nl THE BEND BULLETIN An independent uevrtpaper, Handing for the MUAre deal, clean boslntrt, ctemi politic, ami itie bett inteteaU ot Bend nd Central Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATKS: One ytitMwiNwiw Mi montht Thtrt month-.. ...... (toratUbly In advance.) r ' 'Ttt- : ...,....$I.J ......... ao ...m. .y WEDNESDAY, AUG. 1(1. 1011 IMPERTlMlNrQUIiSIION NO. 8 Does almost one inch of rain fall in a few hours in early August sound much like a "sent! arid" country? According to reports received from other towns on the west side of the county there seems to be a probability that the plan of sending representatives from this territory to appear before the board of tax equalization in October will be put in operation. This year there has been not a little complaint to the cfTect that the west side is being forced to bear an unjust portion of the county takes. In an effort to remedy this alleged partiality it is proposed that the west siders tret together and place their contentions before the board. The idea is an excellent one. It cannot but result in a better understanding all around of the county's tax situation a matter which at present seems to be somewhat unsatisfactory. An honest man is said to be one whose misdeeds are not discovered; a fact which almost-ex Representa tive Lafferty probably knows, to his sorrow. The trouble with LaiTerty is that he was caught ret! handed, apparently both in deed and subse quent unsuccessful attempt to lie out of the consequences. While doubtless many as bad as the Ore gon congressman will remain in Washington, undiscovered in their backsliding, the fact remains that Lafferty's political career seems to have reached a dismal finish. The Portland Oregonian, with considerable ingenuity, is endeavor ing to tie a tin can to the political tail of Wood row Wilson, to scare off votes. The can in question is that historic campaign remnant. Ne braska's Peerless One. But Bryan is too dead an issue to be able to keep near enough to a live and ably enterpriaing gentleman of Wilson's calibre and ability to be in a posi tion to damage his presidential chaneiH. despite mental sweating of such Tsftonlan organs a the Port land ,mnr. The hi rain Monday, as usual, turned th? south end of Wall Street Into a duck pond. During several wintor months it will remain more or Iom submerged, in all probability, just a it diJ last year, while folks who live in the Deschutes district and in Park Addition either have to take out licence as deep sea pilots or make long detours to get home. Might it not be well to arrange to drain tliU pond site oil, down Cali fornia Street? Before the useless and wasteful tisk of raning the battleship Maine b entirely completed and all bills arc paid doubtless the tax payers of this ixitriulic land will wish to substitute the phrase "Forget the Maine" for the newspaper battle cry of Spinlah War times. FOttMfiK GOITOR LIKGS BEND. George R. Stephens of Oklahoma City, formerly a newspaper pub lisher of (he Middle West, arrived in Bend la t week to look over in vestment opportunities. He has traveled extensively the last two years, having been in every State in the Union except two. He said he was very favorably impressed with Bend and would probably purchase bath business and residence property here. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Smith and their son Lawrence returned Satur day from ujpng auto trip, having visited WillamfitJey alley points and Portland. iMrs. Smith went to Belitngham on a visit, while Mr. -v Smith Bicnt Goiaeri Poatch week x at 'Seattle. " Hep. Hop It anticipation. It U an In bcrent feeling In mankind and n dlrne protlaton for the uatcatatlon of In tcrwt In Ufa Hopo I a chord which trlkm ptcBMint doflltva for the future; It I erery one'a aunahlnc the- rainbow In the Rtortn, the allrer tlnlun to the prwent cloud, a star act In the Oram tuenl of our lltrea. to brighten, lighten and cheer the way and UltTeni In inns;' nltude nnd hrlghtnriw nccordliift to oc casion. Hope la an antidote of misery, a cordial for the depom.ltic nnd n ehnln with tunny links. .Velllo II Mute. Patltnea. There' tin Biunle In n real," Inst I know ot, but there' the .unkttiit of mule In It. And people nrv nlwnra ralilnc thnt pnrt of the life melody, nlway talking of preverntii'v nnd courage nnd fortitude. Inn ptitliwo l the tlneM nnd worthiest pnrt of forti tude, and the rtirvat too. IlU'klti. Doing It Right. "Itnt. my dear. If I tiuy you this powti It will put me $.V In debt." "Only J.Vi: If you are kIUb In debt why not go In like n gentlemnti nnd mnke It a hundred?" Ktlescndo Bint-tcr. Tht Whit Woman' Burdtn. Of course men tin to n lot of tmatt worries, but they don't nnre to enrry a chamois skin and a little satchel around with them wherever they co. Uulvcatou New. I've nerer any pity for conceited people, because they carry their com fort about with tbem.-(!coree Kllot. The firm of Young and Clark has been disbanded, F. B. Clark buying out George S. Young. Mr. Clnrk goes to Prineville. Mr. Young will remain in the same office, on Ore gon Street, where he will conduct the business of civil and mining engineer and surveyor. J. B. Wimer of Tumalo. as agent for the Oregon, Washington & Idaho Finance Co., was fined $50 in Justice Orcutt's court last Wednes day for failing to maintain fish screens in the company's irrigation canals. The complaint of no fish ladders at the dam was dismissed. WHAT THE PAPERS SAY PARTS ULL TAKliN (Prineville Journal) "Among the Breakers" by Bend local talent last Thursday evening did not draw as good a house as the play deserved. It was a good show from start to finish. Every Prt was well taken and two or three in the cast would rank well as pro- fesslonals. At any other time but August, when so many are out of town, the play would pack a house. , PLEASED REDMOND PEOPLE (Redmond Spokesman) The two plays presented here last week by the" Bend Dramatic Co. drew good houses and were well re ceived by the people. Friday eve ning "Among the .Breakers" was played and won such favorable com ment that the company decided to remain over and give another pro duction aaiuruay nigni. nu wie characters in the above play were well sustained and to particularize and olaborate any individual in the cast would be an injustice. "Down in Dixie" was prtwented Saturday night and was as ably handled us the play of the previous evening, and the audience was well pleaded. CREDITABLE PERFORMANCE. (Prineville Review) "Among the Breakers," a two act comedy drama given by a Bend company last Thursday evening, was a very creditable performance and the only regrettable feature about the affair was the phenomenally small house. This unpleasant feature was due to a number of causes, chief of which was the absence of many young men en gaged in haying, and putting the seat prices too high. Wanted Wantkd Trees to pull. Have first class outfit. Soo Uddoll on tho Wilson ranch, Powell Butte. Address, Prineville, Ore. 14tf Wantkd Odtl jobs for Boy Scouts. Address P. 0. Box -14 or 177, Bend. (Signed) Robert Innos, Ted Hoke. tf Pound Takkn Ul' Bald-faced blnck cow, with boll on. Branded J II, Owner can get same by Inquiring of Tho Bulletin. IStf Found A diary note book belong ing to Fred Lund. Owner may have same by calling at Bulletin office. 