The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 12, 1911, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
NO. 18
Qirr $1,500.
Overturf HcbIkiih From School
dunnl Needlessly HxtrnvngHiit
Mxpcudllurcn, Despite l.ow PI.
timiccs, Is CllllipldlllCll Of.
Miss Mnltlu Syiliicr of Florence,
Nebraska, to tho primary grade ami
Mint Miuidu Vuuduvcrt to the
seventh ami eighth grades. Mr.
Overturf opposed tho raising of
Miliiry for tin latter grades, from
$70 to $Hfi, stating that such wan a
princlwlahlp at a Mlary of $1100 j larger salary than that paid in the
from further consideration, i-lncllng largo elllim of thu ( oast.
At Its meeting hut Wednesday
evening thu School Hoard rescinded
Km previous action in disuildng Hit
aiipllrtition of ,1. II. Klioum for the
iiiim) snows nv.uvouu
"Ami now Medford want to
follow tho example net hy
lloml. A get-together parly Ih
coming next month a la Hum)
boosters." Ho snys a Ijikeviow
paper. When lluntl get a
reputation of being able to
shown town like Meilford how
to do things It "sure Is going
On Tuesday night another meet
ing was held. The resignation of
Mr. Overturf, who Iihh served hut
two mouths of the two yearn for
which he wim electiyl, wan accepted,
and the clerk ilireetiil to notify the
County Supeiinteiident of the va
cancy. A special election will le
Mr. .ShoiMtt at this figure. Mr.
Overturf opimhkhI the Hction on the
ground of oxtinvngitnce. Since
the meeting he him tenduiod ills
resignation to the Hoard.
"What In the necessity of raising
our prlnclpal'M salary iiIiikkU fiO er utlled by the latter
cent," wild the retiring minority The previous action In placing
tnemlMtr of the educational trio. Minn VAndcvert's salary at Wi wan
"JjMtt wo id $1 1 ft a mouth. jyv,:i,'ll,1, fl,f lrc lH'm, "'1 "l 80
,, ' ' , , Nil olllclal action wan taken in re-
thin year we are pledging the ill.. Knn, ,,, n)y rt.vlMot, of Mr. Shnuso's
trlct l ny $H17.oO. Thin In mighty jroiood salary.
had Hlicy, eKtclally iw the district
fourteen Jf'lnrst Street Light lo lie
Installed Cotter Ad vert lalng
Tuboo Voter to I! x amino
Charter Until I'rlday.
Went Snys North Cnnnl Must He
- l)u lit Howard S pinks For
Company Make Trip
'I (trough Segregation
The City Treasurer's report pre
Denied at the council meeting lost
night shows $4110.:i8 on hand.
HIIIh to the amount of ?1M8.10
wort) ordered paid, leaving n balance
of $aKlU7.82. Among the cily th Mttluni. wiw the cordial atton
asset wbm $71) in doe license col-',, t,. ,t . ,i
i vi"ii f,nvil iiiu nkni'inuiiio wa fell
Kkdmond. July 12. The foaturc
of the hit; water users mooting here
last night, whoe purpose was to
bring the fJovernor and tho .Stntc
IHtul Hoard In direct contudt with
A petition wa.i
In really financially in u had way
Might lu.w we owe W.1K7 In out
standing warrant. Thin In $1,217
more than the district owed Innt
year. And yet we go on increasing
wttlrwly mnnlhjmi, him! tlw Iinl only I Ijint week water wan struck In
known where we will he next year. H' well tlmt fur several week Imn
W..u .u.v i.i.,r.. tKun I I.mmI ,"'" " "" "'" . '"KKliiK
f ? l' i"J !. """ --'-.
At MH I'ert llrlllrrx lincniinter lllc
Supply Which Will AM hi Mntiu-
fneture of HullJInK Atnterlnl.
U-en In tin
the Central Oregon Well Drilling
to wy
.1 t II . MM . I. II . .
Kivur. iwniiihiii ruin, jnewaiiener (...,... ... ,i. ii41,,(i ii-i-i. ,.,,..
