The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 30, 1911, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
NO. 25
mELUOTT and oray in
Hallway Prealdcnta Addreie limine,
Men, (living Aeaurarice of liarly
Completion of Oregon Trunk
llcre-llrldje Ready Sept. 10
Making IiIh find trip Into Interior
Oregon, 'resident Howard Klllott
of the Northern I'nciflc, accompany
ing President tJrny of thu Oreifiin
Hill lines, was hero yesterday ufter
noon. Hot)) of thu big railway men
NHko brlelly to tin; Interested
crowd of huslriesi mon who gather
fd on tin) Hudson litwn to greet
Mr. (5 rny wild thu Crooked Klver
bridge will Imj completed by Sep
lumber 1(1. Thu Oregon Trunk Is
exacting i big fall colonist trvvul,
and tiro newcomer now will lu able
to come diyctly to thu lHt of Cen
tral Oregon, no that there will bu
no hucIi turning buck of hundreds
hh wan the ciuw hut spring. Mr.
(Iray, an uitual, received an cuthusi
untie welcome.
Mr. Klllott, lifter expressing his
faith In thu country and delimit
with Bend, was presented, throuKh
I L I... ..I. Ml ...1,1. n lu.n.itlnl I. IIIl.l.
oflicnd.grown awectpeas, the gift!Kroin Cwnrmniw. Rood by
of Joe Smith.
"Men In my business gut fuw
bouquets these days," said Mr.
Klllott laughingly, iw he ncknowl-.
cdtrt'd thu gift. I
Mr. (J rny, in discussing the local
depot, exprciwed himself iu delight
itl that Bend would show enough
Interest to supply thu stone, promls-
Ing that the railroad would erect n
depot that wouliKIo the town proud.
The other memlwra of thu party
wore: W. E. Coman, J. Buiwell, K.
11. Fogarty, Italph Iiudd and J. It.
People of llcnil Invited to Attend and
(let Acquainted With Teachers.
In honor of thu leaching stall of
the Bend school, a reception will bo
given by Mrs. A. C. Lucas und Mrs.
E. M. Thompson Friday evening at
tho Lucas homo. The chief purjwso
of thu meeting Is to give the eoplu
of Uend an opportunity to become
acquainted with tho teachers. The
public In general is invited to at
tend. Thu reception will be infor
mal, and no invitations will bu
During the evening a musical pro
gram will IM! given, and refresh
menta will Ih) served. Tho
arc from 8 to 1 1 o'clock.
The Best Prophet of the
Future is the Past.
For more tliim n year the Deschutes
HimkiiiK cV Trust Company of Bend
hns meant "best" und is pleased to
place at thu disposal of its customers
the facilities gained during this
period of continuous service and
growth, confidently believing it can
meet every requirement of the
most discriminating.
Put Not Your Trust In Money
But Put Your Money in Trust.
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend, Oregon
"Conservative Banking for Conservative People.'
Thu HciuMlurrm road wuh
completed on August K from
Burns this way to thu Harney
county lint1, according to it
letter from Judge Grant
Thompson of thu Harney County
Court. The stretch of about
four mile through Ijike county
In all that remulnH now loforo
Uio two cltlcH uro connected by
a direct route.
DuCfo, of llrnd, Writes Unique Letter
Cult of Clrief Hut flat to (lack
Down In I'ontacrlpt.
If the Mend High School Is shy
an InBtructor in rhetoric, the un
known local murderer of the Queen's
Knglliih who rerenlly wrote thin
letter to a i'ortland Arm might fill
the bill:
Bond. 20 July I-ewIs & Staver &
MIcchell HoiiHe, I'ortland Der
frend i get the valve which i by
from you alrltc but why you doan
sen tnu no naniiiu wain me hho oi
tlie valve when she doan haveno
handle, i Ioom to mu my customer
nhure ting. You doan treet me
rite. I watu 10 dazu and my custo
mer he haller for wnter like hell by
thu valvo. You doan sen mu the
liundle I'retty (jueck I win her back
and I'uoun order some valve from
Your Frend,
Since i rite these letter i fine dam
handle In thu bncks excuse me.
J. o
and I. J. Wilkinson, Urothers,
Have, Happy Meeting.
Nearly 40 years having passed
witm)Ut KH.n cnch olher, It was a
happy meeting when J. O. Wilkin
son arrived last week to visit his
brother, I. J. Wilkinson. They
weru last together in Iowa in De
cember, 1872.
