re SONGS MAKE HIT LOCAL WARBLERS EN LIVEN MEETINGS Veriea Rendered Uy the Bend Dunch at Prtnevllle Convention wns lllft Feature of the del-togethcr Meeting of Boosteritc. Tho loveliest feature of the C. 0. D. League convention t Prineville was the singing of the Bend bunch. Tho heavy weight song birds that gave finished renderings of local tunes in addition to the general Bend singing were J. E. Sawhill, H. E. Holman, J. J. Sayor, E. N. Strong and H. E. Lounsbury. One of the big hits was Mr. Sav er's adaptation of "Marching Thro' Georgia:" We'll attic of Central OreRon, tbe Urn! in which we live, We'll tint; its opportunitie and what it hat to Rive; We'lt tell the tiuth about it and We'll boost it everyone. While we are founding ita praitcf. CIlORl'S. Hurrah, hurrah, we'll quit the knocking game, Hurrah, hurrah, we'll work for all the auie, Every town that' in the league. We'll treat It on the Muaie, While we are working for Oregon. There's many things we neeil to do to bring us up to tlate, Some demonstration, irrigation, railroad through the state; Good roads will make the going short. Dry farms will bring the freight. Let's all get to work for Central Oregon. Then follows a few of the home made Bend songs, adapted to popu lar tunes: ("I litre Rlnn on Mr Plnjctr" tune) We boost our goldernest, wherever we If you think we are dead ones, why then you don't know. So give Bend a cheer, boys, And join our boosting song. What helps us, boys, helps you, boys, also along. p'My Wife's Coat to the Country." Bend has come to Prineville, Hurray, Hurrayt We've sure thought best to join tbe rest And help them on tbe war. We've brought our experts with us, Hurray, Hurray! They'll boost the land on every hand In their well known famous way. They'll talk the arm right off you Hurray, Hurray) An' tell Bend's tale 'till knockers wail An' sore heads move away. They'll work for the whole blame coun try, Hurray, Hurray! O the boosting baud they'll take their s'and And have their little say. for by "Mr. Kaqulra." Ono of thu pop ular Ruldo books vrnrna npiltift the use of "Esq.," Mjrlng that It might bo mistaken for n tinrte. HARMONY RULES. (Continued from page t ) well as of the entire meeting, was the address of Professor H. W. Scudder of the Oregon Agricultural College, who outlined agricultural methods, told what had best be done In Central Oregon, and what best not done, and above all expressed his implicit confidence in Central Oregon's agricultural success. Till man Reutcr of Madras also spoke. One of the features of the Saturday meetings was the informal talks of Thomas Lawson, the Boston finan cier. The harmony banquet Saturday evening was attended by more than 100 delegates. Among tho many speech-makers J. E. Morsog, of La Pine easily carried away the orator ical honors with a spicy address whose incisive humor won a gale of applause. The other speakers were William Hanley, J. W. Brewer, C. C. Chapman, Addison Bennett, Wm. McMurray, Carl R. Gray, T. W. Lawson, G. P. Putnam, F. W. Gra ham, Fred Lockley and W. S. Wor den. In the neighborhood of 300 dele gates were present at the conven tion. Prineville, Burns, Klamath Falls, Silver Lake, La Pine, Sisters, Laidlaw, Redmond, Madras, Culver, Hillman, Metolius and Bend were officially represented. On the two days more than 35 Bend men were in attendance. Tha Ufa of Eaquira. Tho recovery of a letter which bnd been sent to a little town In (iermnny and never delivered to tbe person ud dressed cured tbe writer of tbe cus tom of adding "esquire" to a nnme on tbe superscription of mall matter. The letter to question would probably bare been promptly delivered bad tbe address read simply "Mr. John Brown." But tho sender bad addressed K "John Brown Esquire," and tbe cemmumcauon rcaiea comioruDiy ia the "E" compartment of tbe poate res (aatfl department waiting to be called ' Rsal Laghorna, Mttlo Wllllo wns tnken out Into the country on n bright spring tiny. As he played with hU slater In tho farmyard a group of toghorn clilckons ap proached, led by n J.ocliorn ruoator. "Willie," aald the little girl, "why aro thoo chickens enlliil LcghonrnT" "Look nt their ankle." Willie re plied. "Don't you seo the little horns on themr Vary Much Alika. The late Krank Work ouro defined imuorouily the difference between a curbstone broker and a legitimate broker with n seat on the Mock exchange. "It I mnch the same difference." he iald. "a the one between an nlllgntor sod a crocodile." Huffalo Kxpreas. FOR T ONWATER ENOINEER EXAAUNES IRRIGATION SYSTEM Central Oregon Irrigation Co, Water liners' Association Holds Hood Aleet Ingot Wedmond Membership In creased by iMore Than U. Traditional, Prison Visitor To what do you at tribute your downfall, my poor manl Convict To procrnxtlnatlon. 