The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 12, 1911, Image 4

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1 till .. I a II ! ' !' "II"
An JutlcKhleut newparr, atamlltiR
tor ttie $urt ileal, clean bitalin M clean
tiolllica, mid the bent iutcreali ut llcntl
ml Central Oregon.
not jrr .....-.-........-.. ""l-y
Thrie moii(h....,.. ..... . ................... .J
(tneattably In adranee.)
Because Bent! has a live com
mercial club, Bend was selected
us the headquarters for the
'Central Orcfron Development
Loajruc. To keep anything
alive you have to feci! it. Are
you a member of the Bend
Commercial Club and if you
arc, have you paid your dues?
will bo flumed. Repairs are ex
pected to bo completed by next
In referring to the fact that at the
last minute the Bend Commercial
Club excursionists were kept at
Klamath Kails instead of continuinjr
to Merrill for dinner, the Merrill
Record, after remarking that Hell
is n vision of happiness lost," pro
ceeds to give the Bond men well,
the happiness-lost equivalent. Here
is an extract from the description of
what the Bend bunch missed. So
delectable is it that quite probably
Bend will be deserted at once by a
rush Merrill-ward:
Spring chicken broiled ami ttnotheml
in cream Rravr, spring lamb with mint
mucc and green pea.s crip lettuce aalail,
new potatoes, Kooietwrry pie ami ttraw
trr ahortcake ami Jersey cream a
Mmple ilinner to tbovr a few of the good
thing tliat are produced in the Merrill
allry. And June roes every lirre on
the dinner tabic. The aweetcat. prettiest
jrlrl tbe nlley can produce, tireveil in
white willi t otea in their hair, pouted
their red li when told their services
mould not lie needed to tait on the ex
pected Kueats. Come to Merrill on tour
next trip, gentlemen, and see the garden
spot o( the county.
Odd Fellow of Bend Will Help Open
New Lodge at Redmond Next Week
The Bend lodjre of Odd Fellows
installed new olllcers Monday nijiht
to servo for the next six months.
N. I Welder is noble prnnd; 0. M.
Patterson, vice grand; H. J. KrkIc
ston, secretary; K. D. Mcintosh,
treasurer. After the installation,
refreshments were served.
On Wednesday evening, July 19,
the Bend lodge will assist in the
opening of a lodge at Redmond. A
team will go down and put on the
initiatory degree work. A large
number of other members will also
J. W. Dimick is prepared to do
all kinds of high grade architectural
work, mike plans, blue prints, etc.,
for business houses and resi
dences, tf
The Burru men who ore inaugur
ating Portland-Burns freighting
even from Opal City, before the
completion of the raits to Bend,
certainly deserve, praise for their
Work of Improving Trans-JrlouaU'-fl
Routo Will be Undertaken
The following letter has been re
ceived by County Judge Ellis rela
tive to work this summer upon the
McKenzie Road across the Cascades.
Owing to the fact Unit the Lane
county commissioners have been en
joined from spending county funds
upon roads, there seems to be con
siderable doubt as to what they will
accomplish on the trans-mountain
McKKNMK nin;K, Ore., Ju'ie n,
9tl Thinking you would be somewhat
Hitcreted in the condition of the Mc
Kenxie wgon road on this side of the
mouiiuiii Mill write you in regards to
iimr. I am on the road attain this
summer fr the County. Cot inio my old
camp at Alder Sprinvs May 13 and want
to get the rid lit good shape for travel
as soon the snow u oft on tup which
will lie Ute this ) ear. uot until the latt
nf this month. I have just returned
from the summit and there is still 5 or 6
feet there and melting tery slow. 1
want to get through to the Crook county
line a soon as possible and open tbe
road by the lime teams can get through.
It is my intention tosay in here and
work all summer Am looking for Com
missioner I'ricc from Eugene soon to go
over the road with me and plan improv
ing grades, bhould be pleased to hear
from )uu.
Yours respectfully,
T. li, UNION.
RATHS- h'ive cents a line for firat in
vcrtiou tn tin column. (Our rents a line
for each iilM'itteut insertion. Count
nix woids In a line.
FOUND Black mare, branded
"X" on left hip, bay mule brandec
"10" on right neck, "itf" on Icfi
fore hoof and "U. S." on loft
shoulder, both found near Powell
Buttcs with halters on. Owner sent'
description to Ralph Ferry. Bend,
Oregon. 17-22
Takkn Up Bald-faced black cow,
with bell on. Branded J H. Owner
can get same by inquiring of The
Bulletin. 16tf
B'z Willamette Valley Herd Sold 10
Crook County Rancher.
Butter making around Bend was
given a great impetus last week
when Hacklcman & PfeifTer brought
a herd of 117 thoroughbred Jersey
cows across the Cascades to sell.