J. O. Wilkinson Is two yean older
than his brother and served in thu
Civil War. lie now resides at
Wichita, Kans. Ho will spend
several month visiting with his
Last Thursday tho last steel
girder on tho Willow Creek viaduct
of tho Deschutes Hy near Madras,
was laid In place. Thu viaduct Is
1050 feet long and 250 feet high.
Soma 1618 tons of steel and iron,
costing mora than $IA),UUU, was
used. Work trains aro now passing
over tho structure, but passenger
service will not bo conducted over
lit until about October 1st.
Citizens Protest Against Cutting Down
Of Pines And Junipers, Which AdJ
To The Beauty Of The City
To The Edltpr:
Inasmuch as there appears to be n sentiment on the part of Dome
residents of Bend and even certain members of the City Council that, as
many trees as possible should be cut down, we wish to state our views on
the subject, Wo are sure what we sny here represents the sentiment of
most pcoplo concerned with the best Interests of thu town who have
Klven the matter thought.
Kven if pine and juniper trees hapiten to be In the street, by all,
means leave them. If at any really becomes absolutely necessary,
with the growth of the city, to destroy them, It is always easy to do so.
And it is absolutely Imjioiwdble to replace them when once cut down.
Nothing adds more to Mend's beauty than the presence of the trees.
It Ih thu thing that strikes visitor most. Benl's trees will make her
famous. In other places, vm fortunate, fortunes are spent in nn effort
to grow trees. In I'asailena, for instance, the trees are kept everywhere;
when they happen to grow in the streets, they are protected with walls
ir fences, even when the street grade Is lowered around them. And
1'iuuidena Is noted for the attractiveness of its street.
Kven if it costs the city a littlu more to preserve the trees, as when
it may be necessary to construct sidewalks or ditches around them, the
extra cxense is well repaid.
W. II. Seller,
H. M. Tlimnpvjn
II. I'. Allen
8. H. Kolxrli
II. J. Ovrrturf
L. C. Whined
J, t). Ilaneytnan
II. J. Kvletton
8. L. Staid
L. II. Ilalrd
C. I). Kovre
C. S. Muilton
V. A. J'otl,
C. S lleuton
W. I O'Oomiell
MilUnl Trlplctt
J. !'.. Sawhill
Ihjplls are Notified Concerning Details
of Opening by Principal.
Principal J. H. Shousu of the
Bend Schools has Issued the follow
ing notice concerning school opening:
The llend school will open Tues
day morning, Sept. 5. The plan is
to settle down at once to regular
school work. Consequently pupils
should come provided with necessary
books and materials; drawing books
need not bo procured before the
ojwnlng of school however. Inas
much as practically all teachers arc
new to Bend, it is quite essential
Uiat all pupils present last year's
report cards or other evidence of
where they belong in school.
Pupils except beginners who are
entering tho Bend school for the
first time should call at tho school
house on Saturday, Sept. 2, between
0 and 10 o'clock. High School
students are requested to make
their registration between tho hours
of two and three on Friday, Satur
day or Monday afternoon. Any
inquiries concerning books required
in various grades may be made dur
ing the above mentioned hours, or
tho list posted at the Patterson drug
store may bo consulted.
Full Stock of
Builders' Sup plies
Of all kinds now on hand. Finest
line of Cottage Doors in
Central Oregon.
Keep out that enemy of mankind,
the fly, with
Screen Doors
The kind that you want is here and
the price is right.
Save money by buying your shovels
pitchforks, stoves, nails and other
hardware at the store of
N. P. Smith
R. M. Smith
K. K. I'oit
8. J. Spencer
Cj A. Stanburrough
O. M. 1 -tterton
W. W. Orcutt
Clyde M. McKay
Two Business blocks Destroyed and
Two People Nearly Lose Lives
Shaniko, the former gateway to
Central Oregon, was visited by a
firo Friday which wiped out two
business blocks. The loss is about
$25,000. Mr. and Mrs. John Flana
gan barely escaped with their lives.
The blozo started from an un
known cause in the Midway bar,
owned by A. L. Howell, and from
there swept to the harness shop
owned by G. H. Reeder. Several
unoccupied buildings near the saloon
and harness shop also were de
Tho burned buildings occupied a
quarter block which remained un
touched by the firo of a year ago.
The fire jumped across Broadway
and in a few minutes the livery
stable and a small grocery next
door were In flames. Three horses
perished in tho livery stable..
