The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 26, 1911, Image 4

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    1 i
An iuilccnlciit newspaper, .UmliiiR
tor the square ilral, clcnn lii'iiies clrmi
)k)1Iiic, niul the bent interests o( Ilcnil
ml Central Oregon.
Oof yrar.............. .....,.. ..hhwii.
11 M hlOnlhtittHIWiHttMtiHHWIIMIMtnMIIHIHMil
Thict month . ........... ... ....
(Invariably In a.lranre.)
. Jt.J
. .fro
It is practically certain that
the body of Mrs. McGrath is in
the Deschutes Itiver. Are the
count officials willing to let it
remain there indefinitely, or
will official action be taken
toward its recovery?
The petition to the County Court
whose text is published elsewhere in
this paper is one that should, and
undoubtedly wil', receive the hearty
upport of voters throughout the
count. Now that the Portland
Commercial Club and the two inter
ested railroads have come to the
front with an offer to contribute
two thirds of the amount required
to install and support two agricul
tural experiment stations and a
number of co-operative sub-stations,
Crook County most assuredly should
hhow its interest in the enterprise
and willingness to support it.
Harney County, which recently
has inaugurated this important de
velopment feature, is blazing Uie
educational trail with splendid
generosity. That enterprising, if iso
lated"cow count" started the good
work with a contribution of $20000.
And now Crook County, with two
outside interests bearing the brunt
of the expense, is called upon to
contribute but $3000. The rail-
roads are vitally concerned, as are
the Portland business interests. The .
Oregon Agricultural College has"
signified its willingness and desire'
to direct the excellent enterprise. '
The Central Oregon Development
League has gone on record as being I
unqualifiedly in favor of the scheme.
Experience whereever it ha3 been J
tried has demonstrated the value
and entire efficiency of the plan. I
And now the best, simplest and .
fairest method of raising the neces
sary funds is proposed. Let every
one put his shoulder to the wheel '
and rush this thing through; for if
possible the work should be under,
way this season. .
"Make haste slowly" is an excel
lent motto to apply to the manu
facture of city charters. The re
sults of uncautious action in charter
making and in the methods of con
ducting city elections, is strikingly
evidenced near home by the un
fortunate Linglos that are confront
ing both Ilodmond and Madras at
this time.
At Redmond procedure in the
installation of municipal water
works is at a halt because at the
last minute, when the local pro
moters of the commendable under
taking thought they were out of
the woods, the bonding house which
was to have taken the $25000 bond
issuo refused to "come through" on
account of an irregularity in the
election. There a new election,
irksome delay and unnecessary ex
pense and complications are result
ing from ill-advised procedure. At
Madras an almost identical condition
exists, defect) in the methods of
the adoption of the city charter
probably having to be mended by a
new tJoct.-m,
All of whicji makes admirable
illustration of tho fact that Rend is
acting wisely in taking her proposed
charter, to an experienced charter
doctor,, to receive his diagnosis and
treatment before its presentation to
the voters. It may cost a little,
but now is the time to produce a
charter free from lezal defects, so
that later, when bond issues may
become desireable, there need be
no hitch.
August b the month of months
for camping and picnic parties. The
Deschutes will be "crowded" with
vacationists from Bent! to Crane
Prairie. And how will the trip
makers leave the scene of their
play? It certainly is to be lloKd
that all will realize the importance
of "cleaning house" after them; it
is so very easy to burn up the
papers and trash anil to buiy or
hide away the tin cans, thus leaving
pleasant camping places for the
next comers or a revisitation of the
first campers. Just at pro-sent care
less campers and picnickers have
left scores of spots along the river
looking like miniature Coney
Islands, with cracker boxes, plates,
tin cans and other unsightly and
unnecessary odds and ends strewn
Rot Up to Taunt and Haunt tha
Poor Human D.rsllet.
