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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1911)
JL 1 iJCr lClrl iJL JLf IJ JLJL JL i II ! VOL IX. HKNI), OKKGON, WKMNKSDAY, AW,. I), 1011. NO. 22 ' ,f i n pind causes EXCITE MENT HERB Score of Men ko Out to Investigate end Slake Out Clalma-QuarU Varlea In Quality Local llualneas Men Are Interested Gold twin been discovered near the liciul of Tumulo Creek, some H mill's went f I lend. As it result Inst week the town was nil but deserted, everyone who could got away rushing to the grounds to In vestigate. 'Hie miniature stnmedc ntnrtel Thursday, tind now the territory adjacent to the orient! And is literally plastered with location , uiH.w and boundary rntirkn. It Is, Initrucilnn estimated that already (10 claims have Ikvm taken up, while twice that number of crsons either have been on the ground or are now prosjwctlng in the vicinity, good road runs to within THV A (HJI'.SS. Did you know that -M build IngH have been erected in Bond since January first? This In cludes residences and business buildings, either finished or under construction. In cost they range from t GOO to $7f00. What do you think the total amount will bc7 The boy or Kir) nlaklnfc n guess the nearest to the amount will get a free pass to the Star Theater for one week. Guesses must reach The Iiulletin office not Inter than next Tuesday nt 8 p. m. The total will be bused upon The Ilulletln'a estimate of the building costs, which will be mado as accurately as possible. BOY SCOUTS CO ON FIKST HIKE (liven llicrn on Mow to ItullJ n Pirn I'lHgpoie Secured lo He Hrrctrd nt Lodge. TJilrteen of the Hoy Scout were taken on their first bike .Sunday. As a They went In two patrols, the first A few I i charKe of A. It. Dorris and the miles of most of the claims, an easy second led by Scout Master Uira. unto trip Is possible. Aubrey Huttu was climbed, the Thoijuality of the quartz that ,M,y lettV,"K mnrklnim nlonir the has been nwayed varies. It Is lrn" UlkL'n- T,1L'' ,hun "- fr understood that tho latest local ,w Tumulo Creek. camping there for assays show a value of between $8 'u"cn- and $10 n ton. Some specimens' As a part of the day's program, mil to 1'ortlnnd tuaayml J4.C0 n " wore Instructed by Mr. Dnrrh ton, and were retried free milling. how to 'V ftr0 "' Uirt il '" It is known that higher assays hnveono "intch Afu'r ,uncn lhty wcnt been securvd. but due to the secrecy lwo m,,c UP U, Tumaloand picked maintained the exnet figures can out tt 'laKtlT to lie erected in front not bo ascertained, of their lodge, the old WornstnlT ,. , ., i. .. house on the river. The little Several months ago, It now de- . , . , , . i i i i . . i ,i fellows took turn about carry ng the velops, Carl Ladcwlg found the . , . .. , . , .,,.,, . . , Uii.foot stick home and were first Kold-bcnrinjc quarts of cum I. .,,.,, . . ., . , . ii i . ,i ' thorouwhly t red out when they got merciul value. He Interested a . .,, , , ., . , wick. i enjoyeu wie inimp, now ever, and are anxious to ko again, COURT GRANTS FOR FARM $1500 COUNTY TO HELP CHARTER IS UP Petition Hearing More Than 500 Name Presented lly the Develop merit LeaKue Ri quest for An other Fire Warden Denied 1'IUNKVIU.K, Aug. 8.The meet Ing of the County Court which ter minated today was chiefly notable for the things the county executive trio decided not to do. Through Secretary Sawhlll of the TALK COMMISSION GOVERNMENT Voters Will Probably He Olvcn Chance To Decide On What They Want Special Meeting August 22 Tliree New Ordlnancts Read At lost night's council meeting und at the one held Thursday, the chief subject of discussion was the proposed city charter. Mnyor Coo, Councilman Sellers and others pres ent urged that two charters be pre Centrul Oregon Development U'ugue sonUil to the voters, one embracing IK'titlons bearing more than 000 signatures from all purts of the1 county were presented, asking that the county appropilate $.'1,000 to ward the establishment and main- the present governmental system, the other the commission form. Iist night, on mction of Allen, the city attorney was instructed to revise the present proposed charter tenanceortwo experiment furms, 1 1 be placed before the voters. No the two interested railroads and the action was taken upon having a Portland Commercial Club huving eornrniwion form drawn up. At group of local men who gave him tlirfmcinl backing and took claims, which they planned to operate under the group system, and named them the "Golden Km." Their icret work became known, and tbe present rush resulted. It Is under stood the backers of this original , enterprise were N. I. Smith, I-.. A. Snther. V. ('. Cue, Thomas Tweet and John Steidl. IjimI year Mr. Steidl and others found some valuable "flouts" in the It is the intention of Mr. I-nra to Uiku the Scouta to church in n body one Sunday and on a hike the next. A regular meeting of the patrols was held nt the lodge Thursday night and the lads were instructed how to tie various kinds of knots. A bank account was oxjned yesterday by the Scout. agreed to supply $0,000 for the work, provided the county contribu ted $:i,ooo. After considerable discussion the court agreed to give is to be used for a station; the necessity for an Irri gated farm was denied by the ma jority of the court. Kills heartily supiwrled a $3,000 appropriation. tho next meeting, however, which will be hold on Tuesday, August 22, the matter will again be taken up, and It Is believed that the advlsa- $1,000. Tills hinty of having two charters presen tly farming! ail, so that the voters may get ex actly what they want, will be agreed upon. The indorecrs of this scheme main tain that no delay whatever will be TIIIKD CALL rOK I1IDS. For the third time the Post office Department has called for bids for carrying the mail between Culver and Bend, no satisfactory offers having been received In response to previous calls. Bids must be in by Aug. 28 and the contract will be awarded effective Sept. 18. The schedule provided Is to leave Culver after the arrival of the train there every even ing and arrive In Bend via Hill man, Redmond and Laldlnw, 48 miles, in 11 hours. The mall will leave here at 1 p. m. dally. The contractor will be required (o furnish a $11,000 bond. Mail will continue to come from Culver by Prineville till Sept. 18 and probably until trains are running Into Bend. IN T EXHIBITS ATTENTION CALLED TO CASH PRIZES. Agricultural Specimens Exhibited of Great Benefit to Entire Country and Will Encour. a e c Development. Uicc opposed any appropriation, (experienced by placing both char Bayley favored the dry farm ex- u-ni to vote at the same time. One iwodlture, but said he opposed ac- or the other, if properly drawn up, tlon for Irrigation farm education w bo passed. until he hail had opjwrtunity to in- Last night Sellers was absent. I Allen and Aune opposed any con sideration of the commission form. Kelly favored ita presentation to the voters. Caldwell said he knew nothing about It, and wanted time voting on OPIINS OI'I'ICH IN I'Ukll.AM). V. I). Nowlon, of the N'ewlor.- Mime country. Including one nugget ' Koller Company, owners of WIos- that was worth over $17. ,torlu, was hero over Saturday in The location of the original claims i company with E. F. Turner and Is a few miles south and west of the C. McConlgle of Minneapolis, huadgatos on the Columbia Southern! Mr. Newton states that the latter ditch, on tho Tumnlo. Tho rock ' Kontlcmcn probably will Income formation is totally different from ' Interested In WIestoria proiwrty. thnt encountered a few miles further The company opened offices in Port- land last week nnd Is doing consider (Continual on l.i I'm-.) , nblo pres.i advertising in that city. vestlgnte. The court was asked by the large timber Interests, including t h e Muellers, Shevlins, Scanlon-Gipson and Bend Company, to appropriate $zro lor an additional flro warden to Investigate before during August und SeptomU-r. I whether or not to have This it voted down. Tho Prineville Commercial Club wanted the county to bear two- fifths of the expense of collecting county exhibits for the county fair and land shows, this. up. a commis Coe urged slon form drawn such action. Three new ordinances were read for the first time. One Is directed against the distribution and posting The court refused on treeU and public places of circu ! lars or handbills. Sheriff Balfour rejiortcd the tax j The other two ordinances pro rolls in very bad shape. Assessor vided for the granting of iHirnetual franchises to the Bend Water Light poles and wires and put the latter under ground. For the next month only one po lice officer will be employed. S. E. Roberts was unanimously appointed. His report on last month's business shows $25 collected In fines, fees and taxes. 4 Bills totaling $841.78 were paid. BERRIES ARE FOUND PROFITABLE CROP L. D. Wlest has Splendid Success With Small Fruit on Farm Near Uend-Oood Yield This Year. The splendid success attained by L. D. Wiest with his small fruit is an interesting example of what may be accomplished along this line In the Bend country. "Some of my currant bushes yielded four gallons each," said Mr. Wiest. "The full grown plants averaged three gallons. 1 have the Red Cross, Red Dutch, Perfection Red and White Grape and Crandle Tree wBlack .currants. All have Those who are Interested In hav ing good exhibits of agricultural products at Bend urge that the local farmers "get busy" and brlnir in I samples, now that the harvest sea 1 son Is getting under way. s f Attention Is called to the cash prizes offered by tho Commercial Club. As will be remembered, through the generosity of the First National Bank, $75 is to be distri buted in prizes. These will be awarded as follows: $25 for the best sample of clover. $10 for the best sample of al falfa. $10 for the best sample of root crops. $10 for the best 'ample of assort ed dry-land grains. $10 for the best sample of assort ed Irrigated grains. To have good exhibits here, it Is pointed out, will particularly benefit the rancher, as it will help to show what can be done on Deschutes Valley lands, and by so doing and encouraging others to development work, will increase the value of the exhibitors' holdings. ADDS TO EQUIPMENT Bend Iiulletin Purchasea Large Modern Paper Cutter. ,By the purchase of a new Chand ler & Price 0-inch paper cutter. The Bulletin has equipped itshop with the best that is to be had in The Best Prophet of the Future is the Past. For more than 11 year Die Deschutes Hiinkinfc & Trust Company of Bend has meant "best" und is pleased to place at the disposal of its customers the facilities gained during this period of continuous service and grow tli, confidently believing it can meet every requirement of the most discriminating. Put Not Your Trust In Money But Put Your Money in Trust. The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company of Bend, Oregon "Conservative Banking for Conservative People." h. D. UAIUD, (Prescient) J. W. MASTKRS, (Vice President) V, O. MINOR, (Secretary) Dikkctors: I.. D. IIAIItn, V, O. MINOR, S. V. DAIRD. LnFollette was called in. His state ment that everything was O. K. wjh accepted, and no action- or in vuntigatinn pursued. I'Khl'AKIMI FOR SCHOOL. With school opening loss than n month off, on Sept. -I, preparations are already being niiuk'fnr supply ing the children's wnnts. In the stationery and supply line, the lied Cross Drug Store has placed an order for a large stock nnd the goods are now on the way. & Power Co, to construct and opor ' ate water and light systems in Bend proper and in l'ark, North and Cen ter Additions. At the suggestion loi me mayor, uoui ordinances win be changed to include Lava Road, Deschutes and probably other addi tions, and it will be specified In the light franchise that the city may at any time it sees fit require the com pany to change the location of its done Well. On n fnir :flmntn mv rmn h? v.;nr m,M .. ...,.. io i fta line, and one that will meet the Wf J TV-4i-J lUIIUIVI VltVU an acre, selling the currants at COc gallon lumbia red raspberries will go 2400 ' pounds to the acre, iiy three year 1 plants of Cumberland and Gregg blnck r.-ins nn ilnincr sntnn.ti.11i , My gooseberries have demonstrated ,"' ?? ,Bull?tin wil.' be .the..n,y what can be done in this line; 1 1 believe 2000 gallons to the acre fair estimate of this ' requirements of a print shop, large The Cuthbcrtand ( or sriuUI, almost Indefinitely. ine cuiier is ueing insiaiieu mis week. It will make possible quicker and more economical handling of this end of job work. So far as is shop In the interior equipped with a cutter of thl3 charactor. 1.1 1... ttuum uu uur esiimaie 01 mis; COUNTY FAIR OCTOUER II seasons crop Crook rjoy FaJr at hnt cni'nrol tiAila a...1a I . , """ .7? """? ''"-Prineville will be held this year have l)een busy picking the various jfrom 0clober t(J R .. berries in the iest garden. The race purse3 w51 toUli about !$2000. A feature of the fair will W. W. Orcutt of the Homo Land be the exhibits, it being the desire Co. opened an office today in the of the management that all sections Rowlee Bldg., next to McCuiston's. of the country be represented. ) -kill I VrHy rr- 1 i gg Builders' Supplie$jj$ The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Of nil kinds now on hmul. Finest line of Cottage Doors in Central Oregon. Keep out that enemy of mankind, the fly, with Screen Doors The kind that you want is here nntf the price js right. Dr. U, O. COE e A BATHER. Vic. O. 8. HUDSON. C.hl.r Capital fully paid . . . 36.000 Stockholder' liability 2B.OOO Burplut .... . as, OOO 1 Siivef money by buying your shovels pitchforks, stoves, nails and other hardware at the store of N. P. Smith Wall Street Who Grants the Favor? CJ WE ask you to become a depositor at this bank, thereby asking you to do us a favor; but at the same time we ask the privilege of rendering you a valuable service. f WE ask the privilege of being your banker; of caring for your money and keeping it safely, free of charge; of being your friend, counselor and advistfr; and, if necessity arises, of extending you eredit and helping you in every way we can, both as friend and banker. YOU will find it very advantageous to ac u cept our invitation to become a customer of this bank. TE FIKST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS: U. C, COK B. A. SATlirR C. S. IIUDSON V. F. SMITH II. C. KM.IS U AM