211 Miscellaneous. Gkt Yotm I.t'Miitiit from the Tine Forest Lumber Co. House lath nnd irrigation lath a specialty. tf Bk Fi'itNlTt'KK Wisk moaning see Millard Trlplett's stock and get his prices. Then you'll buy of him. If you contemplate the purchase of an automobile, investigate the "Oakland" line.-F. F. Smith, local Agent. 15-tf EVKIIY Cl'STOMKlt DKI.UiIITKI) that's an open secret, if they get their furniture of Millard Triplett. -The "Oakland" Automobiles are made in seven dilferent styles of bodies, 'M nnd -10 horse jower. Quick deliveries. F. F. Smith, Agent. G-tf What's That? & Davidson's is shop In town. Of course, Innes the best barber For Sale. Foil Salk Family hack, canopy top, just right for family use. Will sell or trade for good saddle horse, or stock of any description. See C. M. Davis. 18tf For Salk Lady's side saddle. A bargain. Inquire at Bulletin office. Tut: Palm is now sumtliod with quart carry-out tins which wo will fill with ice cream and pack on an hour's notice, for only 50c. 23tf For Sale One new sot double harness, fine condition. One second hand set double hnrness, a bargain. Call at Star Restaurant, Bond St., Bend. 22-2:ip Particular people are always pleased with the service at Innes & Davidson's barber shop. For Salk Bay horse, weight 1050 lbs., 9 years old, price $10. Signed Bend Brick & Lumber Co. Pigs For Sale A few pure breed Durocs also Hampshires of both soxet Lec Davenport, Powell Butte, Ore gon. lGtf No Excuse for not Iwing satis fied with the furniture you buy. Get it at Millard Trlplett's and Ik pleased. For Saw:. ('hoop, most com plete 20,000 capacity sawmill it Crook county. Machinery "II new. Ronton for selling, timlter alt cut out. Write or enquire at Bulletlr office. 7-tf For Sale Ok Trauk Firstcla No. 8 Faultless Stump Puller, witi. cable, for sale or trade for stock Daniel Ltddoll, WiUn Ranch Powell Butt3, Ore. Atldreiw Prine ville. Ore. I Itf For Sale New milch cow with heifer calf by side; one tenn thoroughbred Iiamiltonian mares, CLASSIFIED COLUMN RATES: Pive cent a line for firtt in sertion Id thU column, four cents a line for each subsequent iuicrllon. Count aix word to a line. Lost - Lost Small brown leather hand bag, last Tuesday, on road tatwecn Bend and C. B. Allen's ranch. Con tains lady's toilet articles and glosses. Finder will please return to L. H. Roberts at Pilot Butte Inn, Bend. 23p For Rent. For Rent Four room house. See Joe Innes at Innes & Davidson's barber shop. 22tf J aW'ITH wnTfTliav ttjjenib iur RIVERSIDE AND LYTLE ADDITIONS Ijoia at Small Prices and Easy Payments. Business Property Warehouse Property AH kinds of Farm Property Homestead Locations Fire Insurance. Eastes 2b Bean Realty Co. Oregon Street BEND, OREGON. Wiestoria Addition IN THE HEART OF BEND Only two and a half BLOCKS from the DEPOT site. City Water assured and OTHER Improvements to follow SOON. We are SELLING PULL SIZED LOTS on sixty-foot Streets, with twenty-foot Alleys, at $150. $150. $150. Our Terms Defy Competition $10. PER MONTH $10. This Property Is Selling FAST. Better come In to day and make your selection as the first buyers ALWAYS make the most money, by Kettlnj; the CHOICEST selections. ---Call on or write our RESIDENT manager, H. D. TRUE, Bend, Oregon We also have the choicest list of Improved and Un improved Ranches, and Timber Claims, also Relinquishments. The NewlonKolIer Co. inc. 2 21 UNION STREET, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. age 5 and G" one mare registered under Rule C of National Associ ation, has registered foal by side; one double harness, medium weight; one Studebaker mountain buck board; nos bags, blankets, etc.; one new Lorain six-hole range, with reservoir; 10 hens. Inquire Aune's Barn. 21-23p fining on Camping Trip? Are you going to take your sweetheart and friendti or your wife ami children for an outing? Then takea Imttle of R-PORTKR-thc pur fruit drink. Better and :honpor than Oraim Juice ami only 2c a bottle at THE PALM. 2:itf NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. Unllrd Mai. LaMd Ulftcr, Tkr lull.. Orrjon July l-t'i. t.n I Soil t. hft)r Mn tkt lh N.,rthm t.rl kUlloay Company, ohmr m .,lti. r I tt.