The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 06, 1911, Image 4

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Geokgk Palmku Putnam
U. N. Hoffman
Managing Editor.
An Independent ncwapapcr, atnmling
for the tqtintc dent, clcnu, ctenn
politics, mill the best intcreats of llcinl
ntiil Centrnl Oregon.
One jenf.i. ......
Fla month.......
Thrtc moiilh.......... ....... .......,...
(InturinMv III ailvanc.,
rmtittnl William It. Tart
Vict lYrahlcnt Jmr H Slirtimn
Hmttary o( male ritllamlcr C. Km J
Smtlaty ol Trmaury .I'ltnktln HtcVmh
Herniary of Interior Walter t.. tl.lier
HrcTcMty or Vr.. II t. Mlmaoti
Settttary ot Couimttv ami MUir.Chmlcn Nagel
rH-ctetary ot Nary Mcorgc Von U. Mrjti
Srctrlaty of Agriculture - Janic Wilon
piMlitia.tcr Ociural -frank II llltchiix-a
Attorney (iiiivU -lleorge W. Wtvktitliam
Com nor O Wr.i
bvcrcury ol Male , lit V oteull
Treaaimr .Thorn. II. Ka
AIIoiiit) t'.etietal A. M. CtaurloKi
Sui. I'ubtlc timtructlou - I. K. AUKtntan
State I'tiiilct W. S. Uiiiiixri
CemmU.loiierol Unbot MaltMtc l t lion
nmne Watilrn... tv i.. miicy
Mule Hnjluetr John II. I.twit
((icorgeK Chambeilalit
-1 Jonathan Hotline, Jr.
I W. C. Ilauley
J A. V. Ult It)
U. S. Seuatota.,
The railroad will be operat
ing to Rend in about seven
weeks. What is betas done
about arranging for a celebra
tion which will be a credit to
the town upon such an import
ant occasion?
At Saturday's pleasant entertain
ment at Laidlaw, while harmony
was distinctly the watchword, there
yet were some remarks mado which
indicated a feeling that some Laid
law people, at least, felt that their
town at various times had received
hard knocks at tho hands of Bend
people. Such may be the case; in
fact, there is little doubt that there
arc here, as in every town, men
who think the best way to help
themselves is to disparage the other
fellow. The condition is unfortun
ate; also, it hurts the "knocker"
even more than the "knocked."
But that is not the question. The
true feeling of the overwhelming
majority of representative Bond
people is a desire to help Laidlaw in
everj' possible way. From purely
selfish reasoned!"., from no others,
this must bdSrue, for what helps
Laidlaw, -Jbut seven miles distant,
incviUiblholps Bend.
To tell the truth, Laidlaw is more
fortunately situated, in somo re
spects, than is Bend. It has a
splendid farming country adjacent
to it. It is true that unfortunate
and, indeed, criminal difficulties
have been experienced in connection
with the conduct of its irrigation
enterprise, out the rotten mess
which haa held back the merited de
velopment of the section fa drawing
to a dose, and if further delay fa
experienced in getting justice and
action from "tKa,powers that bcJ
it is for Bend not to criticize the
situation, but to do its utmost
individually and collectively, to
force specify an3 proper adjustment.
In anothor vastly important asset
Laidlaw fa to be congratulated. No
town on the wost side of the county,
where the bulk of the taxes are
paid.ihas as many or as good roads
hi liTo'-'T'hi'Iln.o With l,o tnAti'l
Ciiiteutnen ...
Jwlee -....
tloruey ......
........ -l-'le4 W. Vllun
........ II C. lltlla
tttK WalfCII IlltlWftl
Sheriff. - - ..T. N. lullotir
riciurtr .-.....-. .-Kiia Ionian
Aunwr ......... ..J. t. I. Kollclte
School MticrinlniUiil X. A. Houl
Coroner. Ur. it O. Hyile
surreycr..... .. -Pint a. kIit
CommlMioner. . H&'
Circuit Court ltrt MouJay lu Mays thlrvl
Monday In October.
raoatta Coca.-Viral Monday In each month.
