& Good Investments i IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK AT THESE PROPERTIES " . $ 1 500.00 Lot 2, Block 24, Send Addition $1500. This lot has a 50 ft. frontage on Fir Ave. and 50 ft. on Green wood Ave., making the price only $ 1 5 per front foot. $3000.00 Lot 5, Block 13, Bend Addition $3000. Erect a $3000 building on this property and you can get 20 per cent on your investment. $200.00 Lot 6, Block 16, Park Addition $200. This lot has a 50 ft. frontage on both Jefferson Drive and Ad- nmc TifA Dinner f AAtvk fM . Ia ...-.. muj viitv avatar ja ivviu ivt kwu iuuu tuktavo a d if you haven't aplat showing tho location of theso I lots let us know and wo will bo pleased to furnish samo. 9 AH ninnnt4v cnA rn EASY TIME PAYMENTS 5 DISCOUNT FOR CASH I The BEND COMPANY WOOD Wo will deliver green wood, during tho month of August., at ",,J A D $2.00 per load. A good chance to get your winter's wood " B AGKFROMTOUR JAIL AVERTED, ACTORS RETURN Prtaevllle AttcrapU to Collect License Money From Amateur TbeipUns But OrJIaance Exempts Them Hearty Welcome at Redmond Havlnjr barely escaped beinp; thrown into jail for their persistence in refusing to pay what they call an unwarranted license, the local amateurs who recently pre sented here the play, "Arnonp; the Breakers," returned Sunday noon from a trip to I'rineville and Red mond. The untoward incident oicurred at I'rineville Friday morn ing when the city marshal demanded payment of $5 license fee for the show the night before. At Red mond the troupe received the heartiest kind of welcome, "Among the Breakers" being given Friday night and "Down in Dixie" Satur day evening. Learning from handbills that home taleat from Bend was to give a theatrical ierformance, the Prine ville City Council, according to the statement of the city marshal, in structed that officer to collect a $5 license fee. On the ground that this was unjust inasmuch as thei performers were amateurs and J the play hud been got up by and ! for tho benefit of the Royal Neigh bors lodge, the Bend i tea refused to pay. A further reason for the) objection of the players was that a few weeks ago Down in Dixie" was given in I'rineville and no fee was asked for. Neither the mayor nor the city recorder was in town and the matter was discussed with the city, attorney and marshal, both of whom declared the money must be paid or the company go to jail. When a copy of the ordinance was called Cor,, the marshal dug up one dated 1993 which was marked "Repealed." Whereupon tho city attorney hastily explained that this ordinance had been drafted into a new one. When the latter was finally brought forth it was found that one paragraph read, in part, to this effect: Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to apply to any amateur theatrical productions or performances given by educational or charitable insti tutions. This closed the incident, and with the $5 still in the jeans of their manager, the west side Thespians departed in peace. The Prineville audience gave the play a generous reception and the orchestra furnished splendid music. At Redmond the city officials turned over the keys of the town to the visitors, and on every hand they received courtosiea from the citizens. The party making tho entire round consisted of Mrs. K. D. Mc intosh, Mrs. G. W. Shriner, Mrs. George S. Young, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Orcutt, Miss Anne Markel, J. L. Sumrall, H. W. Boaworth, U. N. Hoffman, Fred Lucas and Willnrd Houston. Those who went to Red mond to complete the cost of "Down in