The cattle were raised by "Hub"
Bryant near Albany and ure fine
In Bend cloven of these cows
were sold at the Aune barn. Bert
Turgleson bought three and Millard
Triplett, J. N. Hunter, Ralph
Patterson, J. H. Oneill, Antone
Aune, Hans Johnson, Julius Peter
son and Mr. Richardson one each.
A number of people around Sisters
and Laffllaw also bought.
For Rent.
For Rent Two rooms over R.
M. Smith Clothing Co.'s store. Sec
R. M. Smith. 12tf
For Rent Five room house with
barn, In Lytic See F. H. May. 12tf
For Rent New modern rooming
house, just completed. Eight rooms
furnished, eight rooms unfurnished
that I will furnish to suit tenant,
cither for housekeeping rooms or
sleeping rooms.
16-19p. H. D. Brown.
Lost At fish traps a silver back
hand mirror, left in cabin. Finder
please leave at Mrs. Herring's.
Lost Gold chain and ring with
three sets, on" Sunday. Findtr
please return to Mrs. C. M. Red
field. 18-tf
Strayed Bay marc, weight 1300.
branded F on right jaw, slit in
right ear, wire cut on right hind
leg. Reward of $10 for- recovery.
Cole E. Smith, Bend. Wtf
Lost Buckskin horse, quarter
circle X on left hip, and bay mure,
with hat brand on left stifle nnd
lazy L on left jaw. Reward of $10
for recovery. Notify Jim Smith,
Bend. 16-20p
Lost Two work horsos, one
buckskin, ring brand on jaw bone,
slightly sway backed. One chest
nut mare, Y brand on right stifle.
star on forehead. Lost two months
ago. Finder notify Aune's Livery
Stable, Bend. Ten dollars reward
for information that will load to
return. 18-21p
Wanted If you want a good
shave and a neat haircut, Innes &
Davidson can serve you.
Wanted If you have a piece of
farm property and will givo us the
right price, we'll sell it for you.
Eastes & Bean Realty Co.
Wanted Trees to pull. Have
first class outfit. See Liddell on
the Wilson ranch, Powell Butte.
Address, Prineville. Ore. 14tf
Sawmill Owner Attentlonl
Wanted By first class sawyer
and mill wright, a steady job. For
further particulars call or write The
Bulletin office. 18-21p
Four hundred feet of the Arnold
ditch, eight miles from Bend, was
ruined Monday when the bottom Bread 6c at The Palm. 17-tf
rlrnnruxl mir.." Thf pnrrhi aanlr Intn
a cave underneath the canal, taking ,f" SALE-Two-section CO-tooth
with it trees and everything else. SjJ ki5 &"' P' Jilt
It will be necessary to change the " w,xon' ' 18
location and the treacherous stretch Fort Sale New cottage In Park
For Sale,
For Sale or Rent Irrigated 40,
good four-room house and outbuild
ings, five acres cleared, d'A miles
from Bend. Also 5 to C tons of rye
hay, ready to cut, for sale very
cheap. Enquire Thursday after
noon of Mrs. SchifTer, Rowlec
Corner Store.
For Sale Two electro-plated
tea and coffee sets at bargain; also
2 show cases and electric light fit
tings. Leaving town. SchifTer
near Pilot Butte Inn.
For Sale Four-passenger
in good running condition,
model. See L. M. Tozler.
Addftlon, $100. Eastes & Bean
Realty Co. lGtf
Fuunituhk that will plenao nnd
givo satisfaction is whnt Millard
Triplett sells.
For Sale Singer sowing inn
chine, Into model. Inquire of Mm.
J. H. Wcnnndy. 1-MMp
For Sam: Wo have n lnrgo list
of till classes of farm proixjrty for
sale. Eastes & Bean Realty Co.
For Sai.k Nice four room cot
tage, lot 100x200 feet. ablocks from
depot, $!27r. Eastes & Bean Realty
Co. lrttf
Pios For Sale A few pure breed
Durocs nnd Ayrshlres, of both sexes.
Leo Davenport, Powell Butte. Ore
gon. lGtf
For Sale Farm lands nnd city
property in the Judith Basin, Mon
tana, or will trade for land around
Bend. A. L. Herring, Benchlnnd,
Mont. 17-20p
For Sau: Family hack, canopy
top, just right for family use. Will
sell or trade for good saddle horse,
or stock of any description. Soo C.
M. Davis. . 18tf
ForSaik 100 acres of deeded
land on Ttimalo Creek, with water
right. Level and five from stone.
Also Bond proMrty for sale or
trade. Inquire A-ilO. Bulletin. 15-lKp
For Sai.k. Cheap, most com-1
plete 20,000 capacity sawmill in;
Crook county. Machinery all now. i
Reason for soiling, timber all cut
ut. Write or enquire nt Bulletin
Jllice. 7-tf
For Sale Relinquishment of 40
acres, no of the swjf, 27-10-12.