CoMMtuioMima' Court firm WeduemUy
In January. March, May, July, beplcuttiet
tad Norrmlxr.
r. M. Ky
tip (It, Chtn
...... L. I). Wlnl
U. C. Co
c r. M.
....hi. J.
Councitmtn .......
. . ..H.C. Illl.
I!. Allen
. Aune
I it... K ly
I V. M. .IUr
fs.c. CIJ
I 11. i hull
II. I!. Allei
Ihro. Aun
company in question with the power
to supply its patrons in the resi
dential districts in question.
Bpotltd It All.
A ftirrncr went to hvnr John Wrilcy
prroch, Wonlfjr mtJ be would take up
ttirvu toplcn of thoiiKht. Ilo wn talk
UiR chlolly about uioiioy, 11 In tint wits,
"(let nil you ctvii." Tho fnrmor ntuluvnl
n ni'lBhtmr nml piiM: "Till U wrniiKO
lirc(U'liln. I no v it linmJ tlio like bh
fore. Thl Is vory pootl," Then Wi
ley illin'ourKwl on "Inilimtry,'' "Artlvl
y," "LlrltiK to Jhirpoae," nml rvurlietl
hi vectimt itlvtaloti, "Riwo till you
rnti." Tho farmer boriinio murv ex
cIUmL "Wn there ever nuyttiliiK like
thW ho nUl. ViHley (lenuiuuvil
llirlftlc'unoxn ntul wiiHte, nml he cull
rUeil the willful wlfkeiluo which liiv
IhIkm In luxury, nml the fnrmor ruliheit
hi linmN, nml he thoiicht. "All (lit I
htive been tmiKlit trtitn my ymith up,"
nml whnt with celtliiK nml whnt with
hoitnlluR It him'Iih'iI to him Unit "mil
VHilun" hntl ciime to hi Iiouko, Hut
Weftley ntlvttmiHl to til third hentl.
whleh wim "tllve nil you cnu" "Ah,
ttenr; nit, deur." nhl Hie rnruier; "ho
ha cono nml xpolK-U It till!"
With no assurance as to the
manner in which the recipients
would conduct the street sale of
souvenirs, etc. during the Railroad
Day celebration, the Council has
given an "exclusive" privilege for
this business. Probably this
wouldn't hold. But if it did, the
principal is all wrong. ( Every en
couragcmonL'sh'ould be given to all
legitimate undertakings which will
add to the magnitude and interest
of the occasion. Licenses should be
collected but not exclusive ones.
Experienced men in the various
lines connected with such a cele
bration should be encouraged to
come and not be shut out.
A Dtccptlv FUh.
A nnturnIM who U fiiinlltnr with
Ceylon wrliiMS "In the cleur water of
Colombo tinrlHir It U uot uncommon
to eu fallen nml tinted lenve of the
Jnk trvtt rtontliiK n nburt itutnnee Im
low the Kiirfuetf or lnkit)K xlnwly to
tho bottom. Certnln mnull tlh, com
monty kuowu iu eu bnu. tnlmlr
theno leaes IhiiIi In form Mint color
In order to etipe Uelivtlon Iloib In
hnM nnd eolor they look when lu the
wuier like vnterloi:uiil leave, but
wIhmi retmiviHl rrmu their UMtlvo vie
nieut IhU n-o'inliliiuiv l luiinetlttilrly
lout. They tlmil in the wuter tin It itlile
rnya ami nil kwIiii In Hie unme illriHv
(Ion. turiilnu --It-iultn tifni-ty. tin one
iHiunlotl .Mi Willi')' ntlellilitiHl to etli
lure one "I Hove h IwIh hi n rt
pool and itir.illr ti uiiiite n plUUKe
with the huiid uet it uuthlni; except
wbnt he look to Im n Jnk Utif (lowly
and Inertly ntuk to the bottom. To hi
ntotilbnient. a bo withdrew tbt net
the nupiuwed leaf rlubivd Itnulf nud
durted awny.H
Tlie Silver Lake Leader, whose
destinies are now guided by an ex
Seattle Times man, broke forth into
an "extra" last week. The cause
of the journalistic eruption was a
raid in Paisley, wherein there was
confiscated "300 gallons of beverage,
part of which has been identified as
whiskey," says the Leader. The
method of the identification process
was not described. Wonder how it
was done?
