The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 12, 1911, Image 5

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    Store Open Every Evening Until 9 O'clock During This Sale.
MIMIMllfaJWMt"1'""' - . - - . . . a. jtgr- .r: -:.. - rt rrrt - t " ,,',i'''ir'''rr?iiiiiifaaaa ' " ' '" "-"" m ""r!TT"'"Tn ' ' ""i-t ntir t ;
J S. Parmlntor wtmt to Portland
Monday nn IiunIiknm.
M S. Ijittfn loft Momluy for
Portland on n buainuwi trip.
Among the Sunday visitors liuro
whi G. L. Potowon f Iji Pino.
A. Sgnl f Ittl Crow Drug
Stun Is in SjMikimo on businiMH.
V. It. Johnston nnd wife of Rose
hurt; nro Itond visitor thia week.
.1. K. Morson of Iji I'ino was in
liond Suturday, ataying lit Tnggart'a.
C. S. nnd L. 0. Pynlt of White
Salmon, Wash., aro now arrivals in
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Grlswold
wore guoata at Hotel Iiund Inst
L. W. Dnvla loft last week for
Seattle to spend u few weeks with
Ida family.
0. K. Morria and family loft this
morning for thoir Whltakor Valloy
F. H. May returned Sunday from
a two weeka jstay on hla Powell
Itutto rnnch,
A plcasnnt Sunday afternoon
event waa tho band concert on the
Iludnon luwn.
II Qnllinro- of I Snmir Center.
Wis., hna arrived in Itond 4to muko
ithla hla homo.
.Afro Wllllnm Mnrknl nf VIrirlnln.
I.Vm vialtlng her daughters, the
Aliases Market.
Mr nnd M.rn. A. II. Horn are in
nrtliiml whore Mra. Horn went for
medical nroatmont.
Pmiwt Riiiki wiih located on a
lomeatead In Mllllcan Valloy last
Ivoek by K. K. Post.
Mls Modorn Steolo of Portland fa
llsltlnjr her brother, Hornce N.
Steele, and friends hero,
rv.wxl Trlnlott liaa ononed n
harbor shop next door to Tho I'nlm
Ice cream pnrlora on Wall Mreot.
Mrtrlon Poole, who was night
wv nt. tho Pilot Itutto Inn. with
fiU wife, went to Portland Monc'ay.
Our SIXTH REGULAR HOUSE-CLEANING SALE is now m full blast,. The
entire store is now one vast "bargain counter."
Red tags are everywhere and every tag is the sign of a big reduction in price.
Every day some one line of goods is closed out. Our best lines are being
picked over very rapidly. Dont wait until the endof the sale and expect to find
a good selection.
All light and medium weight goods of every description are going to be
closed out. Get all you want because you won't have another chance to buy
goods at these prices for a long time.
Accommodate All, Our Store Will be Open Every Evening
Until 9 O'clock During This Sale.
Mra. It. II. Brownlow left ycatcr
ilay for a viait of several months to
her homu nt Chcwelnh, Wnshlngton.
Kobort It. Hould returnen Thura
day from n liualnvtw trip to Seattle,
in connection willi the Bund Park
Yesterday Harlow Allen enter
tallied his friends at a birthday
party celebrating hia aecond birth
day. George White of Sisters ia n
patient at the Itend Hospital. Ho
la recovering from an attack of
Walter Taylor, Walter Hoffland
and C. Abernathy came in Thursday
from their Prinze Flats home
atcads. Henry L. and C. L. Gllham of
Now Orleans went out to Snnd
Springs, 20 miles beyond Mlllicnn,
Friday to look at timber in that
J. N. It, Gerklng, Grover Gork
inK. Fred Wilaon and F. K. Har
bour of Laidlaw "were Itend visitors
MIbsch Anno nnd Gertrude Mnrkel
enmo in Sunday afternoon from
their homeatend cluims 32 miles to
tho southeast.
