The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 02, 1911, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
NO. 21
YoitiiSter Will lie Trained to lie
Manly mill Self-Wellant A. tn.
l.nrn to II Scout Mauler
ft lllitiop AUdreaaea I hem.
The dale fur thu Flower Show
whidi (In. IjiillutT l.lhmry Chili
has arranged for is Saturday,
August 111. The place of hold
Ink II liiiHiiot been chosen defi
nitely yet hut It will probably
be on the Hudson lawn. Some
splendid prlxes are ollered ex
hibitors and till Mower growcis
uru urKi'd to enter tliclr plantn.
A troop of Hoy .Seoul) htut been
-organled in Hend, and at a meeting
hold at tho (jiiii home Monday
evening I ho yotiiiKHtorM woro ad
i In wed hy llitthop Paddock. A. M.
Ijiru In S'niit mauler and will Im in
charge of tho troop. The old log
whool hmif' on tho liver I not been
turned ovor to tho Scouts for their COMMERCIAL CLUB
hendiuarlom. through the courtesy WILL BUILD SOON
of Tho llend (miMiny.
Tho organisation lit divided Into Committer Appointed nt Mfrilnj: l.nt
lien mitr.d. knuwii it I ho i llim.l MkIH- Mrporl on riimn-
Charles Hoell, William .Smith.
A Junior I'ntrol, composed of tho
Utile felloWH, Iiuh alHo been formed,
it heliiK mimed tho Kiiglu. Ilnzcn
(Srant in loader, Charles Triplott,
corporal and tho monition itro Del
mer Young, Arthur Johnson and
l-'rcd Hiuwtt.
and Haven, (tolwrl Inne Is leader
of the former and Toil lloko of tho
latter. Frank Avorlll in secretary
treasurer of the troop.
The object of tho Hoy fccout
movement, which I International,
Ih to train Imys to ho clean and
icit of Organlnllon Made.
DoeidiiiK l K ahead with the
conHtruclloii of a building for it
own use. tlio Commercial Chili, at a
nicotinic last Thursday flight,
appointel committees to select a
i to and necurt dormlioiiM to assist
Hturdy fellow and to tench them to in tho work. On one committee V.
ho honest ami self-reliant. They A. Fori, A. M. J.'irn ami II. J.
are alw Instructed In woodcraft and Overturf were named and on the
given some military training. The other ('. S. Hitilmin. A. O. Hunter
llenil Seoul are to receive, in addi
tion, training in singing. II. K. Ilol
'man and C. II. Hunter hning
agreed to help nlong thin lino.
At tho meeting .Monday evening
Illithop I'addock told tho boys Homo
very Interesting Incidents of IiIh ex
perience with boy in the mIuiii
and J. K. Smvhlll. Iloth are to re
Kirt at a meeting which has heen
railed for tomorrow evening.
The Mend t'o. ha agreed to give
the rluli a lease on any Kite which
may lie selected and a I no to furnish
slabs and Mooring for the building.
It will ho n ruMtlc Mtructuro or log
Trip of Secretary Sawhlll Hi Southern
Country I'roltful-I'urt Nock to
Oriconlo Ciiiiim e rclal Cluh
In a Short Time.
Director Overturf SHU on Deck
Meeting When III Resignation
Wo Accepted Declared Hy
Supl. lord Illegally Meld
Ar n roHult of a nouthem trip When is a Hchool hoard meeting
mado hy Secretary Sawhlll of the nul a school hoard meeting?
