The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 30, 1911, Image 4

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An independent newspaper, standing
for tlic square deal, clean buslne, clean
lolltic, nnd the licit intcrctta of He ml
nnd'Ccntrnl OroRon.
One yeflrniM
tli month.
Thlc mouth....... m
(tnnrUMr In ailranct.)
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 30, 1911
With the nearest firo
hydrants from three to n dozen
blocks distant, what would be
come of the handsome new
homes in Park Addition in case
a fire started before the city
gets busy with those needed
new hydrants in the residence
"On its own motion," says the
1 news reports, the state railroad
commission has decided to instigate
a careful investigation of existing
rates, with a view tb revision. Of
course no one expects the revision
to be upward, for, like the Repub
licans at the last campaign time,
"revisions" aren't pub'.ically dis
cussed unless the dear voters arc to
be benefitted no matter what
happens to "indefensible" schedules
later on, when the battle is over.
But the interesting point fs the
activity apparent in the state com
missions and boards and officialdom
in general. If one didn't believe in
the absolute sincerity of the various
gentlemen at the helm, one might
almost suspect that election time
was approaching.
Various papers in the new Eastern
Oregon congressional district are
beginning to curry comb their pet
candidates and lead them from the
fold before the public gaze. The
Harney County News has made an
excellent suggestion when it brings
forward the name of J. J. Donegan
of Burns. Mr. Donegan is inti
mately acquainted with the needs of
the territory which he might repre
sent, is an effective and witty
speaker and debater, has that use
ful vote-getting characteristic known
as the power to mix, and above all
possesses a first class reputation for
integrity, ability and energy.
Cheer up! Colonist rates from
the cast on the railroad again go
into force on September 15th, and
with them Immigration will "pick
up" and travel grow heavier. If
you have friends back East who
might care to take advantage of the
ch'ance to travel cheaply, write to
them and get them started toward
Central Oregon.,
Emma Goldman says she wants to
hug a man who recently went to
prison in New York rather than pay
a fine. Doubtless the poor fellow
would wish that he had paid the
fine, if there developed any possi-
bility of Emma's
threat into practice.
putting her
The letter urging the necessity of
preserving all the trees possible on
the residential streets of Bend,
which appears elsewhere in this
paper, is one deserving the fullest
attention, as its purpose merits an
unqualified support.
Uttd Another Man's Legs.
In the hall ot Uio huuwe of represent
ative there la a palutlng of George
Washington. lie look a most com
mundlng person, with tbo stature of
a glaut and a faultless physique. Out
looking at the portrait recently a pub
lic man commented:
"That la a good deal of a sham.
George Washington never looked llko
that, though I've uo doubt bo would
buve been proud to uppear so magnifi
cent. -Notice the legs," the speaker con
tinued. "They are perfect beauties,
but tbey arc not Washington's. Tbey
are tbo legs of General Smith of New
Jersey, a soldier of the Revolution.
"It happened this way," he explain
ed In conclusion; "Washington bud
quite unimpressive lega, and tbo artist
who painted that picture was so din
satisfied with their shape that be per
suaded General Bmltb to lend bis
faultless members as models. Ho,
while we have the face and torso of
our great first president, the support
ing leg are those of one of bis gen
erals, .Long may tbey stand' Wasb
Ingtuu t'wL .
K. C. V-j.ant, Assistant State Hi-nl
ncer, Who l Inxcsttgntliig Local
Irrigation Matter, Urge Con
tructlon of North Cnnnt.
R. C. Wygant, assistant state en
gineer, who has been in Bend in
vestigating conditions on the Cen
tral Oregon Irrigation Company's
segregation, today commences to
check over tho proofs of residency
and improvement offered by settlers
In "proving up."
While It is understood that tho
purpose of Mr. Wygant's work may
be far reaching, its exact nature
for tho timo being is withheld.