The small crowil of Krtuir loafr
louuKod wwtkljr l't the llttlo circle of
tlcbi frutu the tit fully dickering lamp
about the door. Two or tlitvf of tlieni
Tvcrv li-anlnc against a ntntij colonM
poster. alniiHt unrvitd.itilo lu thK'oim.
Thtt Jtxir tvutiK uH.'n It wiu iiout
but and a tttpixT ttuur lit a rwl Jer
sey and 'H-nkt-d iMp of the Sitlrntlori
Army appcurvd with a cbsery -jrwt-
"C'omr In. men: comr In. Fine treat
tnnlttit: splendid cranmphone; all the
latrst from ttw music balls. Come on
One hy one they went, t'nmlo none
and Sous nun-be rune nasally
through the ball Then ttie rbeery
tolrv was beard acaltt:
"Now for some fraud opera, pintle
men.' One llrtnc derelict who had subsided
silently after bis arrival from I be pub
tic houm- rnud hlniKelf at the words.
"Opera trand opera.." be muttered
Tbe familiar whir of the gramo
phone began ajraln. and then a role i
from tbe aluminium born announced
"Sontt from '1 PaKllaccl.' by I'ompey
Carlyle. tbe famous tenor of croud
opera." Aa tbe name of the slncer
wax announced the rat-zed waif miff
ened uprlcbt where ho sat. Then as
tbe first note ram; out Ids face beld
alt the aitony of a lost til Stmlcht
to hi feet he liounded; then, with a
cry. "Stop It. for heaven sake stop
ItT and with crlmy bauds pree-1
orer his face he ntsbed from the bjll.
followed by a storm of abuse.
"What's the matlerr queried tbe
"Queer Moke." answered another
waif, still Rnsplnc from tin attack of jl
rouxninc wnirn nna iorn ms irau
tody "Sinew outside putis Csed to
be In hopora 'lelf. Dooze. done It."
"What do ynn call blmT
-rompey Carlyle."
"Ilearens, It was his own sons he
beardr-London Tlt-Blu.
Cxpsrts That Msk Ssuess For Fla
voring tha Oiffsrant Grinds.
"1 am a lolstcco chef." aald the tal
low man. "I make tbe aatu-ei that
jtlre ua smoking or cnewlns tnhacco as
a food chef makex the sauce whlcb
elre ns sole colttert or poulet Creole.
Take this dark, sweet. Juicy plus
of nary brown.' so popular among
the more prosperous type of teamsters.
Well, tbe flaror of this plus Is due to
a sauce made of sucr, licorice, whisky
aud honey.
"Here la a mild, cool pipe tobacco
that collece boy faor Smell It
Very arumatlc. eh? Well. It has been
ateeped In a sauce compiwil of the
essential oils of cltrouellu. bersamot
and rassla
"But It U when you come to the
bleb cmde Ilarnna cigar, the clear
that sells fur -10 or r0 cents, that you
see the tolwrco chef at hi bet. He
doesn't make hi sauces then uf sueh
common Ingredients aa siicur. Ikto
mot. Ilcorh-e and so forth .No. he
makes them of luieterla. The tlaror
of tbe hluh grade Harnmi tdhaeco
depend, you ee. entirely on their
ferments f'ai h tobacco utiilereoei a
different fermentation, and here tbe
chef comes In. applying the barterlu
of year wtih It entire the feroieutn
tlonx to the leaf
"Yea, tbe tobarro ehef of the highest
type, tbe one who ferment Hnratia
tobarro. handle tbe faiiou breed of
bacteria aa an ordinary cbef handle
pepper and salt, mustard and clores
and mace."-nuffalu Express.
Giving Him Encouragtmtnt.
"I am going to ask your fatuer for I
your hand"
"Ob. Hint will tie lorely."
"Vim are glud'f"
"lelluliied' I will call and bring
you flower .erery day until you are
able to m out again. I bare never
seeu the luldu of a boapllul'-Uutu
too Post.
A Loophole Opn.
