The BEND COMPANY I; Mnwwi REAL ESTATE LUMBER Watch for Our Adv. Next Week. ROAD OW H RAIN PACKS THE BEND BURNS HIGHWAY. the establishment of n direct Bend Burns mail route, to which he Rays every settler In the country will subscribe. If You are looking for Rood acre age adjoining Bend with a perpetual , water right, which can be bought on easy terms, see the Orogon In-' vestment Company. 18tf j Postmstter Schreder of Rolyat Re ports the Finding of Undercurrent of Water at Mllepost 50-He Will Give Exhibit of drain. The Bend-Burns road is now in fine traveling condition, following the recent rains which packed the ground well, according to Post master V. Schreder, who was In Bend last week getting supplies. Mr. Schreder stated that an under current of water was found two weeks ago, at mllepost 50, only four feet under the surface. There Is an abundance of water and as the hole is on the, road it will be a great boon to'travelers. There is plenty of water now along the entire road from here to the Harney .county seat. The longest stretch without water Is that from the Central Oregon canal to Milllcan's, 24 miles. Thjs dis tance will be cut down four miles this summer by the turning of -water into the Pine Forest ditches At W. J. McGillvray's ranch, 8 miles from Bend, Mr. Schreder stated most emphatically that twice as big loads could be hauled from Bend as from Prineville. Mr. Schreder said that; bids had been called for by the Government for a regular mall carrier from Rolyat to Fife and return. , Tho settlerB now pay tho carrier. Tho Central Oregon Development Co. has given a bjock of Rolyat towns! to property for a.Bchoolhouae site, Mr. Schreder also, reported'. The Bend 'Commercial, Club has been promised by Mr. Schreder an exhibit of grjitjtB wiich he has raised to be displayed, fyere .'along;' with other Central O'regSn products". Mr. Schreder left Thursday for his home, taking with him petitions for FRONT DOOR NIGHT BELLS. Doctor Ars Not tho Only Onss Who Havo Uao For Thtm. At 1 o'clock In the morning a man woo was looklDK for a doctor found a door plate on which be dlstlnpulsUed the words. "Nhjbt bell." nnd ranc the belL When the door opened and a figure appeared In the seinldnrkness of the ball be said: "Uurry up. please. There la a sick woman nt So. 132." Tbe man Inside wild "All right." and In a few seconds both men were rac ing down the street to No. 132. In tbe tup floor front room lay a very alck woman. Tbe newcomer pulled n amall table to tbe bcdlde and took from bis pocket a sheet of paper and a fountain pen. "Wbnt ou enrth are you doing with that?" aald the nuin who hnd xutnuion ed blm "You're a nlco doctor, you are." "Doctor?" echoed the man. "I'm not a doctor; I'm a lawyer. Didn't you read tbe slen. 'Lawyer nlt'bt bell''" "Hut what doe a lawyer need of a night beltt" tbe other tnun nuked. "To enable ibe people who want to make will In tbe dead of nlcbt to And blm readily,' wus the reply". "Once In a while I'm called up to straighten out more aerloua entangle ments, bnt mot of the legal paper I write after 10 p. m. are will, a lot of people who take sick suddenly recol lect that they bare never made a will and they want to repair tbe omission while there Is time. When yuu said there was a sick woman here 1 natu rally tbougbt of wills, not medicine. There Is n doctor In tbe corner bouso." New York Times. ATTRACTIVE BOOKLET Seattle .Man Advcrtlncs Wlestorla and lit nd In New Publication. Issued by V. D. Newlon of Se attle, who recently purchased Wies toria, n most attractive pamphlet concerning the residential addition has recently appeared, nnd is being circulated widely. The catch-word title of the loaf lot is "Bend, the Funnel City." Bond is pictorially shown as the funnel of Central Oregon, through which is pouring nil tho varied riches of tho great inland territory behind it to 'the railroads that connect the in terior with tho world's markets. A large relief picture-map of Central Oregon, nmpliftvd by a well written text concerning Bend, Wlostoriu and other mljucent districts, com pletes this latotn convincing addition to Bond's publicity literature. II. I). True has been npiointxl lo cal ngunt, and upon application will distribute coploa of the booklet. Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregon You ate cordially Invllr.l to nukcTlllt IIOTI'.I. DAl.t.HS your iratliiK place while waiting over Ix-twrrn trnlnxui your war (n ami frnni Portland. New. thornutihly rUlpl, iniMlcrii hotel; tram lirat, elcratnr; aultr ami room with tmllii I'irat fU cafe. Kale 1 1 and upward. Ident Stopping Plncu Going to nnd from Central Oregon. PETER KUEHNLING, Manager. "Maglo" Cloths. Many housewives gladly pay 20 cents for1 so called "magic" cloths, its they are very useful for silver nnd other metals, Uejug dry, they do not soil the hands or clothing and do tbelr work until tho cloth Itself wears out. To make sucb a cloth take one quurt of gasoline, one-hitlf pound of whiting 'and one-eighth ounce of oleic acid, mixing all together and shaking well. Soak pieces of woolen .flotb In the ralxturo ana bang luem to tuo open tho ties they will never lose. Tbe material must be wool. New York (Kobe. "cloM af dry .tba Z&i&$iim hare been riven ttffbenK and these' WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with the best that the town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. IIknd, Okkgon Put Your Duds In Our Suds Bend Steam Laundry Phone us. We will cull for your bundle. Hotel Bend Corner Uond and Oregon Sts. AMERICAN PLAN Rates 52 nnd $2.50 a Day HUGH O'KANE, Manager -!r Who Carries Your Insurance? FIRE INSURANCE? The Insurance Company op North America Is ono of the oldest American Fire Insuranco Companlea doing business in America. It was ESTABLISHED In 1792 (during Washington's flrBt term as president.) The Company has Paid Losses of Over $149,374,312. Tho Company has assets of 1 6 Million Dollars, about half of which is SURPLUS to POLICY HOLDERS, For u policy in this Company ask M. S. Lattin Company " : INCORPORATED. t Any Kind of Insurance Anywhere. , . " , v. FULL STOCK ON HAND NOW OF BUCKEYE MOWERS AND RAKES. H. J. Eggleston Manufacturer of Harness and Saddles Dealer in Wagons, Huggies, Farm Implements Hay and Grain for sale. T& Bulletin's Ads Bring Good Results