mm The BEND COMPANY BIWIUIHJilWI REAL ESTATE -We are the owners of the original Townsite of Bend, and have for sale practically all the inside business lots. ---We also own the three inside residential ad ditions, so if you want anything in real estate that is sure to increase in value with the develop ment of the town, we have it, at prices and on terms not equalled in Central Oregon. An inspection of our property will convince any one of its exceptional good value for investments. LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. -We are the only mill prepared to supply a COA1PLHTI: line of lumber, flooring, ceiling and interior finish, all KILN DRIED. Estimates furnished for buildings. Free delivery to all points of Bend. A reduction will be made to parties hauling their own lumber. -Mills and yards located in Bend. Call at our office or write us for full particulars. The BEND COMPANY Offices Cor. Wall and Ohio Sts., Bend, Oregon. DESCHUTES IP CONTRACT IS LET passed by the state sorship. board of cun- I. O. O. P. NOTICG. RIVER IS NOW BEING" GREENWOOD Rancher Attention. All ranchers who wish to line the 8000 feet of free timber to which they are entitled from the forest rcsorow every year hud better (JET HUS . Wo can saw this for you, SURVEYED Party ot Topographers Began Work This Week at Benham Fall Will Oo up Stream and Then to Mouth Important Undertaking A party of surveyors sent out by the United States Government and the Btate, in co-operation, began this week a survey qf the Deschutes River for the purpose of making a map of the stream. They started work at a point having an elevation of 40 feet above Benham Falls and will work up the river. When this part is completed they will return and work to the mouth of the river. Several months will be required. At the last session of the Oregon 1 Legislature an appropriation was made for the work of surveying rivers of the state, and through the cooperation of the Federal Govern ment the Deschutes will be mapped. This is an important undertaking for the property owners and others along the stream as it will give them definite data as to the water power possibilities. It is expected also to do much toward harmonizing the apparently conflicting use of water for power and irrigation purposes. The surveying crew spent several dayB here last week outfitting. The party is headed by A. T. Fowler, U. S. topographer. With him are J. ""V. Crooks, B. Moorhead, Clifford Downey and Paul Hegdahl. They "' will be joined later by another rod man. A teamster and cook accom- ' : pany the party also. " Stockholders' Meeting. The annual meeting of the stock- . holders of the Arnold Irrigatlpn Co'njpany will bo held in the Cpm- 'mercial Cldb , room'. In Bend, "at 2 p.'ni. on Saturday, July 16,1911." ' 17-18 L. D. Wiest, Secretary. TO BE BUILT All Odd Fellows arc urged to nt tend tho nnxt retrulnr moetinir of BRIDGE the Bend lodge, Monday evening nt delivering the kind of lumber you 1 8 o'clock. Installation of ollicurs want when you want it, at our mill 1 and other important businww. after three miles from Sisters. which there will be refreshments. 15tf W. II. COURTNEY. Construction Will be Done by Tom Roberts for $135 Opening of Road Bast of Pilot Butte Canal Dis cussed at Council Meeting. In special session Thursday even ing, the City Council let the con tract for the construction of the Greenwood Avenue bridge across the Pilot Butte canal. The success ful bidder was Thomas Roberts, at $155. The lumber will be furnished free by The Bond Co. Work will be started at once and it is expected that the bridge will be completed in quick time. In connection with the building of this bridge, thore was some dis cussion of the opening up of Eighth Avenue, which runs by the home of L. D. Wiest, to accommodate the travel from the north. It was stated that this would be astralghter and better road and newcomers from Prineville and Redmond would not be puzzled by it as with tho numerous roads on this side of the canal. No definite action was taken. The bridging of the Pilot Butte canal at Koa Avenue was also dis cussed and this work may be under taken later. The street committee was in structed to look fully into tho matter of extending Wall street through Lytle and proceed with the work. NBW MOVINU PICTURE MOUSE. Another moving picture show will bo opened in Bend tills evening in the new building erec ted 1) L. C. Fuiks on Wall street. It will be known as the Star Theater and will be conducted by Hill .& New man, formerly of Edmond, Wash. It is' their intention to show .only high class film3 which have been Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregon You are cor.llallr Invito! to m.VcTHK IIOTItl. DAM.HS your irsttng place while waiting over bctwrrn Irnintun your way to ami from l'ortUml. New, thoroughly rquipiml, modern hoiri; itcnm heat, elevator; iuite ami rooms with batlu. 1'lrit class cafe. Unte. $ i and upward. Ideal Stopping Place Going to and from Central Oregon. PETER KUEHNLING, Manager. Put Your Duds In Our Suds Bend Steam Laundry Phone us. We will cull for your bundle. WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Taulo always supplied with tho bast that the town affords. Ncnt mid Comfortable Nooms. Bund, Okiico.v Hotel Bend Corner Uond and Oregon Sts. AMERICAN PLAN Rates $2 and $2.50 n Day HUGH O'KANE, Manager Who Carries Your Insurance? FIRE INSURANCE? The Insuuanck Company of Mouth America Is one of the oldest American Fire insurance Companies doing business In America. It was ESTABLISHED in 1702 (during Washington's first term as president.) Tho Company has Paid Losses of Over $149,374,312. The Company has assets of 1 6 Million Dollars, about half of which is SURPLUS to POLICY HOLDERS. For a policy in this Company ask M. S. Lattin & Company INCORI'OItATKI). Any Kind. of Insurance Anywhere. V-" .......-, .-, Special Prices on all Suits at Men'sToggery In order to eleun up utul make room for my fall line which will he here by July 15, I am going to make the prices as follows, commencing Saturday, June 17.. $12.00 Suits reduced to $14.00 Suits reduced to $16.50 Suits reduced to $18.00 Suits reduced to $20.00 Suits reduced to $25.00 Suits reduced to $27.50 Suits reduced to $ 9.00 V $10.50 $12.50 $14.00 $15.00 $18.50 $20.00 These suits will not last long at these prices so come while the stock and sizes are complete. A. L. FRENCH Oregon street, between Wall and Bond, Bend, Oregon.