i I j; Quality Goods It Will Pay You In dollars and cents to inspect our men's wear department before buying. We are now in a posi tion as never before to fill your every want. Solo agents for tho famous Kolscr neckwear at prices ranging from 50c to $1.75 Our lino of Packard Shoes for men needs no introduction. They speak for themselves. THE PEY HAT Onco worn you will wear no other PARK MILL HOSIER.Y In blue, grey, brown, black, red and green llslcs. Per pair ...... 3 JC Pure Thread Silk Hose In six colors. Per pair o5C NEGLIGEE SHIRTS In an endless variety of styles and patterns 60c tO $4.00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Get into a suit of our underwear. Cooper's Spring Needle, Derby ribbed unions. Per suit- $3.00 Cotton Derby Ribbed. Brown, two piece. Per suit $ 1 .00 Cotton, Blue Fancy Ribbed. Per suit 95c Very light cotton, two piece suits, white with black cross bar. Suit 60c Men's Tan Mercerized Union Suits. Per suit $2.25 A Full Line of Men's Fall Caps just arrived $1 to $2 Remember we stand behind our goods. A satisfied customer is our best advertisement bjyhCC THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES." BITS ABOUT TOWN. I). M. Davis returned lout nlKht. J. L. Sumrnll wont to Culver yesterday on business. Mux Richardson is still In bed, after n five weeks Illness. J. N. Hunter and family will re turn from Nuwxrt tonight. MIm Nonn Richardson returned last week from Herkoley, Cal. Mrs. J. T. Smith and Minn Frances returned to Taeomn yosturduy. Iakj Davenport was In Uiwn yes terduy from his Powell Butto ranch. Walter Jones of Portland Ih visit Ing nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dlmick. It. F. Avorlll returned Sunday night from a brief husinowi trip to Portland. II. J. Eggloston has bought ft largo part of tho hnrnuM stock of John Legat. Miss Dooring, who has been visit Ink' Mra. II. K. Allen, returned to Portland yesterday. During tho week much Htreet Im provement work has been done by the city In Park Addition. J. R. Kelly, of tho Booth-Kolly Lumber Company, and party arrived nt the Pilot Hutte Inn yesterday. J. S. Parmlnter and M. S. Ijittln went un to Ii Pino and Crescent Friday on business, returning Mon day. Arthur J ohnson, non of J. P. Johnson, Is homo from Portland where ho has been at work durlntr the Hummer. The now Bldlntr aw has been In stalled nt tho Bund Company'H mill and now is in operation, turning out drop skiing. Miss Kalhorlno Troutnor, who will tecch In tho IJond school, nrriv ed Friday night from her home In Winona, Minn. Petor Rolsdorfor loft last week on a business trip to tho Willametto Valloy, Ho wont across tho moun tains by wagon. F. H. Sherwood was In Bend last week. Mrs. Roscoe Howard returned to Bend Saturday. Hal Rossman left Monday for North Yakima. On Saturday morning a boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bartlett. Little Ienora Morris is suffering from an attack of acute rheumatism. B. W. Fitch, a printer, recently of los Vegas, Nevada, arrived last week. Tho "U-go I-go Club" is giving a dance at Linster's Hall this evening. Mrs. II. W. Skuse was nick for several days bust week but has now recovered, Clyde McKay and family have moved Into the D. E. Hunter house in Park Addition. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Straight, re cently of Iowa, are now living on the Ten Bar ranch. Mrs. Hlderow from Montana, Bister of Mrs. William Arnold, is visiting Mrs. Arnold. Miss Ethel Borden, one of the Bend High School teachers, arrived Friday night from Minneapolis. Joe Ruckholtz' watermelon patch is reported tut looking splendid, with tho promise of n record crop. John Steldl Is still experiencing much trouble with his foot, which was crushed by a rock several weeks ago. J. II. Haner and family of Prine vllle spent Monday night at Hotel Bend on their way up river on an outing, According to Georgo Bates several npple trees on the old oxorimcnt farm nro heavily laden with good fruit. P. P. Thomas returned Sunday night from Onoll where ho has been doing surveying work for Tom Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Wheolock, parents of Mrs. F. M, Hay, and sons arrived last week. Thoy drovo through from North Dakota In an auto. George U. Janata of California has opened a tailor shop In the building on Wall street next to Taggart's. During E. N. Hurd's absence at Seaside Fred LaFollcttc has boon In charge of the La Pino inter Mountnin. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bond, nfter a visit to Mrs. Bond's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Caldwell, left Sunday for their home in Eugene. Mrs. It. F. Averill and children have been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ijira at the Hcyburn homestead for tho past week. Georgo Osborn and family, for many years well known In the Cul ver country, returned yesterday from a camping trip up river. Anna, thosevon-months-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Johnson, died this morning. Funeral services will be conducted tomorrow at 11 a. m. J Carlylo Triplott and family, who J left here recently, have located in Eugene, where Creed Triplott also ' is. The lattor's family is still in Bend. Mrs. J. D. Saylor, her two sons and daughter, have been visiting her father, J. N. B. Gerking, at Ijiidlaw. Tho Saylors live in Free- water. Miss Tolvla Carlson, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Z. W. Lind- borg, for several weeks, will return to her homo in Portland probably next week. The Whatsoevers will hold n busi ness meeting at tho church Friday afternoon at 1! o'clock. This will bo an Important session and nil mem bers aro urged to attend. W. D. Bumes, F. B. Barbour and T. G. Becker of Iiidlaw were in Bend yesterday afternoon on their way to Crano Prairie on n two weeks' fishing and hunting trip. J. W. Irwin of Bellingham William, W. 8. and C. T. Ladd, Kingman Browsterand F. C. Blotch, till of Portland, were guesU Satur day at Hotel Bend, returning home by auto from n trip to Crater Lake. MIm Mary E. Coleman ban enter ed the IJini'TliompHon piano contest on behalf of the Bond Schools. If she secures tho greatest number of i votes the piano will be placed at the , school. ! Work has been started on tho bungalow of Miss Gertrude Markel in Wlestoria. Charles Niswonger has the contract. The building will bo similar to the Frank Robertson 1 bungalow. Mrs. L. B. Grimes and Miss Helen Watrons of Burlington, Kansas, are visiting at the Pilot Butte ranch. M. E. (J rimes and Miss Marion Grimes of Salem also are visiting II. E. Grimes. Evert L. Jones, who was osaocI ated with Sylvester Stoats In the law firm of Staats & Jones, has skipped out, according to Mr. Staats, and has taken up the ministry as a profession. Jesse 0. McKInney of Gist was In Bend Monday for medical treatment. A few weeks ago he severely lacer ated the Index finger of his right hand and 'Infection has set in to such an extent that he may lose the digit. John Morton of the maintenance department of the Oregon Trunk was in town Sunday. Mr. Morton says the Crooked River Bridge will be completed In two weeks and ready to handle regular traffic a week later. The Portland Live Stock Reporter of August 21 contains an article upon Lee Davenport's recent letter to The Bulletin in which Mr. Daven port urged that Central Oregon ranchers pay more attention to the profitable hog raising industry. C. B. Allen was In town Monday. Mr Altim rittiirta vv1tnt Imv ' Urtrj VAWVIIVIIV IIU crops on the Little River meadows. Next month Mrs. Allen and their daughter Ethel wilt go to Corvallis. I where Miss Allen will continue her studies at the agricultural college. Willis Noland and mother, Mrs. Jessie Boughton, of Maplcton, Ore., came in last week to take up their residence on their Millican Valley homesteads. With them was Miss Delia Merrifield. They drove over the mountains by the McKenzie route. A party composed of Fred Hunnell and family, L. A. Brandenburg and family, Miss Mabel Gertson and Miss Clara McCulley left Saturday for a pleasure trip to the Willamette Valley. They went In wagons, crossing the Cascades by the Mc Kenzie pass. C. A. Martin of Terrc Haute, Ind., was in Bend last week. He was sent out by a number of East ern business men to look the Bend country over. He said that he was very favorably impressed, and his visit may result in a number of In vestments. He was entertained while here by Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Thompson. M4 School Supplies Save money by buying your Tablets, Pens, Pencil, Ink, Etc., of us. We have tho finest assortment In town, and It IS Com mon Talk that Ouk Piiichh auk Lowhht. DRINKINO CUPS--Thc aluminum collapsible ones only JOc FREE A child's handkerchief given free with every purchase of children's stockings. I Rouoes Store W.EXT 'DOOTl TO POSTOFFICE, BEND "The Same Qoodifor Las Money." $ Among those who filed on Gov ernment land before Commissioner Ellis the past month were J. R. Hartoon, Orcas Island, Wash.; W. L. Mclloney, Bellingham, Wash.; C. W. Fitzmore, Victoria, B. C; W. S. Dinsmoor, Port Angeles, Wash.; George E. Curry, Seattle; Peter Ponne, Helena, Mont., and two foreigners. These were all located by E. R. Post. BIG PRIZES OFFERED Has Some Central Oreron Rancher Chance at Rich Awardi. Through F. W. Graham of tho Great Northern, Secretary Sawhtll of the Commercial Club has re coived information concerning tho big hind exposition to be held in New York early in November. Central Oregon farmers are urged to compete for the big nwards; these Include J. J. Hill's $1000 silver cup for the beat individual wheat exhibit, a similar cup for