The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 30, 1911, Image 3

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Adjoins Bend on the south.
Most beautiful residential sec
tion in Bend.
Also Some Choice Business Lots.
Timber Lands Bought and Sold.
Life Insurance.
I You need winiu form of Investment thnt you can realize
on when everything else K. wrong.
II Your family will need it, because when you hnvo passed
from thin world of money trouble they will Nlill hnvo to
fight those trouble), (live your family, while you ran,
Ihu lHt of nil wenjwna to fight with INSUIIANCK ON
Ill Thu chance an) thnt you will not hnvo enough proierty
to keep your family in comfort, i'robatu record show
thnt leM than ona business man in ten leave their family
IV When you tako an old line policy you hnvo Immediately
created nn estate of $1,000, $0,000, or whatever tho
amount may bo. You can lono all your proorty and still
leave your family In ctuy circumstances.
V Your banker will tell you it Is tho easiest and surest way
of creating an rstato or your family or nn Income for
yourself In old ago.
VI In taking out Insuranco you should select tho strongest
and Ix-'itt company possible. Safety Is tho main feature.
The Mutunl Life of N. Y. is undeniably tho strongest com
juiny In tho world. Compare our policy with that of any
otlier company and wo are suro you will tako a Mutual
Life policy.
Tlio cool weather and nhiiniliuit rnlni exhibits on. I where ( nlilft tlictn, A
in urn pimr. mw weeics rnmiiru urn Minn vi.i-hi prie cup or lyssj in now la ecr
went lamina (j""1' crnpa. More tlimi talnly worth trying for. Heiul a rental
uaimi rcturna win ii nun y ninny in 10 nun w nay.
tlin mure pron-Mlie (nrinrr, who will
exhibit nt III" New York ami other M
Intul siinwa, I Iki imiiil oi (xiiliillliiK ul
llieao Mg almw U it (jihhI one Id ct it
lirltiK" honor mill money to tliei'iitrrprla
liitf fariurr. In pint yearn the Northweal
farmer have won many prl.ea for I lie
brat win at -out--itntoe barley the
finest itpplea- mikI prlo winning corn,
munr beets, niimitt mm nopa are aio
rataed. Kvery tlmu n Northwest farmer
wlna n prlzo at tlio big laml allows moro
Oflllrra come into ilia ortliwesl arm
many times they move close by the prize
winner's farm. Thl Increaaea tlio value
of lila land and brliiirt him trow I, amid
lloua neighbors, who alio get tlio prlsa
getting Habit.
1,000 for ths Deit Wheat In the World.
Taka tlin rrtat new land allow the
New York Land Khow, which will U brld
between November a and 12, IDll. For
th beat hard wlirat tlfiOO In irild l
offered to tho farmers of the world, There
la a Mir silver cup for potatoes a 11,000
cup. Tha Northweat ought to win that
otato cup, a well ai tha wheat prize
money. Then there li the Karllng cup
for tha beat ot the Jsmra J. Hill ctip
for thu beat 1 00 pound of whrat the
lluach cup for hop tha Pabat cup fur
barley. All these sre. .beautiful cup., all
worth $1,000, except the Pabat barley cup
that's worth II ,600. Rural tha North
weat should win these; cup. Where elae
do they ralae aucb potatoes, wheat, bar
ley, oats, a tat
900 for Applet.
Preatdent Killott, of the Northern Pa.
cifle Hallway, haa offered tftOQ In gold for
the finest apples. The apple ralaed In
Montana, Oregon and Waahlngton are
eaally the beat In tha world. They bring
li hlflirat price and bare tho brt
favor, color and keeping qualltlea, a the
National Apple Mhowa have Urmonat rated.
It I now harveat time, and tha farm
ra of thla aectlnn aliouhl ro after thee
prlira. The flrrat Northern Hallway will
help the farmrrt In their territory win
thraeprlrea. No entry fra will lecharfril
at the. New York Ijand Khow. Tho Great
Northern Railway will make a ancclal
I arratiKemrnt to handle thean exhiblta.
j Write at once to VA. Lcetjy, tho General
1 luiiiilirrathin Client at St. Paul. Mlnne-
tola, who will tell you how to pack your
kSteiw yV Jjj'
rrxUInt AimrkM Land and InllaHaa Ka
MlIlM, mtut tlraa ! flla Cwp H
Other Bl( Land Shows.