Mr, nnd Mra. C. S. Hudson nnd
Mr. and Mra. L, I). Bonnot,t made n
week-end fishing trip to Crescent
Lake nnd vicinity.
I. J. Wilkinson picked 80 iiinrta
of atrawborriea Tuesday, and -expect
to harvest Bovornl hundred
qunrta from his patch.
A uniquo ndvortialng Btunt wna n
llttlo boy on tho streets mondny
decorntod from head to foot with
Larn'a ted housccleanlng sale tags,
Mrs. A, Ackor of San An
tonio,. Toxai, ia visiting hor daugh
tor, Mra. Mnzo Lock wood, nnd will
nrobnbjy upond tho uummor In
Horcnftor tho Arm of Skuao &
Thomas will bo known ns tho Skuso
Hardwaro Co., P. P. Thomna having
wltlidrnwn from tho organization in
order to dovoto nil of hia time to hia
engineering nnd architectural work.
W. S. Weber nnd V. E. Jonea,
two travelling passenger and imtni
Krntion agents of the Great Nortliern
Itnilway, were in Itend Monday
W. K. Guorln of Columbus. Ohio,
a former roaldent of Itend and pro
prietor of the "Guerln House" on
tho river front, la again here, having
arrived last week.
W. I). Nevvlon, the owner of
Wicstoria, nrrived Thursday, Ho
report excellent success In wiles in
Seattle, where he is conducting ex
tensive advertising.
The Itend Commercial Club has
placed conspicuous notices about
town asking "Mr. and Mrs. Visitor"
to call at the club rooms nnd get
any desired information.
P. W. Burroughs of Tacotnn
arrived Monday to remain probably
a number of weeks. Mr. Bur
roughs ia taking a leisurely look
over tho Deschutes Valloy.
Some flno samples of alfalfa and
other gra&xca nro being exhibited in
tho ofllco of 'tho Eastos & Bean
Realty Co. They Intend to lino tho
walls with products grown around
C. M, Davis nnd brother Ralph
returned Monday from an eight-day
trip in tho Pringlo Flats vicinity.
Thoy report tho crops of home
steaders in that nowly settled terri
tory good.
R. It. Gould reports that Mr. and
Mrs. E. F. Batten of Hood River
state they will como in to Bond on
tho first train. Mr, Batten has
been interested in Itend property at
various times.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Sanders left
last week to bo gono from Bond
sovoral woeks. Mrs. Sanders will
visit Portland relatives nnd friends
whilo Mr. Sanders is on a business
trip to Idaho and Montana.
B. F. Young of St, Augustino,
Fla., has conjojto Bend to reside,
Ho is in chargu of tho fountain at
Patterson's Drug Storo. Mr. Young
U n graduate of Purdue University
nnd a registered pharmacist.
Tho building of tho Bond Milling
& Warehouse Co. on tho river is
well along toward completion. It
is three stories high, with basement.
C. I. Bozell, manager of the com
pany, has moved his ofllce into the
new building.
A party of Itend young tieoplo
will leave Saturday for n camping
trip of two weeks up the Deschutes.
They will go on horseback, joining
William Vandovert's family at their
up-river home and visiting Crescent
Lake, Odell Lake and other scenic
J. II. Oncill received n newspaper
clipping this week giving an account
of the death of Mrs. Lucy N.
Hedges at Denmark, Ore., on June
18 at the age of C4. Mrs. Hedges
was n pioneer in thia community
and wns well known by all tho old
tltncrs. Marion Lawrence, in the May and
Juno eighth grade examinations in
Crook county, carried oir the highest
honors, with an average " grade of
96 5-9, according to the report of
County Supt. R. A. Ford. Second
honors went to Mabel Slater of
Prinovlllo, who averaged 95 4-9.
E. W. Kinney, who located last
month on a homestead 15 miles
south of Fort Rock, loft thia week
to take up his residence there. Ho
camo in recently from bverett,
Wash., where ho conducted a hard
waro store. lio will establish a
general merchandise store at his
now location.
