i i n i rtl GOING AT COST! Ladies' Waists, Gowns, Corset Covers, UnderwV, Gingham Petticoats. Noth ing in this line reserved. i i Winter Is Coming but Our Wool Blank ets Will Keep You Warm. They Co AT COST also. RcalBnrgalnsforYou. ISARUAIN COUNTER. Shoes at Cost every pair to go at the 1 Reduction. E. A. SATHER The Old Reliable. " Hcnd, Oregon. NO MORE Freight Troubles The Oregon Trunk Railway is open for busi ness to Opal City, just north of Crooked river. The Jones Warehouse Company (HKWIt! A. JONI-S of (tend, Mnnngcr will handle all freight at Opal City for the railroad. The old'Shauiko Moody Ware house system will be employed. Merchants will get their goods promptly and without inconvenience. Opal City will be the freight terminus for 1)0 days more. Have your freight consigned in cure of JONES Address communications to Rend. O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Irrigating Lath and House Lath A Specialty . The Umber we cut from It the licit In t lit coun try, mill 4ii mllci southeast of llcinl, Pine Forest Lumber Com'y BEND, OREQON The Happy Man Buys Ills Furnishings at The Alen's Toggery. See our line line of Handkerchiefs, Ties, Shirts, Underwear, Hats. LATEST STYLES of Kail Ileadwear now on sale. We also carry lilankcts, llcdding, Trunks, Suitcases, etc. etc A. L FRENCH uSorSS The Pioneer Wood Yflrd t ' Has on hand line dry 10-inch mill wood (al ready split for the stove), ut $0.50 per cord, delivered. Also dry block wood at $4.50 per cord delivered. Leave orders or telephone O'DpAell Jrps, MeJ. ! n W. P. DOWWNC, ProfMrlor. HE LIVES WHERE? IS OLCO'IT MAN WITH OUT A COUNTY? Where Will Olcott Hall From If Mm Uunn lor (lovernor, Went Mnvlnjc Planted Hint In Crook County? Political I'ot U IJubbllnjc. In Secretary of SUttc Olcott a native fion of Crook County, it rcHl dent of Sulcm, or n "man without a county"? Whothur or not It In nil political chicanery on the part of Salem press correspondent 'it is hard to say, hut it npiwarn that Governor Went branded Olcott an a Crook County renldent when ho appointed him to office, therehy making him Keif notld with the oast-of-the-moun-tains vote. Hut the trouble in that WStaSSk A Olblleal Mathtmntlelan. An IiiIiti-hiiiik iiroliicin in rnnfhe iniiili'M fiHHiiim-M On. form of n tradition ciiniiii'tliiK ItMi'ir wild th- iminu of Jo wpliiiit, the JcwIhIi liltorlini, After tin' Itoniuri liuil captured I'oinpnl, no tin' Klory num. JoMephu mill forty otli Th Houuht, ahi'ltcr hi it a . Ho nfntld wiTe they of fiillliiK lino tin- Imiulft of tin- lloiiiiiim tlint till of Ilium cievplltiK JifHt'filntw Mini oimi other iiimi re-olvod to kill tlii'lnxi'lti-H, Tin. wit of tlio bin lorliui li'Kiin to work, clevbiliw a wlii'iiic to tilmitcir and thin oilier muii who rtuit llki' mlmbd with him m'lf. lie therefore proimmil tlint they nil Ktnml In n Hfinlclrclu, Unit they put ni li other to death, klillux every (bird man in rt'KUlur order mid Hint the lam urrlviif imin nhould then commit ul ildc. Thin uKrecd upon. ho wa care ful to place IjIh like mlndid cumrodo In tliu klxtmith place In the Hue and lilniMflf In place thirty-one. with tha ri'Hult that the two were the last that with left and by thin mean escaped death. It U a true problem, and the quetlon wan to know before the kill lug began which number la line the two friend should emumv,-LoulsvlJIo Courier-Journal HCN W. OLCOTT. brother Olcott, aside from having tm interest in n ranch nenr Bend, never wan n renldent of thin section for more than n few weeks. Also, ho registered at Salem, of which metropolis ho seems to be a legal citizen. Tliat West wants to go to the Senate, and would be glad to slough olT his gubernatorial robes ujwn Olcott's receptive shoulders is np parent. And now if Olcott tries to get on the ballot he will have to demonstrate exactly where he halls from. As a result of this unkind necessity the Secretary of State may be an ndditlon to the ranks of local ranchers ere long; that will bo n pleasure- for Bend but perhaps hard on Ben, who ill can spare the time for agriculture from his cam paigning. And if he doesn't ally himself with Crook County. West will bo