- r "Clear Your Shelves SUMMER GOODS" OF ALL --I told Air. Bennett yesterday that August 15th wns the time limit on ;ill Summer Goods that he hud to make room for his Pall and Winter Goods. Me asked mu what profit I wanted on the goods and I told him that I wanted the room on the shelves, not the profit. He brought me a list of n few Items as a sample of the prices he wanted to put on the en tire line and when I saw the prices he had made I realized that he had followed instructions to the letter -he certainly had forgotten all ubout profits. Me said "If these prices dont move the goods we had better put them out in the warehouse until next spring. I don't believe we will have any to put away. A. Al. LARA. "SHELF CLEANING PRICES." MEN'S PANTS. MEN'S SHOES. KAHKI PANTS Three colorH, culT bot tom or plain, belt loops, nil "Ires, t 1 1 IT per pair P NO. 309Kuiuiia calf, cap, blu cher. A Rood heavy dressy shoo. $3.10 KAHKI PANTS-Hcnvy twill otherwise luimu a nlwvo, jwr pair $1.65 NO. 436 Patent chrome, cap, hlucher. of the very Ixmt made. ' Shelf clearing" jirlco One $3.90 EN0LISH FUNSTON-A ft finish "drwwy" work punt, culT bottom, tfl K boltlHiw, per pair pj.U HEAVY WHIPCORD-Thestrongostnnd Initt wearing pant made. Nothing C?0 1C better nl any price. Per pair tpaV.vr NO. 502-ItUMia calf, hlucher nifty shoe for good dretwer. Per pair oxford. A $3.10 ENGLISH CORDUROY-Dnrk tan, culT bottom. Iell loopa. half peg top. tfl ftC A good l"nt. Per pair PVJ STRAW HATS. Conformable Shape A lyit thnt is as com fortable and fit like n Hoft felt. A tf y C very nobby hat for good d resworn JawJ KAHKI COATS-Throe K,cket.. o r detachable buttons, double felled sins. P '' All LAN STRAW -Shower proof, has over cord and pearl button, wide brim, n very iopular style this summer $2.25 Kahkl Norfolk Jackets A verry nobby coat for outing. . .. $1.90 Young Alan's Hat j umbo braid, wide navy blue band -nobby $1.85 FREE SHINES. We will give tickets good for C shines nt Nye's Shining Parlors with every pair of shoe sold for f H.OO or more. (We can give you how; and tie to mutch your hat band a swell combination.) For the Elderly Gentlemen A split straw, snap brim, II U like a soft fait. Just the hat for the man who can't wear u stllf brim $1.80 ABSOLUTELY CLOSING OUT Our Entire Line of MaBMHMMMBaaaaaBlaaalaBaaa(iBaaaaaHaBaaMaaaaMaaaaaaaaaBaaaaMaBaaBBaaaaaanaaaMaWSiaaaaMaaw Crockery, Tin and Glassware. -.You are not doing yourself justice If you do not get our prices on the above goods. At the present time our assortment is complete. Buy now and get what you want. Just as soon as we can make the room we are going to put in two lines of goods that will be a surprise and delight to the ladles of Bend. In order to do this our CROCKERY, TINWARE AND ENAA1ELWARE A1UST GO. "THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES.1' BITS ABOUT TOWN. MIrs Evn Groves loft Monday for Portland. William I-Aiverenz of Sister was In Bond Monday. HM Hosh has gone to Salem, where ho will work with the Murlon Hotel. W. E. Guorln loft Saturday for Sandusky, Ohio, to bo gone two weeks. Emll Anderson has secured patent from tho United Stutes for nwtf ecc. 12.17-11. Mrs. George A. Jones wns In Bend over Sunday, coming in with Mr. and Mrs. F, F. Smith. Dr. P. H, Denccr is ngaln nround nftor being laid up several weeks wlth'lumbago. Mr. and, Mrs. L. M. Toiler left Monday by auto for Portland nnd Eugene to visit relatives. Mrs. Ada B. Milllcnn, of Mllllcan, was In Bond Sunday on her way to tho Centennial at Astoria. A. V. Muchmoro of Portland, brother-in-law of S, II. Snyder, is spending his vacation in Bond, Mrs. John Taggart, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nonnoy nnd P. II. Blossom returned last week from a trip to Crater Lake, Mrs. Henry L. daughter returned Whitsott nnd Friday from Jcmo Stearns of Portland was & Bend visitor last week. Iloscou Howard returned from Portland Monday evening. Mrs, L. C, Fleming Is confined to her home on account of illness. J. B. Morson returned to Ln Pino ilast week from Portland and Salem. J. H. Haner and family of Prine vllle were Sunday guests at the Hotel Bend. Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Lewis were down from their up-river home stead today. Felix McCarthy returned yester day from a vacation trip to south central Oregon. W. S. Tuttle, n rancher of Spo knno, Wash., was In Bend last week on a buninetM trip. C. A. BaMoy and wife were in town last week from their home stead near Held. Harold Bowman returned Mon day from Alaska, where he has been for several months. Judge J. A. Wilson returned Sot unlay from a week's businoM trip to Walla Walla and Pendleton. Floyd Dement and Dr. B. Ferrell left Friday for Lake Odell for an outing of several weeks. Tho telephone system is being ex tended In Park Addition. A number of iK)les are being put In on Front street. 0. 0. TIcknor of Portlond, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Taggart, Is in Bend on a visit, having arrived Thursday. Sutherland & Mcintosh arc In stalling plate glass windows at A. j L. French's clothing store on Ore gon Street. Mrs. Ida Davis of Portland and the Misses Grace nnd Hazel Bayn of Powell Butte are visiting Mrs. Wil liam Arnold. Miss Ethel L. Thomas of Salem, who has been a guest of W. P. Vnndevert nnd family, was in Bend Sunday on her way home. Mrs. J. T. Smith and her daugh ter 1-rancoa of Tacoma arrived Sun day. The Smiths own 40 acres of irrigated land east of town Capt. nnd Mrs. John C. Young nnd son Harvey, who have been ; visiting Mr. and Mrs. George S. Young, left today for Seattle. Fire was discovered In the Tag- ' gart home at noon Thursday but J was put out before doing any damage. It caught from a Hue. I Russell Catlin and James H. Linn were guests nt the Pilot Butte Inn , last week, having come in from Salem to look over their Pilot Butte ranch property. I A. T. Frame wns In from his homestead in the Hampton Valley ' last week. He has 70 acres cleared and plowed, all of which he Intends to seed this fall. 1 Thomas E. Gray and John Dickin son were In from Whltnkor Friday for a load of lumber. , Thy report ed good rains over the homestead country recently. Mrs. William Market, who has been visiting her daughters several weeks, left Monday for her home in Illinois. She will stop otf in Mon tana to visit friends. J. W. Stephenson of Baker is in Bend on business in connection with the estate of B. B. Bakowski, the photographer who lost his life at Crater Lake last winter. Prof. J. B. Shouse, principal of the High School, arrived in Bend Thursday. He was accompanied by his wife and their little girl and his sister, Miss Kara Shouse. II. B. Gould returned Saturday from Crane Prairie, where he was for several days with A. M. Pringle and H. A. Miller. The two latter have driven to Crater Lake. ! Mr. nnd Mrs, L. H. Roberts were In Bend last week, after driving across the mountains from Eugene and joining their daughter at n camp on tho lakes, to the south, i Misses Iva West nnd Anne Markel left monday to attend the Astoria Centennial. They will bo gono ten days or two weeks, spending part of the timo visiting in Portland. Mrs. Wilson. Miss Cornelia Wil son, Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Allen, Miss Dwrlnir nnd J. T. Rntilnsnii .Ir. nrn Since tho rain tho city has been on a week's camping trip near Dan doing considerable street Improvo- Hcising's ranch on the Metolius. ment work, leveling up portions of 1 ., . , .. ., Wall Street, Effcctivo yesterday, the Millicnn . , , , , I nostoflko, which was served from Tho dance Saturday night was , Bend, was discontinued. Tho pat well attended and the orchestra ronago was small nnd no one could cleared a goodly sum. Tho music be secured to servo ns postmaster, fbr tho evening was splendid. I ,, , , , ,, ... , ... , . rrlday ovonlng Mr. nnd Mr. A. B. Gertson. Miss Mabel Gert-' jnck Arnold er.ter:nined n large son nnd Miss McCulley of Tumnlo number of young peoplo at their were In Bond ovor Sunday, coming homo, tho chief feature of the good In for tho Saturday night dance. time being music Jn which nil took Tho O.-W. R. & N. Co. has Issued part. a very attractive booklet concerning I J, C. Baxter, COnStrUCtIrn engi rt.. ''DAIinrl TT. fn l.k I.aI.1 nt ' nnn lltn A&.An H.inl. DntlntMii Pendleton on September 14, 16 and accompanied by his wife and Mr. IB. a Are You Rich? j Unless You hnve more money than You need, ? It will pay You to Tnkc Advantage of the many t Remarkable Bargains offered during our IIAR- T VEST SALE. This SALE opened last Saturday J with n greater Vim than we had expected and many Availed themselves of the Opportunity to t Buy Good Goods at n notable Saving to their t PocketbookB. Our HARVEST SALE is now J running Full Blast. Seize This Opportunity. 