In a comprehensive report modo
to the State Land Board the engi
neer, among other things, brings
out the fact that tho present tlume
is inadequate to carry water for the
lands now sold, nnd cannot possibly
supply the acreage which the Board
may permit tho. Company to dispose
of. The construction of the North
Canal is urged, as this would cure
practically all the existing difficul
ties, supplying amplo water for all
available acreage and leaving less
work for the present flume, until
such time as a new one could be In
Many of Them PactSal to the Hlrtd
Sickly Infant
There In uo rlty lu Kiit-or. nceiirdlnj.
tonn American rltUeo who Imn return- '
ed from a uuslnvwi trip to KtiRlnud. J
where there may t een so nmu tM i
pirx lu the ntreetn an In the llrltlh
metropolis, nay the Wunbluslon tier i
"Thene begptrs 'Unit blind, mnlm
ed' come for the nnwt part fmm the
beRRnrn colony. the mimt lawlenn dis
trict In nil London. It In bidden In
the hate of mean trti-ts lu the bor
ourIi of KeaHlujfton nud In called Not
tlnedate. Tbcne tale pltrherm.' as tbey call
tbrmnelrcn. nre men nod women who
hire starred looking children by the
day 1o enlUt the nympatby of the be
nerolenL There are 'old noldlern' and
Mllora.' with bORUt ovarii and rec
ord complete: there are babby sen
teel meu In tattered frock coatn aud
carefully bnihed broken lootn. who
talk of 'collide day:' there are the
muilral beRpira. wbo lire by nlnglns
there are the beRRtuR letter writer,
and. Anally, there nre the bccRar
wbo nolle! t under the pretext of offer
ing tnatrbea, collar buttons or iboe
atrinen for nale.
"A tale pitcher who known the
ropes can hire a ntekly Infant at the
rate of alnutt 13 rent a djy An
unusually wretched hmklns Infant will
be deurer. but a wbole family of neg
lected mlten ran be Imrrowed for 60
cents and no quenilon- ankel.' Mnny
of there prufeiwlouai beggar make a
much nn H u day."
Tht "Plungtr" Did Evsn More Thsn
th Doctor 8uggitd.
Race track lorer of nume year ago
all knew -Plunger" Walton-Pram-la
Theodore Walton, an he wan christen
ed. Ererythlng that Walton did ue
did an thoroughly as be plunged on the
races. Tbln habit wnn llluxirnled by
bin famoun fast, tthetimutlnu) caused
bltn roiisldpnible nuflvilng for yearn.
Acronn tbo street from blm llred n
doctor, who nnld one duy:
-Wnlion. you eut ton much, That's
what's the mutter with you. Do an I
say and you will cure your rheuma
tlnm. Don't let food tempt you mi
much Just taper off your meals, nud
don't cat except when you really feel
like It."
Borne time canned before tho two
meu met acaln. The nbvnlclan In
ipilred what renults followed from
heeding bin directions, Ue listened .
thuuderstruck to the following reports
Thnt odvlre of your- Hounded easy,
and I didn't eat n morsel for twenty-
mi diiyn. No. Kir: nut u single parileie
of food panned my lips Kvery hour
tbnl I wnn awake I did drink a glass
of wnter. I suffered no grout pnngs of
hunger I as comfortable nud hud
a good I lint It wnn my wife's nuxlely
that made me break my fust. She got
the notion that I was miur weluht loo
fast. You see. I oli'-e weighed !iCi
poundn When I iM-giin the fast I
weighed -Md At the end of twenty
one dayn I weighed an evn jno Your
adrlce vratt all rlght."-New ork inh-uue.
Largest Variety
t 9c to 45c per roll
E. M. THOMPSON, Bend, Or. t
I V4 ? $
NVIs. or InnoctntT
no met her uuo ulKiit hi it reception
tul nuked her to io to tho thentor
with htm. Htie nctvpti'd. nud, ns tlioy
Ilk iil iu'h other, thoy wont niziiln Inter.
Thou It Rot to bo ii wookly omirronco.
IMniilly ho Rot to thlnkliiR Unit ho wits
olid oimiiRh with her tu ro out ho
twtvn tho in-in. unit mo ho did, for
Rovorul weeks ho worked till uttd mot
with no rvtniff Hut ho win thinking
n lot. oron thotiRh alio wnnn't miytiiR
atO tiling.
Om pernlng Ii nld. "Why don't
you ro to tho imoklns room to smoko
liMtcml ot pittiR to tho loliliyV
"Ii-Ik ihoro n kuioUIiir room In
side!" ho naked.