FinnI proof to be made Nov. 2f,
1912. Price, $1,000 cash or Bend
city property. Address, C. II.
Shields, 49 15 Sth Ave., Seattle,
Wash. 12tf
For Sale We have on hand
quito a lot of baled rye bay for sale,
also a smnll quantity of grain hay.
Can furnish good quality of ice in
any quantity to suit. Call nt the
Star Ranch. G. W. Witner & Sons.
Tumalo. Ore. lltf.
For Sale Or Trade Firstclass
No. :i Faultless Stump Puller, with
cable, for sale or trade for stock.
Daniel Liddell, Wilson Ranch.
Powell Butt, Ore. Address Prine
ville. Ore. 14 tf
For Sale-swK, sec. 27, 17-11;
nii c) and c swtf, sec. 34,
15-10; s nw,' netf nw( and
nw netf.scc. 15. 1G-10 180 acres
of good timber. Will sell timber
alone or timber nnd land together.
Terms: Cash or half cash. Give
me your ofTer. Address, Andrew
Grodaes, Maude, Sask., via Gull
Lake, Canada. 17-18.
For Sale Am going away nnd
here arc some bargains: Silk floss
mattress $5, elasticfelt mattress JO,
2 bed springs $i, 2 pair gray wool
blankets $4.50, No. 7 cook stove $C.
new heating stove $7.50, 2 chairs
(dining) $1.50, 14-inch John Deere
plow with double and (ingto trees,
new No. 12 Winchester pump gun,
30-30 Winchester carbine, 22 Win
chester automatic. All the above
practically new. Call at first house
north of schoolhouse. 18tf
Our Barker service is the boat
in Bond. Innos & Davidson.
When You Want good furniture
at the best prices, see Millard
Get Your Lumuhk from the Pine
Forest Lumber Co. House lath nnd
irrigation lath a specialty. tf
Four to fifty miles per hour. "On
the High," can be made with an
"Oakland." F. F. Smith, Agt. Gtf
If you contemplute the purchase
of an automobile, investigate the
"Oakland line F. F. Smith, local
Agent. C-tf
The "Oakland" Automobiles nre
made in seven different styles of
bodies, 30 and 40 horso power.
Quick deliveries. F. P. Smith,
Agent. G-tf
(Isolated I'rsil.)
runi.ic land hai.k.
(Not coal'land )
DeMrtnirut of the Inirrior,
(.and Office at The I Mir a, Oregon,
May in. I9ii
Notice ! hereby elren that, directed by the
ki the tieneral l.aiul (Wii, under
CmniniMiourr of
provitloua of Act ofCowirrs irnred June 17.
jit 1 wrwinourr
Khc4 9.440'clocK a. m..ou me
iuo6. fuhtsts si7)wrw
the hlirhcfct bidder. at oj
liat day of July, ill 1. at this office, the fallowing
dracrlbcd land W)j W U, See. 9. T. 17 HI, K. II
I',., W St , aerial No 07474.
Any persona claiming adrerstly the above d
acibe.1 lauda are advlaed to flic their claims, or
nbjrctloui, ou or before the llnie designated
fur sale,
p. 4-18 C. W. MOOHI!, KegWtcr.
Department olthe Interior,
V 8. Laud Office at The Dalles. Oregon,
lunejth. 1911,
Notice Is hereby (Iren that I'rauca Caldwell
formerly francea InCourcy ol Ilrt, Oregon,
who, 011 September nth, igot, made homestead
entry. No, JL for wtf eX awK uV and aW
aw, n-ctlou in, towiiihlp so aouth, range 11
rail, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of U'
tendon to make Anal commutation proof, t
eatabtiah claim tolheland above described, be
fore II U. I'.lll', U. H Comtnlaaluuer, at his offic
at lleud. Oregon, oil the 19th day or July, 1911.
Claimant names as witnesses James T. Carter
nfl.Plhr nriti. William' f Vandevert. Ler
C. Caldwell, I.ulbcr Metke. of llend, Oregon,,, ,
14-lS C W. MOQKK, Krglalcr
Wiestoria Addition
Only two and a half BLOCKS from the DEPOT lto.
City Water assured and OTHER Improvements to
on sixty-foot Streets, with twenty-foot Alleys, at
$150. $150. $150.
Our Terms Defy Competition
$10. PER MONTH $10.
This Property Is Selling FAST. Better come in to
day ami make your selection as the first buyers
ALWAYS make the most money, by jjetthiK the
CHOICEST selections.
---Call on or write our RESIDENT manager,
H. D. TRUE, Bend, Oregon
We also have the choicest list of Improved and Un
improved Ranches, and Timber Claims, also Re
linquishments. ' '-1- -- --
The NewIonKoller Co. inc.