1'rtnon Visitor Ah. ye: procrastination Is the thief of time. Convict-Kxactly. I stole a watch. -New York Times. Redmond. July l. The, report of tho field engineer of the State des ert lnnd board on the capacity of tho Central Oregon Irrigation Com pany's cnnnls and Humes to furnish witter to settlers was thu feature of the second quarterly meeting of the Central Oregon Irrigation Co, Water Users' Association, held here Satur day. More than 100 members were present and 2& or more Joined nt ire McCormick Line n The Best. WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF REPAIRS. This is one good reason why you should buy a Mccormick. PLUMBING D0T Work Promptly Done and Ountanlenl I'. rut Cl Bend Hardware Co. Underwood Standard Typewriter Incorporate every desired feature of all other machines into ONE and compare It feature with feature, working part with working part, and the Underwood will stand out superior. It permits of the greatest latitude of work does more and better work per given effort and permits of the greatest speed. 'The Machine You Will Eventually Buy" UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY INCORPORATED Portland, Ore., Office: 68 Sixth Street tho session. Tho association's af fairs wero reported In jrood condi tion, ami It was Muted tltnt thu or iranlcatlon was acconipllshlnir much for Its members. Upon roprexontutlnns iniulo by thu Water Utwrs' Association u few weeks njro, Field Kntrlneur It. C. Woljrnnt was sent by tho tluwrt land board to ascertain just what the irrigation company Is doing In the way of providing an ailiMjuato Hume and ennnlM for supplying water to land In tho segregation. Mr. Weignnt made an exhnustlvu examination of thu system, in com- mny with representatives of thu irrigation company, as well as with' otllcers of tho Water Users' Associa tion. He reported that, with care-' ful handling, the main Hume will servo during this season, but that this Hume and both of the main cannls are too small for oven tho ' land already sold by the irrigation company. He assured the members of the association that this defect in the system would bo taken up by the desert land hum! and adequate provisions made in these respects. Mr. Woigunt is a person of excep tional tjualillcntitins for the Investi gation which he has made, lieiug a graduate of West Point with high rank and having spent the last five or six years as a construction engi neer upon the Panama Canal. All tho water users present re ported that the irrigation company is giving excellent service at the present time, in fnct much better than during any previous season. There was a considerable represen tation at the meeting from every part of the segregation, among those from Iiend being President P. II. Dencer. Secretary S. H. Snyder, Directors (Jrillin, Richardson and Young and C. S. llenson, attorney for tho association. The meeting was very much of n success in every respect. A Otatssman'a Qussr Ambition Tht ureal l,onJ Drey Imtl nil iiiahl Hon far above ptMlllcs. Ilv hail pimm-d the reform hill, hut Hint did mil mil' lafy his Hiinl. There wiim talk or 'I'm gllonl, nml llrv.v xnld unite eiiraeaily "Whnt would 1 ghu to ilniicv u well aa hoi" Tint tntesainn who hud Ih'OII nrltllO minister nml hud ,Mi an liiilollhl mark on thu history of Ills country wan nrtually envloiia of an opera dnncorl-'l.omlon (Hobo. Right Daok at Htr. "Does your hiiahanil allow you to have thing chanted at the atorvaj" "Oh. I think he would. tiiif "llut the alorea wouldn't, la that whjil you were Klii l add)" "Oli. no. I wns going to any that he give tae plenty of mutiny with which lo pnjr cash. Does yoursY" litifTnlu Cipri'. An Unblatatl Champion. 4 "Queer world, Imi't It If Heo thnr rtinti over there, Hie one who la put Him tip the Mu holler for Individual drinking fiipa for public user Vea." "lie Iman't drunk n drop of wnier for seven yeurs." Clevulnnd l'lau( I (outer. Ths Vry Bama. Nnwell-t enn any the Ten Com timndinenta Imi'kwiiriU Jowell Ves tlmt'a the way you obey lliftii. New Vork I'feaa. - 1 BREADSS?5c 21 BREAD TICKETS FOR $1.00 Large Pies 15 cts each Doughnuts and Cinnamon Rolls 15 cts Do.. Cookies 10 cts Do.. Cakes 10 cts to .35 cts each Our Prices aro the CheiipoNt in town iimj Our (ioods tho 11m t. iM en Is Served at Hernial- Hours. Furnished Kooms. STAR BAKERY MRS. NELLIE WRIGHT 1 BOND STREET, BEND, OREGON Sutherland (Sh Mcintosh Contractors and Builders Jobbing Promptly Attended to Shop on Oregon St. Our Stock is Rapidly Arriving and we arc prepared to fill orders, large anil .small, for all kinds of HARDWARE The Vienna Head's Best Restaurant Cleanliness, with Good Ser vice, our motto. Meals 35c and up. Centrally localrd, oil Wall street. Implements Farm Machinery Wlro Fencing Paints and Oils Harness Builders9 Supplies Cutlery Fishing, Tackle, Etc. Our long experience guarantees SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. Our Portland connections insure LOWEST PRICES. Skuse (Sab Thomas THE R.ED STORE Wall Street, Bend. StoddardDayton Automobiles BBBWIiaMBKilWWIWMnPWI'' iBBjlu.- - .;i-JUgi aBHHaWBWaaaBBBBMPHaaBB-- aTF Bend Oregon FOUR1EBN DIFFnRENT STYLOS. AUTO SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. Agent for Kissel Auto Trucks. Bend Oregon