If the Northweat farmer will only get
buay and Bet hi sood atulf touether be
can exhibit at moat all the land ahowa.
Tlie Plttaburg I-and Show will be be
tween October 12th and October 28th.
The Omaha Itnd 8how will bv between
October 13 and 28, 1011. Then cornea the
New York Und Khow with 111.000 in
prlreaj datea November 3rd to Novem
ber 12th. After the New York Und
Show I the big Chicago Hhow, starting
Saturday, Not ember 18th, and ending
DecemW Oth.
The Northweat farmer' own ahow the
Nbrthwutem Laml Prnducta Hhow, at
St. Paul will probably commence, De
cember 12th and continue to December
24th, 1011, and o, you aw, a fanner or
a community can exhibit at all the ahowa.
I.vrry uood exlillilt at any one or tlieaa
shows U trolng to help bring new settlers
10 mat piace. a
The Great Northern Hallway la en
ojieratlnir with the Commercial Club In
an elTort to get good diaplaya front aii
Woman and Stocks.
Women sptvululunt tiutu a habit of
glTlnu to brokers ortlcr with a string
attached to them. A woman who
owiim! aoinu luink atot'k nakitl a broker
to aell It at 'JM If ha tuouKut sbt
could not cut any mors for It. Tba
market In this aluck had U-en Inactive
for tnoutha, and U50 ws Itiv btcbest
price tver recortleU for It. The next
ilay lbs broker bad c banco to aetl
tho stock at 'JSa It so happened that
on the same day a lively demand for
this, bonk stock developed, and twfore
tb day was over It waa selling at
Sou The broker wrote to bla woman
customer that be tind aold tier stock
for S2VO a share- and would abe aend
her certificate to Dim for delivery to
the purvhaaer? She refuaed to deUver
Ibv atock.
"You ought to hare known belter
than lo Mil It for U," ahe rvmun
atratird. "I am foltig to sell It today
myself for 30U."
It wa not until the broker appealed
to the courts that hf auaiH-ded In eet
iIiik the stock from rbw womau.
Strand UsBNilne.
Hrt'tid Tie at Tho 1'alm.
M. W. of A.
Pilot Ilutto Camp No. 0704
Meets cvory Tuesday in hull over
Visiting NelKhltora nlwaya wolcomu.
J 0. I. Hozull, V. C.
i W. W. Orcutt, Clurk.
I. O. O. F.
Ilond LfldfruNo.218 '
Hok. MvotlnKH ovory Mondny nteht
Visitors wolcomo
N. I. Woldor. N. 0.
II, J. EKKlooton, Secretary.
DoschutoH Lodjfo No.
103, K. of 1.
Meota every Wwlnos-
lay uvenlnp; nt H p. in.
In Ciutlo Hall, post-of
lieu hullditiK. VinitliiK
KnlKhta welcome.
D. Rowe, G, C.
K. M. Iidewltf, K. R. & S.
niJNDI.OnCUNo. 139
A. F. & A. M.
.Meets on Tliursdny on oi
hefcte the full moon of ench
uioiitli. Visitinir lirotlierH
alwnyti welcome.
H. O. ELLIS, Bacv. O. M. MEDriBLD, W, M,
Second Annual Northwest
and Eastern Oregon
District Fair
at Pendleton
September Iltli to 15th.
FARE, via the
Railroad & Navigation
Excursion fares on Hiecinl dates.
Ask your nearest agent.
Let 'Er Buck!
Uroncli Ilustinn, Steer Rnplnp;, Rid
ing und Kurliifr Wild IIoikoh, Indian
Wur Dancoa, Cow-Hoy and Cow-Girl
Riicoh, Relay Ilormj and l'ony Riicoh,
Norlhwost Frontier Parade, Horse
back Tup; of War, Horseback Pistol
Shooting, etc,
General Piissenger Agent.
