It ' a t. I f The Best Trees That Grow ARE NOT ICO GOOD FOR YOU Our stock has Riven such o. 'collcnt satisfaction wherever planted that you cannot afford to do Without it. There's n reason, too. A splemiiii location with deep rich soil, well drained. A long growing season. Moisture under control. Kemembor that the recollec tion of Quality remains long after tlie price is forgotten. Yakima Valley Nursery coaipany Toppcnlsti, Washington. MOKK SAI.KSMKN W'ANTKI) Wo Now Have in Stock a Carload of LIME CEMENT and PULP Plaster. IN WS THIEVES RANSACK IIOAllHSTliAD CABIN I'or Second lliti' In Three Mouths, Mrs. Iluscy's IIiiimc Is llrnkcit In to Picnickers Spemt I'ourili nt Ico Cnve Nonr Itciut. TEb OVERTURF-DA VIS MILLER COMPANY OKKICK IN 11KNSON 111.1)0. ON WA1.I. ST. Wood! Wood! a. HELLO! Where nre you RoinR? Down to Carter's nfter n cord of that good dry block wood. My wifewon't bum nnythiiiR else. Carter is four bits cheaper than others. He sells dry block wood nt $-1.50 er cord. F. i. CARTER KtuiiAtr on Application Wflll l'uper nt Portland Prices N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cliepet nml JM Walt l'urci Sam ples in the county, l.ct My Price. Ilox J9. ltemt, Oregon. LMDI.AW M1WS N01US. Jaiduw, July 11. (5 n r n o 1 1 Wolfo and wife of Maiden, WiihIi., nro visiting thu hitter's imtontN Mr. and Mrs. .1. L. Couch. Pan Smith mid nephew Imvo boon assisting the lire lighters. (J. M. Couch Is Uniting on the Metolius this week. A pleiumnt surprise party was rIvuh l''riday eveniiiR nt the home of Mi-. J. It. Nichols In honor of herself and sister. J. L. Couch, dutiRhtor and hus band, and nieces, the Misses Davis, loft Monday for tho Wlllametto Valley where they will visit relative. Tho Socialist entertainment and SUMMONS 11Y l'UM.ICATION. Ill III" JlialUr'a CimtmflllV SI.Ur ul HlfKVM, Ciniiiljr iirCtimV, llrml I'lillllil Nil . C I.II.IK. 1'lKllllllt, I V ( Ml' MM' INS. t II MunU.iif, IMriiiUnl, I lul II MoitlMbit. . IhmlmM imttinlilclriiilniil In lir Nmiiri.r llm Mm ul ili'iiiiiii iMimr hrnliy iiimiIikI Hi Mpr itlnt nil.irir Hit mill (ilnliil lilnl milii.t tm lit ilirnliiit rnllllnl miliHi mi in U lul i llir ivlli iIhc ul Inly A " i VI I mi ll iu ai Till lu aiiail.' ffi Willll llirlr 'I l Nlllllll tllll Nlll) IlltllK llilltl till III. Illlll (III Mill l1lMIMIIll.ll tit ttll JiitUinriil Til thr aum ul iii- lliiii'Mitl Klu My HiMtM) 1114. lilt-1 nun UK nla Mittltll,ltiri.ittiriiliil tliliuilun fill ItMltllllllll I M-llStl U.'IMI itni liy lilt lilllillivilltiii III llirllrlltl llHlltllli il liittir til Mrmiiil iiLitliuutt In I itttik iftini) intuitu, jHiMminl tttiWIy nt IHrii'l. liir.uii, In Hit Cwii t nt 1111. k.Tm tlu.txiln.lnl nUioiiMiiitltr I ma1 (?l..ili,) ivniwHii'tiiii null llir l.iiti J ll hi tin j A I) ivlli"im tiitilim Mitnili. luut ul lull llir iy , ittli. Ill