I .ri l K HERE'S YOUR CHANGE. More room we must litivc and will close out nil Huts in the store at 25H OFF. nifty iihaowuak on all sizes. :i.00 llaLs for $2.25 $2.ffo lints, for 1.90 $2.00 IlaLs for ... 1.50 ItAROAIN COUNTI5K. Shoes nt Cost every pair to go at the Big Ik-duclion. , jjtajj E. ASATHER The Old Reliable. Bend, Oregon. . NO MORE Freight Troubles The Oregon Trunk Railway is open for busi ness to Opal City, just north of Crooked river. The Jones Warehouse Company (ll!OKUn A. JONIJS of IJcnd, ManaRcr will handle all freight at Opal City.for the railroad. The old Shaniko Moody Ware house system will be employed. Merchants will get their goods promptly and without inconvenience. Oi'Ai. Cm' will be the freight terminus for 1)0 days more. Have your freight consigned in care of JONES Address communications to Rend. r O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET BmMPBBHfMHBnnaKMauBgHBMnantffeMMMH LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Irrigating Lath and Houso Lath A Specialty The IIiiiIkt t ml from tl the lxt In tlieroun try, mill 4)1 miles touthratt ul llciiil. Pine Forest Lumber Coni'y BEND, OREQON The Happy Man Buys His Furnishings at The Men's Toggery. See our line line of Handkerchiefs, Ties, Shirts, Underwear, Hats. LATEST STYLES of Fall Ileadwear now on sale. We also carry Blankets, Bedding!' Trunks, Suitcases, etc. etc. A. L. FRENCH S2TJS2 The Pioneer Wood Yard " w IM "" 1 1 . Has on hand line dry 10-inch mill wood (al ready split for the stove), at Sll.flO per cowl, delivered. Also dry block wood at $4,50 per ' cord delivered. Leave 6rders or telephone O'Donnell Bros. Market. W. P. DOWNING, Proprietor. STUNG.ARRESTED 1 YELLOWJACKETS START TROUBLE k Cillfornla Miner Sets Log on Tire it Plli Traps In Revenue anil ) Arret t ad lly l;lro Warden-Bound Over to the Circuit Court. 1 Daniel II. IjiUimn, n miner from SUkiyou county, California, got Into two klmln of trouble1 liuro thin week, lit) wua employed by the DwchuUw Hydro-Klcctric Power Company, a Portland corporation, . to clear a right of way for a power canal In section 2ii of 210, near tho Fifth Trap. That luml is owned by an other Portland company, of which M. C. Donahue in the head. Mr. Donuhuo npiKmrcd on the ground last Saturday and ordered Iithnm olf tho premlw'H, having CotiHtnblo Lucan present to uiuko an arrest if neccHHnry. It wasn't necoswary, Latham wait not diHjonel to resist, nnd then there wua another good reason. In working on tho right of wny Ijithiim and tho workman with him encountered a higyellowjackct nest. The vigilant insects proceeded to do busineiui with tho disturbers. Iutham built a fire in a rotten log under tho nest und soon tho yellow jackets were homeless. IjUhnm thereupon extinguished tho fire, or thought ho hod done ho, nnd went to work at a point a quarter of a mile away. Returning to camp, near where tho fire had been, 'at noon, th-t men found that the fire had revived nnd was burning brfskiy. They twnt it with brush nnd kicked dirt upot it nnd were just holding tho fire nt n stand-still when Forest and Fire Wnnlon J. B. Curl, who had been taking observa tion for an hour or two, npienred nnd assisted in killing tho fire and then arrested Luthnm for setting it. So he was In custody when Donahue wna there. Mondny Latham was brought be fore Justice Ijtwrence for exnmi nntion, warrant having been served by Suervising Fire Wnrden I Inner, of Prineville. ljitlmm was held to the Circuit Court but released on his own recognizance. He mnde no denial of tho chnrgo against him, though ho did deny harmful intent and alleged that he had taken every reasonable precaution against spread of the fire. Four to II fly milus or hour, "On the High," can be mnde with an "Oakland." F. F. Smith. Agt. Gtf how commission plan Worked in Houston M. W. of A. Pilot Hutte Camp No. 