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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1911)
1 I Tfl. NO MORE 1 1 Freight Troubles Tho Oregon Trunk lluilwiiy is open for busi ness to Opitl City, just north oi'Crookcd river. The Jones Warehouse Company (inORdli A. JONIJS of Ikml, Alnnngcr will hundlc all freight ut Opal City for the railroad. The old fihaniko Moody Ware house system will he employed. Merchants will et their floods promptly and without inconvenienee. Oi'Ai. C'rrv will he the freight terminus for DO days more. Have your freight consigned in care of PASS ON CHARIER PORTLAND ATTORNEYS TO QOvOVER IT Mnyor Coo Left Sunday for Rose City Taking Copy of Instrument Pilot lluttc Canal to Me Hedged nt Hlghtli Street Call fur Mils fJy tho way, alr,M ho continued, "per Imp you. being nn American, don't know thnt In tho mTVfliiljr hull (lie vnlnt olid tnnld iiro always en 1 1 til nftcr their niflMtcm' ntnl mlatrraniM' noriiM, They don't cnll them Ijidy Honndao. tint "Imply 4y thu lnat niinio. Thin, Kiirl C'ork'a aiu-rant would ho culled 'Cork.' And In tho HervnnlN' hnll they nn- acitted nt tha liritiK(krcftir'N luble In exactly tho xnmo KTiulu ii ml rnnk n thnt obaorved hy their uuiMura nnd mlMri-aai' upstulra." P JONES Address communications to Haul. -- "WWJ O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET LUMBER OF ALL KINDS - - 7 Irrigating Lath and Houso Lath A Specialty The HiiiIkt Mr cut friini It the best In the conn try. mill 4 miles southeast ol llrnd. Pine Forest Lumber Com'y BEND, OREGON To the Fishermen: Tho Skuso Hardwaro Company carries a COMPLETE LINE of TACKLE Sco us beforo you go fishing. Our prices aro right. Skuse Hardware Co. Make a chnrUir In hiutUj nml re pent nt I (.'Inure lit Hometliing Uond will not tlo. Tho Common Council niul In nfioclal rumUm Friday eve ning to take dual action, but it won decided that it would lie a wine plan to havo hoiiiu bond nnd corpor ation lawyer of Portland go over tho charier an drafted and examine all pari to nee that they are lewdly drawn and that ImndH, when Iwiueil, will be entirely valid and market able. Mayor Coe. who left Sundny for Portland, took the inntrumunt with him. He will return Satur day and the mutter will be Uiken up again at an adjourned howtlon on August iJ. Several nuggoHtloiw on j the wording of the charter were ro- , coived from Hend reMlilentH. There wan wnne dliwuwtlon of a commliwlun form of government for the cit ... '.he meeting Friday, but 1 no action wut taken. I The I.ytle TowriKitwCu. and L. D. WieHt having agnl to furnish the , material for the building of a j bridge aenwa the Pilot liuttc canal at Klghth Htrcet. the titrcot com mittee wan Instructed to get up i detdgna and ndvcrtlm for bids. Kecorder Kills was nlao Instructed ' to have K. 11. Gould take up with the Hend Park Co. the matter of a bridge over the canal nt Kon avenue. If tho company will furnish the lumlx'r, the city will bear the ex IHintw of construction. . . t , ESKIMO FAMILY LIFE. "Dlnrnr of Daadly Ernmlts." Lady llnmlolph Chtirrhlll once en to at her Iioijko In Coniiiiiitfljl plarv what abo en I led n dinner of deadly piiemlc. It wo thought, ntijn Mr. 0. W. Hmall cy In hi MAnffln.Aiiierl-fiii Mctiiorle." n hazardoua experiment. "It prored a complete autre, They rr nil well bred tn-oplo They nil wotrnUw their obligation to their IioMcmh a para mount for thu tlmo helm?. In aome cane nticlciit nnlmoalllc were aoft mod. In ull limy were suHpundcd." Ths Ohopllftar. Old .led Hhiicka nnd lilx wire tind rU lleil Now York city, nnd nfter they cot home Jed tn detcrlblnir to hi friend tho nnrider of city wayn. "An' we went to n big deportment aliop." tie anld. "nn" we col Inter one o them 'ere tliliic wot trhlrzi"! ye clenn tip to the 1(1(1-what In