"1 I I i t awuara IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK AT THESE PROPERTIES II $ 1 500.00 Lot 2, Block 24, Bend Addition $1500. This lot has a 50 ft. frontage on Fir Avo. and 50 ft. on Green wood Ave., making tho prico only $ 15 per front foot. T $3000.00 Lot 5, Block 13, Bend Addition $3000. -Erect a $3000 building on this property and you can get 20 per cent on your investment. $200.00 Lot 6, Block 16, Park Addition $200. This lot has a 50 ft. frontage on both Jefferson Drivo and Ad ams Drive. Plenty of room for two nice cottages. - If you haven't aplat showing the location of theso lots let us know and wo will be pleased to furnish same. All property sold on EASY TIME PAYMENTS 5 DISCOUNT FOR CASH J) The BEND COMPANY WOOD We will deliver green wood, during the month of August, at ffJfi A D $2.00 per load. A good chanco to get your winter's wood V'"-' V OA PUZZLED SCHOOL DIRECTORS HAVE PROBLEM , f. -. , ''Settlers U Voting School Territory t' Scattered So That It Will Be Neces- 'l eary to Furnish Conveyance (or Part of Pupil Thli Winter Prlncvillc have been guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ringo. A. N. Wakefield and G. E. La Folettc hare returned from the Hampton country where they were platting a townsitc near what Is known as Rolyat. Miss Nona Caldwell nf Paulina Prairie is visiting her aunt, Mrs. E1 Rourk. Confronting the School Board of district No. 12 is a puzzling situ ation in the matter of furnishing instruction this winter to children in the Younjf school neighborhood. A delegation from that school ap peared before the board Saturday afternoon and explained the situ ation. There are two settlements in that territory far apart that it is im possible to locate the school so as to accommodate all children. The only soluti n of the difficulty ap pears to be in having a school con venient to. one settlement and haul ing the children of the other to it or to the Item J school. What will be the cheiMit and most satisfact ory plan the board will determine before Utuncr action. Whatever its decision, a larger expenditure than J win rvq-jirtxi last year win be ne:Miar Chaminn Triplett and Director Overturf were the only members of the Ixnnl (trejent Saturday. Those who apiwHred from the Young uchool v.'n P. J. Young, L. C. Young ami Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Dutt. PARTY AT CRXSCENT Photo mailers, large and small, for sale at The Bulletin office. REAL USTATE IKANSPERS. (Furnuhedby the Crook Cejntf AbtlrartCo.) Lytic Town.ite Co. to W. J. McGill- vray, tract In ne,' nJ of sec JJ'17'U. It. Lytic Townsile Co. to Torkil Swanton It 14. bile 1 6, Lytic, fio. W. I. McGillvray to Torkil Swanton, joS 7 feet wjuare iu uwr cor ol netf ne,'l, MCJ1-I7-I3. ft. Oregon & Western Col. Co. to Robert Smith, H.V 4. 5. Lite 6, Davtilaou Ailil, Sitters. t"S- Rnlinoml Towntlte Co. to Chailwlck II. Irviu, It 33. hlk is, Redmond, fiyj. Charles Alttchul et uz to School IHitrict No. 37. oS 7 fret square in 11 w cor of !!. kc Jl-l6 4. fS Ilaunih C. Hammer ami liuOnml to Allicrt N. Johnson, r, i'( ami i ;, kc 3621.11. fSSo. bert J Johnaon. c)f ae,!?. t.V ncV, sec 90 ami nw.u U, ace jj ai-l l. -jho. John C Caey lo Knliuoml Hank of Commerce, ejj ne, 10.10.14. It. II. Mitchell to II. R. Wolcott. t( aetf. aec 17.16.14. f4y. NOTICK FOJl PUBLICATION'. United hUlc, Land Office, The Daltee, Oregon. July 7th, ivii Nolle la hereby ilren that the Northern fact Ac Railway Company, h pval office ail dimUM IMut, Mlnnela, ha. Ihla itlh itay ef July. 1911, Slrit In Ihla artlee Ma apiltkiii lo aelret under the protliloti t Ihe art ol Centre approve,! July I. iMOelMat M7-.) airalentel by the Act of ConiriM auyiu.eii May 1; I'r. the w ., iteelMfl rr.Twp. 16 ftonlh, Mange la Kaat, W t. Hu. vttt. Any auit all prun claiming adreiaely the Jamea Skinner Ct UX to Albert N. Johtl! the mineral eharattrr of the tautl, or for any II .i TA.il if .Vi ! other rraon, lo the ciltpoMt In applicant. ehouM hefuir the tna itay of itetitember. lull J)-a6 C W MDOKK, Krglalcr KJH, C, 3-l'JI II. fWHI, I Mary T. Walker ami huiUnil to At WALL PAPER. We have the largest stock of Wall Paper in Central Oregon. From 10c to 50c a roll. We