It I v,.,M,.r,.i,,l ri.,1, ,.,.i r..irl ' Tl,e nwer must he left to county
Oregon Development league, .,tig. jmijiorintendonta and to the intcrpre
le Iiiim joined thu league, steps
district of Now York City and cabin, unique in design. It will them to bo cluati and hae ample room for thc display of
manly. Mr. Kiln, u forest rancor,
who formerly was a Scout master In
Utnh, was present unil xkn n few
wordn rcgnrding lilit exiwriencoit
with tho Scout. Tlio hoys woru
then all Introduced to the Illithop,
thu member of each patrol hy their
leader. Messrs. Helmut) anil Hunter
then sang several Milectlonn, after
which the ScoutM (fathered around
the product of thin section, and
npaco will also be provided for tho
towns comprising tlio Central Ore
gon Development league to make
exhibit- from their respective com
munltioH. A reiort on tho finance of tho
club wan also inndo at tho meeting
and copies of it wero ordered Hent
to all member. Thin report how
ithe piano and Joined In a number of receipt of $1.0M.(W and dinburho
,jmlrlotlc piece.
The flwt hike which tho troop
will take will ho next Sunday, in
charge of their Scout iimnter. The
following Im Iihvm jdne tlw
Wolf I'atrol Koliert Iiinos.lwuler;
Calvin Smith, cororal; Harold
Sathor, John Sloldl. Howard Young.
Ivtl Hronterhou. Frank Aveiill.
Kuven Patrol Til Hoke, leader;
Hugh ThomiMMin. corMiral; Kay
inond ThonMin, Kalph .lolmnon.
ment of $ 1 ,0X11.60 from January 1
to July 15. Kill, with $16.16 canli
on hand. Mttmhondilp feo amount
ing to $VWH ami donation aggre
gating ft) 1.60 ronmln unpaid. Out
Mtanding claim agaiiiNt tho club
total $18(S..S.
J. N. Hunter and family toft by
auto oterday for Hood Klver
where Mr. Hunter will build a roi
dencu on hi ninch. They will visit
tho htiimldo before returning to
The Best Prophet of the
Future is the Past.
For more Hum u year the Di'si-hutes
liunkiiiK & Trust Company of Bend
has meant "befit" anil is pleased to
plaee at the disposal of its customers
the facilities gained during this
period of continuous .service and
growth, confidently believing it can
meet every requirement of the
most discriminating.
Put Not Your Trust in Money
But Put Your Money in Trust.
1 r
The DeschutesBanking &.Tmst
Company of Bend, Oregon
"Conservative Banking for Conservative People.
I,. H. BAIUD, (I'reil.lent) J. W. MA8THR8, (Vice I'mlileut)
1', O. MINOR, (Secretary)
D i u it c t o n a:
h. D. flAIim, 1'. O. MINOR, S. V. DAIRD.
have been taken for tho organlra
tion of a. commercial club at Fort
K'iek, whidi later will join the big
organization, ami exhibit will bo
prepaied for Komi.
liUiiving (''tidiiy morning. Mr.
Sawhlll with ('. S. Hudnon. S. D.
Kennett and V. C. VanWInklo, In
tor of tho hcIiooI law.
II. J. Overturf thought he ro
siguod from tho K'hool hoard. Kut
he didn't. Ho merely tried to. The
b'jard thought it bad accepteil his
resignation. Kut it didn't. It
merely tried to.
It hnppned tljis way. On July
7th the School Hoard held a meet-
Ijwt week B. W. Kichardwin
cut l'J acres of alfalfa on his
ranch 4 miles cut of (lend,
getting an even -10 ton from
it. Ho estimates that the
Hcconil cutting will give more
than half as much again, mak
ing a per acre yield for the en
tire ncreagc of over three tong.
matter of fact, he remain a mem
ber until his roBignation (a legally
Hi resignation not having been
legally accepted, at the advice of ;
flovernor AdvUed to Seek Atoro Trop
leal Clime After Gubernatorial
Atlaile If Almoit Hurled at
Head of La Pine Irrigator.
Salem, July 31. Apparently a
catch-as-catch-can melee between
Oregon' chief executive and J. E.
Sunday, made a trip which included
tow at Iji Pine, Silver like, I'm!-
toy and Fort Kock.