potatoes, offered by President Stil well of tho Kansas City, M. & 0. Ry nnd ?1000 in gold, put up by Prosident Shaughnossy of the Cana dian Pacific. church, and the attendance con tinues good. Every afternoon, ex cept on Monday and Saturday, at 3 o'clock there is Bible reading. , Next Sunday morning Evangel Ut Hupp will speak on "What It Costs to Be a Christian." He will preach In the evening on "The Second Coming of Christ." This will bo an Illustrated sermon and Mr. Hupp says it will be one of the most Inter esting of the series. CARD OP THANKS. The Ladies Library Club, through The Bulletin, desires to thank all those who assisted in making the Flower Show a success. Especially, we thank Mr. Fuiks and K. D. Mc intosh for the use of the building, W. D. Barnes, Mrs. Fitzmauricc and Mr. Ellis for acting as judges and all of the merchants and friends who contributed prizes and all who brought In flowers for display. The club wishes also to thank tho Star Theater management for the recent benefit BUYS BEND LAND NORTHWEST CO. TO PLAT 40 ACRES. rjcorge M. Bailey, Head of Philadelphia Company, Make Purchase from Bead Company City Will Be Ad vertUed .Extensively by the New Owners. George M. Bailey, president of the Northwest Townsito Company, a large land owning organization of Philadelphia which has extensive holdings throughout the northwest, and at Redmond and Madras, has purchased from the Bend Company 40 acres of land adjoining Center Addition. The land In question Is the S. E. M of Sec. 33. 17-12. The urieo given by it for the J paid Is not stated. Mr. Bailey, who library. Ladies' Library Club DEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONER. To aid in the development of the States traversed by its line, the Great Northern Railway has ap pointed Prof. A. E. Chamberlain as development commissioner. His headquarters will be in St. Paul. LET Millard Triplett quote you prices before you buy furniture for your new house. You can save money by buying of him. Chicken dinner a specialty every Sunday at Hotel Bend. 25tf A Coral Pipe, While a United State warblp waa off narbado a few year ngo a sailor who wan amusing hlmelf flhlDg for ahark brought up from the depth a lone "churchwarden" pipe that evl deutly hud own lying at the bottom of the tea fur a mi ml red years or more. It waa unbroken and hud either been accidentally dropped overlward or wished out of wtme old wreck. The coral luxei'tn hud seized upon It and covered the long Mem with delicate, lacellke branibe and the bowl with line "vermicelli" work. So completely wn It concealed with the roral routing Mint It wax luilxwxlble to determine I the original material of the pipe Oddly euougb. the Inside of tho bowl bad been left untouched and still xhowed the stain of tire aud nIeotlne.-New York Press. Dainty Snails. The writer who oiiullricd the snail n I "foul nnd. unclean" wan guilty of a IUkI Snail ntv most dainty feeder and atrlct vegetarian, a many gar dener know to their coat Apparently three centuries ago muill wetv mow popular In England than they are now The fnxtldlnu author of "The Faerie Queene" give a recipe for their prep aration: With our sharp weapons wi thai the fray And take the cattlll that thou lyest In; We thai thre (lay out of thy foule akin. And In a dlih. with onyons ant ipr. We thai the iirei with etrona vynt sara. I.ondou Stoudard. is in Bend now, says that his engi neering crew will be here In a few days and will immediately plat the forty, after which. 'ft will be placed on the market. J j JTho company, which operates upon a very extensive scale, conducting on enormous ad vertising campaign, will now give to Bend the benefits of Its publicity work. ''''' Double Amount Of Vote's on. WALL PAPER Thompson-Lara Piano Contest E. M. THOMPSON Wall Street Bend, Oregon STREET PREACHING In Rev. Air, Hupp Conducts Services the Open Air In Bend. Preaehing on tho streets of Bend was tho novelty introduced here last Saturday evening by Rov. J. M. Hupp, the Baptist evangelist who is conducting services here. Ho was has heard bv a urood sized crowd. Next Disinterested Advlee. "I have told my constituent that I regnrded tnynelf hr h Kervnnt of the people." auld Senator Sorghum. "Yen." replied Parmer t.'urutooael "but you wont to keep people from gettln' an Idea that you're one or l hew ervHMs who are alwuy on the lookout fur tips." Wunhlugtou Star. A Weather Prophet. aaX. . r a . a pursued txm .the Bond Commy salurdy nllit ho will win hold ,.,. ..mZcX P G. Bowser bought lota 13 and 14 In I "wring the week services aro ,er ,niin BnT of ,n .eM 0manacksr- thu samd block, being hold every night at the London Opiaioo. Boys' Suits We have just received u very fine iine of boys Knickerbocker Suits. Good, strong, well made garments from $2.50 to $7.50 per suit. W. C. Bredenhagea liiagen I n '