Allmny Hi-n. I wrtiilnly don't jny'd yard four milen wi-nt of
want to lie identilled with any nuch town. Water wan encountered at a
itxiMoidlture " uepin oi iji n-ei. rteeorium; to
Scltinil Clerk I.. 1). Wlust nlwt
hfui Mjironnwl tlliwpproval of nuch it
naliiry lieitiK ptiUI.
While at thu liuit meeting on Juno
20 the clerk had Iwcn to
notify J. H. ShouM) that Itlit appli
cation for thu principnlshlp would
not Iw connlilered further, Clerk!
Wlent reported that ho had
written to Mr. Shounc an yol
TheroujMin Muwni, Kny and Triplett
W. K. Scott of the hrlck comimny
thin will mean that hin organization
will Ini able to manufacture1 and
hull brick for $10 u thnutuind. Com
paring thin llgure with the price
paid in towns to the north, wild to
range from $20 to $:0, the big
local advantage (n the xnnanent
building line In readily appreciated.
Die well drilling outfit han gone
prownted benrinir
!UJ nignaturen, imking for the con
hI ruction of nldewalk houtli along
the eiwt niile of Wall Street from
the library to Donchuten Addition.
On motion of Seller It wan laid on
the table. loiter, on Sellern' motion,
sidewalk wan ordered conntructtil
on thu muitli nldu of t'ireunwood
Ave., ncroM block :I2 Ithu railrond
viaduct) ami in North Addition on
tho nouth nide of Kvergreon Ave,
acrofw blockn ft and G.
The police olllcOnt were Instructed
to clone HfdiMiim not paying licenw
until payment of Mime.
It wan agreed to contract with
The Hend (Viniiwny for II ntreet
ilghtn, each to Ih of xiueron or
approximately lOOO cundlo power,
at $K a month each. An entire new
lighting nyntetn will lie inntalkil to
nupply thone light, which will be
local npeakern and the protnine of
action by the ofllcialn.
"While I cannot HKHk oiTicially
for the bind Hoard at thin time,"
wtid Coventor Wont, in part, "yet I
am willing to any tlmt tne state will
' not permit tilt further nnlu of inndn
by the comiKuiy until it in shown
tlmt there in KUlllcient water to care
for the Hctllurs to whom wiles
already have been made. It in my
opinion that the North Canal must
lie built without delay."
Hcrtidc Coventor Wont, Attorney
Ceneral Crawford, State Treanurer
Kay and Statu Kngineer Lewis wore
pronent. IUmving Hond Tuefidy
morning an auto inspection trip was
nmde which covered the Hume,
nouth of Hend, the Central Oregon
Canal, the townnitu of Contralo ami
a general viewing of the irrigated
ImmIh. The wrty lunched at Heck
tniui'n I 'o well llutte Station. The
On Saturday occuth the
annual meeting of the Arnold
Irrigation Company, to be held
at tho Commercial Club rooms
at 2 p. m. In addition to tho
report of this important meet
ing, next week's Hulletin will
contain a comprehensive review
of thu excellent accomplish
ment of this co-operative com
pany, which properly may be
styled the most successful
organization of it kind In Ore
gon, and whose work (irri
gating 10,000 aero? Immedi
ately adjacent to Hend is of
vast importance to the town.
Tom Lawson Scunds Vralttn of State
and lu People In Special Article
Written for The Hulletin After
Ills Central Oregon Visit.
settlors will be able to come closer
together and. with mutual advan
tage, work out thein difficulties.
Wrlttrn Hl4atljr for The Html Dutlttln )
What do I think of Oregon?
Doar, dear, dear! I have been
asked the question so many time
and I have answered it so oftea
during the past four weeks that my
vocabulary has exhausted itself
Yet how can any man who has been
BURNS FREIGHT ON honored with the hospitality of you
WAY FROM OPALcrim8on blooded burJting-with-gen-
erosity hearted jicoplc, refuse any
First Illg Shipment Will He Hauled j request within his granting? Let
Orejcon Tiunk Terminal m trv ,n nll. i, tn ,,. .t,.,!,
County Seat.
the equal of any In the large Coast ,,,. ,iinilla ,-fluiniMi i,,'cr
cit-rT' .i. .. i . . tary Snwhill of the Central Oregon
iiie v iu aimirirv niu nwiriKivu
T rnxmn in Clrntrnn tn atni n ct.nrf
Tlie first argeshprnent of freight! ... ,. ... , ... ,
, . . ., i week. My always-yelhng-for-atten-
for Hums to come m over the Ore-' ,,..,., , ,, - , , ..