Pioneer Soda Factory
Carbonated Drinks and Ciders
eaV at at a aak . .a.
Hign urado furniture J
Popular Prices X
E. M. Thompson
Wall Street. Horn! Oro.
RuDiiEii Stamp Dates and Ink
pads for salo at Bulletin office, tf
Pretty Ftnt Ooratchts.
Moat piHipli- riiiituliT a (xilhtii'd kut
face na bciiuiMIiIiic ntuiely Hliiuolb
I tin t U. aoiufililin: with no iH-rutcbe
un It wrhnlfver To pollatl a thluir.
howerrr, the very nevi-rw l cloue to It
It la rtllrd will) vvrj fine itcrutehea
All eyeKloHa leuwii. Kino for uilrrura.
furnlturo. etc urv rublifd with Hue
emery paxr anil lutt-r with un ts
trvmely 0uo piiudcr whli-li Klrs the
miNliIng intirhiit lu the Iimk- of very
due itcrntclu-m. .Vow thv iiu4tlon aria.'a
na to put how tint- Ihf HcrntrhiM munt
be Unit la, hmv far Nuirt tlnr rnuxt
t for tilK "tTnti'liii a kimhI Ulam'e
iiMirt glve nn.vililiiK but m imiIIxIhiI nur
fui u. Tht iiun'r Im t lit t l In wnnctHM
or rlilKeo Im'IWi-MI 111111 m- ! ItlHIl
ont ipisni-r tin1 nn vt it'iiKtli of tin
lluhl thut fiilln mi tin- Niirfuit for Hit
llcht In In ri'llivlitl slut lliiir ulve tin
t'ffivt of a ihjIMks! Hiirrnro. Tlilx la
IcMri I tin ii urn' iwit-humlri'Mtiuuiiiidih
uf nn liwli for Hutu wmu-h. .S'u brviik
luit up of tin wuvch hi mutHl. and
th'y iiiiiMiMiuently nrr n'tbrtfd In their
orltslusl form -.Si'w York Trlbuuu.
The Offania Dafined.
fJenprnl Cmfi, un iiituruoy of Torre
IIiium. I uit wilt our 'iillitl Into a
Jt'Wulry atorv lu thi town to m'llle h
Set horo. Ktmrnl,H xpluluiHl tin
proprlelDr. "If I inki n wuiih from
Mr Sinlili lu're mill uiiilti ri'imlr Unit
iii iiit In fi'iitH mill iIumi kifp II
biinuliic up for u week mill rlinryi' tilm
till wlii'ii hi- louiiw tu k-'I It. wtial iwr
i'iitii.-i do I iiiiil(f Vi liuvt' Ihi'ii
ilmirliiu for liulf mi liour mul only wt
up to IMKI per ii'il. mul Hint U but u
dollar, so we Un, liliil to leiive It to
"Wil," snld lln ponrrnl Rrnvi-ly
"yuu must know t tint It U n fiu-t. mul
It Inm U'l'ii (li'tiiimttrutrU by enliHiltit
liiK iiiiirhlniM. thut nt eoriiilu polniH in
pnij.'rvi'ilvi iiumberM tfn uw itoverti
liiK Ihi'in ebmiKi's. lu your piihi t tit
Inw would cliuui'i' Ions U'furt It ri'mti
oil tin til u ml would run out ot pit
I't'iitiiKo nml into wlutt Is knowu ami
dvalcuuted us hmuiiy."
happened In the pit where her bus
band works and that hli fate is un
certain she throws open tho bouse
door, and. however Inclement the
weather msy be. she keeps the door
open and a candlo burning In tho win
dow nlsht and day till the man 4s
brought homo, dead or alive. In some
rsaea the door boa remained open and
the candle sllcht during several
weeks. London Graphic.
A Curious Ouparttltlon.
The ancients believed that the mar
row of the human liarkt-one often
transformed Itself Into a serpent. I'tlny
CNstursI Illitory." volume 10, pat
fid ssrs that the marrow of a man's
backbone will breed to a snske. The
Chinese (Worde's "Ksnteni Trnvels"!
bnrneil the backbone to "destroy set
pents Uutflllchl batch therefrom."