piiKiiiiiirol mi imln nl J. M I.KMt, int. ili jil.HCv t.l ihr Alaiv. tiitlltul Coin I, tt tilth iintfi ti iiimii mm inuirtl Junr inr n, a 11 ivi 1 WHEN YOU ARE DRY THE PLACE TO VISIT IS The Silvertooth Fine Line of Wines and Liquors. Agents for Budweiscr and Wcinhard's Beer. OLD CROW BOND & LILLARD GUGGENHEIM Pure California Port Wine, Gal... $2.00 Choice Old California Port, Sherry, An gelica and Muscatel, Gal $ZUU Monogram, Bond A: Lillard, Cedar Brook Whiskey, Gal...., $6.50 Apricot, Blackberry, Peach and Apple Brandies, bottle $1.50 THE SILVERTOOTH SALOON Wholesale and Retail Wines and Liquors. MlLMOAN, July 8. Kor the second time within three mouths, the homestead cabin of Mrs. Kiln Huscy has been broken Into and t.,,.1,110 bv .1. II. ltntrlnv of Miidnm. rnnsneked. While she was livrv , KVl.n Wednesday, was it success this week visiting her sister. Mrs. I UI Ww enjoyed by n law audi. Ada 11. Milllcan, who has been ill oneu. for the post six weeks, thieve - - - Mrs. Husoy's homo by1 NUl'iiS I'ltlMi IUUaiO. breaking out the window and stole, Tu.M.U. July 10. L. II. limit, nearly all the provisions shu had, in- road supervisor, lis been doing eluding a lurKu stool; of canned some good work on tho Sought fruit. It is believed that it wan the hill ntwr tliWt plan?, work of the same persons who van- tiri( w'WVVi t mvt. ,t.t,n uwl- named the imum in (lie spring. ,,(1 i,.. wJhmj., mit,n m luir,KH Ice Cave was the scene of a plenle over several hundred acres hour tMirtv on the Fourth when Mr. and i here. I he Deputy htat riro var Mrs. Gwrse Millican. Miss MHrtha len came from I'rinoville to suer Good. Vrs. Kiln Musoy and Miss vise the fiKhtliiK. Kinlly fchnsler visited the scenic Ira K. Wimertttul C. II. SmtiKle wonder 15 miles west of here. The lmvn irono to the Courtnev mill to cavos were? explored by several J imul in some lojjs which they ot members of the party ami a Iiiikl" from the forest sorvlco. iiuantity of Ice hrouKht home. j lMot f lliu JM,,,0 j tjwo mrls Victor Schreiler. who was here , celebrateil the Fourth nt ljudlaw Thursday reuirnintf from Hend to and remrt n pxnl time. IMI ul IliM iilMlilUll, llinr llll lv" till, Jill) III 14 WH I II II l tft IKiir nl Imt nilillinlliil Alluimy In Hit I'liiiiilllt SUMMONS IIV riJIIUCATION. Ill ih Jurtlw Ciiiil iifllir nut. ul tliuii V'lHiiily ul HiMih lltnt I'm In i Nt. S C l.OlrM. I1 4imnt, i lit Ml MMUNH J II MiillUijiir, lklilhlnl, ) lu I H &UtHliitur,ihr (.iMit. umlilfrttilAhl I.. it.u K. .u. ..... ai.i .ii .. ..... ..... IkilUl. his home at Kolyat. reported seeing thu tracks of nn old cougar and two kittens in the road between town and Horse Hidgo. NtlTlCK Ft)U I'UULICATIUN. his homestead cleareil and plowe.1 1 Z&S&X! u V nnd will sow it to grain this full. M .iktu( ; iMiihm mr p trMltnitll of Ihr InlrlUH. V S l.nii.1 lillHr .1 Thr iMllr. ilirrtm. I ii n r ml mil Nnlkr I. hnrtty KlvtM lhl Jnhn W w lillr if U. ,, ... . . i liritl iiirr,iu mi un imiit niti. ih "wh. . N. Holunan has tun ncros of ' ,ir.,t u,.,i ,miV s. c- iui s . h ull.n u. iuwmnii i" nniMin, n Anal itrnt In r.ubll.h iUIw lu thr Urn! !