"Of rouroo Von nlwnyn My that
you nro roIor out to smoki. nnd
It seems no ulen to him to tnko
your hut nnd cunt every timo. And
If jnui thuneht of It beforehand you
row Id buy Hum eltrntvttei Hint you
eom to like the one Hint molt like
cloven, you know-before you come-."
He In wmnderlnir If nhe In nn wtne n
It neemn or nn louoccnt hi It appears.
Dodton Trnvou-r.
Mou. Number.
Before the mlvont of the houe num
ber only limine stun, coat of arm.
and homo names marked the different
building. Then. In tendon, for In
stance, one hnd to look for Mr. Jone.
should he deal re to rail Upon that tunu.
In. nay. 'VhllvhiHl, not fnr from
the lllue" It In thought Derllu
In 171W wn the nrMt city to employ
the numbering yntent. The flerman
Innovutom did not put odd number
on one aide of their street nnd even
number on the other They merely
I started fmm the llrnndfnhunj Rnte
nd numbered trolKlit nhemi. tnkitiK
' no accouni oi "iiniiKf u, mtn-i. .
they prmeeded. therefore, the num.
bem pvw Metier, the UelRht to which
they attained belnic limited only by
the nupply of hounen. The flmt hnu'e
they numbered wan No. 1. the lam the
number that betokened the total num
ber of houaoa In tbw city. 8t. Louln
An Author's Odd Avers'on
Tbe "stole" meal had attrartlonn for
Edward Klt.xj.ent Id. wbo, aniotiK hln
other peculiarities hilled to nee peo
ple enJoylnR their food On one oc
canton, after a man had finished a
glann of wine In hU company nud Rone
out of the room. ritXRemld remarked
wtth dNput: "Did you not lev how he
took up hln kI. I nm nure he like
It Bab'" r'UxRerald himself, accord
Intr to htn bloitniplior, Mr A C lieu
nou. "Ihed prnctlially on Ureau ami
fruit, montly apple and penm. even a
turulp. with nouielltne cbevn or but
ter and milk pudding. Hut he wa
not a blRoted reRrtati.n. To avoid
an nppearauce of singularity be would
eat meat at otber hoinen and provided
It In plenty for bin RuenU Hut the
only noclnl meal he cared to Join In
wan 'ten. pur and simp!, with bread
and butter."
Whtra Evnry Onn Is a "Majesty."
Who are the Killtet people In Hu-rop-T
If common speech Is any crite
rion, surely the Hpanlsrd must carry
off the palm. The author of -Hemic
Spain" tells of mnnyblsb down
pbrane ntlll In romniiiu mm. You bid
farewell with -Ueno a V. la mitno" it
kin your handi or "A Ion plen de V."
II am at your feet). The Unled. short
ened to V. wltb wblcb you addrens
high or low. Is a corruption of "your
mnjwty" The lore of abbreviation
in curious trait In a people wltb
urh leisurely way: thun a row of
cabalistic letters end n letter- K 8 H
Q It H M. which menn that your
correspondent klwen your hnnrt-u
neguro survldor que bea nu mnno."
A King Who Could Chinns th Wind
Kins Errli-u of SwmI.-ii p"blley
co?fped that he wa a xireerer nnd
mncii-lnn. He wn Hie owner of nn
enchanted cap. wbKh he preiendi-d en
nblel him to control the spirits and
change the direction of the wl.idn nt
pleasure N firmly did his subjects
believe In the niipern.tiural pow.-rn or
their ruler that when n storm arose
they vniilil xehilm. "Ah. the king In
npnln weiirluu bin miigle capP' Lou
don Mull.
Not Carrying It.
An Irtshmiiu met with an accident,
but wa only a way from work two
days "Why dldn t you stay home for
n weokT n friend asked him. "You
were currying au Insurance policy.
Weren't J'iUY"
-I was not." nuld the lrthmnn. "The
day ot the nii-ldent 1 left It homo In
the bureau drawer."
"Pay." askeU Coiiuiey. inoKing up
rroui me lener ne ws wriunw. u
you know any expression that menus
the mime us 'talking shopr"
"Well." replied Joakley. "there In
'tonsorlal enis.rlum mid likewise 'hair
cuiiiug parior, V.IHUUIH." bhiuuoiu
Explaining It.