'J7U-I Meet every Tuesday in hall ovor K)St0lllC0. Visiting Neighbors always welcome. C. I. IIimoII, V. C. W. W. Orcutt.-Clork. I. 0. 0. F. Iicnd Lodge No. 218 Reg. Meetings every Monday night Visitors welcome N. P. Welder, N. G. II. J. Fgglcston, Secretary. Deschutes Lodge No, 103, K. of P. Meets every Wednes lay evening at 8 p. in. in Castle Hall, post-office building. Visiting Knights welcome. Elmor NIswongor, C. C. M. K. Knutson, K. II. & S. BUND .ODGR No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on 01 before the full moon of each mouth. Visiting brothers always welcome. H. O. ILLI3. 0c. O. M. neOFIELD, W. M, A 8uoet Datplt the FUtanilon f Otvaral Old Official. Fuortly nftrr tbt rontnlatlon plao of municipal (jonTOHirnt was atru to tar audi n (iroiiouiterd aiiccea In Onlrr. (mi Uie uiiiroy city of IJ0UM011 adopt rl II In uiixJIIIfd form. Tim chlf de parture In lluUNton wan thai tlif tuny or, wlio I iiiih or th llvr rutntnlalur vrx. tvu tnvHii rulario'U authority, lilt power ol himjIi)iiH'IiI mill UletnUxal wo miiilf iiructh-ulljr nupri-me. A re trtclinl form of tin rffi-reutluin mis aUo ii(lnif(l An In (iolvtMlmi. tilt cmiimltwiiiiT wen vlH'h-d from tur rliy nt iiiru't. wlpitut out wsrcl bound iritti, llki'wlni ward Hiiltlcs. 'I'Iim n-Kiin of tliu eMTlmput wax rniilfliiK in Hit extri'iiii'. L'iiUit tliv old tyoi'in llouxiiin I1111I iilmut tin' nr rniK iiiuiiIcmiI KuviTiiiDfiit. The city wns fiilllnu 10 mpi't vsmmim. rlulmo svuliiHt It Im-Iiik iinwked iilwut nt '.'0 Hr wiit illKount. Tlif iipw plnn linn Im-'0 In tone nlwiit four year. Nwir y a liulf nillllou of IndeblHliu-K lm tH't-u uil(i. one nnd oiic-hiiif millions hnve bf'ii lvoird to mtinlclpM lm-pnirciui-ntK, the Ins rnlo tiun Ix-en rf diH',1) II tnlllf) on IIih dnllnr. tho prlco of tin linn bwn broimlil down frutn I,M it thoumind tfft lo Jl.l.'). thv ctwt of nri IlKhU tins tM-rn reduced from Ki to J70 r ymtr. new bridge tinvi Ihm'ii built nnd old onrs Improved, the wutcrworks bnvo Uvu purchuiM'd t) thr city, rlty vivdlt Is n'ston-d. Are protection hiM Ih-vii Improred. thrve new rniMilhuUie lm To txvu built, n dftivii in-n- (Mirk nrni pnrrhnred. the parltiK I iM-itiT. blrk.Tlm; dlnappmrpd from rlty niTiilr. nnd pnwH-rliy nnd pnKrrs n-xulirti. nnd peiierally the ri-HUlt) wen- iik nutlNfaclory uh In ! rrnlon. 'J'IiIk in nil the mure remarks hie for the rtnomn Hint then wiin tit tlo rhniiRe In the permmnei of the city poTeniment. The mayor nnd tmie of Hie rounrllmen, na the rommUnloner fire railed, were continued orer from tbe old reclmo. It wa the new ajrutem. therefure. tout wrought the miracle. NEW AND OLD PUN COMPARED Parallel Column Bhowt Advantage, of Commitiion Syitim. To trnln wime faint notion of the in iwrlorliy of the commlMlun form of rlty ciiTvrnment over th old rn-'ltne of "txHU," ward and purtlaan inlicor enitncnt. Klam-e at n few of tho frs tum of tho two syilema