ieft in an cmbarossing pool tion; for the Governor already has expanded upon his residency here. CIGAR FIRM WINS Hit More Important Duty. The error Into w'hkh King Alfred fell In that famou Instance when be lot tbo coke left In bin core burn U not Kollig to Ihi rcpt-utt-d by the tel I'Krnpb operator of whom Arthur W. .North telln In "Camp nud Catnlno In Lower California. I ifiirucd at thin point that for tbo Drat MJU inllcn before me 1 would re quire more lUungi- than I had on hand and Mould pan throuub no place wtiero check could be (-untied, llure- over, my draft were lined up. In thin dllemmn 1 wired fur money. After ' four day of exiixpcrntlris: delay I re- iclvi-d thin natlnfyluK menxai;e from the obllcliie otierutor ot the wlrelen otllce: j "Op'ralor on other count mijr he . hare two mennnce for notne one. but liln bread In oven wife nhe nwny and mlicht burn If he leave It lone. I After lunch he trammlt niesnacu." Whr li tht Chlnnminf Rlr Itotx-rt Dull told the ntory of a Cbliismnn who entered the bridge over Mil pirn falls, lie itarted from the American ildo with tbo Idea of crosn ItiK to Canada. On arriving at the Ca nadian end, however, he won met with the Information that there wo a toll or 10 on all Chinamen coming Into Cnuada. John hadn't 10 cent In hi pocket. Ho be Marled back again. Arriving once more at tbe American aide, be wa stopped. No Cblnamau lu anr clrcumntauces. the told him. won allowed to enter the United State. Now. tbe problem that Sir Itobert Dall profeawea blmielf unable to nnnwer la. Where In that Chinaman now) Is bo till on tbe brldse? If not. by what prueenn of circumnavigation were tbe lawn of two great nation circumvent ed) Chicago Uvcord-llerald. Tinning and Plumbin qas FirriNa HOT AIR, STEAM AND HOT WATER HE ATI NO ROOFINO, aUTTBRINO, SfOUTINO, CORNICE AND SKYLIGHT WORK. Repair Work Given Prompt Attention. MacCloskey & Parker Fourth Street and Hawthorne Avenue Put Your Duds In Our Suds . Bend Steam Laundry Phone us. We will call for your bundle. DOLL & SONS 'W -rse-i. PIANOS TktJ Mi Noted for tone, touch and durability E. II. THOMPSON Wall St., Bend, Ore. But Defendant's Attorney, on Legal Technicality, Seeks New Trial. In Justico Orcutt's court lost Wed nesday nn interesting trial took place before n'jury composed of Mike Morrison, J. S. Smith, L. UnRley, Hill Nye, D. Mulkey and W. D. Miller. It was that of Sij,' Sichel & Co. of Portland vs. I,eon Fulks, asklnir, judgment of $173.20 for ciunrs, tobacco and piiws which the nliiintifT alleges were sold to Mr. Fulks last September. Georgo L. Simmons, travullng salesman of the Portland firm, was the prosecuting witness. His attorneys were Coble & Sumrall, whilo the defendant was represented by Vernon A. Forbes. Tho defendnnt rested his case chiefly upon tho allegation that tho goods in question were not'sold to htm but to Tom Wall. Aftor tho jury had been "hung" for mnny hours n verdict in favor of tho plaintiir was returned, granting full damages. Attorney Forbes, however, has filed a demand that tho - verdict bo sot aside, on tho grounds, that the amount granted was in excess of that legally obtainable. Zulu "Houi Boys." Tbe best of all servant In South Africa U a Zulu, eipeclallr If be la raw tbM !. frcah from hi native kraal and totally uunpollcd by tbe wile of civilization. Bucb a "boue boy" li honest, ober, quick, clean and anxlou to leant tbe war of Uie white man. lie oon become a deft as an KuKllib butler and a bandy as tbe ideal bounetuald. He does everything, from cooklug to anawcrlns the door, and after n little practice be does It well. The boy have all manner of trance name, unually cboneu by tbemtelre from some one or other ot tbe word they bear often uied. inch a aUpence. "ticker" (threepenny piece), ablltlne, breakfat kettle. tliy fool, ugly, pint pot. scrubber, chopper or whlaky. Harper Weekly. G. U, Janata The Tailor. First Class Workmanship Correct Styles Best Material. Fitting, Geaning, Pressing, Repairing. Wall street, Bend, Ore. Printer Attention. Wo have for sale n second hand Challenge 19 inch paper cutter. Big bargain. The Bend Bulletin, tf Your CbiWrenfShouId Be