The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 09, 1911, Image 5

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    - L
Who is Going to
Win that $500
Piano and Piano
Player, FREE?
We have given out over 5,000 voles already.
But only a very smalt percentage of these
votes have been cast. We want the ladles to
come out and declare themselves. To get them
to do this we will make the following offer:
Any lady who will bring us the
names of seven other ladies whom
she has asked to assist her in se
curing the piano will be given
free 500 votes. No lady will be
given more than 500 votes free
under any circumstance.
And these free votes are given simply to get
tile ladies to enter the contest early and not
hold their votes until the last.
If you haven't seen this beautiful piano
step into Thompson's where it is on exhibi
tion. Air. Thompson will be glad to tell you
all about it.
lEvery 10c cash purchase either at our
store or at Thompson's entities you to one
Be sure to get your votes with every
cash purchase.
Votes may be deposited either at our
store or at Thompson's.
Bend, Oregon
In Bend tonight from Portland to
mnko licr homo horo.
M. E. Mt'loy, formerly editor of
tho Granger New, la In Ik'tid on n
The Bond Orchestra will give a
dance Saturday night ut Llnster's
Mrs, Paul Pond of Eugene in
veiling her parent, Mr. and Mrs.
S. C. Caldwell.
MIkh Edith. Eaxtcs Is rutlcatlng
for u few days on her father's
homestead nenr town.
II. Solborg, through E. R. Post,
last week bought 1)00 acreH of school
land In northern Ijiko county.
' 11. J. Douglas of tho Bond Com
pany returned Saturday from u
four days hiiHlnew trip to Portland.
It Ih understood Mr. and Mm. F.
F. Smith are now In Portland, being
on their way buck from Bolllngham.
' Ml Eva Craven, who has been
t vlMitlng friend here several weeks,
left today for her homo In Portland.
Mm. A. M. I-iiru entertained the
Bridge Club Friday afternoon. Four
tables played, upon tho attractive
, porch.
, Presbyterian services will be held
at tno church butwny morning and
evening. There will be social
0. W. B. Riley expects to have
his aunt, Mrs. S ted r nun, with him
for sovcrnl months, later in the
G. F. Hurt has opened a shoe re
pairing shop in tho olllco building
formerly occupied by M. J.
has been de
fer a housa
Market will
Born to Jack Kelly and wife Frl
.day, a girl.
George A. Joniw wna up from
Opal City Sunday.
A. 0. Hunter left Sunday for a
luminous trip to Seattle and Portland.
MIhh Nona Richardson is upending
the summer with friends in Oak
land, Oil.
George S. Voting linn started n
, lawn surrounding his new house in
j Wiwtoi lu.
' Mux Richardson, who has been
vary soiiously ill, is now practically
It. A. Puett has laid water pipe
to his bakery building and home in
Park Addition.
It. B. MuUlg left Thursday for
his home In Pennsylvania, going by
way of Portland.
Mrs. C. M. Richards is exacted
Just received most complete stock ever brought to Bond, all
new and up to dato designs. Why not make your bolcctlons at
homo and see what you are getting,
I will place on sale this week n fine lino of rug samples to
clo30 out at special prices. Don't fall to boo them.
Who will bo tho lucky ono to win this valuable prizo? With
each cash purchase of 10 cents at E, M, Thompson's Furniture
Storo or at A. M. Lara's you receive ono voto. Seo Laru'a adv.
this week.
Fine Furniture High Grnde Piunos.
, "yVheie Your Dollar Does Its Duty."
" 'Wnll Street, Bend, Oregon.
I Much of the lumber
: llvcred In Wiestoria
'which Miss Gertrude
i build soon.
I The Homcscekcrn' Land Company
has moved its office into tho place
formerly occupied by Creed Trip-
Ictt s barber shop.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Vista came
out from Seattle to settle on their
! homestead In 20-17. WhiUiker Valley,
I arriving Wednesday.
E. L. Jones of the Arm of Stoats
& Jones will return next week from
Redmond where he has been for the
past ten days on business.
M. J. Main and Bert Caldwell
have opened a blacksmith shop in
tho building where A. B. Strong
formerly had n shop.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bragg of La
Grande arrived lost week and will
make their residential proof upon
their irrigated land.
The Girlstlan Endeavor Society
will give an Ice cream social on the
Hudson lawn, this Wednesday
afternoon nnd evening.
F. R. McConnell nnd Mrs. Jennie
Snyder were here Inst week looking
over tho country with a view to
locating on n homostoad.
Vernon A. Forbes has made an
important addition to his law library
by the purchase of a complete set
of the American Digest.
The construction of n residence
for S. C. Caldwell has commenced
in Deschutes Addition. Palmer &
Thompson are doing tho work.
James Ryan and E. R. Post are
moving their otllce today into the
White building on Wall and Oregon
Streets. The corner room has been
entirely remodeled nnd painted.
II. G. Caldwell and Mrs. E. A.
Main have rented the old Staats
home on tho Deschutes river, oppo
site Thu Bend Co. mill, and have
ojened a private boarding house.
The pinto glasa window being in
stalled in Leon Hulks' new building
on Wall Street by Sutherland & Mc
intosh will be tho largest in town.
Its dimensions are 128 by G2 inches.
Fred Sangfelder of Seattle, who
was hero last summer, was again in
town for several days last week.
Ho is working with Percy Brackett
at Opal City, conducting a restau
rant. All tents along tho river front
hnvo been ordered removed by Sept.
1, by tho city marshal. Tho land
on which these temporary residences
are located Is either county road or
private property.
Tho Whatsoovcrs will meet Fri
day at 2:30 p. m. at tho church to
mnko final arrangements for n lawn
social to bo held next Tuesday and
Wednesday on tho Hudson lawn.
Posters will be Issued.
County Superintendent Ford has
received teachers' certificates grant
ed ut tho Juno examinations for
Miss Angelina and Miss Florcnco
Young, nnd for other touchers
throughout tho county.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lockwood havo
ordered a 20 horsepower Hupmobilc.
Until Its arrival thoy are using n
car furnished them by tho Redmond
agency. Thoy will bo tho agents
for tho Hupmobilo in Bond.
! Tho "Library Benoflt" nt tho Star
Theater laat Thursday evening,
All VEST in this section is now under way, nnd likewise there is a hnrvest of
lmrguins nt Howe's Populnr Store. There nre offerings here well worth your
while. Our New Fall Goods will soon he in and we are making a general clear
ance of all Summer Goods at a hiir.savinir to vou. This store will he n. husv
place duritig this sale and you wont he doing yourself justice if you don't come. Ile
memher we have the reputation of having the lowest prices for same quality of
goods of any store in this section. .Let us prove it.
Sale Begins Saturday, August 12; Closes Tuesday, August 22.
Regular $1. CO Shirtwaists, now $1.25
Regular $1.25 Shirtwaists, now 1.00
Regular $1.50 White Petticoats, now 1 .25
Regular $1.25 White Petticoat, now 1.00
Regular 40c Corset Covers, now ., 30
Regular 35c Corset Covers, now 25
Regular 35c Vests, now 25
Regular 45c White Elastic Belts, now 30
Regular 35c Persian Silk Belts, now 20
Ladies' Black Elastic Belts, 15c and 20
Regular 35c Luce Jabots, now 25
Regular 25c Lace Jabots, now 15
Ladies' Hose.
Regular 20c Black Hose, now .15
Regular 25c Black Hose, now 20
Regular 35c Burson Hose, now 25
Regular $1.50 Negligee Shirts; now $1.25
Regular $1.25 Negligee Shirts, now 1.15
Regular $1.10 Negligee Shirts, now 85
Regular 40c Undershirts, now 30
Regular 40c Drawers, now 30
Regular C5c Undershirts, now ... .45
Regular 55c Drawers, now..; 45
Regular GOc Undershirts, now .' 50
Regular GOc Drawers, now 50
Regular 75c Union Suits, now 50
Regular $1.25 Union Suits, now 1.00
Regular 75c Outing Flannel Nightshirts.. -.50
Mens Hose.
Regular 15c Hose, now 10
Regular 20c Hose, now 15
Regular 2Gc Hose, now 20
Regular 10c Hose, now 4 pairs for 25
Cup & Saucer
Genuine Jap. China
Cup nnd Saucer, Reg.
30c value, Ext. f C
big Spec!., only Uw
RoWe's Store
&CEXT voohto postoffice, bend
"The Seme Qoodi for Leu Money. "
nroved a great success.
200 tickets were sold, and n big
house enjoyed the excellent program
nrovided by the uptodatc place of
cntertainn cnt,
Thursday Mr. and Mrs. L. B.
Baird returned from a week's auto
trip to Portland. Together with
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Masters and E.
C. Baird they crossed the Cascade
by the Santiam route, thonce going
to Salem and Portland.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Scott left last
week, Mr. Scott's work as rosidont
engineer of the Oregon Trunk being
completed. The final engineering,
nccompanying the laying of rails,
will be conducted by the mainten
ance department of the railroad.
G. P. Brookings, Mrs. Horace
Brookings and Miss Alice Brookings
of Rolynt were Bend visitors lost
week. They left home Tuesday
morning nt 7 o'clock and nrrlved
hero in time for dinner Wednesday,
making a fast drive in a spring
W. H. Hnwley of Seattle has
bought two lots in Riverside Addi
tion and will erect a bungalow on
them, making his home here. Ray
Monesmith of Wenntchee, Wash.,
has also bought a lot in Riverside.
Both sales were made by the Eastes
& Bean Realty Co.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hill, after
spending several days here last
week, have gone to La Pine, near
which they will mako their home.
Mr. Hill has been office assistant to
Manager C. C. Chapman of the
Portland Commercial Club, but was
obliged to give up the position on
account of ill health.
Through an oversight mention of
H. E. Allen's lawn was omitted
from tho article concerning Bend's
lawns published last week. Mr.
Allen has ono of the most beautiful
and best kept lawns in town. S. J.
Spencer is- nnothcr citizen who has
given much attention to his lawn
nnd Bccured good results.
Thco Magnus, P. II, Blossom, Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Nnnney, Miss
Rachel Halllngby, Mrs. J. W. Tag
gart and Mrs. Myrtle Bradford loft
Monday by auto for Crater Lake.
The party, except Mrs. Taggart, Mr.
Blossom and Mr, and Mrs. Nanney,
will go on to Mouford and Portland,
the others returning to Bend today
or tomorrow.
A party of, Portland. .peoplo.who,
havo been making a tour of Southern
More than ' Oregon were guests Saturday night Six times the animal swam across
at Hotel Bend, leaving for home
early Sunday by the Santiam route,
in their auto. Those on the trip
were C. S. Jackson, publisher of the
Oregon Journal, and wife, F. C.
and P. L. Jackson, Misses Myrtle
Lamar and Helen Whitney and
Charles Hoyt and wife.
linthuslattlc Hampton Man llrlngs
Samples Par en Foot.
Victor Schreder, the Hampton
country homesteader who has had
much success with his new ranch,
came to Bend Saturday on his way
to Tacoma and Walla Walla, whore
he intends to close up his affairs be
fore returning to this section per
manently. Indicating his interest In properly
exploiting the homostead country
Mr. Schreder, who walked in from
Millican, brought with him splendid
samples of oats,, rye and wheat, all
raised on his dry land acreage,
which this season was put under
cultivation for the first time. The
specimens were left with the Bend
Commercial Club.
the stream, finally being swept
against some driftwood. From this
position he was rescued by Clyde
Helsley, who was fishing with Mr.
Dusenbery. He swam to the horse,
cut the rope and the exhausted
animal got safely out of the cold
oirrs winter ooods.
Last week the R. M. Smith Cloth
ing Company received a big ship
ment of winter clothing, which, add
ed to their present largo stock of
summer and fall wear, will mako
their store one of the most fully
equipped in Central Oregon. Mr.
Smith says he will have a very ex
tensive assortment of winter goods
thlsyonr, when all his shipments
have been received.
' '1L..1I A
Season Will Be Declared Clocii, Fol
lowing Carelessness With Fire
From the office of tho Stato
Forester at Salem a warning to
hunters has been issued that tho
Governor will declare the hunting
season closed if hunters are careless
with fire. Tho forest firo law which
went into effect Fob. 24 gives the
stato executive power to declaro a
closed season for tho hunting. of
birds or wild animals 'of any kind,
Sportsmen, learning this, will
doubtless bo more careful than over
with camp fires and in dropping
matches or lighted cigarettes and
cigars In tho forests.
With a halter ropo tied to its
head and ono front foot, a horso
belonging to 0. H, Dusenbery $as
nearly.drownedhthepe3chut'ea at
Roblnioni bridge a few Hays ago.
Beginning Aug. 20th, a scries of
evangelistic meetings will be held in
tho Bend Baptist church, Rev. J.
M. Hupp of Kettle Falls, Wash.,
conducting 'them. Mr. Hupp Is not
a professional revivalist but an
earnest, consecrated pastor who
gives' a part of his time to this
special work becauso the success
which' has attended his efforts has
created a demand for his services
among those who know him. We
invite the co-operation of all Christ
ians In this campaign.
C. M. CLINE, Acting Pastor.
Ake You making proof on your
irrigated land? Let tho Oregon In
vestment Company mako out your
final proof papers. They are guar
antecd to bo correct, 18tf
A white English Setter about
ten months old. Has goiter on
loft side of neck. When last
seen had light collar with Bend
dog license number. Strayed
or stolen from Bend about' July
6th. Reward will bo paid for
his return or for information
leading, to return. Address.
Rend Bpllotln,vBjpdv tf, ,