Dixie" were Misses Grace French and Hattie Dickey and John Linster and Claranco Youngstrom. ; Bend now has the beat street , sprinkler to be had and a modern I chemical fire engine. The coat of the former was nbout $490, of tho latter about $850, delivered In Bend. CITY IS LIBERAL Much Money Spent on Municipal Im provement In Seven Month. Indicating the substantial im provements that have been made in Bend since tho first of tho year, tho amount of money spent by the city in the last seven months, in munici pal improvements, is of interest. In all, Bend has sient about $3520. This doos not include i turns which might be claseifiod under "up-keops," as police, water, light ing etc. In this amount is included $2 MO put into street work. Bwido the greatly improved streets that have resulted from the generous ex penditure, other rosulU are that r, Astoria Centennial ASTORIA, OR00ON, AUG. lO-SHPT. 9 The Great Event of the Year. :n It celebrates the first white settlement in the old Ore gon Country. Army and Navy Evolutions, Band Concerts, Fireworks, Hydro-Aeroplane Flight, Historic Buildings and Collections, Agricultural ExhibiU, Pacific Coast Regatta. CENTRAL OREGON DAY, AUGUST 17 Astoria and Return, (tii 7C from Opal City PII.5 OREGON TRUK RY C Special folders regarding the Centennial will be Bent on request. Daily excursion tickets to Clatsop Beach resorta allow stop-overs at Astoria. Details furnished on application. Trains leave Opal City daily 9 a. m. Culver 9:15 a. m. Metolius 9;30 a.m. Madras 9:46 a.m. Arv. Portland 7:45 p.m. B. R. NE33. Anrt.. Culver R. B. Michael, Agt., Madras. J. H. ConDETT, Agt., Opal City. T. A. Ghaham, Agt., Metolius. N'OTICB FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. h. UuJ tlmce at The IHIIet, Oregon, lum 4h, 1411. Notlee la hereby given that Annie tluhb. of IVud.oregeii, who, on November nth ivu, made homeatcaJ entry. No. oifel, fur lot 1 and 4 iwe 19. T rt., R 11 It, aotl cH Mtd Section 14. Tewnthlp w Houlh. Mange la rUat, Willamette Mcrtdlau, hat Hint notice ul laleu. lion to make final rummutailon tifocf, to eatabllth claim to the land abuve deMrrlbed, brieve II. ' Itllia, V - Comialaalaner, at hit erftce at llcnd Ort nun, on Ibc iMh day uf Auguat. 111. Claimant nature aa nltur.tr. . John W, Uthrr, I.ulh.r Mttke Theodore Ihulttrup and Hubert I. lie Courcy all f llend. Olefin lt-j b. W MiMIHIt, Kegltlrr. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATIONT Ilrpartmctil of the Intttlur. U H '.ant! omee at The Pallet, Or. June Mh, nil. Native la hrreby given that lauira A llolmea. Ihw ixMlultiee aaWre-e It Ik nil, Oirgun, did. 111 the I all. day uf Match, nil, hie In Ihle oifcee ewoen alaleHient iM atikHea. lion No uHua, In puichatr the awlf e'f.hee 7, r. ah, M 11 It . W M , ami the limhrr Iheiioii underlne pfuvitlont of the atl of ui.e j, I; aud the acta amrrlaloey, kixmii at Ibe IIMii-r ami mime i.aw, ai iikh vaiue, aa I might ! Hint by awrtalaeuietil, ami that. wf aianttuatHh iplicIMN Ine bind ami Umber Ik retm hive ien apueelted at ii. theliwber e. Imttil tn,ouo Inapt feet at f je cr M ami the Mud (4w. that atlaivlliHt l i,IT.r final pef lit aupuuft of hit apulKetbm ami awotii aiateweMluM the 4lh (lay of itctuber, iii,hr lure II C KIIU, I7.H C'imniuiue r, at hit uilice al lteuil,Oieaoii. I Any frani It at llbetly la protetl thll (Mir chaw t fnre eiilre.of liiillale a ninteal at lie I time Ufure ateiit iue, by filliiK a curiot- oratril aitilll In tint i.tfue, allriilns facta 1 wHIeli wouUi defeat III' entry. ni c w jiimikii, Hegiaier. NOTK'H FOR IMIULICATi6n7 