"You're a fraud, sir."' i-rti-d the In
Clgnant patient, "You guaranteed
your medicine to euro after every
thing else failed, and"
"Well, my dear sir," replied the fake
medicine man, "probably you bttvent
tried everything else." i'bllndelpbia
Qot One Orcfsr.
First Book Agent Old you receive
an order at thai house I Just saw you
rotue out of? Kecond Book Agent
Yea, I was told to "etc" flostou Tran
script. (lood breeding la a letter Jf credit all
i world.
tt Pot
an Actual Cash Valut In
tht Workshop.
That proitor mitllittlon In fnrturlr
h.i nit ni'iiiiii inii iiim itit-t lict'ii wi'll
tlliiMirntiMl in tlii1 i'ioo of ti II nil of I
mIiIii iiihI Miliar tniitiiirni'tuierx In Iter
lln Unt . wln'rc tho (iilliivvlnu ri'Kiiitu J
tut o Ihvii olitiilmtt from four nirt'
uth'iitlmi to the welfnru of
the worker
The amount of tiii-Oni' inntle was
lolltiliit, xviiki-h Ini reiled M per rent,
liy cnttttii: out 'Vtiniliment Help" the
Utlltlher tif employees win rvdueed 'JO
per eviil. tlie iHxeiuv on miotint of
rtloUteiH wore itilimsl one third To
the firm ttiN uieiini that etupioiv
did 1HI per rent more work In one year
than nn mvomplHhed hy Ki employ
eei In a Kluiliar period four jistrs pre
vious To lOe worker It meitiit that
430 of tbetn earned m iuele imiutht
S-.n.imh) more thin ..-J did ditrluu a
prexlou I welt e nuintlit
tr ti K A WIikIow of the Mnssn
vhutetts ItKtltute of TeehnoloK.v mmle
I a study ot the amount of II I no pre
rallltiK amoui; the female operator lu
the telephone cvnlriil ul Cumlirldire.
Mass, tieron- iitid n tier the Imtitlliitlon
of a xyniein of artltlrlai ventllHtlou
The tlKiirex uliinlmit by him lmw thutS
during the inn tYtnterx privedlnit the
chance, wtit'ti dor and windows had
to lie kept elod. on the nxernire about
one clrl In twenty wit iilweni dally
Invnuse of lllne-w liiirttii: the ttirrt
, nrKindltiK uionilKof the loitowlnu year,
it ben the renillatloit hud tx-eu matr
i rlalljr Ituprmt-d
only one :lrl lu dftr
was absent fnim duty viii-b day.-Ht
I Louis I 'on l ti,Hitrti.
Oxddard Msnch t.snds.
Locatetl in fnxik and Ijtke coun
i ties. Ranging from $1.50 to $8.00
kt acre. Kasy terms. Huy now
and get the benefit of raise in these
' lands. See Kay McKay. IG-tf
Chicken Ranches.
Eight hundred chickens free with
8 acres; 500 chickens free with 5
acres. Rhode Island Reds or Ilrown
i Leghorns. Tracts 1 3-t miles from
I center of Rend. Hastes & Roan
J Realty Co. 20tf
I Library Notice.
I During the month of August the
Rend Library will not bo open on
Wednesday and Saturda aftrr-'
nmms. This nctlun Is taken by!
direction of the Club. '
iVtiKHittiutlon I'ulU.
I lend, lre;on
Sawmill Owners Attention!
Wantkh Hy first class bawyer
and mill wright, a steady job. For
further particulars call or write The
Hulletin office. 18-21p
160 Acre Ranch 1601
On main canal, 1 10 acres irri
gable, 1 M milea of fencing. Best
'of will, 25 acros cleared, good
hoube. Owner Iwing non-rosidtmt,
will sell this ranch very cheap.
Small cash payment down, balance
on long time. For further infor
mation Mrc II. 1). True, at Kay Mc-
' Kay's office. 19-20
J. V. Dimick is prepared to do
all kinds of high grade architectural
I work, mtike plans, blue printtt, etc.,
I for businesti Iioumm and rod
idonco. tf
K ATI'S I'lvi- cent a line lor first in
Minion in lhi column, (our rents a line
lor ech suliM-iieiil insertion. Count
mx vtonU tn h line.
