- V T i .1 . NO MORE Freight Troubles The Oregon Trunk Hallway is open for busi ness tV Opal City, jiisLnorlltof Crooked river. The Jones Warehouse Compatay Ol'.OItUI! A. JONHS of IJeml, Mminjicr will handle all freiKht at Opal City for the railroad. The old Shauiko Moody Ware house .system will he employed. Merchants will f(et their floods promptly and without ineouvenienee. Oi'Ai. City will he the ircight terminus for 1)0 days more. Ilnvc your freight consigned in eare of JONES Address communications to Iiend. -- WMHWMMMi CVDONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Irrigating Lath and Houso Lath A Specialty The tlmlicr c cut (rum l llit tl In thtcouu. try, mill 4h tulle witithratl ( Ilcml. Pine Forest Lumber Com'y BEND. OREQON ANNOUNCEMENT. We take pleasure in informing you that we have a stock of Wall Paper (SI.OOO rolls) on the way. We expect to have this on sale by Saturday, July 211. We respect- fully solicit your patronage. Skuse Hardware Co. WHERE THE Underwood Standard Typewriter has replaced other machines, gains have been made In celerity and accuracy of vork-due to the Underwood features of proven value., Everybody ought to know what the Un derwood will do when put to the severest test. "Tho Machine You WW Eventually Buy" Underwood Typewriter Com'y , UNCOUl'OllATltD) Portland, Oregon, Office 68 Sixth Street The Pioneer Wood Yard Has on hand fine dry 10-inch mill wood (al really split for the stove), at $.50 per coitl, delivered, Also dry block wood at $4.fl( per cord delivered. Leave orders or telephone O'Dpimell Bros. Market. W. P. DOWNING, Proprietor. .. A. !l I'KII'IION COUNTV COURT TO All) AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT FARA1S. Under the misplco of the Central Oregon Development League the following petition to the County Court of Crook Oninty In Ik-Ihk circulated, uskinjf that the county contribute J.'IOOt) towards tho establishment and maintenance of two experiment farms, to bo located and conducted by tho Oregon Agricultural Cottage. As arranged at the re cent mooting of llu; INiguc, tho two interested railroads will contribute one third of the $10,000 which It is estimated will bo rc(Uiiod, tuiif tlio I'ortlund Commercial Club the other third remaining after the eiun.y has done its share. To The Honorable County Couit of Crook County, I'rinovllle, Omi. Him: The mulct nIkih-1 petitioner nml lux (siyer itwldinjf In Crook County, Oregon, linn-liy petition .voiirhanorablnlwdy to si M In mttiltllililng iitul iniiliiinlnlng two iiKilriiliutiil oxiwrliiiurit atatloni within Him llmfu of Crook County: one matlon to !" rietoli'ri to lirljfutlon piuIiImiiih, iiml oiut Mutton to dry fin initio' problem, and iwptjt fully ruprttxint rnfollovri: WiiitiiKAM, tin- (Ic'vi'lojuiii'iil of Oook Count depend primarily upon fiottlmnont him Intelligent oultlmUon of the farm land Jjltlilll Its ImiiiikIiii li'H. Wiikhkah, tin problems iiml illlllrultlfm which roof unit the nuttier upon such lands art nsw ami unlike those which ohtnln In tin1 foiim1!' home of trtiah si'tili'i-i nml tlmt under prunnnt condition many failure and th let of iiiimjIi money li ooetnloflwl, which would not In tmu wine liitclllgdiit iiiclhod employed. Wlll'.UKAS, tin- iiiohI H)tint factor In tint ifavHlopuisnl of new countries li tho agrioultnral nxpnriment station. WlllJUI'.AH, , tin- (r'Kon I'kUIiUiiic will not commit- until two year hence, und, on that acoouriL, no (iiiroprktlofn for tliK imrpiHi en n Ic oldHined until the lnIilnluic Iih 11 uxaln convene; therefore, fund for tho maintenance of any ugrieultural ox jil liiii'iil utiilliniH limit lie iiiKisI tluoiiKli olhur miiiicih, Wiikiikah, i Im been united ti)ii competent iiuthorlty that two audi totlon a describud alwve oan be maintained for a period of tun jeur for the mini of ten tlioiiMiud (tl0,JXJ) dollar. WlllUiKAH, the Oregon Trunk Itullway, the Dechut Hallway and the Portland Commercial Club realizing the Importance of noli a moieiiicnt luivu agreed to appropriate the huiii of tT.OW for till purpo providing Crook County will upiiroprlate an additional U.UOa U'liMitKAH, It U the Intent of your petitioner, the