RumiKit Stamp Datks nnd ink
pndn for twle At Hulletin ofilce. tf
United Male Land Office, at The Dallea.Oregoii,
May llth, 1,11
Notice I. hcrrby iltrti that (lerllude II,
Market whose ptxIorrWesiMieM I. Ikli'l IMegon,
whu. did on the ulhday i.f May lj Ale In thla
Itire nwurn Malrmenl and Apl-llcalHin No
vsn, lo iiuichaMTtheeH ( heetlon i Town
liii 17 :4ouih, Mame It Ka.l, Willamette Slerl
Hail, and the tludxr Ihrrron und.r Ibr prima,
lunauf llwact of June I. HfS, and ana aiiicnda
'ory known aalhe Ttmlvr and hlone Mw at
wen value a might I" flint by appralaeinc nt.
and that pui.uaul tn avch application. Il taml
and lliatier IhrreiHi have leu ap,f alcd f tjt w,
is.i fnte l.l.. f it tw the timlnr e.limalrd I4
.i laMUMf ,t ai i n r M and the land , ui
'hat aald pllkMl will i.rf.r Anal pruiif In
wpinrlafhl. apHtcaltMiiaiHt awum atalfnienl
w the4lhitayol Augt, iyu brfore II C Kill,
U K ,.mluiMr. at hi. uifcc.. at llcnd,
AHy prrvin laatlll'ertylap'ste.tlhlapunhaae
lwfve entry or tHlli.leaewttle.ial any lime "
fore liatrnl ..He, by filiua a cui rulfalrd aiH
U'li In Ihl. olftcr, alleging facta whkll would
lefeatthe emry.
u ii C W. Mik, Mrgi.ltr
IlnnWsomo new ofilce in Ixxtt
loaition on Wull Htreet. In
tjuire nt Hullutin oillcc.
This is n Rood timo of year
to have your plaho tuned and
the tone regulated. All work
Ktinrnntecd. Sixteen year a
liend, Oregon.
Your Children Should
Be Photographed
Every Year.
Our 8poclalty.
View Work
Kodak Flnlahlng.
tMrtmenl of Ihe Inirrior,
V rv. Und Offle. at The lull, Oregon
rune linn. in
Notice la hereby jlrn that HrnratDarr
oi jieaii. uregoa, wna, on May rjn iv-j , of ,wnd, iMeM. who, on June lilh. Ivh, made
,h.. ,,........-. ...,.... .vr.,. ,. ..-. .. iiniii,.lrd null ivu ,.. mU h.l .H.I bU mm IF tt.fllnn II m ... .. ' .
Tuwn.htp lahoulh, Mange II V.. Willamette
MrtMlan, haaAlid ni.lke of tnlcallua lu make
Anal Ate year pinof la e.taldl.h claim lo Ihe land
at.i cdKlll t twf.iie II t Hill. I' n Cum
iniMluilir alhuorhte a I Ik ml II rgun, oil Ihe
tin day of Aua-u.l 1(11
Claimant itaniea a. wtinra William Arnold,
Milii ' Uilwin Idlwird I lliul,ihiMi., uf
Iwnd llreg.m, abi Juht. I'erguw.ll, ul I'llli.ll'le.
t rrgou
ITU C U' M'VIMK Mrglilrr
Agents for
wMiitmel of Ihe Inlnlof.
U a M'l omce at The laalle a orreoa
luue lid. lll
Notice la hereby alren that John W Mhlle,
aerial No
fr ) Mwtf and nVt.wU mciiou n iwa.l,iii
IT auuth. range II rail Willi. untie Mrlltl.n.
haa AM uotl.-e of Inlenllon In make final
Hle Year lru.f luetlabtl.h .talm In Ihe land
alute dractlt-l. (r t C lillla, t It Com
mlMloner, al hi. ultwe at lleod. Of.gow. un Hi
Xh day of July, lyu
iUlmant iiamraaa wltnrMca l.t II U'lr.t,
Albeit C l.uraa, nhn It I'aiinlulcr William II
Maala, all of llend, tliraon
It 14 C W MOOKIf UrilMtr
IxiLs nt Small Prices and
Easy Payments.
Uusincss Property Property
All kinds of
Farm Property
Homestead Locations
Fire Insurance.
Eastes b Bean
Realty Co.
Oregon Street ,
Supplies of AH Kinds.
Call and sec our
Subsoil Packers
Our Prices are Right.
Bend Milling (2b
C. I. Bozell, Mgr.
The Pioneer Wood Yard
Has on hand fine dry 10-inch mill wood (al
reudy split for the stove), nt f 0.50 per cordi
delivered. Also dry hlock wood nt $4.50 per
cord delivered. Leave orders or telephone
O'Donnell Bros. Mnrkct.
W. P. DOWNING, Proprtetor.