Takkn Ul Ilald-facud black cow,
with boll on. Hrandud J II. Owner
can get same by inquiring of The
Hulletin. 18tf
Lost Gold chain and ring with
three tets, on July Uth. Finder
please return to Mrs. C. M. Red
field. 18-tf
Lost Huckskin horbe, quarter
circle X on left hip, and bay mare,
with hut brand on left stifle and
; lazy L on left jaw. Keward of $10
for recovery. Notify Jim .Smith,
! Bend. 16-20p Two work horses, one
buckskin, ring brand on juw bone,
slightly Hway backed. One cheat
nut mare. "Y" brand on right Btille,
Htiir on forehead. Lost two months
ago. Finder notify Auno'n Livery
Stable, Bend. Ten dollars reward
for information that will lead to
return. 18-21p
Wantko Trees to pull. Have
first class outfit. Sec Llddell on
the Wilson ranch, Powell Butte.
Address. I'rinevillc, Ore, H(f
For Kent,
Foil Kknt Five room house with
I burn, in Lytle. See F. II. May, 12tf
Wiestoria Addition
Only two mu! n half BLOCKS from the DEPOT site.
City Water assured and OTHER Improvements to
on sixty-foot Streets, with twenty-foot Alleys, at
$150. $150. $150.
Our Terms Defy Competition
$10. PER MONTH $10.
This Property Is Selling FAST. Better come In to
day and make your selection as the first buyers
ALWAYS make the most money, by KttlnK the
CHOICEST selections.
Call on or write our RESIDENT manager,
H. D. TRUE, Bend, Oregon
We also have the choicest list of Improved and Un
improved Ranches, and Timber Claims, also Relinquishments.
The NewlonKoller Co. inc.
Fon Kknt Four room bungalow,
new and neatly finished. Address
E. P. Brostcrhous. Bend. 10-tf
For Sale.
Bread Cc at The Palm. 17-tf
Pins For Salk A few pure breed
I) u rocs also Hampshircs of both sexes
Lee Davenport, Powell Butto, Ore
gon. ICtf
For Sale Farm lands and city
property in the Judith Basin, Mon
tana, or will trade for land around
Bond. A. L. Herring, Benchland,
Mont. 17-20p
For Salk Family hack, canopy
top, just right for fnmlly use. Will
hell or trade for good saddle horse,
or Htnck of any description. See C.
M. Davis. 18tf
Don't Fought that Millard Trip
lett Iihh a complete stock of furni
ture and that his prices tire right.
For Salk. ('heap, twwt com
plete 20,000 caixicity sawmill in
('rook county. Machinery all new.
IteuMon for Milling, timber all cut
nut. Write or enquire lit Bulletin
office. 7-tf
For Salk Or Tradk Firstclusa
No. :i Faultletw Stump Puller, with
ciiblu. for wile or trade for stock,
Daniel Llddell, Wilson Hunch,
Powell Butt0, Ore. Addros Prjne
ville. Ore. lltf
Busy, Busy, Busy that' Innes
& Davidson because they give the
best of barber service.
GKT Your Lumiikr from tho Pine
Forest Lumber Co. House lath and
irrigation lath a uiieciulty. tf
Ik You want n snap In farm or
c!ty"proKrty, see the Oregon In
vestment Company. They hnvu
what you are looking for. 18tf
Four to fifty miles tur hour. "On
the High," can be made with an
"Oakland." F. F. Smith. Agt. Otf
Do You Nkki) any furniture? If
you do, you can save money by see
ing Millard Triplett.
If you contcmplato tho purchase
of an automobile, investigate the
"Oakland" line. F. F. Smith, local
Agent, 0-tf
Good Work by exporu Is done at
Innes & Davidson's barber shop,
The "Oakland" Automobiles uro
made In seven different styles of
bodies. 80 and 40 horse power.