Mr Poney-Men-y lllrnrat Them
iwful nm-Iety women dresn like they
was goln Hwlmmlu' Mr I'oscy-O'
.oiirse. .lerushn llulu't you heard th't
lu lb' soshiii swim lb' wlmmen try to
outstrip each otherV-Mllwaukee Now
As Usual.
Jokey-l got u butch of aeroplane
Jokes ready nnd sent them out Inst
week IIorrh- What luck did you have
with them' .Inkely-Uh. thuy all came
flying back. I.lpplucutt's.
Stranger (In Plttnburgi-Do you bar
aldermen at large In tbln city?
Native Orrltnblyi-Ob, try that atuff
la vaudorlllal-Puck,
Wiestoria Addition
Is Selling Fast. Why?
We nre furnishing EVERY purclinser a certified abstract FREE.
We are selling on a Realestate Contract.
Wc bind ourselves, as well as you, to fulfill the Contract.
We do not believe In a one-sided Bond or Contract.
Our Prices are the Lowest; Terms the Easiest.
Better Make YOUR Selection Today.
Our Property Is
I Prices $150.00 Up
Lots are
H. D. TRUE, Resident AlanaRer, BEND, OREOON.
RATKS: l'ive cetitt line lor fint In
tertian lu thU column, four ceuts n line
(or esch tuhwqucnt insertion. Count
U wotdi to line.
Lost Buckskin home, quarter
circle X on left hip, nnd bny mare
with hnt brand on left atlllo nnd
lazy L on left jaw. Reward of $10
for recovery. Notify Jim Smith,
I?end. 24-27p
Tor Kent.
Kou REST Four room houno. See
Joe Innc.1 at Innea & Davidson a
bnrlter shop. 22tf
Wantkd A school Rirl who will
no Hunt nouso worK in return iur
Iwnnl and lodtfintf. Inquire Mm.
C. D. Urown at Lara's Store. 2C-tf
Cook Wanted At Pilot Rutto
Ranch. Cull at rnnch or telephone.
Wastkh Ilv mnn and wife, work
on rnnch. Capable of UiklnK chnrKO.
Address H, care Bulletin. 2l-2p
Wanted Loan of $300 or $ too
for three or four yearn. Good real
ostate security. Ituiulro C, Rul-
letin. 21-27-p
Wanted Treos to pull. Hnvo
flrst cIium outfit. See Liddcll on
the Wilson ranch. Powell Hutto.
Address, Prinevllle. Oro. 14tf j
Wanted Odd jobs for Hoy
Scouts. Address P. O. Box 41 or
177, Bend. (SlKned) Robert Innes,
Ted Hoke. tf
Anv Style of huircut at Innos &
Davidson's barber shot). Mr. New
comer, give them n trial and bo con
vinced of thoir excellent service.
Taken Up Bald-faced bluck cow,
with bell on. Branded J II. Owner
can get same by inquiring of Tho
Bulletin. ion
That Fuunituhe that you need
can bo bought from Millard Triplett
nt the lowest possible prices.
The Hotel Bend's Sunday
chicken dinners are the best In
Bend. . 2Gtf
Otiieks Come and go but Innes &
Davidson continuo to do a barber
business at tho samo place.
Get Your Lumdeh from tho Pino
Forest Lumber Co, House lath and
Irrigation lath a specialty, tf
Within Three Blocks of
$10 PER MONTH. Liberal
Discount for Cash.
50x110 with 60 and 80-foot Streets
and 20-foot Alleys.
Seattle, Wn Portland and Bend, Oregon.
Portland Office 301-2 Uuchanon Building, 286.-, Washington Street.
Tor Sate.
For Sale M0 acre stock ranch.
Creek runs through place. Plenty
of water. 100 acres in cultivation
and 300 more can bo plowetl. Gov
eminent land and range wljnlnlnir.
This would be a fine location for
any ono who would like to go into
the stock business. Terms; One
fourth cash. Will Utko first mort
Rage on land for balance. Timo to
suit purchaser. I also havo some
choice wheat land for sale. J. L.
Pnush, Agent, Bear Creek Butte.