Oregon Trunk Itnllway, the Dooolmtet Railway and tho Portland Commer olnl l.'luh tlmt fundi obtained for thl purMMii ate to be turned over to the Oregon Agricultural Colleo: that the location of mild agricultural exixulment Htatloim and tho conduct thereof ore to m left entirely to tlie judgment of the said Oregon Agrl cuuurui i onege wun on re(ueNi inui me ix-hv niiiewi ui mu gruuvuit nuinoer ie lerveu. WllKltKAH, It N i ntlve nlallont In i uttld county. Wherefore our iNtltlonnn rrioclfiil)y requent your honorable liody to agree to ct wide, out of tho general fund, the mim of llftemi hundred (ll.VJi)) dolUn during the year It'll, nnd fifteen hundred (610OU) dollandurlng tho year 1012, atd money to m ued nnd exKinded In the eitlahllnhment and malnU-nancu of said exerlracnt station by the authorities of the Oregon Agricultural College all In lulmtanllal accordance with the fact above recited. i the Intent of the Oregon Agricultural College, If kucIi utatlom are eitablUhed, to maintain certain iulxo-oper-i nil K)rtlom of Crook County, hence tho lenellu of such appropriation will accrue to one and all section within 0 s FIVE NEW RESERVES IN OREQON. Hy Trsmfers I'rom Other DlitrlcU the Mlnam, Ochoco, Okanoifon, Paulina and Santlam ro lUtabllahed Large Acrcsge Is lillmlnstcd. Through a series of proclnmations by I'resldunt Tnft, a number of changes in Nntiorial Foreatrt of Ore gon hnyo been innde recently. These wero In tho Cascade, Chelan, Crater, Deschutes, Fremont, Malheur, Ore gon, Siskiyou, Umquu, Wallowa, Whitman nnd Umatilla reserves. Hy transfers from other forests tho new Minnm, Ochoco, Oknnogan, Pnullnn and Santinm forests were created. Among the transfers were: From the UniMiun to the Cascade, 1C8, B03 acres; from tho Cascade to the Santinm. 115.8121; to tho Ueschutes, nOl.bGl, and to tho Paulina, 147. 720; Crater. 9,'JOO to the Klamath and Cl,:t70 to tho Paullnn; to the Deschutes 17-1,130 from the Oregon, W) 1,801 from tlu.' Cascade, and from the Deschutes GW.T20 to the Ochoco and 107,120 to tho Paulina; from the .Mnlhour to tho Ochoco llU.HIO; from tho Oregon to tho Svntiam -llW.KIi), to the Doschutos 171,130; from the Siskiyou to tho Crater 12,-tOO; from the UniHua to tho Cascade 108.508, to the Paulina 300,111). Humiliations from tho forests in Oregon occurred ns follows: 1120 acres of patented land from tho Chelun, 27.!:U ncres from tho Crater, H2,l).tT from the Doschutcf, 10,000 from tho Oregon, 9,010 from tho Siskiyou and -11,11 1 from tho Umqua. The lauds embrnceil within these eliminations consist of many small bodies lying along tho borders of tho various forests which, uon examination, wore found to bo non-f ro.it lands or r a ten ted lands Uiat could well bo excluded from the forests. STEVENS Ytt STEVENS fie. J J Voabtt Varrtl UammtrUtt Sf)Otgvn l ilrongul whrro other gum are wmJUjI. Tho bar nU and lut aro drop-forKrd In one plfce of hl(?h nrraiuro atccl, chokct bored fur nltro powder with matted rib. tHrk up thla run and frcl lh babnre of It einiln the wolklnr turli clawlr anil arttidn rare aiwt nnUh of ileUll-rou will h U'a a ttlnHtr. It Ibta at only 10.00 and will be eiDowd rrroalil dlrrtt from tho futory licaj vow ro"f T"ri' I li larouta a arairr. Fn I M mw An Cul 4nll-K.li4 w,n" H I tV i LuJkffiaSHC a 'VWfirffr-y uiotc),trANt A RISE IM MUnON. Only tha Lag Want Up. and Than Thar Cam Drop. In the "pi! old days" nt tho Hay market tbi-Hter then' was twInB played a iDiialeal fnne In which wa required reul Iwlleil leif of mutton every ulchL This. ntTordlnc lo the lar of "proeny." or. rnther. tho "property man's" law, went after the perfortn aiue a I mu-t unlnuchid to the oiaclal numi-d. Hut the "dymen" perched up alufl did nut like thU. for the, too, bud Hhra and fa .nil lei, to whom a boiled leg of uiullou would have been a thing to In- remembered. Ho they hit ukjii a plan, and one nlsht Wlllliuii Karreii. who had the earring of the Joint, was nuked to 0s a hook tlmt wuuld l let down from the Dice lulo the luuilon and "leave the rent to them." Korrcn. always ready for n pnu-llcal Joke, coaaeuled and aa (he m-eiic was coming to a ter mination fattened the hook Into tho leg of mutton. Aa m-elle shifters were preparing to "clone In" and the prop erty uun Mood In the wings ready to selxu on Ills H-rpilalte the leg or mut ton wna aeen slowly lo avend. The audience laughed Henry Comp tou. who wus wateblug the maneuver, laughed, too. and Hie employee all gave tent to their feelluga In III sup preaxed merriiueui. ull except the property mini, who n-umliied miser ably m-rloiM nnd gated at the fant dc pnrtlug upK-r w lib n woebi-guiie countenance. Suddenly ua the luene was nlmotit rliccil In ill.