Quick deliveries. F. F. S'mlth,
A Complete Line
IIihU, Mattress utid Spring
ItltUIT I'KU l-S
K. M. THOMPSON, Hend, Oro.
lxp.tlm.n i- Thr tnlrtluf
V S tju'l onVtTbf iMllct O'rfon. I
luljr lIS uii ,
Nikr Ithcr.tir lm that Tkfffx II lunr.
.oinii.if r.Ht nd piti.i(ii Nu s4 io
putrhaw thr uK ""H f"' towmhlp i
thr llmhf Ihriron uwlrt tti imnUMiai uf lha
will, T.nir m ,a.i. MiiiaMi.iir i,uaH anti
aftotjunri 11)1, anil u mtlHLturjr knuu
aa tbr "TlmWr an't Ktuwc Lsw, at auch raluv
aa nilhl tirAirilh)r appialwuiriit aiiit that
IHif .uant lu auch atmlkalluii. thr Im1 and inn
lr Ihtmin har laii apfal.l at fuv-iatlhr
tlmlarrr.llmatrit itSiuilMiit ( ! (mil
,l)l anUlhr laiilnjio lhal atil applkaiit
will ilTr rlnal (irciorin auinl uf ti la )it1r1 kn
amt .worn tiairinrntiMi Ihr viea) ut ftrutlr
i)U l-futr II . I'llis I h Cuiiiiiiluioiifi at
hit n(h-r al llcn.l, ornon
Any Kruill lal UI liil'lral Ihla mr
ilnaclof Ir rnlf)r of lull al a luiilr.l al any
time i.f'-rc ealriii U.ura l.yfil iig at iiilHalr.
atfutaiii in Ihi.olAir llclli l.ui xlikll I
It r- al Iht nil I
u, CUM UIHI HriiUli-r
Agents for
Lots lit Small Prices and
Easy PiiymuitLs.
Business Property
Warehouse I'mperty
All kinds of
Fui'in l'ropeity
Homestead Locutions
Fire Insurance.
Eastes (2b Beai
Realty Co.
Oregon Street
Bend, Ore, July 7. mil
To Whom it May Concern
I hereby aaslgn all my right, title
and Interest in any and all mvounts
and credits due to the firm of Tur
pin & WhltJH'tt, to II. L. Whltaeti
Signed. . K. TtUtl'IN.
Wltnm: W. II, Coble. !K-21p
Or. Iturrlstlack In lirtj
Dr. A. A. Hurrla has returned to
Bend and can lc found at his ntllce
In the Hotuling Httilillng
In jar Cunnlr LuuM uTlht Malaot lit. fu,
Cicaik CbuhIv
Is Ihr uialirf uf thr
Milch, II itrrraw.!
I'.Malf uf Jtnir. A
'Thrundri.linr.t hattMf rtn iiilnl l.r
Ihr Cixinlir Iimhi ,rf ihr Mala nf ii,(.mi f..r
LluukCuuiillr. Ailruliil.Kaluf wflhr ol
Janirt A Mitch.ll ilrr..r.l mrtkr I. hrifliy
flirHlitlhr rirOlliHiufMiil u.t all ix-
wnt hatiH( italmt i(.ih. .akl iliarawl ,i .ir
arm Ihrm ilulr tiiSr aa rulit. l. taw HiMHlht Iium Ihr rfalror lln, nMir
llhr uiulrl.liHnl al Ihr utStr rf . n llriikiii
t'll.l Nali4inal IMnh HmkliHs llrikl oirii.iii
I'tlr.l Jul, ,ylH 1,1. JOHN I Ul -.T
'iKUHIrDaluf 14 Ihr I tlair
' Jamr. A Mluhtll ilr.ratrl
Supplies of All Kinds.
" aBlii'iVMaskssMas.wsiaaTasaMSasBaaiiBaBaBM
Call and see our
Subsoil Packers
Our Prices aro Right.
Bend Milling (2b
C. I. Bozell, Mgr.
rtd J.- WM"