THE BEND BULLETIN A)i Imltpcp0cnticcwppr, atatullng tor the equate ileal, ctcanbttilncsa, clean politic, ami the bctt inltrcali of Head nil Central Oregon. sunsciumoN rath& Oneiyear.M............ All monlhv. ,.,... ,. Thitr month..,-.-.,,, m.$i.5 (Invariable In advance.) WEDNESDAY, AUG. 9, 1911 IMI'liKTINUNT QUESTION NO. 7 After the trains arc running to Demi, via what distant point will the l'ostoflice Department insist upon having tho mail sent on tour before it is Uia tilbuted? COMMISSION GOVERNMENT Will Bond follow in the footsteps of mediocrity, or will sho take her plnce in tho front rank of progress, adopt the best that is to be had in city governmental methods, and be come, not a tail-cndor fn tho inef ficient .march of municipal affairs, but a leader, whose example will be pointci to with pride and envy? In other words, will Bend consider the adoption of the commission form of city government? Just what is commission govern ment? It is a method of conducting municipal affairs in a sane business like manner. It stands for the application of business principals to city government. Above all, it means simplicity and the fixing of responsibility where it belongs. A board of directors, so to speak, is elected to care for the business interests of the company's stock holders, who arc the voters of the city. It is directly responsible to the electors. Its members may be recalled a; will. A practical com mission form may be outlined as follows: A board of three commissioners is elected, each to hold ofilce for three years. Each year one drops out and his successor i3 elected. In the ' initial election the candidate receiv ing the highest vote gets the three year term, second and third, two and one year term, respectively. The commissioners elect their own mayor. The mayor has general supervision over all Uie city's affairs. He has, however, no veto; majority vote de cides all questions. One commiss ioner has charge of what may be called the Department of Public Safety; under this head may be grouped matters generally included under the sub-heads of fire, police nnd health. The other commiss ioner 13 the chief executive of the Department of Public Service; under this head is included streets, sewers, engineering, lighting, etc. The board as a whole supervises city finance, the work of tho recorder and city legal department. No de partment may make an expenditure of over $100 without authorization of the boarJ as a whole. The simple chart prepared here with indicates concisely the working method of a commission system such 03 above outlined. Commission government is not on experiment. It is not a "one man government," any more than tho United State? government is such. It is not even revolutionary. It merely is a common sense, practical, economical and provedly successful method of handling the business of f governing a city. It Irendorsed by I aote uuJHMMa iiiuii-u.iu uy siuuunui of political economy. Particularly, it beaw the cnJorsement of its own unqualified success in operation, in cities latirc and small. There has been, and doubtless is, mlsgovernmcnt under the commiss ion form. Every government's ef ficiency depends upon the ability and integrity of the men conducting It, and where incompetents have been placed at the helm of munici pal affairs there has been inevitable shipwreck. But there ia no lack of oxample of tho mis-fits of the time worn council-and-odinance method, Often where there has not been aetual carruptlon and failure there; has been stagnation, almost as bad. Oregon cities, from Whom Bond might borrow a charter, afford plentiful examples of ineffectual operation. Tho success of DesMoines, Gal veston, Kansas City, Leavenworth, Berkeley, Colorado Springs, Boise and other cities employing commiss ion government of ono kind or another, indicates what may be ex pected. Portland undoubtedly will adopt It. Walla Wnlln has decided to employ it. Snlcm will vote on it soon. Will Bend bo content to stay in the rut, or will she step to the front? Bend has a groat oppor tunity. It is for tho voters to de cide whether or not she will grasp It. The Bulletin has gone Into this nt considerable length because it sin cerely believes that commission gov CHART OP COMMISSION UOVURNMl-NT SYSTUM. The below chart Is designed to show, In n rough way, the general working system of a three-commissioner form of city government. The finances, taxes etc., as indicated, come under the suervision of the board as a whole, presided over by tho mafor. The two departments, that of each has at its head a commissioner, who is responsible to the electors for his conduct. THE VOTER Initiative. Referendum. Recall. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mayor Director of Public Safety Director of Public Service city Finances, taxes and assessments Recorder Legal Department .(No contract or expenditure In excess of 100 shall be mnde without notion of cum- mlttlononi man holo.) Mayor has general supervision of all departments. No veto nnd majority vote rules. DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY Police Fire Prisons Health Hospitals I Heard Here and There It is said that John F. Stevens may become Uie head of the Nation al Railways of Mexico. The census bureau has announced that the center of population of the United Statos Is now miles south of Unionville, Indiana. In 1790 it was 23 miles cast of Balti more. Since then it ha3 moved -110 miles westward. Expenditures on tho Harrimnn system in Oregon for 1911 and 1912, completed and planned, aggregate about 321,000,000. This amount includes $5,750,000 already spent on the Deschutes road, and $8,000,000 which it is announced will be the cost of the Eugene-Marshfield line. NO FISH SCREENS So Wardens Have Irrigators Fined $50 Each Last Week. Deputy State Game Wardens A. II. Davis and L. S. Fritz have rounded up several game law violators. Lmt week George Wimer and the Anderson Brothers were fined $50 each in Justice Orcutt's court, after pleading guilty to not maintaining proper screens on their Irrigation ditches in the Tumalo country. Today the Columbia Southern Company, represented by J. B, Wimer, is up before the court on the same charge. INVESTS IN mO RANCH. Mrs. E. B. Farrah of Seattle arrived last week. Negotiations by which she will purchase the Mc Kinney ranch, embracing 734 acres near sisters, have practically been completed, James Ryan being the a?ent. Mrs. Farrah indorses all that Is said concerning Seattle interest in Bend, adding that many Washington people are particularly anxious to invest in Deschutes Valley agricultural lands. ernment ia desirable, and that Bend should adopt it. Tho Bulletin roalizos that thoro can bo excellent city government under tho usual form, nnd that with a good charter nnd good men In ofllco, Bcitd, as an Incorporated city, may prosper politically ns well ns economically. For thoro nro multitudes of municipalities that have successful and honest govern ments under the old regime. But It is highly desirable that Bend should have the boat, nnd that what is the best should bo threshed out now. Finally, The Bulletin will heartily oppose tho adoption of any form of either commission or council-ami-ordinance municipal government until full public dUcuswion of tho proposed charter or charters is mado in detail, and every voter has had opportunity to become familiar with its provisions nnd competent to vote intelligently upon it. Public Safety and Public Service, DEIT. OF PUBLIC SERVICE Streets Engineering Bridges Sewers Sidewalks Lighting Parks Markets Ccineteries General Public Improvements CLASSIFIED COLUMN R ATIJS- Five crnt h line for firM In Mrrtlon hi till column, four rem n line for each aulnequetlt iutcrlioii. Count lx uroid to n line. Miscellaneous. Kkei Nkat and presentable by getting your shaves nnd haircuts at Innos & Davidson's shop. Gct Youn LUMliKIt from the Pine Forest Lumber Co. House lath and irrigation lath a specialty. tf Four to fifty milos per hour. "On the High," can be made with an "Oakland." F. F. Smith. Agt. Gtf If you contemplate the purchase of an automobile, investigate the "Oakland" llno.-F. F. Smith, local Agent. G-tf The "Oakland" Automobiles are made in seven different styles of bodies, 30 and 40 horno power. Quick deliveries. F. F. Smith, Agent. G-tf For Sale. Bread 5c at Tho Palm. 17-tf FuitNITUfiK that pleases and lasts is sold by Millard Triplett. Fort Salk Family hack, canopy top, just right for family use. Will sell or trade for good saddle horse, or stock of any description. Sen C. M. Davis. 18tf Fort SAI.K. Cheap, moat com plete 20,000 capacity sawmill in Crook cpunty. Machinery all new. Reason for selling, timber all cut out. .Write or enquire at Bulletin office. . 7-tf Fort SAlkOr Tiiade Fir3tcIaHs No. 3 Faultless Stump Puller, with cable, for sale or trade for stock. Daniel Llddell, Wilson Ranch, Powell Butt0, Ore. Address Princ villc, Ore. 14tf Fort Sale New milch cow with heifer calf by side; ono team thoroughbred Hamiltonlun mares, age 5 and 6; one rnaro registered under Rule 6 of National Associ ation, has registered foal by side; ond double harness, medium weight; ono Studebaker mountain, buck board; nose bags, blankets, etc,; ono new Lorain six-holo range', With reservoir; 16 hens. Inquire Aun'o's Barn. 21-23p Wiestoria Addition IN THE HEA RT OF BEND The NewlonKolIer Co. inc. 2 2 1 UNION STREET, SEATTLE, Fort SAI.K Bny horse, weight 1050 lbs., 9 yearn old. price $10. Signed Bend Brick & Lumber Co. PlfiS FokSalk A few pure breed Durocs aUo Hampshire of both hoxos Lee Davenport, Powell Butte, Ore gon. IRtf Taiius, chuirrt, roller top ilwU, mnttrotfesos, springs and all kinds of high grade furniture at Millard Triplett's Htore. Foit Salk One new not double ImrnoHH, fine condition. One second hand set double hurnww, a bargain. Call nt Star Restaurant, Bond St., Bond. , 22.2p For Renl" Foit Runt Four room house. S'e Joe Innos ut Innos & Davidson's harbor shop. . 22tf Found TAKKN Ur Bald-faced black cow, with boll on. Branded J H. Owner can get same by inquiring of The Bulletin. 18tf Exi'KlilENCHD MKN who give satisfaction nro found at Innos & Davidson's barber shop, l.ont Lost Lady's black handbag on evening of July 24th, containing money, photographic films, reel, fly book, brooch and other articles, Finder will klndlv keen the monov and return ling and contents to this office. 21tf Wanted Wantku Treea to pull. Havo first class outfit. Seo Liddell on the Wilson ranch, Powell Butte. Address, Prinevillo. Ore. 14tf tiotldnrd Ranch Lands, Located In Crook and Lake coun ties. Ranging from $4.50 to $8.00 per acre. Easy terms. Buy now and get tho benefit of raise in these lands. See Kay McKay. lG-tf Two Special Uuys, ' New bungalow in Park Addition $1175. Also 100x200 foot lot and neat cottage near depot slto for $1100. Eastes&Bean Realty Co. , Printers Attention. We havo for sale a second hand Challengo 10 Inch paper cutter, Big bargain. The Bend Bullotln. tf Will Bale May Cheap. I havo a gobd Lightning Hay Baler with- which I want to., bale your hay this season. Quick sorvlco, Only two and a half BLOCKS from the DEPOT site.? City Water assured and OTHER Improvements to follow SOON. We are SELLING PULL SIZED LOTS on sixty-foot Streets, with twenty-foot Alleys, at $150. $150. $150. Our Terms Defy Competition $10. PER MONTH $10. This Property Is Selling FAST. Better come in to day and make your selection as the first buyers ALWAYS make the most money, by getting tho CHOICEST selections. Call on or write our RESIDENT manager, H. D. TRUE, Bend, Oregon We also have the choicest list of Improved and Un improved Ranches, and Timber Claims, also Relinquishments. good prices. See me at once. II. R. Hogue, call or write, care of Star Restaurant, Bond St., Bend. 211 p Hid Wanted. Bids wanted for 100 ricks of wood, maximum thickness, 8 inches; length, 20 Inches. To bo delivered not less than 5 ricks by Sept. 1st, 11)11, in thu basement of tho district school house in Bvnd, remaining de liveries to be made so that never om than f ricks is on hand. All to bo delivered by Jan. 1st, 1012. In making bids, state whether limb or body wood. Bids to be in on or be fore August 12, 1011. .School District No. 12. 21-22 L. D. WIRST, Clerk. ltldn Fur Painting Wanted, Illds for painting with two coats the fire oscaK.i of the Bend school house are wanted by the School Board on or before Aug. 12,1011. Agents for RIVERSIDE Lots nt Small Prices and Easy Payments. Business Property Warehouse Property All kinds of Farm Property Homestead Locations Fire Insurance. Eastes b Bean Realty Co. Oregon Street BEND. OREGON. AND LYTLE ADDITIONS WASHINGTON. Bids to be submitted for paint fur nished and not furnished by bidder. School District No. 12. 21-22 L. D. WIKST. Clerk. ' " - ' NOTICK OF FINAL SETTLEMENT I Notice It Ircrcliy xlvrn hy tlir umlrr aijjnril that lic liaa mailr anil lllril with the ileik nl Ihr County Court In ami for CrnoV County, Oircon, Iter dual account at nrctitllx of the Itilate of J Klltworttl Cnlrmau, ilccratnl, ami that the aal'l Coiuitv Court ha art Monday the 41 It day id rwil-mlcr, lul 1, at Hi o'rlock a 111. at the County Court Kimm In I'rlur. lllvlu mIi County a the tlmr anil 4re fur the hearing anil arttlrinriit of li! I'lual Arctium, at which tunc ami ' tlarp, any twraoii lulrrrttnl In aaiil ralale may appear ami iihjrcl to ali Final Account ami tetlleuirnt of aalil 'cttalr. Dated thin Jinl day nt AiikuM. mil. Makv It Coi.tnUN, Ilxretilrlx of the estate of J, Ktlawiirlh Coleman, ilccratcd. V. A I'onmci. Attorney fur Kircutrii. ji 15 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION lwtliH.ut p Th Inlrtler, V N, t.n.l ORtt a Th tMtlr. (l-rjoli. ' ...... . -J"1 'Wh ill Nutkr l hmliy lren that Thur.a I) limr., h"M po.tmlticr ailihtaa I. It.inl. Ilirami, itM, oulhr inliUy of J.uu.ijr. ivn fllln Ihnomo- ocitii .Ulr jirnl anil HIUallli. Hu. iubN, In (MiirliaKlht Iiw)f liwl Mrtloll ?, uv.ii.hli lu Mititli. laliarl ..!, Ulllaiiirllt, ali Ihr llmWr Ihtirnn, umtrrlh rvl.lona uf Itir ct ;f Junr 1 117a, ati-l acta aiiitmtaluit known kHht TimUr aii.l mone Law," at audi value a. might t tijr aipraUmrnt. ami Dial, l.ui.iunt tUMich apitlkatluii, Ibc taint aixt lim ' litr Ihttroii have Ixtii apitalil, ati4yMiti limlr rtlimalnt iaulioaiil (til II vi mil. wr M and Hit laml iou, that mIi applicant will iiffrr Anal pnwf In auupuil of liUappllralluii ' ami Mtu Ul.mmtoii IhejoOay ufRcpienilxr. 1911 tfuff II V I'.llu, 0. H, Coiunil..luuc r at lilt oln. at li ml, oic.oa. AuMrx,!! IIUilv lo prolcl llil. pul t rhatr Wlorr entry or Initiate a cuiilr.i at any lime liefme patem luura.liyllllniaiorinlioialril afn.Uvll lu Hit. ofilce, allra.liif facta which wouht 4 u.lrat the rulry. " C. W MOOHIt.HriUtrr. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Connly Coutl ut the Slate of Oirxon for Cnwk County ..'.!' LhT. I1"" ?f the KXale of Junta A. , . Mllchrlt flrceaxd. " The undrtilinnt harlni Um appointed tiy the LiMinlv Cuuil nt iha aii. r it...... r... Uook County. Adnilultlralor of the K.lale ol . Jjnire A, M(trhrll,itectaae,. notice la herthyS' Klecn lu the crrUlturtofaald lUlatt ainiaUiMl' auna havin( claim, aaaln.l aald tleceaard to ore tent tlieui, duly veilArd aa reuulrcd liy law, within ala month, frum the date of IhU notlca, ' '" Ui uiidcralineit at the office of C. M. IKiiauo, I'll.t Nalloual Hank liulldluv, liend (Itriiim Dated July ivlli.lvll. JOHN I UIWT, . aaiuiuutraioroithe llalaleor l ' Jauica A. Mllclicll, deceaaed. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Uiilttd Htatea Land Office, The Dallea, Oirgou, July ajtti, ivn. ..Nolle. ! hereby clven that the Northern ratine Kauway company, whuae pott ofilce ad dreM la HI I'aul, klluaeaola, hat IhU 14th day of July, 1911, filed lu thli sfflre II. application to aclrcl under the proeltloiii u the au ol fritiu.a laa ahmiii.a.1 lulu 1 ... ..a ateateiided by the Act of CooareM approved i,,?J,'l.11"' aw!aW, ftecllomr.Vwu. 16 Honth, Uauie 10 lUtt, W. M. N0.OVJ19. anranu iwreooa claiming adveracly the Undt dcKlllied, or dtalilni lo object Ucauaeof,.! u.aiiiBiio oiijcct bccauacoi the mineral character of (fat laud, or for any 2ih?t.fT ""J? 1 l0 ,he ?P0 to applicant, atiould C,V"'!t"H"V,.,, ol .vfu" w Ihlt office, ou or berMrlh.ituadajr.raepteniber, ten. ."' C W, MOOKU, Ktgl.Ur "