at DESIRABLE SEVEN ROOM COTTAGE. NO MORE i Deiltfn 835c, by Glenn L. Saxton, Architect. Minneapolis. Minn. Freight Troubles ! I Complete Houses $230.00 to $865.00 i Everything you neetJ I Included at th price w quota-Ull malarial required In tiu construction of a modem hotna Architect)' plant, ipcrificatloni. lIe print, and full detail about construction are alio furnldied, together with an Itemized itatcment of the material - the beit on the market. We will quote prim frrlpht thc ouiLDKns' oaroaim Houes prepaid to your nation. . . Ar The Oregon Trunk Hallway is open for busi ness to Opal City, just north of Crooked river. MOKLIT Vlt-OitUrAhtVxtMnt l.mili WMtfatfrru rtlfcf nurnrr l4tU n ri.w W(&2Py& Hai awl aVvriytkmi. IrMlfr m MraAae UiMni "g'MAM g DrAtMV llfmiff iMatiaf of tnlMlaf vrtieMH, 210 Wti!lC AVI SCATTlt, WASH, Jl a llli If'a fall J lUiudUJ lllJ .. 1 r T jr1- The Jones Warehouse Company (II20IUII3 A. JONI2S of Haul, AiniutKcr will handle all freight at Opal City for the railroad. The old Shaniko Moody Ware house system will he employed. Merchants will get their goods promptly and without inconvenience. Opai. Citv will he the freight terminus for HO days more. Have your freight consigned in eare of JONES Address communications to Uend. -- ilSafcfflS!aC'lVSSWimPv IsaU wawfiV Pw 1 SffiH Hr ; U iWMWHsssijbwm ri:iiHi'i:(TiVE h:v-fiiom a photoohapii. I lllliailiae 8 ' O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET t-ti - -jam -fr.-w- WeiiandyLiv Company yery er'. All kinds of light and heavy Liv Horses for Sale Wholesale Feed and Hay Branch Establishment at La Pine, Oregon. Autos For Hire J. H. VVENANDY Bond Street - Uend, Oregon LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Irrigating Lath and Houso Lath A Specialty The tltulwr we ml from I the let In tlieroun try. mill 4i tittle hotithriut o( llrml. Pine Forest Lumber Com'y BEND, OREQON F. W. SlI.VKKTOOTH I'reiiltlcnt unil MnnitKur It. A. SWCKH, n. S., K, E M. E. I'rlncliml Instructor uatl Himlncaa Mnnugor. W. II. Ukuhoisk, H. S., Souttlo. WiihIi. II. E. SnodltKN, A. M Sun Krnnciaco, Cnl. J., Uend, Ore. Central Ore. Automobile School JfaUu. I ill t.Yiri ffi . i Thorough Instruction along both Theoretical and Practical Lines. Address nil communications to HUSINESS MANAGER, Uend, Ore. ' I I I KnziifiL4 ,,,, rTZIIf i . I fitfrt 0 I 10-o'MO-O- A . 4 UV?NCT?H I I CHAMBER P S , T?DccrmpM n-nz-fc 9.1 ib-oxio-o' JL,. 1 ltBff? --- -i sneoND n.oou im.v. Tinning and Plumbing GAS FITTING HOT AIR, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING ROOFING, aUTTKRINO, SPOUTINO, CORNICE AND SKYLIOHT WORK. Repair Work Given Prompt Attention. MacCloskey & Parker Fourth Street and Hawthorne Avenue J. A. HAZUKA W. IL HcGREGOR Contractors--BuiIders Wc are Always 'Glad Lo Furnish Estimates Shop in Rear of Itowlec IJuihyng on Wall Street GAl JUUWaCVUAEEaX nitsT n.oou 1''. A tiHMit Itrail:i rotlnKc of mren rma. h il(ii ami a large ImIIi. Tln ox ttrlur. IIhhikIi ltni. tlm-t not lark rbarHi'irr. 