'I l s Caldwell & Main All Kinds of Blacksmith Work 1'KICKS hBASON'AHLK. Minnesota St., Hot. Bond mul Wall. SVLVKSTKR t. STAAT3 KVHKT L. JOSMS Stnats and Jones Attorney! and Counsellor nt Law. officii: Corner Wall mul Minnesota streets. V. W. Faulkner, D. M. D. DENTIST Bulletin IluliainR, Denl. OreRon Dr. A. A. BURRIS. rSKSB littler. Wi SucCTMfulljr Trtsird Without tbt I'M of Drai or Surgcty, by tbr Nstursl Mtthodt of llrtUog. Chron It IHrnM SprcUlty. Con.uttsltca Frtt Mcmtwroftbt Bute tod Nitioati Ntturopatti Society. OflSc U HoUUat BVlf .. nnJ. Oftioa U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OFFICE OVKR FIRST NATIONAL BK. Office Hours: iotona.m.; i to 3 and 7 to 8 p. in. Bknd, : Orkgon RAILWAY WINS JUDGE DISAUSSES INJUNCTION Circuit Court Jurist Holds There Is Not Sufficient Grounds for Continuing Order Preventing lUilldlng of Spur Through l.ytle. C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDC. 11KND. OREGON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER FIRST NATIONAL BANC DLDO,, SEND. ...... OREGON WARD 11. COBLE JESSE L. SUMRALL Coble & Sumrall ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. BEND, OREGON. ROBERT B. GOULD Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Wall and Minnesota Sts. Bend, - - Oregon. PHILIP P. THOMAS Civil Engineer and Architect Putnam Building Bend, Oregon, Crook County Abstract Co. INCORPORATED. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE to all land and town lots in Crook county . B. F. Wvldb, Secy. Prlneville. Oregon. We photograph the records. Peter Lehrman GENERAL HLACKSMITHING Horseshoeing a Specialty. Corner Bond and Oregon Streets. F. 0. MINOR P0ST0FFICK BOILDINO LIFE FIRE ACCIDENT INSURANCE Notary Public and Conveyancing All Legal Papers Correctly Drawn. FIDELITY BONDS Vernon A. Forbes has been noti fied that the temporary injunction obtained by A. A. Anthony and Mary Kelly against the Oregon Trunk Railway, to prevent the road from building a spur in Lytic to the river, has been dismissed by Judge Bradshaw of the Circuit Court. This case has been in the courts for some time and has attracted much attention. A hearing was held before Judge Bradshaw at The Dalles on June 24 and arguments and affidavits were heard. By the dismissal of the injunction the road may go ahead and build whenever it desires. Attorney Forbes, who appeared with Harrison Allen for the railway, states that Judge Bradshaw during course of argument stated that Mrs. Kelly had as strong a case as any property holder or other person, but that the judge tlid not find sufficient grounds for making the injunction permanent. The action will probably end now and the road proceed to construct the spur under condemnation proceedings. BUYING A VASE. "" Warthslmsr's Cltvee Coup by Which Ho 8ewrd tht Priio. The late Charles WeribeltDer when ked on one occasion wont tie cousin: yvU to be bl astute! buxlorwt tout iboiiKbl for awhile and then told bow oce when be was walking tbrougtt a flrliibton square- be esplrd tbruusb au peu window wbat be Knew to be a priceless Chinese rase, tie went to i be nearest postoOlce. exatnlumt a local Jlrrctory and found tbe name of tbe ratldent. Then be called and asked tor the gentleman and waa abown into tbe tudy under tbe name of "Hamilton. tie briefly explained Unit be wok look ids for a modeitt .bouse tn tlncbton ind bnd taken a fancy to this one Would tbe crntleraiin entertain an of fer for Ibe place aa it siui "lock. tock and banvlr Tbo owner, a little nonpltiM-d. bnl rated. "If ynnr offer Is reasonable." inter rupred Hamilton. "1 will Kir you an -xtra tbuusand "Call tomorrow at 10:30. then." re piled the- owner. Hamilton did nnd found him pre- oarvd to accept (IMOU for the twenty wo years' unexpired term and tbe con tents of tbe n-HiuViir. Although this was well orer mnrkei ralue. Hamilton at once clit-U. aiidmu be extra ihuusund. arrordlnic to pnuu se. As. boweer. be nlterwurd ooid he rase fur IXM, bis coup wua uu JiUlaLable. IajuUiih 'leleurupn. w "it.nr. nV J i George S. Young Civil and Mining Engineer Oregon Street Office