The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 16, 1911, Image 7

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If you have, did you havo a proper
location blank? If you intend to,
you will need location blanks.
Wo have just printed a largo sup
ply of quartz
Notice of Location
In a fow days wo shall havo on
solo copies of
The Mineral Laws
national and state -how t o
stako claims, file, etc., and gives
tho subject matter of all forms '
used in connection with mining,
such as location notices, proof of
labor, proof of posting, proof of
ownership, etc., etc.
is fully treated, together with
Simple Assay Methods.
The book contains a lot of valu
able information for prospectors
and miners. Samplo can be seen
at this office. ORDER YOUR.
COPY NOW so that you will bo
sure to got one when tho book
arrives from Washington, D. C.
Legal Blanks of
AH Kinds.
Originated In Galveston Eleven
Years Ago,
How It Rtbullt ths Town. ComtrueUd
th 84 Wall, rWitortd Credit ind
Ocortd Ouch Syccsit That It I
Noyv Spreading Throughout th Land.
AmiThuii" nr lotiji aiiRerltiK under
hum-, but wlirn (tic limit la niicbHl
ftliry tu Jiflrr (tie vvll wlltiuut itlores.
Our tounli lul KutrruiufiilN present
CUN III JmjIuI. For lO'iii'rntlous we
rWiulli of Ntw Form of Oovsrnmint
Uniformly favorabla.
Tlie tmvnrjIliK inim-m of Hie Ofll
vcsloii or i.'t-H II ill in il,ii of city (rot
crtiuieiil tins iM-fii mi iriiii"iiiit,'(l n til'
most lo i-liiilleuvi MIW 1 1 we ore tlie
iiclinil ri'Miiil of u ft'W cities:
jlotu i-Hlur.-C'uiiiiiilHHliin plnn In ef
fort 11'.'. The llrM yeur"s report
slmwwj nil 1)111" ild mill u reduction
In luc city tlt-bt of JIH.UUH It la claim,
fd t rut f the romla mid streets liarc liven
loiter kept nt W.uuu '" annual ex
peui'e. The city txokkwiliiK Una been
reformed, nnil tlir commissioners point
lo ii riilm-Uoti In Ihe eipwum of coring
for puliiU property. II U atlll too enrly
to dfiiinud ujuvti lu the way of taucl
hie rvHiilta.
Ilmerlilll.-Cotoml'slon plan In ef
fect lu Jl. The drat yeara report
under the new plnn showed sarins
of i7.tK0 lu runnlna ripen. "hen
We Iinvc the largest stock of Weill Paper
in Central Oregon.
From 10c to 50c ii roll.
Wc want your orders. Come in and sec
our patterns.
Skuse Hardware Co.
lime Mood their rotteiilinta, llieltlcletj.
cy. icrariliiK nud OKrm-e. .Now they I ttJr comwlaalou took hold the financial
are iMioiuliijf o lam we run pur up , .,., . th. .. . terr bad. jt
with lliein no louver. I he result la
thai ure t-rutlli'iitliiK 1 1" "Id Ay
leu) root mid tiruut Ii mid sulisiltuiliiic
therefor Hip iiiiiiiiiIkhIdii plan of jtov
ermui'iit. The old mlii'ine hud K't
Dual the nieiidliiK Ixiliit. It hud 'Ih-
had reiicnrrt loth Ita debt limit and
Mi rule limit mid wu ateudtly falling
behind In Hh payments. Appeals were
belnx winile to the leirtalature for an
exlenlti of the Ini rule limit, hut
mine nunc)! ouiIh-! with wurU mid , ,n( (.itenl(in im now Itcmine unnec ,
pnrlUnli Milllin, To onrwltea It wiia
n icprniich to other niiiltiiis n xliitiUIni:
Joke. It una ii I'olllhlliiillnii of lillil
limn) mid lllnky Dink. The expo-aiili-M
III HI. I.011K full I rum lo.
ritlMlilliK Hint elat'Uhi'le olll N-rilli-li
- the urtincv It mii time fur a
Ueve ihill. uml the new ili'ill hua mine..
Now tin- rlllc Of Ilic fill ire lund ure
, eawiry. In nildlllmi the rlty tins voted
, no tlr'iie. the reteinie tnun the na-
loons lM'in no longer milled. The
' olMlllloll hlia Ix-ell fl t--1 1 1 1 1 1 wc a hlK
, buttle nculii't the KO" mid electric
tliitit monoM)ii,"4 in ndtiiln iwor r.m-
lor the elty nnil for priviite i',inutucra
nnil tin- ohtnllied from I tie ixwiple per-
..m.... .. ..m i..inli jlli.a In lifiailaa I ....
....m.K .-. ". ....-.... .. . mN.n , t,l)n lo miinlripni owner- m
III iry nil IIIW eomiiiliwioii ajiein. I mi...... w.i fierce
Wherever l.muur...eU It ha, work.-d I ""I' lf n"?- " r" w"'nl0'"
like n charm lierylMly la h.ippy , N.llilcnI .alilon Co the i.inul-lon
oer II exiept the nroteaaloiiiil iHJlltl- ut the eiplrailnn of Ita Oril terra, but
china mid the crufterH.