tunintlon la their tin me. ma?" "Hhopllfiert. Jededlnr." Sirs. Bhucks replied. Eneouragemtnt. "I tell you." anld Duttypnte. "I'm holiody'a fool." "Oh. well, neror mind. Dotty, dear." anld Mlm Cynlrn. "Homo day anino nice ctrl will come along nnd tnko you." Harjier'a Wwkly. PIANOS, PLAYER PIANOS npHB Doll nnd Sons Plnnos are noted for tone, touch nnd durability. Wc are exclusive selling agent for Central Oregon nnd are showing samples In beautiful figured mnhogany veneered cases In straight upright and player pianos. It will be a great pleasure for mc to give you a demonstrntion. Wc ospecially Invito you to call and hear them, whether you care to buy or not. E. M. THOMPSON. Cam Tor Congratulation. Tho llo Mr Klulipen, when you came In thl morning 1. detected n trace of Ihjuur nhont your person. Tho llookkeepcr-Thnt's Hoc. air! Klnol Thnt ahowa how much better your cold la, air Puck, My Restaurant 18 THE ONL.Y VIJLCK IN UBND THAT 18 Open All Night SHORT ORDERS QUICK SERVICE Sandwiches nnd Lunches a Specialty New Dining Room Just Added Tables for Ladles. BILLY'S PI-ACE W. H. ADAIR BILLY'S PLACE r a . mm IL'jpyyf maw WHERE THE Underwood Standard Typewriter aaamaaggajB has replaced other machines, gains have been made in celerity and accuracy of work due to the Underwood features of proven value. Everybody ought to know what the Un derwood will do when put to the severest test. "Tho Machine You Will Eventually Buy Underwood Typewriter Com'y tlNCOJU'OKATKO) Portland, Oregon, Office 68 Sixth Street A ailmp of tha Horn. Whin Whlta Quattt Ar PraitnU The utjI alutitM on entering an !kl mo b.ihllntlon are: Un thw wny oppo alte you a atentnerllke berth (MVrrvd with alilua the alerplnit qtmrtera ot the family; undrrneath. or In front, alt one or two women, dunlly newlui;: to the rljitit, n man mnkltiK huntliiK Knr Sftvr will you and hii Uxklmo family Idle. All ixYiipautii nrr u.iktM to the nulit, iMXiietlnn'w only covered with u lulu rlotb. Alona the 'ull ou vlther aide hiiril eeveml liimpa Thene lump am ahnllow (owtnne Imihiik UllcU with the oil or the neiii. nhuie or wnl run; nloni: the eiU-e It phiced n lit tie rhh'e or m. whhh nnwei the iure or the wick in our Iiiiiih The In it) w do not Mimke. Mini. lM-lile lllumluutliiK. throw n priMi himt Attove the mime lina u piei-e or li'uli Iht. to repienl'h thu oil. hImi a (i-u kettle. Vou are ronllnlly Invited to tnke on your thine nnd iny nwhlle. Thin meiitia diHrohiuu lo the Hume extent, for the n lr l tout nnd the li'in'nilure thnt or it TurkMi IkiiIi. lr ,mmi ioiiu' durliui iiiiiiI time, whirl! W nt nny hour ot the duy. .T"ii nre cordinlly Itixitrd lo Hirtiil.e, you dei'llue mid no orteu l Uheli If the menl ouimIxIh of troxetl tl"li, hlulilH-r or omeihinu they know the white mini nhhor. Mime Joker will expeelnlly eulreiil Jim In join hx dNb nnd then there la n crenl In tirti nil nrouud The INklino io in inuch piny priii'ili'iil jokii4 no n.K frteini, rciHnd in wlttlciui nml U or a happy, childlike lNoion Treitrhery. atenllnc nml lylim nre prni'th-iiily un known iituonK them III-- to in tier only nine smile ot tliem hnve iml'iitert tho white urn n. I hid uot lurluilluu the Hllietimi, Oreenhind or 1-ulirnitui INui iiiii.Cnptnln V. R, KklliKChmiUI In PuclUe lloiilhly. v- The Pioneer Wood Yard .Hits on' hnml fine dry 10-inch mill wood (td it'utly fjplit for the stove), ut SJl.flO per conl, delivered. Also dry block wood at 84.50 per cord jdeliyercd. Lenve orders or telephone O'Donnell Bros. Market. ), KW. P. DOWNING, Proprietor. SNOBBERY BELOW STAIRS. Tha Way Enoldh 8rvanta A pa Thalr Maittr'a Alra and Qracaa. Wrttlim on anolw In the .Sew York Tribune, Frederick TowiiNeiul Murtln the MK'lety iullllnnnlrn, nuyat We nre all fumlllnr with the hull cruua HiioliUiry iiuiouu Kuitllxh crv aula Ihut uxlxteil lu the time of Mr rickwlck. Not ho iiiiiuy of uh, how. erer, npprvchite whut anohhery exist today In the realm of tho aervnnta' hnll. I wna once tUUIiik lliinin IVrdl nnnd Itothachlld, whoi, my vulei ciuue to me unit uhWihI If he could tsa to I.on don by the niorulnc train and uet buck lu the afternoon. 1 anld to him, "Why do you wont to gor He replied; 0h. air. na we nre only topphiK here n few dnyH, I did uot put In my eveutuR ault, and hut nlht. yon ImMiik a forelncr, I found uiyaelf ranked nhoyo alt tho oiIhth and had to tnke prw'dence uf tlnwe who were trnTi'lliiR with dukes, enrla nnd rla rountn I outranked them all nnd took In the housekeeper lo dinner. And my inortlllciitloti wub Krvat whon I noticed thnl every one of the men nrouud the tii hie wna In eveulmt clothes, and I sJouq wua lu ui ordluury bluck aulL JOTRAWn ) tv X .-AT- s Half Price Qet one and keep cool ? these hot days. ) R. M. Smith ROUND TRIPS EAST "N From Madras, Metolius, Culver and Opal City. $72.50 $70 New York CinO CA Philadelphia tJlUO.DU $107.50 St. Paul d. Chicago Minneapnlia I II 11 1 Milwaukee g-r.";c,ty Still - Ouluth I J III J "enver err nn Wiunlpcif YVP,I,' Colo. Spga. W0.VU MANY OTIIBR POINTS IN PROPORTION. 17. ai. 33. 38. 39, 30, July t to 6, 19. 30. 36. 37, 33, Auguit 3, 4, 5. 14 to 17, 31 to 33, 38 to 30, September I, 3, 4 to 7. A variety ot route koIojj and returning. Return limit October 3ML Stopovcra are allowed tu each direction. Waitjlngton JUKI more Iloiton $110 Dates of tale: Tune 16, Oregon Trunk Railway sPPUifliilS ClaUop Deach nn the Pacific, Round Trips Mad ra 813.15: Metolius f 13.45: Culver $13 30; Opal City 13 75. Tickets sold dally good return ini; all summer, btopovers at Astoria. Astoria Centennial. Astoria. Ore., August to to Sept. 9. Low round trip fares to and from eastern points are in effect on various dates. Details will be furnished on application. Train Leaves Opal City daily 9:00 A. M.; Culver 9:13 A. M.; Metolius 9:30 n. .11.; jiauras 9:43 a. 01., arriving in i-oriianuat 7:45 I'. M R. U. MICHAK1., Agt. B. R. NESS. Act. T. A. GRAHAM, Madras, Ore. Culver, Ore. Metolius. Ore, J. II. COKURTT. Agent, Opal City, Oregon. rtollus II Agt. fj -y Look prettiest. Tasta best Assorted most LScraUy Hfik2Z& CHOCOLATES V CONFECTIONS RED CROSS DRU(1 STORE. STEVENS The Number 520, She-Shot Repeating Shotgun at $25.00 Is a haiumerless gun with n solid frame. IjisUt to ojK'rato quick er and smoother action than any other. It never balks and is jK-rfi-ctly balanced, Ivtillfil doK-rlntlon of r.n- of our tondorl! If vtrl eaiinat obtain STI'.VKNS ntKI.I Cllnmi'vj "i;.T:,"j.i"i.v.:'.v.::;?.. t niuui, I l.l. fcM UCl.i i.iryucn j-mir ooaifr, wo .will jiilp dlm-t, ctprvM cl.itof raUlutf price. J. STEVENS ARMS ft TOOL COMPANY MAssAcausurra Vt Q? MfvL YaT M ("nJ V laaaaaaaaK.Sr 1V . . V 9 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl H f J I . I f. AJlJ TEe Bucldey Express Co. DAILY X SERVICE between railway points anil Bond. Careful atten tion given to StnRe, Ex press and Fast Freight Busi noaa. Bend agents Wenandy Livery Co. DAILY STAGE SCHEDULE Arrive Bend 7 a. tu. Leave Bend 12 in. NO STOPS Yt .- i i I YOUNG ! CLARK i A. Hunter Bros. With Skusk Hardwakk Co. Interior Decorating: House Painting Wall Paper In Stock. Engineers and Architects Office temporarily with J. Eastes, on Oregon St. We aro prepared to J handle Engineering t and Architectural Work of all kinds. Irrigation Engineering t X ond Modern Bungalows t X our specialties. i , 4.4v : : : : The Vienna Bend's Best Restaurant Cleanliness, with Good Ser vice, our motto. Meals 35c and up. Centrally located, mi Wall Mrret. Your Children SbouM Be Photographed Every Year. BABY PICTURES Our Specialty. View Work Cppyinjs. Enlarging, , Kodak Finishing. THE BEND 5TBDJ0.