with Bastes & Bean Realty Co. Sutherland (Sh Mcintosh Contra&ors and Builders Jobbing Promptly Attended to Shop on Oregon St. Lost. A white English Setter about ten months old. Has goiter on left side of neck. When last seen had light collar with Bend dog license number. Strayed or stolen from Bend about July 5th. Reward will be paid for his return or for information leading to return. Address Bend Bulletin, Bend, tf Tho Tsrm Philosopher. The word pblloopher" Is said to have nrldimted with the celebrated I'ytbacom. who whs irn nbout 670 II. C Tbe word menu u lover of wis dom. I'yibiiKorus must nitre been a eery remurkntile mtm. for It la certain tlint be made n profound nnd lasting Impreioilou umiii bin time. lie was ibe originator of tbe Idwt thni nature la a harmony and I lint Its rarled pue nomena are all brought about by un erring and u n I vernal luws nnd nro an expresslun of nothing less tlinu tbe iwIvpi Itself. True to the nnme lie .?are himself. Tytbagoras Is suld to have devoted his whole life to tbe ac quisition of knowledge to the end tbat be might Impart It to others wltboul money and without price. lie was one of the noble Influences of nntlq ully. and tbo effects of his unselllsh labors are still visible among men. Exchange. A Quaint Introduction. Clarence King, tbe ethnologist, once wrote from Pan KnincUco to John Uoy the following letter of Introduc tion; "My Dear John My frleud. Hor ace F. Cutler. In tbe next geological period will gu easL II would he a en tastropbe If be did not know you You will 'awnrm In,' ns the Hermann say, wben you meet. Lent I should not be there to exttose Mr. Cutter's alias I take ibis opportunity lo divulge to you tbat the police are divided In opinion aa to whether he Is Hocrnie or Don Quixote. I kuow better; be In both." Ths Maegrsgort. The Macgregora were forbidden to use their family name la 1003. Tbe proscription was removed by Charles II., only to be Inflicted again In the reign of William and Mary. It was not till 1822 that a royal license to use tbe name was granted to Blr Charles Mac gregor, up to then known as "Murray." In the early years of tbe seventeenth century every man's band was raised against this persecuted race and tbey could be mutilated and slain wltb ln punlty.-London Spectator. SHOW IS HERE. McKerule Merry Makers Flaying ThrceMght Engagement. McKenzic's Merry Makers, a troupe of ten people, are playing a threc-nlght engagement nt Llnster's HaJl this week. Monday night they gave "Van, tho Virginian," last night "St. Elmo" and tonight will offer "The Man in Black." A startling feature of this even ing's show will be the giving away of a real live baby. Last night's nudience seemed pleased with "St. Elmo," npplauding.the players gen erously. The 8K'cinlties between acts were good. UOY SCOUTS TO OlVn kUCUPTIO.N Thursday evening the Boy Scouts met nt their lodge, and, among other things, raised their new flag pole,' which they brought from near the Tumalo last Sunday. Next Thursday they will hold a reception, to which nil the parents of the Scouts will be invited. Tho re freshments will be cooked nnd serv ed by the boys. DISTRICT DeiUTY MURE. District Deputy Head Council J. 0. Alsbury of the Modern Woodmen is a Bend visitor this week. Last night he addressed the local lodge. On August 29 the lodge will have a big class adoption. The meeting next Tuesdny night will be open to the public. REPORT HUNTING GOOD. Henry L. WhiLsctt and Donnld Mackintosh returned Thursdny night from n successful hunting trip on the Tumalo. They rejort plenty of game in that vicinity, deer being especially plentiful. They brought back with them two deer and one brown bear, which were killed in n few hours' hunting. The bear was met in a trail and shot by Mr. WhlUett. NOW IS THR TIMlt TO BUY. WHY?A BECAUSE YOU CAN GET V. BARGAINS J I, i ii iii ii in Bwn i FIVE ACRE Tracfb Xbm Suoi tr o2 mm S?a emu V $375 to $750 Each. ,uoA noA uiojsAs ?uouiA"od Xuy WATER. RIGHTS Absolutely Protected. uosBtpjnd jjns o) suijox THIS PROPERTY ADJOINS BEND PARK And will be as flno residential property