CalimltUi of Author.
Flnmrr wit a hvcKer: I'luulu turned
a mill; Terwie wan n lave;CervauteH.
tilt mull. r or "Don Quixote," tiled of
liuiiKvr: Huron lived a life of menn
ur nml dMtreiw; ItnielRb died on the
-intTuiil. Hpi'iiier. the rhiiriuluu.dUHl In
wntit; the death of Collin wit throueb
ueCleeu dnt emixluu menial derail
ment; Milton wjid III ropyrtubt ol
I'lirudl-i ljot" for 1 1 A; Urydeu died
In Mrerty nud dltrerM; iliwuy dlnl
preuiiiiiiiely und llimuuti htiuuer; l.v
died III (be KUtteri Sti-ele llviil a life
of NT(evt wnrfare with IuiIIIITm: ISold
xnillb' "Vlrar of Wakedeld" wna mild
for u trltle to wiv blin from the crip
of law; Siivape dlrd In prlou at Ilrl
tol. trberv be witu rotiMued for a debt
of iH; llutler lived a life of iienury und
dlt-d (Mxir; Cbaltenuu, the rhlld of
ueuluii and mbiturtunu. dvt.truri.-il ill in
Wiestoria Addition
, , , -
Is Selling Fast. Why?
Wenre furnishing EVERY purchaser a certified abstract EREE.
We are selling . Realestate Contract.
We bind ourselves, as well as you, to fulfill the Contract.
We do not believe lu a one-sided Bond or Contract.
Our Prices are the Lowest; Terms the Easiest.
Better Alake YOUR Selection Today.
Ono of the very bolt- investments
the city ever made was the purchase
of the street sprinkler. The street
sprinkling has done a vast doal to
ward making the town attractive
this summer.
Early Horta Rac Print
Prize for winners ot borxo rneea
bundrvda or year ago took curiou
forma. Tbe earlleat waa tb "biiRlla
d'or," or coideu bridle. After tbu tbe
prliohn Kncland wna a tII. ThU
Idi-a ra taken from tbe eunlotn
rimnUK owner of inrk borwn of di-o.
unittnx the ImtiI horv, whim IihI itie
i-MViilrude. with a liell. rui lliui ondurk
night and lu dnnuerou plini- tbe
.vUfniilxiut of tbf lender Ullutlt bo
known and the oilier follow mildly.
At Cnrll-lf IIvit lll were raeed for
ny the uiiM tnMiHTM and diiiemeu,
mid hmiIiuhii ot ltiie bell are "till
relnlii'Hl lu tbe town tiulL-SL Janitti
Our Property Is Within Three Blocks of the Union Depot.
Prices $150.00 Up
TERMS: $10 PER MONTH. Liberal
Discount for Cash.
Lots are 50x1(0 with 60 and 80-foot Streets
and 20-foot Alleys.
H. D. TRUE. Resident Alaiiaer, BEND, OREGON.
The NewlonKolIer Co. inc.
Seattle, Wn., Portland and Bend, Oregon.
Portland Office 301-2 Uuclinnan IJulldlnR, 2Mj Wnihlneton Street.
