Card of Thanks. Wc wish to thnnk the frlendn who showed us bo much kindness nnd sympathy in the recent illness nnd death of our little dnuKhter. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Johnson. A Caldwell & Main All Kinds of Blacksmith Work TRICES IlKASONABLE. Minnesota St., Bet. Bond nnd Wnll. GOD 1 PRECIPITATION .67 INCHES SVLVKSTKR L. STAATS KVKRT L, JO.NKS Sylvester L. Staats Attorney! and Counsellor at Law. orrictt: Corner Wall and Minnesota streets. W. W. Faulkner, D. M. D. DENTISTV Bulletin Building, Bend, . Oregon Dr. A. A. BURR1S. iVlS& Ilralrr.' DIaraK Swcwfully TrrattO, Wltbonl the Vt of Dragi or Sorjtry, by the Natural Method of llultsf. Chron ic Dtar 9plaUy. Conaiilutten Kite Mrmbrroftbc State and National Naturopath Society. Oflee In HoUtlnr BJJ.. Ptnd. Ore ten uTcTcOE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OFF1CK OVKR FIRST NATIONAL BK. Office Hours: lo to u a. m.; 1 to 3 ami 7 to S p. m. Bknd, -: Orkgon ThunJer Shower on tho First and Gentlo Downpour Monday and Yc Unlay Summer Dust Disappear U.S. WeatherRcportfor August September nnd the fnll month were ushered in here by a thunder shower Friday afternoon, followed by copious rain the first of this week. The total precipitation for the first live days of the month was .07 inches. The autumn rains appear to hnve started in earnest. They are especially welcomed by the farmers who will soon begin sowing fall grains. The rain this week has been steady and gentle, reminding for mer Willamette Valley and I'ugct Sound residents of "back home" I weather. 1 The following is the Government report of weathorhony for August: Maximum SS. Minimum ill. Tojal precipitation ,7S. No. of clear days, II i. HERE aW"-) r . KKy Xv NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. WHY? BECAUSE YOU CAN GET V BARGAINS. cial Club, tho purposo of the (lis cussion was to formulate general plans for presentation to the latter club, nnd to ascertain, in n general way, nbout what the merchants might care to tlo in the way of contributions. C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OrrtCE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUX3. BKND. ORKGON . 5 Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER FIRST NATIONAL BANC BUXJ., BBND. -- OREGON WARD H. COBLE JESSE L, SUMRALL Coble & Sunirall l ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. BEND, OREGON. Date i It.-:: . - !fc Max Mlfl latr m: fc 9- Mean- Mat Mln 41 41 44 Jl Jll Vt M SWEET jajaajajaaaajJM FIVE ACRE w ROBERT B. GOULD Civil Engineer and Surveyor, Wall and Minnesota Su. Bend, - - Oregon. PHILIP P. THOMAS Civil Engineer and Architect Putnam Building Bend, Oregon. Crook County Abstract Co. INCOBrORATEO. ABSTRACTS OH TITLE to all land and town lots in Crook county. B. F. Wyldjj, Secy. - Prinevllle. Oregon. We photograph the records. MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION .MtlETS At a meeting of the Merchants' Association last night a preliminary discussion of the Ilailroad Day cele bration matter was indulged in. While the organization intends to leave the conduct of the affair en tirely in the hands of the Cotnmer- Certainty, Wa don't Jtny It Itut hart you vt tattrJ our paitrlt for luncheon ami ourt? YOU CANT BEGIN TOO SOON Buy your Bread nnd Pastry at the American Branch Bak ery, first door north of Cald well's store. The only linker' in town that has n brick oven. LOWEST PRICES. THE AMERICAN BAKERY. s Peter Lehrman GENERAL HLACKSMITHLNG. Horseshoeing: a Specialty. OREGON STREET F. 0. MINOR FOSTOPPICS BUILDING LIFE FIRE ACCIDENT INSURANCE Notary Public and Conveyancing All Legal Papers Correctly Drawn. FIDELITY BONDS George S. Young Civil, Mining and Irrigation Engineer Oregon Street Office with Easto8& Doan Realty Co. GRADUATE NURSE MRS. CORA M. DOUGLAS. Confinement Casos a Specialty. Call at Rend Iirick & Lumber Co. Mill, two miles south of Bend, Ore. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Five weeks ago announcement was made that on Jan. 1st we would make SOME LADV n present that she could not duplicate for $500.00. We Bald it would be a straight ouand-out gift to THE LADV securing the highest number of votes in our contest. ANY LADY in Rend or vicinity being eligible. The prize consist of a beautiful upright ma hogany piano and a cabinet piano player to match. It seems that movements have been started by various clubs and organizations to boost candidate of their choice and so secure control of the piano. This i entirely foreign to our idea as wc prooj to give t) j prize to SOME INDIVIDUAL and not to a club, 1c 'gd or school. Ini . ttice to ourselves and all concerned we must stop thh novement and we hereby announce that NO VOTES WILL BE COUNTED WHEN CAST FOR ANY LADY WHO HAS ANNOUNCED HER SELF AS A CANDIDATE OF ANY ORGANIZA TION WHATSOEVER. To any lady who can win in this contest by her own efforts we will be more than glad to deliver the prize. We have asked a committee of three gentlemen, Mr. Hoffman of The Bulletin, Mr. Coble, attorney, and Mr. Cline, the Baptist pastor, to act as judgos in this contost. They will count the vote every Satur day and the result will be posted on bulletin bonrds in each of our storos. The only way vote can bu secured is by making a cash purchase of 10c in either of our storos. Evory 10c purchase ontitluH you to a vote. Be atw you get it. A. M. LARA & CO. E.M. THOMPSON. Tratfs Xom Suoi d oS nM qstt opiu y $3?5 to $750 Each. IUDjW noj uioSA"s quouiA"od Xuy WATER. RIGHTS Absolutely Protected. uosctpjnd ljns oj suuax THIS PROPERTY ADJOINS BEND PARK And will bo as flno residential property as there is in tho city. Xjunoo jjoojo uj vji Qil pud IsoSSfq oq, OAoq oaa AjJodoad uudj jo Ajp oSucqoxo jo n3S '"1 no d.oq oj rjUDM oyy Oregon Investment Co. ELMER NISWONGER Wall Street, Bend, Oregon. HAimST CHURCH ITfiMS. Next Sunday, aside from tho ' Electric lights hnvu h.n d The special meetings continue morning and evening services. Mr. tl. rhurrh l.nii.iin.. i. .i... u-i..i J nupji win preacn a sjieciai sermon overs. The building ought tolJ to women at 2:110 p. m. on "Mother, painted Inside nnd out. If any oJ to it fund for thnt puritoso, he'or she will fln mi' iiniii'migiuii fining ni-ulpt of custom." with a deep interest prevailing. Evangelist Hupp Is preaching each evening. Monday evening, at (:!10 three men wore baptized in the river by Acting Pastor C. M. Cline. Home and Heaven." and at 4 to wou,d like to contribute to n fun men on "Tho Citizen nnd His City." There will lw no objectionable fea- turos to these meetings. C. M. CLINK at tU .'t-r I Music Tours out of th horn of ths COLUMniA GRAI'HOrifOMJ exactly as It wrnt Into the rccnrJ, lUnJ, orchestra, vMln, (lute, pkcolo, piano, banjo, belli, corrxt, clarionet, trombone, 'cello, speech or tinging voice, solo or ensembla every note anJ tone U clear anJ amooth. Good reason why th machlna Ispeiloct. Let us pUy U10 "DN" Columbia Qraphophone foryontoproTelt, Ifynubnyvwi pay lu.t laa.WO Int llio coinplria nuiHt wltll nrrdlra and Irrotd.. ay terina l( yuci like. Other oulflta twm S20 to 300. i ' - ' Harness -kV - - ,,,. V? jA- jMJa.a1 Ijj1mij. &tt - --ajaaBJi"all,'l ?!!SlililiiiiiiiallajJJJW jjjfjaka!lialialiaaBjTl we mlF- w'':::sgTVg5sv tMmSmik, SELL g0 I X VMl MU, PORTLAND JrJmlumL Wz G prices. FT wwmL "Tiiwiagn If - a .. . . mp mm iiu c I 1 t 11 1 p - -lj&f J Wmmmmmmm SKUSE HARDWARE CO. Red Cross Drug Store Bend Hardware Co. GUNS REVOLVERS AMMUNITION We carry the largest anil best stock in Central Oregon. What's the use of picking out a gun in a catalogue and waiting two to four weeks, and run the chance of being disappointed with It. We have them right here in the store and can fill your order Immediately. Come in and look them over. All makes, the latest models, and all calibers! U. M. C. AND WINCHESTER AA1 A1UNITION. THE BEST BY TEST PLUMBING gND TIN Work Promptly Done nnd Otinrntileril l'r.t clan. "7" MNaaaftl - Bend Hardware Co. V