'rt" 'Xpre"H- In ltn well (Ifrtntil llniH it nal Ihhiih. Tlio llMr platw tqx-ak fur tht'tm.lvMi. Tln iwonil ntur.v t ifiH.H IhII- iliwerxluic of coiutin'tit., Tlifrt" arc two i'.cittl(iially larso clMinlicnt ninl rt HiimlhT one. mtiuri'. vltli full lirljclit ct'tllllKK, all tlt mi tin- ronr Ih-Iihj Inki'it iT liy lti rliiM'tn, of w Iilch tln-iv ure a rihmII)' iihiiiImt. Tin1 Iwtlirvutn ti Inrnt ntut well nrnttiitnl Wldtli, ttwiity-f.nir ami a Itnlf feet: ilcptli, thirty two f-Jt. Cost to InilM. cxcIumUu of tiratltiK uml iilinl.liix. '.V'tiJ. Ity nf-liil nrrntih'vmvnt with mo tin- alitor of till iiht will funiUh ono complete eU o( plana and qwllknlloiM of devlcn No. Nlc fur (IX OI.KNN K SAXTON. 18 TIIK ONLY I't-rK IN BBNI) THAT IS estaurant Open All Night SHORT ORDERS QUICK SERVICE Sandwiches and Lunches a Specialty New Dining Room Just Added Tables (or Ladles. BILLY'S PLACE W, fj, ADAIR BILLY'S PLACE -w- ' TOWER HILL " 'V A Nottd London Epst, th 8ctn of Many Fjmoui Oceurrtneta. TotMT lll'l HTtinp ImiIIi tin- niwt linNirtiint I'tiilnciu-i' ninl Hie iiioxt no tiililu NMit In nil l.onilnii !,. of u tliluk wlmt KrtMt nTMini tuiif nili'tlr llvtl tlii-ti. tiiil ntiHt uiliiTM. fijtiull) cront. Inivo .( it ninl il IimI iinin u. To It, ur ratlicr to Onntt Towrr atrift. cntn ItiK'tiitcr to imrii. lit trnili an an Itnlliin fortune MUt. whllv tlit luillii'iiiil Itiickluuliniii of (a tvnlknl tlillhiT to rotiHtilt a con Jurrr, a xliri'wd, fun'ii'liiu' roKiic. ntio. wlii-n IVHi'ii InhibIiI at tlio rutler'N alioi on the Niutinilt of tin la 111 for a atilllltiK tli knlfo with wlilili lie kllliHl tin1 i1iiIi'k futliiT. inn)1 linu known for what uirioM Il wax riiitlritl. Wlllliitu Pciin unit iHirn mi tlilx hill lit a homo rliwc to I.oimIoii wall. I'or ty four jtarx Inter Hint I. In A. I lits."- a MM't lay distil, rhiihiil ly n mint w huh htnrvntloti tint) urti'il him to ilt'vonr tint Brt'ttllly, In nit upper room of t!u Hull intrni. 'I'liU wax the III fated Otwiiy. At the lime when thp koii of the mute hiy deml Hotter Ion. the eelehratetl foiiliilor of the atacp after tlio roHtoratlon, wiih wrltiKlui; loan, from the eyox of the inilillo. not for tho fntuMietl donil, tint at hit own tli'tlilouit xorrowH In "Veil I w l'rornrvod.M It wiim In Orout Tower atroot thnt Peter tlio Orrat unci! to pnxx hlx ovon lnp ilrlnklnc hot pepHr and hraiuly with hla hooii rompnnhin, l.ord Cur niiirllicu. London BtHiidard. NOTICE FOR PUniJCATION. JlilMhTMH..r OF Till! ISTIIKIOR Unltd htt ftxt Oftot.atThr tMlln.Orrtotl, . if iMh. r?tl Nollr I. hrntiy fltrn thai (Itrtluilr l Mmkrl hIm '.a.lttlfttt-iHMftXN I. m-n t.iirrinn. ho IM on Ihr Hh ita) of Ma) 19 t- Kir In Ihrt aUxt hHoiB Matrmti.t ami Aiik.llon. Ns iA4 tpurelaethrfH K-if Srrtlun j Town hip 1? h.:h. Kaniril K.t Wiltatnrllr Mnl dwn. awl ihr tiirl ihrrron undtr ih previa K.oflhr act of Junr ir. and ai. amroda iMfy iHowna.lhc Tmli and Wour Mvr," n valur at muhl l fitrU by ai(ralvmnit, a ltd lhal vhitmmhI lo.xh ailirallo thr laitd a wl llmUr IKrlrun lur ln appt alwl ,- eu, tohBcrw... i . Itir UmUr ratimairU l4 , ,-m. (ri n, ,, 9 1-! PIMI Iflt lailf, OO, hat Mll 1m1k-4IH will .rfrr hnal ptuuf In auiiMMl uflna amdlc' ami .ih .lairrarnl at thrtthdayut Auu.l Ivil b fr II L' Kill, t' H VvmiuiukHirr. at hit orf-.. at Ikud. Any ima.111 Ital UUrly lop'Btc.l ihl. Ixirchaw twfwir t Hlry r InltUlr a nmirM at any time b- m ,mT,,t . ,.y nil.. tVTTUIHir liri Mm dare III Ihia uitwr, aUvxnigaMa Mhkh mouU "inanni ,iiiy. ; C W Mwut Kririiter. GET YOUR ORDER IN NOW FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND KAKE. SHIPMENT ON THE WAY. H. J. Eggleston Manufacturer of Harness and Saddles Denier in Wagons, Buggies, Farm Implements Hay and Grain for sale. NOTICE VOll PUBLICATION. Dtailincnl of Ihr InUrlor, U 8 I.amt UlArr at The thtltra, Orraun, lunr 'til, 1911 Nolle ( hf rl)y gltrn that John W w hue. of Itcml Diriraii, who on lunr unit. im. nilr ilracrt laml rntry N'n 467. arrUt No o6, lor SS nrU. i" Si act,' a.ctUu ,u lownalilp iy anulh.rangr 11 call, Wlllaiuttlr Mrridian, haa ftlrl notk-rof Intciillou to maVr flnat ttrarrt proof, to ratatilMi claim to thr laml ahovr ilr avrllnl ticforr II C Itttl a, II. H. Coinmloloucr, at hla oilier at llcml, Orrgon, ou the lath day of Julv, ivll tlaliiianl namra aa wllnraara, l.tvl I). Vlrt, Athene l.u.aa, lolin H, I'nr lulnlrr , William II, Htaata, all of lleiut, Orriron. 14 l C. W. MOOKK, Krgl.tcr, NOTICE V()tt PUMLICATION. ttcrlinrm of the Interior, U. H. Laud Orhcr ul Thr UilUa, orrgou, Mil iMh, ivil. Notice la hereby alven Ih l- iMumil It V..r,.... of IftMlaw, OreKvii. who, ou A pi U Jth, iqio, mail liomratead entry. No. cAjoj. tor .U ml awir awWcc. m T 16H., 11 l and nwU uwM,' Hrcttouj, Tewiiahlp 17 houtli. Hantr 11 Kaid, Wlllameltr Meridian, haa nietf notice ol lidtu. t ,lt I., iL H11.I .. ...... ...-.!.... . r ... eatahll.h tliiiui to the laud aUr drcrlbrt, la-iore II O lillia, V 1, hi l""i t'lrguu, 011 me win day ol July, lll ' Claimant iiamea wltineaarai 'rl N. Wallace, Ofoiichnidrr Cliirl.a . MocL, Audrrw Mi Alll.tcr, all of Ijidlaw. dregoii U'lTI" v. W, WtlORlt. KegUler. NOTICE FOR PIKUCATION. (not con I Und) DriHutmrnterihr tnirttor, V. h. Laml KITvc-. at Lal.cviri, Oregon May 10 i4u Notlrr la hrfrbv ilrru ihul l.mT rp. sflj. I'die, Hr.H, Mha.on IKvrnilrr in iy "MJ) for nwi,'. Im.ii.i u Towiithlp 11 h Rawer lu I'.. UllUuttllc M.rsluu h. fii,.! uoticrof liilrktUw ia wair nnal eooiitmlalion Itrta.f. 10 elanu 10 Ihr laud .Lit. . .1 . A ... ... . "- urxrinni, rwrorr 11 c. lilli. V a Coui,at Utnd O egori, oil Ihr Mhday of July. 1ll CUiinanl luwn aa wriueara: Lrr CMdotll. Ilr it Cnldw.ll. tlroter CaMwttl aud Itwui.a rMiikUp. allot Ui Itur, DieutHi 1,16 AXTIIIKW IIKTON KrgUtrr NOTICE TO CI.EDITOItS. In IlieCounty Couit of tar Mate of tirrgou for Crook Cuui'ty In Ihr maitet of thr llalateof I 'a ill O VtMad, The uiulrraignol. hating Wen appointed by Ihr County Cuurt of Ihr Male of iiircon t-louk Comity. Adiuiiil.tlalor of thr K. late of OKiil t. VrliUit.ilrrraKil. oollcr l hertuy ttteli to the cttdimm of.anl lflate and all prraona having :laltu agaiuat aakt tteceaaiM to preaeul them, verlnrtl aa It)ulret1 by law. within ait moiitha froin the date of till. Holier to Ihr umleralijiird. al thr oihcrofC K llrnwu, fliat National tunk llulld'Ug, llcml, Oregon IMrd Mayjiat, toil. lOIINSTHIDI,, Admliilalralor ofthe Ivatatc of Paul o. Velatad, deer a ml uij r NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (laolatrd I'ratt ) rilHMC LAND HALlt, (Not coa';tau.l) leMirtuieiitorihr Interior, U. H. Laud Oltice at The Ilallra, Oregon, May