. ...,, n , "on businosa and other affairs In the
gon Trunk railroad will eave Opa I . c . , , t , .L ,
", , ., ,, . . . I far East would not admit of a
City for the Harney town in a few i. ... .... , - .
. . i if . , . Iongor stay. At the end of ten
days, says A. L. Hunter, who has, ...,., , , , , , .. .
. ; . . ., ' . , clays in Portland I wired home that
just returned from the terminal , .. ,... . . , ....
I must stay a week longer. At the
point, where lie was employed with dose of ten days spent In the Hood
Tho Jonea Warehouse Co. Uiver arMj White Sflmon Va,lcys ,
Julian Hyrd. editor of the Hums rosoiutotl that wouId y another
lime Herald, in the promoter of week if it broke mc and now at
the freighting enterprise. The ond of 8ti one more woek wfth
KiMMin inciuue aooui seven ions oi
IMiguc also made a
cement ami building material. They
those royal hearted ranchers, Mr.
;, draw up an 'nlinanee ro trlctlng tH over Ul ,,,,, of the CoIumbia
the pimting of bills h J, Roberta Southern w-gregatlon adjacent to
an .lay ; leer and (. Myers tin U,,BW. W. U. Harnes went with
night otlicer,
were continued in
At the
meeting, as during the
. .. , ,, , .. i m me meeiing, as (luring ute
A preiminary reading of the )n- lri noward and c. M. Rod
ImmhI city charter followwl. Una fiol(I( manuKer and engineer of the
will be taken by wagon direct from and -Mrs- Tom Sharp, in tills glorious
Opal to Hums, to McGowan & Central Oregon country. I'm, I'm
Swaync. to whom they are consigned, well I am just going to light my
It is expected that a wagon freight ciRar wJth my rcturn tfcket j
rate of 2U cents will be charged. , ... . . n
Should the transportation of this rub evcrythinjr but Oregon off my
shipment be as successful as antici- map upon my sout i am.
action on It will bo taken at a special 'SrTo"o bu,k f Burns freiRht' on,y " 1 havc ev
meeting Friday night. In the,0 "tt
Sbe1 nin ,2Sl. mTth h" , "-this company g tioofth Votto S , that I have not seen Bend or
oil! oTlLC. Hlh.nd V. !v f '&" S J? -..K! Burn orn what I hear of both.
not to the homestead of W.H.Dolly.
near Milllcan, some 2ft miles south
east of Hend. Should the antici-
i pated success result front its oer
volml to rescind Ute previous action ...I(inM .,,. a ,, tnI)otu. i,e
of the board, instructing tno ciorK
to notify Mr. Shouso of his election
at a salary of $lft00. Mr. Overturf,
who opixwod thin action, previously
had proxwod the name of Minn N.
Coo, sister of tho I'rlnevillu princi
pal, for the local principnlshlp nt a
salary of $12ft a month, his motion
receiving no second.
Tho resignation of Miss Marion
Wiest was read. Miss Angellno
Young wiw npjMtlnted to teach tho
second grade, at a aalary of $70,
given homiMteading in that terri
tory, osoclally in canon where thu
settler desires to obtain land under
thu provisions of thu Desert bind
Act, which requires the irrigation
of hH.'cilk(l acreage.
Star Draws Hljt Crowds,
Tho lino moving picture shows
which Hill & Newman are giving at
the Star Theater are drawing large
crowds. Tho films nre the best to
lie obtained nnd are changed four
times a week. Shows aro given
every night.
The Best Prophet of the
Future is the Past.
For more than n yenr the Deschutes
lhinkittft & Trust Company of Bend
hits meant "best" and is pleased to
place at the disposal of its customers
the facilities gained during this
period of continuous service and
growth, confidently believing it can
meet every ' requirement of the
most discriminating.
Put Not Your Trust in Monoy
But Put Your Money in Trust.