want your orders. Come in and see our patterns, Skose Hardware Co. NOTICK FOR PUULICATIOX. Department of the Interior. V n. Und Office at The Dalle. Or. June Mh, I VI I. Nettce la hereby gleen llial lame A. Ilolmea, who foaturAce allre.a la llenri. OrenoD, tllil. on the Ijth day of Maich, 1411, hlr In Ihla office ewutn aialement and aitlea. ton,No oii), to IMichaa the awlf (, sec 7, T. Mb.. K. II I'.. W t , aud the timUr ' Iheteou under Ihe piuei.iona 01 mr art 01 June 1 jLi it; aud the act amemUlory. knuwuaathc "Timt'r ami Mne lw," at auch value aa I might be Bied by aipralaemrut. and that, mic , auant loaiHh applkauuu the laud aud limber , Ihrreou haeeleen appralMit atfioo, Ihe llmler I e.llnulni 3aAtMrd feet at I J 01 per M and the I land U-: that all appllcaut will uff. Anal piooiui auppuri 01 ma application ami awurn aiatementon the 4th day of Ixtober, ill. be fore II C l'.llla. U 11 Cuinrala.iooer, alhlaoisce at llend, Oregon Any ieraon la at liberty la proleat thl pur chase before entry, or Initiate a eouleal at uy time befon patent laaue. by flllntT a corrob. orated amdartl In Ihla orhce. alUehir facta I which woulu defeat thr entry to-ri C W JIOOKK. Kegiiler, Hotel Dalles Tho Dalles, Oregon You are conllallv Invited to nuke TIM IIOTItl. DALLILS your lettlni; place while waiting, oyer between tralnaon your way to and (root rortUud. New, Ihoiouuhly riUlpeil, mixlern hotel; iteatu heat, elevator: auitct and ruotna with ImiIi. I'iral claaa cafe. Rate ft ami upwarit. Ideal Stopping Place Going to and from Central Oregon. PETER KUEHNLINC, Manager. Railroad Engineers Again Put In An Appearance Near Southern Town CitmcKtir, Aug. 21. A party of about SO- cntfineeri In charge of Enjritiexjr Drum of the Southern Pacific ii put in an appearance here. It is understood that the railroader will continue the location of tho line from tho end of Lake OJell etwlwsrd. " "Mr! JZtW "tXn J; If. Haner of WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with the best that the town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms, IJund, Okkgon rr SEVERAL THOUSAND HARDY ACCLIMATED FRUIT TREES FOR SALE. Trees now growing in our Nuraery on the south aide of Powell Iiuttes. Heady for fall or spring delivery. Apples, Pears, Plums and Cherries. Also Currants, Gooseberries and lied Raspberries. All selected for hardiness as well as quality. PRICES REASONABLE. We have had 30 years experience in fruit growing in various parts of Central Oregon. Our buyers profit by this experience. For par ticulars visit the nursery, or address or phone TEa Lflfollette NtiVsprv (Vimnanv. PHnnvillA. Ora. V r- - )j STEVENS Tbe Number 520, Six-Snot Repeilinj Shofjnn at $25.00 li a hammcrlcss gua with a solid frame. I'jiilrr to operate quirk er nnj smoother action than any oilier. It never balks and Is perfectly balanced. IVtallril deaerlptlnn of nny nf our un U h our lui I'orn Yxtt C.italoj-, tkndurit TOHAY If J mi rannot obtain STKVIINS lliri.l.t. MIUIIH .-St. I'l-ilUUS, TKLKSCUril Ihrourti your dratrr. we will alilp Ulreit. riDrru prepaid, upon re celrit of rata lot price. J. STEVENS AMU A TOOL COMrANT ', O. Vox loot C.'tlCOPEE FALLS MASSACHUSETTS fflr M 'fail 4 Hotel Bend Corner Oond and Oregon Sts, AA1ER1CA1N PLAN Rates 52 and $2.50 a Day HUGH O'KANE, Manager If you caro for tho BEST GOODS at the BEST PRICES trade with H. J. Eggleston Mnnufncturer of Harness mid Saddles Dealer in Wagons, HuRRies, Farm Implements Hay and Grain for sale. Complete H ouses $230.00 to $865.00 Evfrythlnrf yo seed t UcUal.d at tk ftU w jnot- all material reqslred la Id. CwAttractloai of a raodsra horn Architect' plant, specification, blue mlnti, and full dtullt about conitructlon are ether with in Itemlied itatemint ol the mstcrlsltlie beit "ton the YHK BUILDina1 BAROAIre HOUtR alio fumlihed, toff rmrket. We will quote ter with an Itemised irirei Irtish! prepaid to vourititlon SOOKLST rt(I-0rba4MMMrta)UMlra llaaw li van a fieal iat at mmt M lae aiaa S I (4f la MU. Il'l 111 l lauranlai tllemMuai, tlaai aa4 ncrtmlM. Ial lew la auaala ealUaf. i jvm re taiaaiai ai i I IIU, will l ll. (0SXSC "RILIAU.1 UIALISt " 22.10 weartAwa Ave iattl, wash. IT. Btiltetm's Ads Bring Good Results