From tho Flanagan barns tho
flames extended across the alley to
several empty buildings belonging
to O'Neil Bros., Hatton's blacksmith
shop, tho stables of the Cornett
Stage & Automobile company, IMno-
hart's saloon and a number of empty
It Is reported from Sisters
that several bridges on the
Santlam trans-Cascade route
have been burned out and' that
the road is closed to traffic un
til they can Imj rebuilt. The
Santiam passage has been used
extensively this summer, especi
ally by autolsta, and the tem
porary closing of It will incon
venience many travelers.
Development Organization of Neigh
burin Town Will Have Good Time
On Island In Deschutes Klver.
The Laidlaw Development League
.will hold n picnic luncheon Saturday
afternoon at four o'clock on the
island in the Deschutes at Laidlaw.
While the affair will be jnformal in
every way, it Is expected that a
good sized crowd will be on hand.
Some talks will be delivered, chiefly
by local men. Among the visitors
who have been asked to speak is
Secretary , Sawhill of the Central
Oregon Development League.
The Laidlaw organization now
numbers about 30 members. The
officers are, Pres., J. S. B. Gerkfng;
Trcas., F. E. Dayton; Sec, R. B.
Mill Roads' Advertising Expert and
Photographer Visit Bend.
R. H. Crozier, chief of the pub
licity bureau of the S. P. & S. Rail
woy, accompanied by F. H. Kiser
and Wallace Miller, was In Bend
Thursday and Friday gathering
data and photographs for use in
future publicity work of the Hill
Mr. Kiscr, who has done all of
tho photographic work of the
Northwestern Hill lines, is consider-'
ed the leading photographer of
scenery and commercial views In
the West, and has attained great
prominence through the many
notable pictures he has secured, '
which have been exhibited oil over I
the country. I
Material Is being placed on the '
ground for a seven-room residence ,
which E. M. Thompson will build in ,
Park Addition, at the corner of J
Front Street and Jefferson Drive,
on lot 19 of block 18. A feature of
the building, vyhich will be of two
stories, will be n sleeping porch. R.
E. Woolley has been given the
contract. I
The First National Bank
Dr. U. O. CO. Prti)l C A. 8ATHCR. Vl Pr?lUnl
O.O HUDSON, Oaihltr
Capital fulhr paid 15.000
IOCkholdr,' llabltltr 9t OOO
Ourplu, ... .S5 COO
Follow the Finger
I rflL-4"1' "iLJm
Bon't epand your aurplua on your bump
er crop thU year. Put tt In the bank to
quickly accumulate.
Every year is net a bumper.
Park and Deschutea Additions Real
dents to De lieneflled-People
Allowed Ho Vote On the
Commit lion Charter.
Recognizing the need of improve
ments to accommodate the largo
number of new residents in Park
and Deschutes Additions, the City,
Council at a special meeting Thurs
day night ordered the construction
of about 1800 feet of sidewalk.
Present at the meeting were Mayor
Coe, Courtcilmen Oneil, Sellers,
Allen and Caldwell.
Beginning at tho library, a walk
will be built along Wall street as
faras Cascade street in Deschutes,
and along several Deschutes streets
that cross Wall.
The legal descriptlon'of the prop
erty to be Improved is as follows:
East side of Wall street in front of
lots 4, B and 6, block 8; lota 1 to 5
inclusive, blk. 7; all the lot on Wall
in blk. 23, Park Addition; lots 1 to
5 inclusive, blk. 24, Park Addition;
lot 1, blk. 22, Deschutes; lot 1 and
7, blk. 17, Iota 1 to 6 inclusive, blk.
17, Deschutes, lota 1 and 7, blk 7,
Iota 1 and 7, blk. 8, Deschutes;
along Cascade fltreet, lota 7 to 12
inclusive, blk. 16, Deschutes.
The hydrant at the corner of
Nevada and Bond streets, which
was ordered put in in May but which
had not been, was again ordered in
stalled forthwith.
The recorder was instructed to
notify all propertyownora who havo
hod 30 days in which to build side
walks and have not, that they would
be given 10 days of grace, after
which the city would proceed to
construct the walks at the property
owners' expense.
On motion of Allen, the council
voted to rescind its former unani
mous action in orderirjg sidewalks
built, on a number of streets. It
was argued that these sidewalks
wftich had not been put down wcro
not necessary, though they had been
considered a needed improvement
some months ago.
The recorder was Instructed to
call for bids for the construction of
a bridge across the Pilot Butte canal
at Koa avenue.
There was an informal discussion
regarding purchasing a water right
(Continued on lrst page.)
- I I
M SjhJ
N. P. Smith
h. D. BA1RD, (President) J. W. MASTHRS, (Vice President)
P. O. M1N0K, (Secretary)
Wall Street