2 A Big Special Every Day. An extra Big Special will be offered every day during this Sale. Watch our show windows. J GIVEN FREE Beginning next Satur- day, we will give free a child's handkerchief with oy,ery pair of children's stockings pur- chased of us. Roxoes Store j &CEXT WOOIl TO POSTOFFICE, BEND X "The Same Qoodt for Leu Money." X 1 was here Friday on their way to Crater Lake. The Ice cream social given by the ' Christian Endeavor Society on the 1 Hudson lawn last Wednesday after noon and evening was a success, about $15 being cleared by the young people. N. K. Henderson, accompanied by his wife, was here Friday from Anacortes, Wash., staying at the Hotel Bend. Mr. Henderson is a timber man and was looking over Central Oregon. A timely picture that was enjoy ed by n Inrgc crowd was shown at the Star Theater Saturday night, entitled "The Law of the West." It depleted a mining scene and was most picturesque. The August issue of Patterson's Oregonian, with a sea serpent and a pretty girl on tho cover and plenty of clever reading matter within, has been placed In the hands of Mr. Patterson's many patrons. The Pine Forest Irrigation Com pany is building two flumes between the Griffin mill and the McGIIlvray place. With the completion of these water will be carried to the eastern terminus of the main canal. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bristol, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Grisby, Miss S. Gor ton and Ed Joronsen composed a party of autoists who stopped In Bend Thursday en route from Port land to San Francisco in two Pierce Arrow cars. Creed and Carlyle Triplett have left Bend, the latter going to southern Oregon, the former to Eugene. Cariyle's family accom panied him. but Creed's will remain here until Mr. Triplett Is perma nently located. Miss Ida Sidnor of Fremont, Neb., Miss Martha Sidner of Omaha and C. C. Sidner of Nickerson, Neb., are visiting Mr. anil Mrs. A. C. Lucas. Miss Martha will remain in Bend, having been elected primnry teacher In the Bend school. Miss Ida nnd Mr. Sidner will be here for several weeks. MH1G MILL SIDING SAW IS PUR-CHASED Lath Miking Plant Added to Equip. ment of Bend Company's Saw Mid Plan to Manufacture Five MIlV lion Feet of Lumber for Yard. C. M. McKay, manager of the lumber department of The Bend Company, went to Portland Friday to arrange for the purchase of a siding saw, which will be installed in the company's mill as soon as possible. This will enable the local mill to turn out the best of siding. Another important addition to Uje mill's equipment is a lath-making plant, most of the machinery for which already is on the ground. As soon as this can be put in operation the company will be able to turn out 30,000 lath a day, says Mr. Mc Kay. Extensive logging is being con ducted; for the present, while the river is somewhat low, all logs be ing brought to a point just above the mill pond on trucks. The crew in woods and mill numbers about 70 men, and the mill is sawing about 30,000 feet a day. Approximately one million fet of lumber Is on hand in the yards, and it is the company's Intention, according to General Manager Averill. to accu mulate nt least five million feet of seasoned lumber, sonic of which, probably, will be shipped to eastern markets. Tho Bend Water. Light & Power Company has published its schedule of prices for day current. Prinovlllo where Uhey visiting several weeks. had been and Mrs, C, M, Nye of Portland, 1 OUR PIANO CONTEST AND A FEW CANDIDATES WHO ARE OUT TO WIN THE VALUABLE PRIZE. Miss Cornelia Wilson Miss Iva West Miss Margaret WIest Allss Hattle Dickey Miss Bessie Main Miss Olga Johnson Airs. E. J. Merrill Secure your votes at Thompson's or Lara's with each 10c cash purchase. I will give double amount of votes on WALL PAPER to Introduce my new stock for next thirty days. EJITHOMPSON Fine Furniture High Grade Pianos. "Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty." Wall Street, Bend, Oregon. XxSmsC4C& "The Store of Better Values." ess .