Sewing and Drcssmnklng,
All kinds of swing and dro'
making done by Mrs. G. V. Shriner
over Skum Hnrdwnro Store. Work
neatly and promptly done. 215-7
With this funda-
. wv ...
menur-transportation necessity so
well ,proWded, Laidlaw has a big
leverage on prosperity; its splendid
situation fn this regard is well ef
matter of envy to, dwellers in less
So let 'Iend pull its hardest for
Laidlawr- and let Laidlaw realize
that Bend wants to help, and give
Itnn nnrwirhinUv tn An an Tm H. Slack, all of IKua.Orcoi
,T . ....... T ,.... vw ew ( W
WiriMfR vm? prm.rrATinv
JS Wrpurtnicnt of the Interior.
o, iuu uioer . irc iJiic, ifrraon,
Auvnil n.t ion
ollcc It hrrclty elrcll that Johu O. Fry.
ofUod. Orrnon, rho, on O.tohir i6ih, 195
uudclfrt lanil tntrjr Nu r Hrll .No. 017
for aw W nwU andnwKwtf..ctton n.towuiniD
iliin,raiiaciiat. WilUiutttr Jl.iWI.n. li.
Dirt Duller or Intrnlion 10 make Dnal dc-it
Uo4 proof U trt.bll.h claim to the land abort
dracribcrl, Urfor II. c. Kill. U. ti, Comrafxlonr-
athUofBcc,at Btod, Orrgon, on lh Mlhdayof
ucuwr, 1911.
1 Claimant nimn at wltnrtf ti William Arnold,
wiuiam ) Mtf Hurray, I.crl u Wlctl aim CK11
prosperity of ono spells the enrich
ment of the other.
MOOKK, KtfUtcr
Probably, next week the matter of
granting water and light franchises
in the additions of Bend will come
before the council. Hitherto the
public service corporation which has
been serving Bend has been operat
ing in portions of these additions
without franchise. Now it is pre
pared to enlarge such service; fur
thermore, it takes the ground that
not only for tho proposed enlarge
ment, but even for the operation of
tho service already existing, a fran
chise must be' in its possession.
Otherwise, it declares, it is operat
ing illegally. If Bend is to have
this enlarged service, and, indeed,
any service in its residential ad
ditions, it would appear essential
that the company supplying such
service be provided with a franchise
for such operation. The fact that
sjch franchise cannot, under the
laws, be exclusive, would seem an
Departaitut of the Interior,
U, B. Uo Office at The Dallrt, Orrgon,
hepltiubcr lit, 1911
Notice It hereby ilren tint Frand MtCullrv
aulgnte of xaiuucl II. Alexander, of Cm
Oregon, who. on October 6th, 1904, made dtacit
Lndeuuy ,S'o 486, rll .So 01147, for twj aM
fit wK.KC. Jl.T IJB. K ll I'.,andluti4 S,
tcctlun 0. town.hip 16 aouth, ratine 11 rati Will
amette Mcruliau. hat filed notice of Intention to
make final divert land proof, to c.tabllih claim
to the land tbore dcaciibcri, licfore It C Klilt,
V S. Coinmlwluner at lilt ofiuc at IJeiid, Oregon,
on the 6th day of October, ii 1
Claimant iiatict at wiiiirr: Alexander
Ixvcrtni-, frank Arnold, (iorc McCalli.ur
aud Henry C Mhuwacher, ail ifOItt, urtgon.
tfypi C W llUUKK, Kel.ter
The water will be Bhut oft"
between the hours of 8 and 1 1
o'clock Thursday forenoon Sept.
7, 1911, in order that we may
clean the water tank.
The Benq Wateii Light &
Poweii Company.
Card Playing,
f'nrtl plnjiiit; iMiMii in linlln In l lie
nliiili ifiilury. Ii win. intrixi.ii'Hd into
Kiimih tiy iirJfiitniN miiiii- nmi- prior
lu tin iIiImiimiIIi reiiiiiry. HuriMfiM
H(iiilnrl7Hi iiih nintiM-nji-iii In Snin
nml limy. Ttit intH im flit- pim
iifii-ruiinl apiviid to iliTiniiiiy. wIhtu
It riiUllllflli'rd lu tw lll(Jllll.'f) in iiImiiii
r.'T,"i Iim iipHumni'tt In l-'riiinv wna
iiihiiiIipiiimI in Hi, rfriirtl it tlintcuun
try In y.KCt HiTnuIn- -HrcI wtrv drxi
Kiimvn in Kiiuiuuu in lidii .Nhw tork
Hia Trade,
"And jrnn ny yiiu Iimvp a irntlo?"
naki-d l lie kind hid) nl tin- itmir
"Wn'ui," an Id ilio irntiii: "I'm a
worker In irwliiu nietula Mii(liont"
"Inilwd: AnU ruu't you gut any
thlnu to du7"
"Nn'ui; Ui" rrllra and de Jetreler
urn ull on to iu."