Photographed, Every Year. BABY PICTURES Our Special!. View Work Copying Enlarging Kodak FlnUhlng. THE BEND STUDIO. The Lien' Taste, ills Charlotte llaniUeld In "Via rthodeala" tell of a native South Af rican boy who came to UoKland and wa taken to tbe Hippodrome. "In tead of enjoyloc tbe entertainment, however, he bepced, with tear In his eyes, to be taken out. and he mild; "There ore Hon over there' polntlnit to tho stage "and 1 am the only blftck uinu here.' It 1 a well known fact that a man rating lion will make a metil off a black In preference to n white mnn If It I n qucxtlon of choice. I'ertuipH thu flavor In otnuiger and tho taxte for white tlt-nti llku caviar ha to be ucqultvd." The Buckley Express Co. DAE.Y SERVICE between railway points and Bend. Careful atten tion given to Stage, Ex press and Fast Freight Busi ness. Bend agents Wenandy Livery Co. DAILY STAGE SCHEDULE Arrive Bend 7 a. m. Leave Bend 12 m. NO STOPS NORTH BEACH WHITE IS KING Why H FUtracttd. Kllmore After nil. Stedmun tn't o bad a fellow lie came to me. man fanhlon, utid took back all tbe tblnpt he had nlrt npilnt my people. Rur man-DId It voluntarily? Kllmore IWtlrnlly that It la true I threat ened to Mioot hi in on sight If he didn't retract, but that wa ottfy a matter ot detull. Exchange, Anything to Oblige. Tourist iat IrlMi hoteh-Von eeem tired, Pat Walter - Yl. sorrf up very early this morning bait past U. 'INiurUt I don't call half past 0 early. Woltcr qulekly)-WeU, halt pat 6 liln. London Punch. is the pleasure haunt in this part of the country Jiis summer. Its devo tees rejoice to learn that tljey can now go and come on a regular schedule, independent of tides. Tho popular excursion steamer, "T. J. POTTER" leaves Portland, Ash Street Dock, DAILY, EXCETT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, 8:30 A. M. SATURDAYS ONLY, 1:00 P. M. Also the steamer "H ASSALO" leaving Portland dally, except Sun day, at 8:00 P. M. (Sat. at 10 P. M.) REDUCED FARES PREVAIL From All Points in the Northwest via the OREaON-WASHINOTON RAILROAD & NAVIOATION CO. I iuiiu vuiuiKV iuiu uuiii iiiv, a II1K nutcent oc&cn that Is not surpassed , anywhere, genial and beneficial cli mate, and all the comforts of home I without costing any more than if you remained at home. Call on or write to any 0-W..R. & N. agent for complete information; nlso for copy of our summer book, Uutlngs In Oregon." VM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agt. O-W. R. & N. Co., Portland, Ore, Photo mailers, largo and small, for sale at The Bulletin ofllco. Take Your Sunday dinner at the Contradictory Admonition. Fattier (having caught bis son in a tlei naven't 1 nlway told you to tell tbo truth? Son Yes, father, but you also told me never to become tbe slave of a bixblu Boston Transcript Luna Complaint Lodrer I pant stay hero any looser, Mrs. lllnkv Landlady-Why not lr? What U your complaint? Lodjnr- Long romplalnt Your baby bowls too mucu. ivonwjfl.JxiefTBpa. The BEST nll-round Family Sewing Muchine tlitit can be produced. Made in both RO TARY & VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both Lock and Chain stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attachments with each ma chine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. catalogue tree... Wit StyfoZ, MSrr 0?, STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" REPEATING RIFLE No. 70 Lt.t Prlca, 98.00 "Visible Loading;" Is a biff ad vantage. You ut the cartridge go In tho chamber. You JUuto when tho gun is loaded. Cits ait tht game in sight (f. Practice note and clean out all J uiu lut in (ku f uii spriut;. r Points for the Sharpaboolar b cwn Mil Itiltf rhtni? itm ILI li kUf lajLwtlu,lOTt4 tl bltf Mra r i m ' l r tvtl rjrjU. and Itunter aiia&hAnhtMjljiir.lluiii t lair vc iniiuKiuB.itua vul UlUC kkB U I Ca lk m UlwtlralUiu !! 4t4 l-t kH,MlfMi.lil t SttVKNs. HuiuHlabli.i iii w,Wf(t.iirnuinH J. STEVPts.ARHS ",TOOiC0fANY r.o.sus $m$$$&w?v H00 Market, Street . KS"! vllotel Bend, Chicken served. t t '.25tf San Francisco,. Califoroiar L' I 7 , T L .' , ' 'jr n-tfg, bmL. yjtM.-j.M(- Ary,,mtr.r.vn1mmijf s i - RHWt3S,rTiS,,t., ' il'ft 3 I tTflafw r w