placed side by aide: THE OLD PUAN. TIIR NEW PLAN Oovrtnnicnt bT ciovrrnmrnt by a mayor, mm, minor ilnala compurl com-1-clW- ofllcra and mlitlon tletrd at a d-llln ocltr lara Nnoihtralc eallfU a "council" momca. Each offlrr haa Notxxif they can powrr to block the blamebtilthomMlvra other omcra They If you rumHim. call It "chrcka and No lot motion no balance." Each of- pulllna and haullnc flcf r tlm tha next Conaplcuoua r If you complain eponelblllty Nente a "tan" to Each elrctlr otTJ holit the ramihaekla ccr a ahlnln mark IOKlhr for critlclim. hnce Thr cltli-n haa to emeltlva rnKnlv "Co Into polltlra' at gov-rnni'nU th eacrinc nf hla A ahort ballot. rarolrn power ba- Every clllien eaally tore he counla. maeiera hla Job on Cltlxanahlp le a election day. makra leartieit pr)fe 'on. up hla nven ticket (lovernmant by and knoa what he polltlelane Inalradof la doing. Kovernnirnt by the I'ollilrlane out of pruple oIlRarcliy In- bunnM-noniror trail or UrnHwrary them, I'rlty oUlcrra lrc- No confualon, no tlvr too nwny om- nhecurlly, no eharvca cera elrctlve rceult for raecala to allp 'ns In ambuih bal- through at rlrrtlnn tot. tlma without Ovtac- lloikl offlelala get- tton lltiK no crnlll Noii"rtln ballot Had ofHcUle mfe- Nominatlona all by ly loat In tha ehut- pcililon (1 and KetllnK no perianal blama. The proplr, with out any ntoral rro lutkin or aal-rlrlce o( eirnina powrr. alt ttnn comfortably In the boa cnalr Olhclale give good gotrrnnicnt brcau, thai a the way to keep popular Inltlatlir, referen dum ami recall for emeiKenclea. JOHN OAOHN, I'rop, Ploneerr Soda Factory All Klll.t-V Carbonated Drinks and Ciders WORKS WELL IN SMALL CITIES Splendid Reiulti of Commitiion Plan In Taxai Town. Denlaou, Tex., a fluid 11 kimhI exam pie of the wurklnc ot the iimmlvion plnn of cover n mem In imsll rlty lienlaon ui'd to In- a t.vplcnl fnmtier town, wide open a all oiitdMira II I inserted thiit li wna a Uidly pirertied rlty where- pure nollilert im iiiikimwu Mini where pulille aplrll wn dormnnt Xu atn-et muld lie neU without the oneut of the pniperty owners, nnd a they feureO to truxt iheir fund wth the exUllni.' RuTeruiueut tb atreets went unpHid, When leu:nn pl n rh-nee to any whether It preterred 11 rtintlnunilun ot tbe old x.VHlcm nr the lutillltilim of a new one the verxlUi win hi mite In fa vur of the "hunj-e. The tli-m thliiB dne wiix tu -li-i't triii win thy men tn uiuiiiii;e the HfTiilrx of llie city, The I wnkeued pulille aplrit lie vim 10 nbuw I -elf In nil kind nf plnn for liupiove t nt The wide oieu element left '.uvu under the oleiut city n-clme, the iri'ts were Hived. a elf iipinlii tminiclpMl wilier nyMtem wn eeiiihllh !. Hnd In other wny the citlxena pnived Hint I hey cuilil in like a ihmkI iirernuient when the werv permlttel to ue the pnper kind of ninelililery In )eiilm h In nenrlv nil oihei hihsII tltt. ilier' niv only tlnet rnuiiiilioiou rTS. one of wlioiu J(eiD the title ot mayor nnd.lrnVs n nlar,v of ,m Whilev t'tje litlier JWOKei.