Inquire of J. I. West, Bend, Or. 28p
Fou Sale Two young Jersey
milch cows. Phono or address
Sherwood Bros., Redmond, Or. 2Gp
Foil Sale One 8x10 Conby view
enmern with rapid rectilinear lens
and carrying case. Cnn bo seen at
Sewnrd & Robideau's studio. 212Cp
Fou Sale. Cheap, most com-
Agents for
Lots ut Small Prices and
Kusy Payments.
lhisincss Property
Warehouse Property
All kinds of
Farm Property
Homestead Locations
Fire Insurance.
Bastes (3b Bean
Realty Co.
Oregon Street
the Union Depot. J
pleto 20,000 capacity sawmill inl
Crook county. Machinery all new. I
Reason for selling, timler a cull
out. Write or enquire at Bulletir
olllcc. 7-tf
Take Notice.
As I am retiring from business
all those who owu me money pica!
make settlement before tho first o
uio monui, and creditors presenl
their bills for settlement. I nr
selling out everything in my storj
nt cost nml below cost, Hurry nnH
pick up tho bargains.
(loddsrd Ranch Landa,
iocatcu in (.took nml ijike couil
tics. Ranging from t l.t() to $8 0
per acre. Fjwy terms. Buy nos
and get tho benefit of raise in tlutl
lands. See Kay McKay. UJ-tf
Sprclal Inducement In I'rlcra.
ioih in itivcrsKiu nnu i.ytiu ah
ditinns $10 cash nnd $10nmonlls
Hastes & Bean Renlty Co,
pasture for Stock.
Good clover nnd timothy pasture
$3 jwr month. P. H. Duncer. 24-
tiflMtrtiiiriil nf Th tnlrilor.
I' S. Mini Offic nt Tlif llllr (l-rinn
lilllf nth loll
Nollft U tin n th
lll Thciru tl linir.1
kIiim Im.Hitllcr mlilif m I. Ilrlul lllrsnil, lllill
imi mr ii. i nmy tti janu.rx iii nir in itutunirj
wuin .Ulr iitnl liat.llrallll flu oxxxl,
I'Urrh.M thr llwU iiwU xcllun if luwinliip ll
...urn iiir ,j .. niii.inri). pirriii.ji Mini
Ihr llmltl IIickom. uixlrrtlir iiiuvi.luii.riliJ
ctufjuiiri ikji.snit ncl. iiirmUlury kiiuwil
i Ihr TlmWr mt Hlntir I.aMr at ..ucli v.luis
in I (lit Ix Hint liy iiralM-in aiel liny t
tiiii.ii.iit ,ii piiiii i.ii.iiiiii. iur iflini I linn
l llitffoii )u lirrn niifulwil. m luaujllii
lliulirr r.llinnlrit iSiuIfmkI Irct at w rciill
T M mnl Ihr Umlioui Dial aalil aMillcaiil
will bltcr final lilixilln iiiiniiliiriiuannllralliid
amt wiiiii on lli .to Hay of Hrplrinlicrl
1911. IKIUlf II v ion., v n LuniiiilMiuiicr ill
tila nffkf. al limit, Urrvnti jj
Any iroii ii ai nwtiy in piou.i una pug
rna.r iKiurc rniry nr iiuuaic a rnnir.i ai ail
uiiir ik lore i-airiiiiMUii ny niinu ariiiioiuxni
alli.Uvll In llil.ofllcr,atlciillnlU.wllklloill
ilcfrat Ihr entry.
tuff C W MOOHI' Kril.lri
Nollcc I lirreliy uiven liy the iiinlrr
ainril t lint alic lm innilo nml fllrd will
tlic clcik ol Ihr County Court In nml to
Crook County, Oregon, lu-r fiiml accotin
at rxrculilx of tlic Italate of J. l'.lliwurt
Coleman, ilrcraurd, hiiiI that tile snl
county Court lias tt-t Mnmluy tlie4ii
day of Hepteintii-r, 191 1, nt 10 o'clock 11
111, at the County Court Koom In Trim
vlllc lu said County as the time an
place for tlie lirarlilK ami settlement )
said I'lnal Account, at which time aui
place, nuy peron luterrateil in sail
estate may appear and object to sail
I'lnal Account and settlement of lj
I .Ml. I till. 4.1.1 ll.U Stf A. in..., A
I.xecuirlx ol the estate ol
Kll.wortli Coleiiisn, deceased
Attoruey (or tuecutrlx, 3I-35!