Amandlng DleWana,
nave a heart that never hardens, a
temper that never tlrva and a touch
that never hurts. Charles Dickens.
Dear, dear! How Ion; Dickens has
been dead! Writing for our day be
would have said: Have a liver that
never harden., a tire thst never punc
tures and a touch that never falls to
lsnd some! blug. Life.
Bond St., near Ohio
"Rooms to Let"
"For Sale"
"For Rent"
Legal Blanks of
All Kinds.
Low Fares Wesft
Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, 1911
During this period reduced one way colonist fares will be
in effect from all potato in the East and Central West to all points
via Burlington Route, Great Northern and Northern Pacific Rail
waysthe direct train line.
Chicago $33.00 DesMoines $27.85 St. Paul $25.00
Detroit 38.00
Cincinnati 37.90
MemphU 37.50
Open Door and a Light,
Tho wives of north eountry colllpr
observe u rvrj touchlnu unit pnttnMlc
custom whtti un uccldcut omir .lu
tho pit. Dlrtx'tly It Is known to tb
Klfe vf a yolllyr thu.1 uii a.i.x'ldeuthns
Ha Wat a Btayar.
She idcaperuti'lyi Don't you believe
they will worry over your nbsonre if
you fall to return borne uutll such a
lata hour? He ioari'iilyi Thaw's
nobody to worry except 1ht Inmlliidy,
snd I mske s point to fcti-p her wor
rying by always uwlng her a mouth's i
board. Clerelnml Plulu Dealer.
A CompliK Aecompllihmtnt.
"I undemtnnd you ipenk rrencb like
S unlive'
"No." replied the ttideut "I've cut '
the j-muiiiuir and IV mi'viit iluwu
pretty rim, tint It's hnrd to Ivurn the i
gestures,' list'tiniiKv. I
Tho Cutthroat Qarna.
"Whnt U the ureiitei get-rlch-quli'k
scheme you liimw ofV nnkeil the HI Ill
ay tliinnrlcr or Ola imrtniT
""lnklni; money away from oihi'r
piiiple who wnni lu get rich quick"
WllmliiKiou Slur
St. Louis...... 32.00
Peoria 32.00
Indianapolis.. 35.65
Minneapolis.... 25.00
Kansas City... 25.00
Omaha... ........ 25.00
Denver 25.00
Oregon Trunk
Direct train service from Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha,
Denver, St. Paul and Minneapolis.
TELL YOUR FRIENDS IN THE EAST of this opportunity to
move west on low fares. Details furnished on request. You can
denosit with mc nnd hnvo tickets furnished noonle at eastern Dotnts.
V J.J. Hovdak, Apt., Madras, Or. B. R. Ness, Ajrt., Culver, Ore.
VT.A. Graham, Ajrt, Metolius.Or. J.H. Coubett, ArL, Opal City.Or
-..-.-. -.",.'- .'-I-'"- .....-Km?
To plente. one must ninke up his
mind to be much nmuv ililnsn which
be already knows by MMp'e who do
nut know them. Chumfurt.
JmrnW mVA rVSe J5SljW
East 5 f
estimates Furnished
on largo or small
contracts, for car
pentering nlono,
or including arch
itecture, plumb
ing, painting, etc.
Go Journeying
Tho-etl 1 so much to tell about vhon you get
back after n vacation trio East on the Great
Northern Railway, through the Rockies at sun
set, with the weat world bathed in colors, as you
vic-v it from tlu commodious observation plat
form on tho
Oriental Limited
tho H?rfect through train to St, Iuil, Minneapolis,
Chicneo. The Uike Park Rccion of M innesota nos-
sosmw sylvan charm, nnd the glonous Great Lakes
tnp carries you through n land of enchantment to
cront cities in the Kost. Get folder, "Eastern Trips
for Western People" nnd information about Spoc'al
Round-Trip bummer Pares. Call on or address
Archibald Gray
A. G. F. A 1 A . Portland, Orejfon
Vjft 1 MkaaP
waTvi '
n I I ii ij
J I JmWtmtk
jj ($l JjrJr-mmwi