Oog Luck,
I'nllrt' OfTirer In onli'r thftt the vll-
Inlii wlm mucin hiiU KN'Ml ymi In the
(lurk miiy Ik- irmkcil. uc iiiiikI fff our
Miilrr due nflff liini 8 in triHH thu
M'fiit run hum uivu .Sito u klaa.
KllryflKli' lilultvr.
Printers Attention.
We have for sale a second hand
Challenge 19 inch paper cutter, big
UM.KUIlt, iD UCIIU UUIIVllll, 11
y botaken totvards supplying the $3 per monthf P. HrDencer; 24-7
And That Cimi Naar Oalng Right.
".Iiilinny. rorni'l tliu ccIiIimiii- un Ihu
tHiiiril; 'Uv druuUiHl a untiiuur or
lUUHtM "
Jolinny went to tln lionrd nnd wroto,
"A uuiiiupr if touala Urnukfd turn,"
J.uuaton lo t.
HATItS: I'lvr rent, a line (or firat In.
wrtioti In till column, (our criita a line
for each iuleijiient Intertion. Count
aix wotil to a line.
Lout Buckskin horse, quarter
circle X on loft hip, and bny mure
with hat brand on loft stille and
lazy L on left jnw. Kewnrd of f 10
for recovery. Notify Jim Smilh,
Bend. 2-.27p
I)8T Black parasol, silver and
pearl handle, lietween town and L.
I). Wiost's rorildence. Howard. In
(tiiru Bulletin olliec. 2Gtf
I.08T riro opal stick pin. Finder
return to Bulletin for reward.
rt,una I nnd 1100 more can tm plowed (Jov-'
Wiiatkvkk IT l.s In the furnlturo ernmcnl land and range adjoining,
line you will Und it mild by Millard Tlil would lj n line locntlnn fori
Triplvtt. on Wall Stri'vt. (anyone who would like logo into
tne stocK iiu.ilmM. Tonus. One J
fourth cnh. Will tnko llrnt inurt-f
gngo on Innd for Ixtlnnco. Time to
suit purchajr. I nlvo hnvu somtj
choice wheat Innd fur twlo J J
Pmuh, Agent, Boar Cn-ek Butte. 3
Intjulru of J. I. Wost, Bend, Or ,iip
roit S.U:-rt.yuar-oId black nure
ony, weight about 800 llw. (Jood
Niddler nnd brnkun to drive I'w
fectly gontlo. Imitilru of Sewnnl 4 .
illniiom are thu
lwat In
Satisfiko men are those who
patronize Intiori & Davidson's barlier
Don't I-'oikujt Hint Millard Trip
lett mjIIk furniture of nil kiniln at
i right prices.
I (Un- Ytirit I.UMiimt from tlio Pine
Portwt Lumber Co. H011.W lath und
Irrigation lath a Himcliilty. tf
I'ur Sale.
I'oit Sai.k f80 acre stuck ranch.
Creek runs through place. Plenty
of wuter. 100 uciotj,in cultivation
for chIv,
Iax I)hv
:'r,tr i
Only Wantad a Chanea.
Mother IVrlmp tbu youns mnn
net-da n IIIIIh vueuuro ptment. Ouiiuti
ter Vi, miiuitnu; 1 ulao yon wnulil
ki'cp out of aluut uoru wlillu tiu U
Had to Talk a Lot.
Mr. NaylKirVuu awin rnthr hnarna
thla moruliiK. dear. Mra l.tiabinun
Well, my buabund mine bump ratbor
Into laat olgbL-UuatoD Trauacrlpu
It U tho cause, and not the death
that makcj tbe martyr.-Napolwu.