"It is a revelation to ce tho de
velopment In the Houthern country,",, (ln.t think th,B wnj ,juiu, n ,
wild Mr. Sawhlll. "U Cine l deal to the taxpayer, oipeci:
futp At tlittt tmiitt ititr nitwinir tttntf
the former' car, and returning ,, ." .. ... '. . , , .
.. . . , . 1 1 t i t i 1 1 thing, it majority decided to re-
; weiml the board' previous action
'and to employ a principal at $1500
h your. AIoxj other miiary increase
twero authorizod. Mr. Overturf
inllv as
growing like miituh room-but It , ,,. Jltlrict Js not in ,mrticularly
i not muHhroom growth.' but the rw)twroU8 nnancia condition. He
iMMt kind of tiulHiUmtiiil develop- j rwlwiwl from tho l)oard.
ment. Silver Ijike and tho plendid i n ti mi, ti.- ,xn,r
territory tributary to it I pro- WftH htlll an(, U)C two romnininK
M-rou. Particularly, iwrhaj). I , .mM,rM ,,r ,h,. i,rd nrrntit..d Mr.
was ImproMHod with the wonderful Overturf resignation.
Htri.le tho Fort Kock country ij ut it now ,k.V0opH thnt Uieir
taking. Where two year ago there , nccuplnnce roay C0UnU for nothing,
wan practically no habiuition now ltwmw the meetlnK at whIch thc
are win of houses and hundred nclion WM takcn WM ill(,Ka,
of nrrai of cultivated Held, all .araBrnph 2 of Section 05 of the
wun promoting croiw. une rouit.
of the i'alNloy visit I that the com
the county miperintendent and those 'Mnnson of La Pine was narrowly
who elected him, and who desire to averted today at n red hot secret
have him continue in oflice even as wwion of the Desert Land Koard.
an "objecting minority," Mr. Over-1 Mornon aya that Governor Wet
turf ha withdrawn hi reilgnatlon, ' threatened to throw a steel twiwr
, in a letter dattil July 25th to School weight at hi head, and when Mor
i Clerk Wiest. in which he call atten- son ordered the Governor to sit
. tion ti the decision of the countv down, awmrontiv with some verbal
suiwrintendent that the acceptance trimmings, the former Is reported
of his resignation i void because of ' as replying:
the illegality of the meeting at! "You can't make me sit down.
mercial club there will get up an
exhibit to bo shown at Kend."
"I would rather do busine in
Oregon than in California, and just
a noon a the railroad get to Kend
Oregon School Laws reads:
A meelint! of the tllttrlct tcliool
Uxnl may be called at any lime by a
mriiitx-r of the board ocrvluti Mtillcn
nonce on the other member ami the
ctcik at leat lmtT'four hour before
ucli meeting i to l held, tuch notice
to be led at the residence or uiual place
ol builnrn o( such member anil clerk,
kttlai. lu i11mjI lik I Itaa rfim Ittitlt ittaiaaMt
shall get much of my freight from I ol the mcuilr ol uch lird; provide.!,
there," was the statement of Victor i 'at he "ctiunof uch board .hall not
tie iiri'iiiru ii.m iui umr every tiicmucr
Conn, one
of TaMoy' I argent
lia I have been duly notified "
County School Superintendent R.
A. Ford, in a letter dated July 15th.
I'OWULI. IIUITII NUKSIIKV. noimw, Mr. Overturf that "you arc
On the south widu of Powell Kutte a member of the board till your
a new industry ha boon started ' resignation I ccoptol at a legally
fruit nurmiry. For thirty years T. callwl mooting, notice having been
11. Ijifollottu ha Iwd an orclmrd served on ewch member."
there which hiw never failed totally Kofore the meeting of July 11th,
to nmr. He Iimm been o succeiwful no notice of suclt meeting was
that ho decides!
nuntery stewk, and
to raUse Mime ) Mtrvod uiMin Mr. Overturf, as ro
thi fall thu It- iiuirod by the above quotetl law, it
which the action wa taken.