to, 1411 Notice la hereby given thai, aa directed by the Commiaaloii. r urine (teucral Land timer, under provtilou of Art ofCongrru approvrtt June 17, 1006. (U Stata . sit.) wewllloflcr al nubile aale. to tlielughe.t v4o'cIikW a iu.. nu the ill tUy of July, ivi I, at IhlaoUue, the following d.acrlUtl land: V 1.1'V. . . T, 17 b R. It Auv inn.1111 claiming aderelv the aboee dc aciUM UiuU are adviacd to file ttutr clatmi, or objrctlptia, oil or before the time dengitatcil lor auie. p'4'l C. W. MOOHIt. Krgtiter, BOUND TRIPS EAST From Madras, Metolius, Culver and Opal City. St Paul Mintirapnli. KnnsAS ( it)' Onialia Dnhitll. Wiutiipetf Milwaukee $lLd) St I.oul. 70 Colo. SpR $35.00 i'hlhidclphia SI 08.50 VahiiiKton(fiA7 f-A Ilaltlt.iore 3IUl.OU lloHlon $110 Dates of Mle: June 6. MAN'V'nTIIltR. l'OIN'TS IX PRnPnilTinv 17 31 JJ. J8. J9. 30. J'y I lo 6, 19. jo. j6. 7, jS, Aujjust 3, 4, 5, 14 to 17. at lo li, 8 to 30. Septcmlxr 1, 2, 4 to 7 A vnet of route K"it! ami rcturntu. Return limit October jut. Stopover are allowed tu each direction. , Oregon Trunk Railway UiiTfllTITrrii. iBf'rr" r uviAm ClaHnp lleach on the Pacific, Round Trips Madras ta. 15: Metollu f 11.41;: Culver $13 30; Opal City fli 75. Ticket sold daily Kood return iu; all utuuier. btopover at Aatoria, Astoria Centennial, Astoria, Ore., Ausust 10 to Sept. 9, LowTound trip fair lo and (torn eastern point are lu effect ou various date. DeUil wilt be furnished on application. Train Leaves Opal City dally 9:00 A. M.; Culver 9:15 A. M.; Sletoliu 9:30 A. M ; Madras 9:45 A. M arriving in Portlaudst 7:45 P. M. R. K MICHAHL, AKt. U. R. NBSS, Agt. T. A. GRAHAM. Ant. Mm ra lira Pllli'atp Mrat aT . 1 1 . - ' iuauiai) vs.a ! vt ziv J. II, CORUIJTT, Aent, Opal HU T. A. GRAHAM, Agt. II ,i. Metolius. Ore. il d City, Oregon. jU - ' "-' - " I '" '-' i" ' THE BEST YET July 10th to July 22nd. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department ofthe Interior, U. S. IuJ Office at The ltatlee, Oregon. June 3rd, ion. Notice la hereby glvcu that John U White, oftleud, Oreaou, wlio, on June nth, I9V, made ltomotead liutiy No, H5W. Serial No. ojai, liirvhlwK ana 117a awn arciion n, lowuauip 17 auuth, range u rait, Wtlllamette Merl lau, Iiaa tiled notice of liiteutluu to make I'mai Ute-Year Proof to eatabtl.h claim to the laud above deacrlbrd, brfurc II. C ttllla, U. S, Coiu niiaaloiier, at hi oltice at Ocud, tirrgou, on the iKihday of July. 1911. CUluiant uame.aa wltneuea: Levi I) Vlet. Albert C. I.unta ohu H. farutlulcr, William II, ataata, all of Uend, Oregon, ; 14-1 C, W. MOOKK. Regltler. L NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department ofthe Interior, U. 8. Uud Office at The Dalle.. Oregon. NnllceU hereby given that FraScVet-alXell. entry. No. 09M for wtf ,,).. w nc) MdaeVf ",'.!,0I, Wwiiihlp Smtli: range , 1 ram. Wll aiuettr Urndln rh.. i. ..i ."V,i' U?,Ll!?u,0,,,?ke 8,,, commutation prat to eatabli.h claim to the land above describe.! be ('l" C.KIUa.O.H CommUalouerilliUottiS a,o. 1 """i on lb loth day of July. ion. Claimant name sa witneaaea- jaoca f . Carter of LaPlue Oregou. William p Vaudevert. Lee C. Caldwell, Luiher Mctke. of Bend. Oregon. ' C W. UOOHU, Kr.tjtcr