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend, Oregon
"Conservative Banking for Conservative People." t
L. 11. UAIRI), (Preildent) J. W. MA8THRS, (Vice Treildent)
1'. O, MINOR, (Secretary)
h. B. nAIRI), V, O. MINOR, S. V. BAIRD,
t.l.... I .1 .f , iiwjivwttmiwimttww, uiiu ww miv
roroes. ami mow uiring may i in(livitlual TOm pIants mentloned at
make suggestions of revls ons nnd meoli wouId rccelvc hi nttcn.
additions nt Ute Friday meeting. tion at oncc
TO PLAY PKINLVILLU AUAIN. j For the Water Users' Association
Arrangements nre being made to the principal speakers were J. J.
piny the I'rinovillo ball tenm here Ellinger, Kirk Whited, J. A.Thomp
on Sunday, July 211. It is under- son, W. A. Stevens and D. C. Hal),
stood that n considerable side purse ! What the settlers hod to say was
is to lie put up on the contest by expressed bluntly nnd straight from
the players and their superiors. ! the shoulder, opinions concerning
A general shake-up in the line-up the past actions of the land board,
will be made. "Tamp" Osborn, a neither delicate nor complimentary,
new addition to the locals, who hails , being freely expressed,
front Missoula, Mont., where he ! Dr. I'. II. Uoncor of Bond pre-
played with the stnte league,, will sided nt the meeting. C. W. Young,
do the twirling. Shine" Harmon,
a brother Montanalto, will do the
honors on the II ret sack. Roth are
said to be high flyers. Catcher
Foote from Redmond is scheduled
tn do the backstop work. S. M.
ParvK recently of Tito Dalles,
will hold down third.
K. W. Richardson, Ernest GrilTin and
S. H. Snyder, officers of the associ
ation, were on hand.
The meeting closed with n general
feeling that hereafter the Salem
officials will Iw more alive to the
needs of the Central Oregon settlers,
and that the local company nnd its
IMPROVEMENTS LARGE particularly from that grand old
(monarch of the tall timber, my
J. S. I'armlnter Constructs Flume and friend Bill Hanley, I know if I once
get inside their limits I am Kne so
far as ever getting back home U
Let mo sum it up Oregon I
mean. The greatest, country, the
Full Stock of
Builders' Supplies
Of all kinds now on hand. Finest
line of Cottage Doors in
Central Oregon.
Keep out that enemy of mankind,
the Hy, with
Screen Doors
The kind that you want is here and
the price is right.
Save money hy buying your shovels
pitchforks, stoves, nails and other
hardware at the store of
N. P. Smith
Wall Street
Ditch on Arnold System Ranch
One of the most important im
provement works in connection
with the opening of the Arnold
t"itl fa thnr titat tuiinrr Atmntnin1
on J. S. Parminter's ranch, near the whitest and most lovab, PP,e l
old Francis place immediately east ; have ever been privileged to look at
of Ute Central Oregon Canal. through the bottom of a water
Mr. I'arminter is constructing Klas3. I have travelled the world
?.0 ff . I' m ?"di?T miT ovcr a"1 " beautiful country and
feet of ditch, through which will be , . ., , , , T ,
led water from the Arnold canal to , car,et bIoodcd People, yet I have
irrigate 70 acres of his land. The , always been glad to get home, but.
flume is three feet wide and 18 and the Lord forgive me for saying
Inches deep. Already it has been it, I have at last been in a country
tested by having water turned ij am t , whfch d
through it. Mctke and Palmer had , ? A
the contract for its construction. , whorn make me wecP to return
said P. P. Thomas, the engineer who toward home. There, now, you
completed the work. ' know wha I think of Oregon.
The First National Bank
Or. U. O. OOt. Pr.tld.nt E A. GATHER, Vic Pratldant
O.8. HUDSON. Cihlr
Capital fullr paid ... 838.000
Stockholdtrt' liability . . tlB.OOO
8urplut 15,000
To Those Who
YOU have heard the story of the
farmer who chalked his accounts
on the barn door, which later burned.
You are in nlike rut if you don't use
modern methods.
Ix;t us handle your money do your
bookkeeping, relieve you from worry
' and work. A bank account will give
you safety and credit. Checks are
your personal coinage system.
If you haven't surplus money, de
posit all your money with us and pay
your bills by check. You will soon
have credit and the surplus.
I I R E C T 0 R S: