtcrib enl by Kolcrt U. Ilowaer. lue un aatne 10.35. IJOaliam, aulMCribetl by A. It. Short, due on tame 15 75 Joo aliarea, euliacrllwil by O. I'. 1'craoua, ilue on tame I40 87, Thia notice it onlcteil publlibril in The Benil Dullctln, a newapapcr pub liaheil in the neiuhborhrxx! of aalil Com panv, for the period of thirty ilaya. bated thii 16th day of AukuM, 19H. Tut: I' all Kivrk Ibbioation Company flv M. J. MAIN, f'rcalilent. 33-37 Atteit: A. D. U'.WIS, Secretary. Printer Attention, , We have for wile n nucnnil hnnd Chnllenge 19 inch pnjH.'r cutter. Hig ' bargain. The Horn! Hulletln. tf TAKK Youit Sundny dinner nt the Hotel Ilend. Chicken nervcil. iUitf 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IjTjjTjra NOTICE F0K I'UIIMCATION. Ieaitmriit of the Interior. U A. Land Office at The Dalle, Oreenn AUtfH! Jvlli, ivil Notice I hereby (liren that I'retl A hhaniueat. ef fiend, tltevon. who. on iwptemler tMh, iv. made llemeaieail Kutly No 'VM7. Serial No. off: fur H ''( aiHl eHwJ. aeeilon , tawnahlp if aouth, rane u eatl, U'lllamelte MerMlan, haa nlr.1 uotur of Intenllon tumake final five year lr)f ta ratabllah claim to Ihe land abote deacrll.eil, txfufe 11 C llllla, I' I Coramlaalonrr. at hliolAee at rKnd, Orrfuu. on the ulh day of OctuUr. tan Claimant nameaaawlineaaea Cortea II. Allen, iMtid Hill, John Atklnaun, Ullli.m ! Vande rert and Bert Caldwell, all of Bend, Oregon. 6- C W MOOKK. Begiater. Tnaoc Mabks DtaiON CotnioMT Ac Ant ana tandlni a akatrti and dMertrtlon mar qnlckir aacartatn oornpinUin fraa woathar an Invention fa probably patwntabla, rorainurilea rmiiDoaniiai. nanusuva uni aienia racalra tloniatriellreniiSdanttal. HI HO 500 A wil'alan ant fraa. (Jldaal aaanef for aacurlnrf patent. I'alanu taken tbroaah Munn A Co. recall iptelaJiulba. wlllioolcbarea. lu tba Scientific JitncricniJ. A haniliomalf lltnttralad weekly, laraaat etr coiatKin of any anemias urrial. Tarma, I) faari fnur montba, IL Doldbyall nawadaalara, MUNN & Co ... New York Hrneh (irsoa 4 IT MU Wablneiin U C. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. Department of Ihe Interior. V. a. Land ornc at The Dallie, Or. June Mh, leu. Notice la hereby flven that laraea A llotmea, hOM poaloroco addreaa la Bend, Oregon, did. on Ihe l)lh day of March, tan. Me In Ihla oltice aworn alatement and apIUa. tlon. No OA1I9, to purchaae Ihe iV aeW. Rec. 7, T tor)., K, II ft, W M. and the timber thereon, under the truvtaloti of Ihe art of tune i, lt;k. and the acta amendatory, known aa Ihe 'TlrnU-r and htone Ijiw," at auch value aa might be Deed by appialaement, and that, pur auanttoauch application Ihe laud and Umber Ihereon have been appralaed alliui, IhetlmUr eatlaated jo,or4 board feel at liouperM and the land $4. that aald applicant will orTr final proof in upport of hit application end awoin ttatementon the 4th day of October. 