Pilot Butte as n placo for outings
and as a point for observing tho
surrounding country is fast gaining
popularity. Sunday evening a party
of young people climbed tho heights
and, around n big bonflro, enjoyed
a picnic lunch. Those in tho party
wore Misses Mcdora Steele of Port
land, Miss Rachol Hallingsby of
Portland, Edith Eastcs, Eva Graves.
Sara Porry, Elizabeth Richards and
Tot Taggart, and A. M. Pringlo, H.
A. Miller, Bon Sawbridge, Horace
N. Steolo, J. H. Bean.' E. R. Post,
W. II, Coble, R. B. Gould.. nnd
Ernest Luthey,
Leave your order for Ico cream
at Tho Palm. , ,
Photo mailers, largo and small,
for salo at The Bulletin office I
A moving picture show as good
ns any in a large city is that at the
Star Theater, which was formally
opened Monday evening to a packed
house by Hill & Newman. The
films nre splendid and the operation
of the machine very satisfactory.
With nn electric piano nnd an
electric sign to blaze forth on the
street, the Star has the appearance
of a metropolitan amusement house.
Shows will be given every night.
On Monday, June 26, George W. i
Barnes, formerly a Prineville law
yer, was shot and killed at Canyon
City by Geoage W. Anderson, as a
result of bitterness arising over law
suits between Anderson and Mrs.
Barnes. Barnes, who was born at
Lebanon, Oregon, camo to Prinovillo
in 18C8. His body will be buried
at the Crook county seat. He was
widely known throughout tho
That the Powell Butte district
crops are very promising is the re
port brought in by Henry Tweet,
who waa in Bend Saturday.
"I have 100 acres of winter wheat
which will go over 35 bushels to the
acre, this is dry land wheat. My
125 acres of barley should yield
about SO bushols, while ten acres of
potatoes, on dry land, lookuslne
as anything l ever saw,"
Bend, Ore., July 7, 1911.
To Whom it May Concern:
I hereby assign all my righttitle
and interest in any and all accounts
and credits due to tho firm of Tur
pin & Whitsett, to H. L. Whltsott.
Signed. H. E.TURPIN.
Witness: W. H. Coble. 18-21p
Next week n list of the prizes
that will bo offered by the Ladies'
Library Club will bo published.
About $50 worth of prizes will bo
given Tho show will .take place
abqut the middle of August.
Auto Line.
j Horace Steele and C. M. Richards
I will soon resume regular-passenger
'service to and from Opal City.
Ofllce will be opened and phono in
stalled at an early date.
Gtxldard Ranch Lands.
Located in Crook and Lake coun
ties. Ranging from $4.50 to $8.00
per acre. Easy terms. Buy now
and get the benefit of raise in these
lands. See Kay McKay. 16-tf
A white English Setter about
ten months old. Has goiter on
left side of neck. When last
seen had light collar with Bend
dog license number. Strayed
or stolen from Bend about July
5th. Reward will be paid for
his return or for information
leading to return. Address
Bend Bulletin, Bend. it
Team For Sate.
Span of sorrel mares, weight
1000 lbs. each; also hack and
harness. Whole outfit only
$175 a great bargain. In
quire at once.
18-19 Bend, P. O.
Notice, Charter Completed.
The charter for the Citr of Bend
having been completed, copies may be
found until Friday ninht, with Recorder
H. C. Ullit and, City AUomey V. A.
Porlws, Public inspection of aatue is in
vited anil U persons delrU)K lo file
objections or lo stencil chiUKes mutt do
o in writing, communications 16 be rie
livered in person to the City Recorder
before 6 p. ui. Friday, July 14, 191 1,
U C. tOK,
II. C KLLIS, Recorder.
A HattMU DUtotorr at ach CRT.
Ton u4 YUtura M OrsM
HhlBBlur YKellitUa uj a I'Uul.
(14 Directory at each ItmtaaH
x. &. roix m co.,
ShIIU, Wuk,