Department of the Interior, U H Mud Ofllte at The Dallet, nieeon. July ijth, 1911. Notice la hereby given that Allrril K. nliottt, of Html. Oregon. ho, on January jalh, 19(0, made llumetieail Itnliy No, own, fur Iota and 1, MCtluti 7, luwntblp Muth, ranee II eatt, Wlllamrtle kleilillan, haa filed uolLe of lulenlloil 10 make I'nialeonimulallan I'roof tueaiabtltli claim lu the laud above ileacrlbnl, befnre II C Hlllt, V . Conimlatloiiei, at lilt ult.ee at licnd, Uiegou, on the jolh (ItyofAng utt. ill. CUlinant namra aa wltnettea: Vied A Hhon queat. John W I'clera, Uavtd Hill and Ida Per tout all of Bend, Oregon. I9j)i t W. MOOR I!, KrgUter, Hotel Dalles Tho Dalles, Oregon You are corilitllv Invlte.l lo makcTUK IIOTKI, UAI.LHS yoiir irillns pUce velllle waltinK ovtr txtwren traltllun your veav to ami front rortlaiiil, titw, llioiouulily equltitieii, moilrrn liotrl; alratn heat, elevator: lultri ami rooina with bathi, I'lltt claaa cafe. Katei 1 and upwaril. Ideal Stopping Place Going to and from Central Oregon. PETER KUEHNLING, Manager. Hotel Bend Corner Oond and Oregon St. AMnRCANPLAN Rates $2 and $2.50 n Dny HUGH O'KANE, Mnnnger CONTRST NOTICU lparlinentofthc Interior. Uullcd Btatet Uud Office, I akevlew, Oiegnu, July 14 1911 A aufficlent coulee! altdavit havliiK Ucn filed Inlhla omccliy Arthur U Ocrtaoii. cuntetlaiit, agalutt CSeorge W. Vlnlnt; I'.ntry. No. eiMi made December IS, Vff), fur I'.M, aedlon 1, tiiwti.liltt 11 l(.. ratiee 31 H . Wlllainette ! M-rldlan, by Ceorge w Viulng Cuntealcci In which It it aiicifoi tnai ueorge viumg on or about June 10, 1910, aold hit cabin on aal tract (that being hit omy Improvi-ment) and that the purcnater f emoveu aam (Rum nuw mmvi nana and that claimant left Crook County. Oregon forthwith aud litt not been heard ol tlu -e: lliat aid eotryman hat wholly abandoned aild claim, xtr, alio aSSS aesssapsz: llWfl. JJ Id pattlra are hereby notified to appear, respond, and ollrrevwenct touching mm alio gallon at 10 o'clock a. ra.on Hcptember 14, I9U. before II. C. Kllie, United Htatea CoinmUafoncr. at liend, J'egon, (aud that filial healing will he held al 10 o'clock a. m. on September II, nil, bclorc)lhe Kegltter aud Heeelver al the United fitatet Mnd Olfice lu Ijikeview, Oregon. Theaald contcatant baring. In a proper affl davit, filed on July y, 1911, act forlh facta which ahow that after due dlllgcucc perianal aervice of Ihla notice can nol be made. It la hereby ordered aud directed that aueb notice be ' gives by due and proper publication. , ao-ljp ARTHUUW.OUTON.KfgUUr If you care for tho BEST GOODS at tho BEST PRICES trade with H. J. Eggleston Manufacturer of Ilnrncss and Saddles Denier in Wagons, Huggies, Piirm Implements Hay and Grain for sale, fHffbh iTTTHawVei Tl 1 I if ' l 9 i 1 1 ieeTggrll jiagg??wr'javs ;tataiik.w- lSw7TrariUft3f,Ji att3PagHH)jMPjHp2SgBJ Complete Houses $230.00 to $865.00 Kv.rrtklBji e la Ucledtd at lha eric. wa oaolwall autarUl nqvlrca! la ti. cwautractlea of tnodsrN homo Architect! plan, intclficatloni. bint rrinta, and full diUlli about corutructlon are alio fumUhed, toaelher with an Itcmkcd itatemtnt o( thi material tht belt on ttio maiket. Wt tjiII quota pHfM .freight thk huildchs' nanaaiM uauac prepaid to your lUtion. SOOKLST ntt-01 ktaiiaau rtfl e Uaaem nnait u vena a crraa ami w tmrr um eyu M it iili ataii M BttaaiaAdaiiavaT iirnaaeaiiaiaa trriaeWaa. et free la I.UUlti kalUira. "aeT.IAItgDtlU.tll'' lrnanialakUftUaU(,vntMrarlt, 6C3Q VfaattANB Av I.lt ta keia tlUIKlOi ri &&!Q2J&&)i cattli, Warm. ISi Bulletli.'s Ads Bring Good Results fst . A um : 5 .m v