So Mr. Overturf remain a mem
ber of the Kend School Hoard.
No man can come into this office
and tell me to go to Hell."
The genteel fracas arose over the
statement of Govomor West that
Mr. Morson's irrigating organiza
tion, thc Doschuto Land Company,
which Is doing extensive reclamation
workaround La Pine, south of Bend,
would not render proper accounting
to the state authorities concerning
Its actions. The Governor alleged
that thc settlers were not adequately
protected, and that Morson should
establish a trust fund to assure the
Seattle Parties Ncjrotlntlnz (or Pur
chase of Stone Structure Which
J. I. Writ Ma Under Way.
The building which J. I. Wost is
constructing out of local pink stone
on Greenwood avenue, near the
depot Bite, may be made three
Btories high. Seattle parties who .nmntnUnn nf th nmU.
are negotiating to buy the property Mr. Morson declared that his
as soon as it is completed have company is operating with entire
stated that they would like to have legality, and that in a letter de
a third story added and if the deal mimding a detailed statement of tho
is carried through Bend's first fire- company's affairs, ordered upon en
proof building will be a "sky- tirely too Bhort notice to make corn
scraper." plianco possible, West was black-
The walls of the building are now ' mailing him.
up to the second story. Operations j "When Governor West stepped
were resumed this week at the onto the board he thought he was a
quarry about a mile up the Des-' little God," said Mr. Morson, after
chutes from the Bend Co.'s mill. ' the war clouds had receded. "I
The front of the ground floor will lofi tKo merino- ,it.fni..twi with tti
be of plate glass and will have a thought that the people of Oregon
handsome appoarance. Two eye , had elected such a man governor,
beams and iron columns supjwrt the who has only the dignity of rowdy
front wall of the second story. The ' ism. I would not strike Governor
building Is 25x00 feet in she, the Weat bocause he is too small."
lot being 1S7 fot deep and running '
through to Fir avenue. I EXCULUINT PUBLICITY.
Bond Park Company has
I The Bond Park Company
i come to the front again with an
I other excellent advertising publi
cation. This is n large folder, con-
follette N'urM.'ry Co. will have hardy (Hpiruntly boing takon for granted
apple, Hir, plum and cherry treo1 that, because he had tendered his
and currant, gmwoborry, and red j resignation, hi membership on the
raspberry buslie ready for delivery. Umrd therouiHin terminated. As a
Full Stock of
Builders' Supplies
Of all kinds now on hand. Finest
line of Cottage Doors in
' Central Oregon.
Keep out that enemy of mankind,
the Uy, with
Screen Doors
The kind that yon want is here and
the price is right.
Save money by buying your shovels
pitchforks, stoves, nails and other
hardware nt the store of
N. P. Smith
Wall Street
Administrator J. I. West has
applied to the county court for
authority to sell the personal prop-, toIInjc the phu of their holdings,
erty of the late J. Anthony Mitchell. nttrnct!ve t0xt and illustrations, and
im oi dooks anu a convincinB map-comparlson of
curio. The collection of the latter with Spokane, showing
is large and contains borne rare and wJuit may be expected it the way of
valuable articles. future growth.
The First National Bank
Or U O. OOE Preildtnl E A SATHEH. Vic Prldnt
O 8 HUOSON, Caihltr
Capital fully paid S25.00O
Stockholdtra llb!lty . (26.000
8urplu .... . .0OO
Who Grants the Favor?
H WE ask you to become n depositor nt this
bank, thereby asking you to do us a favor;
but at the same time we ask the privilege of
rendering you u valuable service.
(H WE ask the privilege of being your banker;
of caring for your money and keeping it
safely, free of ehnrge; of being your friend,
counselor and adviser; and, if necessity arises,
of extending you credit and helping you in
every way we can, both as friend and banker.
fJ YOU will find it very advantageous to ac-
cept our invitation to become a customer
of this bank.
h Mjj