Wantkd High School boy or
girl to fold poiiers on Wednesrluy
afternoon. Inquire ut Bulletin.
Boy Wanted A hustler enn
make good money In hour or so In
afternoon. Cull nt this oilice.
Wantkd Everybody to know
that Innos & Davidson's barber
service is the best in Bend,
Wanted By man and wife, work
on ranch. Capable of taking charge.
Address B, care Bulletin. 2 l-20p
Wantkd Loan of ?:00 or $-100
for three or four years. Good real
estate security. Inquire C, Bul
letin. 21-27-p
Wantkd Treos to pull. Have
first cliiHH outfit. Sco Llddell on
tho Wilson ranch, Powell Butte.
Address, Prlnevllle, Oro. Mtf
Wanted Odd jobs for Boy
Scouts, Address P. 0. Box -1 1 or
177, Bend. (Signed) .Kobcrt Innes,
Ted Hoke. tf I
Wantkd G o o d Housekeeping
Magazine requires the services of n
representative in Bend to look after
subscription renewals und to extend
circulation by special methods which
have proved unusually successful.
Salary and commission. Previous
experience desirable, but not essen
tial. Whole time or spare time.
Address, with references, J. F,
Fairbanks, Good Housekeeping
Magazine, 381 Fourth Avo,, New
York City. 20-27
Agents for 'J
ii mi i i v i l.
Lots at Small Prices nnd
Easy Payments,
Husinuss Property
Warehouse Property
All kinds of
Farm Property
Homestead Locations
Fire Insurance.
I Eastes (8b Bean
Realty Co.
Oregon Street
Koit KxniAN'OK llnv
oolU ami ymmg atin-k.
Mirt, Powell Butte, Ore. i
t. a. f.... aa
run n.i.K. I lit-Hii, mt cos
pleto 20,000 CHiKteltv muuuiII at
Crook county. Machinery ull now.
Koason for so linr. tlmlior nil rut L
out. Write or enqulru nt IJullelhi
Heal Hatate ,Mon Atlentlonl
Tl. 11. .11 ..I. t . ...
ihu uuiiaiin in in it Knition
to print attractive ndvt'rlUlnir
leaflets. A big stock of special t
fmper for this kind of work.
Specially low prices during
Special Inducement In I'rlcri.
I-ots in Riverside and Lytic Ad
ditions $10 cash and $10 a month.
Eastes & Bean Itenlty Co.
In Hip Circuit Court of the Slt
urtgon lor the County ol CruoU,
Lorciwo I). I'ox, I'lnlnlilT
All.rrla I'ui, Dcfomlnnt
To Alberta l, I'ox, mIk.vo immcil if
IN 'rill', NAM It Ol' THH STATK 0t
wiwd.WN: Villi Hrc llenliy ttlllllliaiKlN
to J)iir mill nlniMT llieriilllitallll filf'
Mk'alntt yon In ir HU,e enllllril ultol
or llnrc the Nuirlcciilli ilay ol OctuUr,
Kill nml you fall ao in itnuttcr, lk
pUliiiffl will apply Die court fur U
frllrf (IrlliainU.I therein, tnwlt for lh
involution ol Hie uiarriaKc contract no
exUlliiK helweeu you anil the plaint!".
.TliU aiiiiiimiut la nnlerril to lie nrrvnl
iimii ton hy piihllratlmi thereof In Tb
Henil llullelln, n weekly newp4ier, V"''
llnei In Crunk County, Orcuoii, '
orilerof tho Hon. II. C. Itllla, Ju.Ik"
the Cuunty Court of Crook County, Oir;
Kon, aalit order UIhk made anil eiili'a.
M I'rlnevllle, OreKun, on the jih r1
iMplcmlwr, iqii, date of flrat nulillcall
.Sept. 6h, ion, IciikIIi of tiulillcalloo l
conaecutlvo week..
Dated (lilt 6ih ilay of Sepleinlier. I?"'
tfiitVirvf ! iirtlillKH.
, nvnnun n, run ,,
'6 3 Attorney for I'UlBlw-