- tlr- Tickets for the play tomorrow .i wimr.i n.i, oir..H, the imii tur r evening are on wile at The I'nlm. j ,uc7iy.,1;, MmM w,w. i.,,i o w.r.i I llii C !.. InhH n. PutBimUr. Wlllum II Aiic-Vnit tnnlftntr nrimf nn vnnr ( hii.ii. all A Hil. Orrsui ...... .vu ........ ,.. j -. (i c w MlinH(, nr,.fr irriKHieu mini; i:k uie viukuii iu- vestmont Company mnko out your final proof papers. Thoy nro guar anteed to Ik? correct. IStf Home mmle ice cream nnd shcr berts n siwcialty at The l'nlm. MIER SUASON OI'UNS AUtlUSr I NOTICK FOIl PUHIilCATlUN. tirixtlmrut of thr Intrilrf. V N UmlUUKTllTlir li.llrV ilfrin. Jun. j(h, it,n Nultrr I, Itrfrlty Klrcn Hut Annlr IfctM... tk nlnl,"fi(M. h.i.HiiNTtil'l Mlh M.wriU homrtlnJ rntiy. Ni. ull. tar M i 4 krt i T K n It . ml rV U hrrtlnn ll. Tn.hli ft MtHith Knuf in lll. WIlUHicllr Mrlhlum !. Blril nulUr al H-Itu Iuh. In maVr Anal rummulalluil Mnuf, tu Thn Riinunn for lliwfullv killini? rauhll.h eialm tu Ihr laml trKfllr.. ine season lor lUVVIUII) Kll,l"n , i,,,,,, l( c miia. t Vummlukmir al hl Mike at llcutl Orrgim. mil he iMhiuyui AUfun. 1411. Claimant ntmra a, wllnrMra John U', Uth'r, t.uth.r Mclkr Throtorr rhi.l.ttup and WoUtl U I ir Couicy all of llrml. Otron It-li (.. W. MUIIHK. Mrililcr. buck deer oena in Crook county August 1 nnd closes November 1. Each hunter Is allowed to kill five during the three month. It is un lawful to kill femalo deer nt nny time of the year. MIKInery lo do At Cost. In order to mnke room for our fall stvlea. we will sell nil our mil linery stock now on hand nt cost. Lndlcs Invited to call and o.xamlne our hats. All the Intest stylos nnd i ihrMh.ur urpiciiihrr. iu .. f i . i I t. CUIwaBI na r aa wnnr inij r shapes. Mrs. Mcintosh nnu iirH. ; u ,,,,, yum, lvi,0n ami Aiiaii curk of Shriner, over Skuso & Thomas' 'Tu.i,r.o0.a a r K..ay. tuM store. 17-tf tnui c w moohk. nri.itr NOTICK FOIt I'lUJIiKATION. ri4rlmrnt nf Ihr Intrtlor. U M Land OfBcc at Thr IW lira, Orrfon. Junr iih, 1411 Nollrr l hrtrhy ilrn that Will m II Clark, ofTumalu.Orrkuit h on unr nth, vn itraritlantl rnny Nu ft?J. arrlal No o4- fi arVf nr. rH art ami aK arVt, arrtUm y, li)nhlp 16 aiMilh, lanjr u r.l, Wlllainrltr Mf Ml.n. haa Alnl nMifr nf Intrnlloa to makr Anal dcM-rt Ub-I pToaf InratahlUh claim tu Ihr I. ml al.irr ilr:iltit, Uf.r II C Itllla, U S CuniHilxlimrr at hla other at hrinl. Oir ,o i, ou inmara Prrry A Ef- 'l""'"'"'"" ;misS H M ii iti iii iu ! r. ior ndHi inrwi'i pmin llll wIllMlH-H tithfHlt fur Ihr lrlt thctrlll ilriMiiiuliil In la, ll ItnlMMiriii lul Ihr MHI nf tllll rim thill airtt 1 ..nil, .lit 0.HI.. I.tallik. unit lit .1 oHitmiiiiif tm aitfatH I hla auiliiii.iiit U a., nt Hntii )in It, Ih I'llUitallitii ihtirt.f In Ih ll. m! linlt.l ii H. .,,( t u r.Hrtal rltriiUUiMl withm I it-ik HMMljr, lllrHH uilMlahrtl Mnklf al hi ml tHtfirtt titlh vtHiiilyul i ruik tu ntr wi .m1 t.l a ,ini nll.r w. k t- ia.ra I t ntiiti,iivlMi Mlih thr taaiir-uf inn Ihr ' A I,i4ti ami riMl ifci.tlhlh. it.iMuf Jul) Ihr .! hii.ih uurauanc i( an mtlri ..f I M laMitiii. Ih. IU-IU- ulthr nlMi.r rnll Irtl limit vtlti.hi.riUi i, a. mmlr ami mli lw I mm I ha a in iMIr wfHiai iniMltamM, Junr Ihr n Iwlr of la.l tHhm km Inly Ih. iv 1411 N. hi V tl.t, AllttliH). Iwr llallillft SUMMONS IIY PUUl.lCATION. H thr Jtltr tamtl f Ihr Malr Mf lhf-t.i utlttlrul I'rwlk lh-H.1 I'l.rliirl Nimlitl 1 Wm nilali, I'Uiuillt. 1 a (tl'ltlitlNM J H VtnnUHr, HWrmtahl I It. J 11 MtmlaiiHr, Hi aln.rr n.mrtlilrfrititaiit III Ihr Ntm. olthr Walr nf iiui-nii ).tit. lultlir iniiiltnl tatirai ami ihr nun tlallll flltil aaalii.l trim In thr aUi.r rntllltil tltttii mi nf Uhur llir iilr M lul. iyii ami if jo n fall In want Ihtut.f 4alM ml oltl aH'lr In thit whiii fur thr itlitf Ihfirln ilrltiaiulxl, lall jutlawttil far Ihr .urn nf I'm I, ihirr IKitlaia ami hr,rHlrArr Irnla (ij 's ti.j.lh.r Kith thr iII.huimi,hI. t-f Oil. a. I1t.11 Thla .NmmilH. ta MH )ih lt)r Ihr IHiU1.a11.111 lh.i-.if n Thr kml IkiIUIiii a Hviatw, uf acurial diruUlHiH wiihlH 111-V etwitly if:M. Oill.hnl Mftktjr al IKml Oirm,lnthr Cnunlyi.tiiM.ik, !, thr irii.l r&niiiamitir irrka, (? luura ) mwi ikiiib with Ihr iMuri.f Junr Ihr? A It . 1411. ami m4iHir wllh Ihr iaurrjHlr thr 14 A ll ih HiiatMHra-if an aHiln f I M Lamrnrr Ihr Juatkr uflhr atr riillltnl liwil whKhMil.i aa mailr ami ritlnnt Junr thr n 1411 li-lr ul Aim amUfralliHi Junr Ihr 141 1 Ifatr f tail iHinlHalHMi July Inr 14 1,11 C.IHI I A l StKAI.I Allumr,. ful I'Ullilirt NOTICK hlllt IMIHI.ICATION IWltaitmriil uf thr ItitM'ft f H liml officrat Thr Ikallra. oir(n Junr i' tin Nnlkr ta hrrt hy lrn that Ittnrai C Jatkm ufl.alillaw llir aaaifntrufMr la It Mrria vih. nn luiir 11 h, 14,.? iti-lr ilrwit laml miry No r. arrul Nt. B1411, far H SWf Srttkin ji lawn. hip l a.wh, itugt II ran, Wlllanitila Vlrrhtian. haa Alnl nullrrur Intriitiim In makr Anal ilrarrt itrnor, l rMaMlih claim In Ihr taint al..rtlrillt. Ufufr II C t n Loin mlaalanrr. at h-a oAVc at nUil, tlrriun, un Ihr Ih ilayof AHfUll, I4II. Claimant naim aaa tailnr aara IMarit Knft ami AlUrl llarrima tail Ii ul llrml Oirftiti ami Vml M luilanir ami William Johnaun, lilh of l.alillat., Oitrun 'Ml C W MIHIMII MrgUlrr Why not got outHomuudvertlnlng blotters, largo or hiiimII? Tho Duli utln haa tho stork and can do tho work on Its now press. New PALACE MARKET Untile llnyil, Prop. MEATS Vegetables, etc. CITY DRAY UlAHI.KHl.llllTJI'N Hill' Ct LT.V". Vt"l,w rafc.r. -!!.. t Hi Mm ': IVY UufiY tTftto . 1 iirm i nTr- Wo llamllr) I scr lliiin.', I cnvoiir- ilora vtllli Mik hitillli Mali Mlrti I'm. I Palace Restaurant Rooms for Rent Confectionery, Trull Picnic Supplies, Clgnm J. F. Taggart & Co. . kkAli 00 YCAHO HImcxperiitNCB ' Thaoc MAnn DCVION CnitvHtaMYa Ac a ..&aai HJJ . aVfcaJh MM J A afaTt I M IfMt Hf 'ttlVMlA IMU. 1tmtf If hIwmi JIRIII lir -ww-aT hitalUn la rn-kaklf al".lft.l naaaWiat thMKalllrtlrninBtlmllal. MiaDltAil on r Ifaa. IHIral aaanrf fur mlina'y Taiania tatan thnmah Mann k lu. 1 avntal MUI, IIIhmii aaana, tm laa Scknmic Jlmcrlcatt. A kantHnalrllliiatraia-l aalf, lraaat rir. raUlltx jf anf arlalla rwmal. 1 af .a. II Hi , Sokl kfall naaaaaMara. lilMwrisslfai'I 3eiid jyachine hop All Kinds of Saw Mill and Farming RE"PA-1-RS We Carry a Large Stock of Auto Repairs and Supplies Wal St., next to Opera House FUNERAL DIRECTORS EMBALiVlERS UNDERTAKERS 1 V 1 A Full Line of UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES Metallic Shipping Coffins carried in stock. J. I. WEST & COMPANY Breakfast Lun c h D inner offee CAN'T HURT YOU. Got Caravan Just, Pure, Steel Cut Coffee, drink all you want of it, drink two cups twice a day with another for lunch. Cof fee drinking doesn't hurt anyone, provid ing you drink coffee REaAL COFFEE. CARAVAN COFFEE will greatly stimulate you, refresh nnil renew your vigor, mnko your troubles shorter your dnys longer. A single whiff arouses tho most Jaded npiXitito. A cup adds zest to tho best meal, gives delight to tho diner anil ease to digestion. Carnvan ColTeo Is roasted and prepared for us only Once tried, always used,' FREE! FREE! FREE! Wo have just received a limited quantity of tho cleverest household labor saverH you ever snw. Wo nro not going to sell them wo nro going to GIVh THEM AWAY, ono to each customer who calls, nt our store and makes a purchase of $1.00 worth of goods or more. We nro reducing our prices on many articles right along and wo offer this inducement for a few days In order to have you visit our store, get our prices and bo convinced we can save you money on anything In the eatablo lino. W. C. McCUISTON Greenwood Avenue and Wall Street, Bend. If you want .soniethiiiK to cat try Puro Ice Cream CAAl'CDT AC I'uro lee Creai Every Day OAVl J rLALfc Every Day on Hond street. Annex to Stephens A: Puttie's .saloon. TO BUILDERS WE HAVE A NICE STOCK OF FLOORING RUSTIC, SHIPL.A? AND ROUGH LUMBER. WE ARE SELLING Shlplapat $14porM Good Grade Rustic - - - $18 per M Common Rough Lumber - $ 1 2 per M nt mill one unci one-half miles south-east of ' We can furnish any bill on short notice. Send us your orders for FINISH LUMBER.. BEND LUMBER CO. Ife Deschutes Bar BOND STREET X Wines, Liquors and Cigars "EVER.YTHING TO DRINK UT DESCHUTES WATER." Y- ;' A GIRTON (& COMPANY tuna aWM rat i Vf ' "