- biwk, which Karren had illifoniimilely tautened only In I lie rut, gate way, and down rame the cowled miiitnu with u ter rlllc Rplimh iiniii the dlh. The audience now rmin-d. the era plojees rimriMl. ImiIIi l-'urreu uuU Couipion nwretl. nnd an the "fluta" hid the unrvlntiriil uhieau from view the now dellghieil iroierty miiu nirthcd upon the Mage and Mvurvd hU III tntitinl nupper. London Pumlly II era Id. Dyron'a Three Ortat Men of Europe. Lord llyioii said that Curupt haw llini- gnat men In the early Kirt of the uluelei'iith i-eiilury. Hut no one now. In the early wrt of the twentieth century, tould kiichii hi the tiauic of more than oue of the three It tuny tie Iiml Lord llyron wan Jukiin:. but II N quite Hilble Ihnl he n nerluua wtu-n he iinined the curloim trio. Third In hW little lUt he placed him aelf, the Hccoud hioii wuh .HkiIi-ou lloiinpurte. nnd the tlrM nnd foremit was !eori:e Itryiiu llniiiimel. lteuu llmiumel, "kluir of the tx-uux" and "Ijo Uul de CuliilK."-Krom Jerrold's "Meuux and Unudles.' St. Valentine. The Uth of February la a day sa cred to Ht Valentine, It was a very odd notion, alluded to by Shakespeare that on this day birds Itejrln to cou ple. I!rn?e pvrhaM, riw the cua tom of sendlnx on this day tellers eon tslnlng profeona of love and affec tion. Noah WetMter. He'e Still Doing. "Wont doe your father do for llr Idr. my aonr asked Hie kind old lady. Time Juh now," reeled Hie yoga ter. "but be lined to do everylKsly," New Vork Times. Punlehment After Death. A uecro, already under sentence of Ufa imprisonment, wna convicted of two charjfea of assault to murder. With Rreat Brsvlty lbs Jury sentenced blm to Ave years on each charge and ordered the prison officers to keep his rorp for ten years after be died. Per haps a little theolojty entered the do chdou, the Jury feeling aa did the man found hammering ovray at a snake after he bad killed It and who ex plained by aaylnir be believed In pun libmeot after delb. Judg. Among the Filers. "I took a filer in Wall street." "And the result r "8ume old nvlutlon news -a One start and all of a sudden a fearful bump."- fclicbuufc-e. ' ' The wise business man is particular about his printfng. The Pulletln Job l'rintcry strives to please the particular ones. Phone us or call at office, My Restaurant IS THE ONLY PLACE IN BEND THAT IS Open All Night SHORT ORDERSQUICK SERVICE Sandwiches and Lunches a Specialty New Dining Room Just Added Tables for Ladles. BILLY'S PLACE W, ff, ADAIR BILLY'S PLACE WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table atwsys supplied with the best that the town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Bbnd, Orkcon Put Your Duds Ii Our Suds Bend Steam Laundry Phone us. We will call for your bundle. The Buckley Express Co. DAILY SERVICE between railway points nml Hotul. Careful atten tion Riven to StnRe, Ex press nml FnstFruiRht Busi- ness. Bern! nRonts Wcnandy Livery Co. DAILY STAGE SCHEDULE Arrive Boiul 7 n. m. Leave Bend . . . v . . 1 2 m . NO STOPS Hunter Bros. With Kkcsk IUruwauk Co. Interior Decorating Houso Painting Wall Paper In Stock. The Vienna Bend's Dcst Restaurant Cleanliness, with Gopd Ser vice,' pur motto, Meals 35c and up. Centrally located, on Wall street. s Your Children Should ) S Be Photographed Every Year. s BABY PICTURES ) Our Specially. View Work Copying S Enlarging J S Kodak Finishing. THE BEND STUDIO, j Look prettitit Tasts Lut AstorteJ tnot liberally (r z CHOCOLATES , V CONFECTIONS RED CROSS DRUQ STORE. OFFICE FOR RENT. Handsome new office in best location on Wall street. In quire at Bulletin office. , '' .f