as thero is in tho city. Xjunoo 3oojQ uj jsj kxi pup IsoSSjq oqi OAuq oa 'Xjuodoad uudj jo Xjp oSvniqoxo jo ips 'Xnq noA djoq oj qudm oaa Oregon Investment Co. ELMER. NISWONGER Wall Street, Bend, Orogon. Music Pours out of the hern Of the COLUMBIA GNAPHOPHONU exactly as It wrnt Into the rcarj. Band, orchestra, vlulln, flute, piccolo, piano, banjo, Ulli , cornet, clarionet, trombone, 'cello, speech or tinging voice, solo or enumlle every note and tone U dear and smooth. Good reason why the machine Is perfect. Let us pUy tbo "UN" Columbia Graphophonc foryoatorroTelt. If yon bny yon piy lutt SSS.tO or llie compiris outfit with pecdlrs and rrrordi. i-'siy terms If ynu like. Olkcr outtlu Iruia $30 to I0. BSSS&''?SBIBIBIBIBf XSbvV 9 l SISBSBH?(2jBWP9ijft4sjSKw I Red Cross Drug Store $ t .. ... t rrt I Heard Here ana mere : Because the nut crop in Oregon this season promises to Ik? n rectinl breaker, the wise weather men pre dict n very hard winter. A government surveying party has established the fact that the wntera of Crater Ijtke are rising three Inchos even year. At this rate it Is ostlmnted thnt in about 4000 years the lake will spill over its sides antl flood Oregon. How ever, doubtless steps will be taken by the national conservation exjierUi before then to avert the catastrophe. It is ofltimnted that in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montann and California each year timber Is de stroyed by fire to the value of $10,. 000,000. Unlike other firos, as when San Francisco burned, this moans a dead local loss; for in the Snn Francisco disaster the loss was distributed over tho untiro country by the payments of tho insurance companies. Reports from the Forestry Ser vice of the United States govern ment indicate that tho elk of Oregon are rapidly becoming extinct. Thero are less than 300 animals within the boundaries of the state at this time. Notice or Sale of Stock (or Unpaid As. sesiments In the Fall klvcr Irri gation Company. TO WHOM IT MAV CONCKKN; lie It known that, under and by virtue of a resolution of tliellosrl of Directors of Tli- Walt lllvrr Irrhi.tloil Cnmnllll V. duly made anil adopted, the said The l'all River irrigation lompany, win, on the iHlh day of September, loll, at the Company's office at the residence of M. J, Main, in Crook County, sell at public auction the fallowing portion of its stock for delinquent and unpaid asseiimeuts due thereon, towit: As. .liar... .uhirrllifil tiv trilltl 1'efers. due on same f 6-4 35 160 shares, suutcriu t-il by Roiterl w. Dowser, mie on same $10,35. no shares, suhscrilieil by A. I. UIiip, dm. nn .uttii, iic ic ario shares. subscribed by O. I', I'ersous, due on same rau.07. This notice Is ordered published In The Ilend Ilulletin, a newipxper pub- ll.li.il In tin. nclulilmrluioil i I .aid Com. panv, for the period of thirty days. Dated this lth clay of August, 191 1. TlIK I'Att KlVKR lUKIOATION COMI'ANV Ily M. J. MAIN, I'ttlKlellt. tyjj Attest: A. D. LIJWI8, Secretary. SI'ECIAL MEETINGS. On Sunday, Aug. 120, u series of special meetingH will Ihj lK-gtin at the Baptist church. Ilev. J. M. Hupp of Kettle Falls, Wash., will bo the evangullst. We Invite all to come nnd henr an able, earnest HjKtaker and to co-operate in the ef fort. ('. M. Cijnb, Acting I'astor. Take Notice. As I am retiring from lnmlneM. all those who owe me money plea' make settlement Iwforu the first of the month, and creditors preunt their bills for settlement. I am selling out everything in my store nt cost and Im'Iow owt, Hurry and pick up the bnrgnini. JOHN MM AT. Bend Hardware Co. GUNS REVOLVERS AMMUNITION We carry the largest and best . stock In Central Oregon. What's the use of picking out a gun in a catalogue and waiting two to four weeks, and run the chance of being disappointed with It. We have them right here in the store and can fill your order Immediately. Come In and look them over. All makes, the latest models, and all calibers. U. M. C. AND WINCHESTER AM MUNITION. THE BEST BY TEST. I PLUMBING NHD0 Work Promptly Done and Ouaruutced 1'lrst Class. Bend Hardware Co.