It win. reelected Party linen In liar
The roiiiiiiiaalou form of cnreruiucnt rrtilll. which waa foruielry a tlrpulillc
In Aiuericn la only u irtfie more Ihun an r,r ,.,. M.U i-oniple'eiy broken.
ten yeiira old. It atnrted III U'W no a
reanlt of the Unlveatoii DikmI. HoaliiK'
KerlliK wna the cutuatruhe that the
old form of h'ot eminent waa unable
lo meet the crlala Aldermuu Mcilaa
tcr roKHed that the coutuU realpi In
a body and call In hualueaa men and
experta to deal with the eitruurdlnary
tliuallon, Thla was done. A commit
alon of dvo waa formed, two of Ihem
elected by the pmple aud three np-
The comnilMlnn conlat of two lem
ocratf, two Kepubllcaui and a (Social.
Cedar Haplda, la.-Commlaalon plan
In eOect In 11WS. The commUalon hah
reduced the tax rate and the debt,
while tnaklne certain but Improve
ment, auch a the acquirement of a
blir laland In the river out of current
XIK-naert.lliatead Of tHJUd Im-tlca, Jbe
he aupwrne court devldcd that ll)e baudaome pnric "n ,"r"I2
k-ovemor had no riRbi to appoint. And wlh ,,r"uM,fu ' l" Zl
all (be rauimtaiunm were elc-.ed. y an exjiert The ,a.ce and Ore de-
I'rlor to the liurrknue mid tidal wave pnrtmeut forcea have been enlarccd
that i nearly anepi her off the map j al, "" r-ucea mi rrne.
(JiilvcKtcm hud the uxunl dNcouriiclui:
bUiury of miinli'lpiil mli:oteriiiueiit
Aa a reaull ahe wna lu debt, her bond,
were below wr and her ireaaury on
thn rertrv of bankruptcy. Under the
l'iivenworth. Kan.-Oominlaalon plan
lu effect In IW. The rninuialon ha
reduced the bonded ludeblednena by
firj.UTJ. while the tax rate hua rc
mittiH'd atntiouary. Knntaa la a pro-
Life Insurance.
I You need some form of Investment that you can realize
on when everything else ffocs wronjr.
II Your family will need it, because when you have passed
from this world of money troubles they will still have to
fiKht those troubles. Give your family, while you can,
, the best of all weapons to fiRht with INSURANCE ON
Ill The chances are that you will not have enough proiwrty
to keep your family in comfort. Probate records show
that loss than one business man in ten leave their family
IV When you take an old line policy you have immediately
created an estate of $1,000. $6,000, or whatever the
amount mny be. You can lose all your property and still
leave your family in easy circumstances.
V Your banker will tell you it is the easiest and surest way
of creating an estate for your family or an income for
yourself in old age. '
IV In taking out insurance you should select the strongest
and best company possible. Safety is the main feature.
The Mutual Life of N. Y. is undeniably the strongest com
pany in the world. Compard our policy with that of any
other company and we are sure you will take a Mutual
Life policy.
communion ayatem the city was re- , hlbltltm alale. but Leavenworth had
i.niii iii.. ri..Ni u.r..rni f.t. ilu. nlwnya detlcd the law mid nllowed the
atreela reiKired. n retaining aen wall wUouna lo extut, aubject to periodical
con-irucled. the debt cut down, ex- Bnei which broucht In SMi.UiO a year
lieiidlturca kept within the revenue. The commliudon closed the wiloona and
elty employee paid In citah. bun,l dlMMiwl of thla lllepal revenue with-
brouEht to a preniluni. airti-la kept out dlaturblnK Ihe tax rate. OverJ-tK).-
chillier, aaiiltntlou Improved, urtlixina W waa apent In aneclal improvement
kepi out of the realdeiice dlatrlita. rll- " Orat year na nKainat nu uvcroiw oi
suriixx) iii previou yeara. in ine urai
two yean under the uew aymem alx'
mllM of atreet were paved a npnlnt
twelve ml Id In the precedlni: twenty
five years.
7r- i! . i !. i .
tlra bmilnhcd from the city hall, public
puuhlluj; nbolNhed. civic aplrlt awak
ened mid n coudlllun of harmony and
pnerliy Im'kuii auch na (Jnlventou had
neer before known, lu other wurtla.
the uew government did Utter lu the
face of the calamity Ihun the old had
done lu UtucM of tranquillity. One inot
alKiiltlcniit fuel Ii that. dcMpltc the ex-M-iidliureM
required lu rebuild, ralae
mid proi.vt the city. Ih? tax rate wna
kept down lower than that of any
laree city In Tex in.