- fl.fti'O eni-li All other ntlU'litl nre rhnen by the rommhwlnu. helnit nominated hylhe mayor, und couUruieU bj ti rvnole Tinning and Plumbing OAS FITTING HOT AIR, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING ROOFING, aUTTERINO, SPOUTINa, CORNICE AND SKYLiaiJT WORK. r Repair Work Given Prompt Attention. MacCloskey & Parker Fourth Street and Hawthorne Avenue Vfc r u " Put Your Duds In Our Suds Bend Steam Laundry Phone us. We will call for your bundle. Makei tha City Deautlful. Under the rommlMlon admlnlitra lion tn the rjly of Des MolneM tha t ork on a afreet grading Job waarom (ileird with a aarliiR of 17 to 'JO cenu a yard on the old i-ontrart. The pay of the dny lalMirera for the ity haa tMH-n rnled fmm fl to fJ.'St and that for tenma from t.tStI to t and then to l..'0, and the elderly, low artlre men, the old penaloneni. Inatrad of iwlnn nrnttered. each to n gnatc where he ruiild bold bark tbe youujrer men. linre Ihs-h orcntilred Into a flylnx piadmn fur grading work. In tbe matter of public Impmrement a new rlty hnll U artually under wny. Tbe nuatnea renter of tbe city baa been largely n-pared. and there baa boen ImpruTemeat at tb rlrer front. Ruufikk Stamp Dates and ink pods for sale at Bulletin office, tf OFFICE FOR RENT. Handsome new office in best location on Wall street. In quire at Bulletin office. Printer Attention. We have for ale a second hand Challenge 19 inch paper cutter. Big bargain. The Bend Bulletin, tf Your Children Should Be Photographed Every Year. BABY PICTURES Our Specialty. View Work Copying V Enlarging Kodak Finishing. THE BEND STUDIO. The Buckley Express Co. iMa a a DAILY SERVICE between railway points and Bend. Careful atten tion iriven to Stage, Ex press and Fast Freight Busi ness. Bend agonts Wcnandy Livery Co. DAILY STAGE SCHEDULE Arrive Bend 7 a. m. Leave Bond r2 m. NO STOPS The WHITE IS KING NORTH BEACH is the pleasure haunt in this part of the country this summer. Its devo I tees rejoice to learn that they can now go and come on a regular schedule, independent of tides. Tho popular excursion steamer, 4T. J. POTTER" leaves Portland, Ash Street Dock, DAILY, EXCEIT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, 8:30 A. M. SATURDAYS ONLY, 1:00 r. SI. ! Also the steamer "HASSALO" J leaving Portland dally, oxcopt Sun day, at s:uu v. m. isut. at iu V. hi.) REDUCED FARES PREVAIL I From All Points in tho Northwest via the OREaON-WASHINOTON RAILROAD & NAVIQATION CO. I ' Ideal cottage and enmp life, a mag nificent beach that Is not surpassed anywhere, genial and beneficial cli mate, and all the comforts of home without costing any more than If ' you remained at home. Call on or write to any 0-W. R. & N. agent for complete information; also for copy of our summer book, 'OuUngs in Oregon." VM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agt. O-W R. & N. Co., Portland, Ore. The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can he J produced. Made in hoth RO-1 TARY c VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes hoth! Lock nnd Chain stitch. The ' latest up to the minute steel attachments with each ma chine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our heautiful H. T. catalogue tree. White Sewing Machine Co. 1400 Market Street H SASH j DOORS j saeVs to V4r 5-ctom Panel Doon, Cift qvnliry $1.30 Qyartcf-rouad, .ul, per ICO ft. 30 eta. Cedtr SuKng. 4 an J 5 tu . ) 8p,tM Floonag. 4 and 5 ft. , ', J II per M. Dr0p S;diafc4and 5 ft. . $11 per M. All No. I and 2 good fiudard Aoelc SwdpUllgcCulttMNa. Juui boyiLfAltaiwlWkiMy, Sva nUdl. iu pi.JU. Oo. (nc, ii.ll I uttbaJy, th!p Mn!; SJwirourUl' fat rfimtluupnrn iilwuM. . it 4 kV-t-JUHt lit - I rommlnnloa. . . iimmliwtoa. San Francisco, California. I . A.V,,h .& nit r- OKKOON