-.l. M IVial, MmwmIi, Im. tki H'h il.v ( luly nil tM In InU fW II il. M..n 'a lrct umlrr tkr HtWiM ol Ihr .it ol .'ufiVKx .UXnl July I l,AltDMl v ftKt) il.nHM by th A.I ot C"t. iM"rl My 17 if lh .X . IMIM Tw 4. unih K.Ngv i IU. W M No i, I AHy.Ht .11 fftf claiming fttvrt1y Ihr Ln4 iJkiIi fcf UoiiInkIu jtl ! mwi'f ihr mlH.r.l ch.r.clrr of Ihr Unt or for anyi Ihrr rravra, lothri)iwMl lnnpi4Kr .hi.ul I ' lUr Ikvlr MflMrtl.f tifMHl Ih lh. olficr on or H-toir Ih litMiUt o(Mi(rmUr iii ' y, C W M lilUK K'dLUr NOTICE FOR IMJHLIOATION Hrlllwrnt of Th Inlntrw, V K L.imI OfUc t The 1.1I. O'.Kon. . July IMS i-i I Nutkc l.hrrrliy ylvtH thai Thta I) Inni., hif-r potl-alfirr aiiflrr. u fHrnd. Orroii. lint. in ln n.iiMy oi January, ivii oir in mi. omc iwr.fn lir ntnl ami Nn taA ti, lurrhaw I Ik h!( iwU ardluil ay lou,hl u tulh l.nirlj caat U lllamrllr MrnHian ami the llintwr Ihrmm liwlrr Ihr ptmriaiunaorthr rtofjHnrt ltj, ami acu amcrxtalory anown jl Ihr' rimlirr an.t Mour Uo.'.l wthulm a. mljlil IwAiriltiy appralMitirnl ami that ui.uinl tu audi tHIlloii, Ihr land 'l'l Urn Ixr lliriron harr brrn .pirf.lant, aCfitfuulhr tlmtr nllmatrtl tyi on tioait Irrt a y rrntt lrr M and Ihr I.ihI f 100 thai uiil aplirant talli oiTrllnal firuorin hiiwiI of hla.pi.llciion and worn .Utrinrnluii Inr jaaay ofrwptrmUr, ion. Ufoir II C lillia, V h. Cointululuiirr at hla ofH.-. at ilriid. Orrvon. Any Krwii I. at HUtty to iirotrat Ihla mii chaar l-forr rnlry or a contra! al any unir rriuic airnnaaur. ny nung acorrorKirairii a(Mivlt In Ihta office, alleging facu ailiich aroiiUI dcfral Iht tillfy. rV -'. W. MOOXIt. Krgialcr. ItlJ. WantcJ. Bid wnnteif imtnetllntely for the delivery of 100 cubic yards of dirt or grave', or both, in Park Addition. For particulars inquire at Tho Bulletin olke. 23 tf OiidilarU Mani'h l.anit. located In Crook and I.aku conn tlos. Ranging from $ I, rV) to $8.00 ter acre. Kasy terms. Buy now and get the U-nt'lit of raise in theno hinds. See Kay M( Kay. lil-tf Special Inducement In I'rlcra bits In Rlvorslde and Lytle Ail ditions $10 caidi and $10 a month Hastes & Bean Realty Co. Will Hale May Cheap. I have a good Lightning liny Baler with which I want Im bale i your hay this season. Quick service, Jf gmnl prices. See me at once, II R. Hogue, call or write, care of I Star Realnurant, Bond St . Bend 2'ip ? NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice i hereby kIvcii by the under sIKHciI lliat llc liai maile ami fileil with the cleik of the County Court In anil (or Crook County, Orcuon, her final account at executrix of the K.late of J. I'.ltiMorttl Coleman, ileceaieil, anil that the aalil County Court ha act Monday the 4 111 day of September, 1911, at in o'clock a, m. at the County Court Room In Prine ville in aaiil County at the time ami place for the hearing ami tettletuent of aaiil final Account, at which lime and place, any perton intereateil In talil ettate may appear anil object to tali) Pinal Account and acttlemcut of tald ettate, Dated thlt mil day of Aufjunt, 1911. Mary K. Colhman, Iixecutrix of the ettate of I. I'.liiworth Coleuiau, deceated. V. A. I'OKDSS, Atloniey for Kxecutrir. . 21.15 Closing Out SALE EVERYTHING GOES AT COST MUCH AT Less than Cost ii John Legat HARNESS GOODS. A