To ahuw I Ik- coutraat between the
old OnlvciOiti pivenimeni and tho
new, public Improvement had atopKd
under the former "rliii; rule" aud
public biilldlUK" were di'lerlorntlnc
tlimuc-a nerc cultii; behind at an nver
nee of fKm.lHiO every year, city em
ployee, IticludltiR even Mioaltcncheni,
were (wiltl In acrlp. and Hie iHitai-a. who
were emu Ine rich, had auch n prlp It
wna ImiKiialble to ahnke them loooe.
All Unit la now chaiiptt, The tlnat
Iiir debt Ima Uhmi retired, a atukliiR
fund aturleil. public luiprovementa are
colnit forward, bllla are uild In caah
when due, mid I lie political laiaaea
have iKM'ome uiipleiimiut memorlea.
Hint theae aud other benellivnt r
ults are due to the comniWalou y.
tern of Government la proved by tho
fact that other rltlea adnpilm; the
commlHxIon plan have had it like ex.
I'nder what came to be known aa the
Onlvealou plnn enrh of (he commla
alonera took charge of no me branch of
tho city Roveriitnent. For thla he was
rciponillile to tho coiuuiIknIou aa a
whole mid to the people. Ko succeaa
ful was the ayatem lu the city of Its
orlcln that other muiilclpiilltlea In all
part a of tho land begun to study It
with Interest.
To one who does not believe In uni
versal pan a cons nud cure-alls the
working out of the coiiiiiiIhhIoii form
of government Is little leas than mar
velous. It has agreeably suqirlnod
both Its friends mid enemies, la It
the long looked for Holuilmi of our
municipal government problemat' An
unqualified iiillrmntlve iiuswor Is al
most too good to bo truu, nud It Is
too early to go that far, yet the more
ono studies what has actually been
accomplished uuder tho new system
the mora enthusiastic bo .grows. My
own prediction ts that aa soon as tho
bulk of American cities real Ire Just
what has been achieved In tho com
mission towns there will bo such a
scramblo to mnko the experiment for
thomielvos that It will result In a vlr-,
tual municipal revolution. )
How th Galviton Plan Cltintd Up
8itr Txi City.
Following lislvdtou and flouatou.
the city or lullu look up the commit
kIou form ut covernmeut and made It
so completely democratic that Its ene
mies charged ll with being "Hipulls
lic." Dallas liicortMirutetl Into Its cha,
tcr the Initiative, the referendum nnd
the recall. That the ucjwr form of gov
erumeiit has worked well lu the four
years It haa lniu In operation In Dal
las U shown by some of the results.
A Hunting debt of K'.iiT.poo was .Inher
it ml trum I he old regime. This has
been wxi out completely, and the
sinking fund required by law eatnb
llihetl At I be end ut the lnt (Wcnl
year they contained $117,000. From
thla ll will tie seen that lu Icri than
four years the hnvluga of the city have
amounted to sikVt.nou. lu IPCS the
pruilts of the city waterworks system
amounted to JUMUiui, and thene protlts
are being a well til with each succeed
lug year.
The forward strides of the city have
been so rapid under the qulckeulng lu
tin en re of good government coudlllons
that Dallas aud the county In which
it la lomted are preparing to build the
largest coucrvto viaduct In the world
at ii cost of several million dollars, A
bond Issue of $1.3(X,000 has been au
thoring by the people for public Im
provements, nnd n well developed pro
gram for the physical development of
the city has been laid out. A new
sewerage system Is being undertaken
and Dallas citizens nro preparing for
mother doubling of population lu the
Itvade ahead.
Tho city hall finds many opportuni
ties to make Its lutluence for greater
things count lu Indirect ways. It was
desirable that n uew municipal build
ing be erected, and to do this it was
Uecesviry to dispose of the old one
kjo the mayor aud the commissioners,
co-operatliig with the chamber of com
merce, Interested some St. Louis cap
Itallots In a hotel proposition and land
ed n new II.OUO.OOO hotel. They, sold
the uld city ball and made a new one
possible all In a single deal, At the
samo time they were trying to secure
ttn location of a great' Methodist uni
versity at Dallas, and lo this o they
were successful.
Table always supplied with the best that the town affords.
Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Bknd, Okkcon
Trees now growing in our Nursery on the south side of Powoll
Buttes. Ready for fall or spring delivery.
Apples, Pears, Plums and Cherries.
Also Currants, Gooseberries and Red Raspberries. All selected
for hardiness as well as quality. PRICES REASONABLE. We
have had 30 ears experience in fruit growing in various parts of
Central Oregon. Our buyers profit by this experience. For par
ticulars visit the nursery, or address or phone .
JIh IiffnllptTP Nnrsprv rnmnanv. Prlnp.vHIo. Ori
MV Mvwww WV . v m w w m - m - .,
Adjoins Bend on the south.
Most beautiful residential sec
tion in Bend.
Also Some Choice Business Lots.
Timber Lands Bought and Sold.
Subscribe for The Bend BuHetin$1.50 a year. Attractive
premium offers and clubbing rates. ! ,r