1911, be fore II c Utile, U n CommlMloiier, at hlaomce at Ilend, Orcvoti Any peraou la at liberty to protrat Ihla pur chaae befuic entry, or Initiate a cmiteat at any time before patent l"uee, by filing a Conor oralrd athdaMt In Ihia office alliglng facta whlUi woulu defeat the entry i L W MOOKI Kegltier. WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with the beat that the town affords, Neat and Comfortable Rooms, IJit.vn, Okkgon RGAL nSTATli TRANSFERS. (FurnUhcd by the Crook 'County Abetracl Co.) J. A. YounRstrom et al to A. C.I Thompson, Younjf & Meyers et al, all right to Opal Springs. $180. The Bend Co. to Elizabeth J. Irwin, It 4. blk 23, Center Add., Bend. $200. ' Jos. H. Colegrove to Carl Woods, WMn Vkl &?&& StWftV&llr?5of SEVERAL THOUSAND HARDY ACCLIMATED FRUIT TREES FOR SALE. Trees now growing in our Nursery on the south side of Powell Buttea. Ready for fall or Bpring delivery. Apples, Pears, Plums and Cherries. Also Currants, Gooseberries and Bed Raspberries. All selected for hardiness as well as quality. PRICES REASONABLE. Wo have had 80 years experience in fruit growing in various parts of Central Oregon, Our buyers profit by this experience. For par--,tiular8wviat the nursery, or .address or phone rKL lfJxfAlioita Mitfcnrr Simnnn.' Dr4nn.riUn ri- KwTT.7rw-wZirt;?, fA,f.y' J1 ., jf.y.wVI . -.---vf-y-y.y'yJuk 5ZslD00RS Ywj pocltt tie mkLfimit rroCli. W . it aytmy daMl f mm out (rwo Ut U&xy, QjLlj IvumImJ lo Mim, SOME RECULAn CATALOG PICE3i Bungalow or Ceaftiman Dooea , . 1. 60 Cot tana Front Door, up from. . 2.23 Fascr Front Dooea vp from 6.00 Faiwr Front Window op from , 2.78 Wlndowa aod Claaa on-tKbd lata. Wo ahlp prompllr-'anywliara. Let ue atlmato your bill and freight. ?EM POSTAL for CATALOG No. jo O. B. WILLIAMS CO. 1943 FUUT AVE. SOUTH, SEATTLE IV wv-v, ,"rfV'.'.''i.r Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregon You arc cordially liiwml to make TIM'. IIOTI'.I, D.M.I. MS your trtlliiK place talulr walllni; orr IxlHrrn trulil mi your way In anil (rout I'urllaml New. thiirntiKhly ritilpe). imxlf-ni liotcl. airam hut, clrvaliir, aullea ami tixiliia with ImIi l'uat claaa cafe. Kate a 1 1 ami upwaril. Ideal Stopping Place Qoing to and from Central Oregon. PETER KUEHNLING, Manager. Hotel Bend Corner Ootid and Oregon Sli, AMERICAN PLAN Rates $2 nntl $2.50 a Day HUGH O'KANE, Manager My IS TIIK ONLY I'UC IN llrll THAT IH Restaurant " Open All Night SHORT OKDIJKS QUICK SliRVICIJ Sandwiches and Ltiitclics a Specialty, BIU.VSPLACB V. II. ADAIR BILLY'S PLACH TTe COMBINATION SALE TO IIK HEM) AT THE Oregon State Fair Will CohhIhI of n Draft from tho FORK BRANCH HERD OF SHORTHORNS AND OTIIEKS. If you liku u koo.I SHOItTHOUN Ihi on hand nt tho tlmo nml plnco noar tlo Stock I'uvlliun nt 10:30 Thursday Morning, September 14, 191 1 Then you'll got what you want. Tho HH0UTII0HN8 will ho hIiIpikh! to ortler or clullvcrt.il ut tho Union Stock YbhIb I'ortlnntl Ort'Kon. freo of charjro. Writo for cntaluiruu to ' A. L. STKVKNSON, A. CIIALMIIKS, Aucllont'cr- Koa-Ht Grove, OrcRon. & Bulletins Ads Bring Good Result M 14