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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1911)
L DECISION IN REGARD TO DITCHES Property Owner has right to exercise power of eminent domain, use of water for Irrigating being re garded as public matter Desert land ontrymon around Iknd will be interested in an opinion rendered by Attorney General A. M. Crawford in regard to right of way for an irrigation ditch across pri vate property, without the permis sion of the owner of such property. In reply to a requoat for an opinion from Judge H. C. Ellis, Mr. Craw ford quotos chapter 238, Laws of 1911, as follows: The United Stales, the state or any person, firm or corporation shall huvc the riht of way across a nil upon public, private anil corporate lauds, or other rights of construction, malntenencr, re pair anil use of all necessity reservoirs, dami.watiPKates, canal', ditches, flumes, tunnels or oilier means of occurin, stor intf and conveying water for irrigation or for any other beneficial pnrpoc, upon payment of a just compensation for such. Inferring to this law Attornoy General Crawford Bays: Said section as amended by Implica. tlonat least makes the use of water for irrigation purposes a public use, and if the court should so hold the meaning of the section, then the right of emi nent domain could be exercised, and where it is uecestarv for a person to cross the lands of another with a lateral in or der to irrigate his own lands, he could bring suit in the Circuit Court, have the right of way condemned and pay what ever the jury assessed, provided he was unable to agree with the owner as to the compensation. That is the only section that I find now which attempts to define a public use when applied to appropria tion of water for irrigation purposes, i i Engineers' Supplies. The bulletin has received a supply of the best K. & E. blueprint paper, duplex paper, tracing cloth, profile paper, cross-section paper, drawing pencils, pens and inks, erasers, cruisers' compasses, steel tapes, etc. m D The Biggest Days In the history of Bepd- July 10th to July 22nd. The xxiKJiivgrLau3 REALESTATE We are the owners of the original Townsitc of Bend, and have for sale practically all the inside business lots. We also own the three inside residential ad ditions, so if you want anything in real estate that is sure to increase in value with the develop ment of the town, we have it, at prices and on terms not equalled in Central Oregon. An inspection of our property will convince any one of its exceptional good value for investments. Call at our office or writh. us for full particulars. i An Elusive Watsr Lily. The vnter Illy of tlu Amazon has very elusive hnblt. The bud okii tivlco, the Drat time Just n chink at the tip In the early hours, n sort of premonitory nymptom. On the followlnc erculni; It apniuN Its four Kcpnh with such alacrity Hint you can see them move. Hut the tils; white hud 1 nmong them remain unchnngt-d until I 4 o'clock Jn the tnorulriK. when It hur- rledly Hproads It hhwwim wide ojien, i remnlnluR In thin condition only half ' an hour. Within the hour It Iws near I ly cloned, ntwl by another hour and n . half the entln flower ha Iwn drawn under water by tho'colllnc of the atnlk. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DcpartieeHt of the Interior. V. B. Uwl oflk at The ImIW. Oregon, May S 1411. Notkc It btrtbjr tW'rUbt0.rorr ft Krrkltig, of UMh, iikiihi who. on May tOmvi m4? drxrt land ratty No :w, Krtal so om. fur H K. 7 ami wtioU, mt'onl townthi I wuih, rauge it ca.t. Willamette MrrxlUil haa fild notlcr of IbUiiiioh to make final touf. lo ratabtiih claim to the land atasve il.K-riUfl. be fore II C Kill I' n. ConnniMione-at hUofSee, at lu-nJ Ortgon. on (he nthday of July, ivii Claimant nainr. wltnrur II I Caily. of B1 Oregon, awl J N II (rrkuiK I'reU Wilton Kay, 01 UHI tjrrvwii SCOUT SUITS - $2.50 - a no w IJ-I7P I W M'HJKi:, KrgUtrr. r BOYS'i AT -- R. M. SMITH Clothing Co. BEND The BEND New Line of Millinery Mrs. Mcintosh and Mrs. Shrinor have just received a fine line of new millinery, of the Intest style and shaiMM. I-ndten should call enrly and make their selections. Fash ionnble drenaiimkitig at remwnnblc rates. Coats and suits made to order. Ollice second lloor Cnapman build ing. ir-io Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregon . You arc cordially Invited to iiiiike Tlllt HOTI'.t. DAI.UlJi your testing place while uniting over between tramsoii your way to and from Portland. New. thoioughly rtiip)KH, modern hotel; atenm heat, elevator; suites and rooms with Imths. l'irst class etife. Rntes ft and upward. Ideal Stopping Place Going to and from Central Oregon. PETER KUEHNL1NG, Manager. Put Your Duds In Our Suds Bend Steam Laundry Phone us. We will call for your bundle. Who Carries Your Insurance? FIRE INSURANCE? The Insuiianc K Company ok Noirrii Amkiiica is one of the oldt-Ht American Fire insurance Companion dolnjf businowf in America. It wan ESTABLISHED in 1792 (during WnnhinKton'H flrat term na president.) The Comimny hiw Paid Losses of Over $149,374,312. The Comiiany Imh asueta of 1 6 Million Dollars, about half of which i SURPLUS to POLICY IIOLUtillS. l-'or a policy in thiH Company iwk M. S. Lattin ?& Company INCOUrOItATKI). Any Kind of Insurance Anywhere. COMPANY LUMBER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. -We are the only mill prepared to supply a COMPLETE line of lumber, flooring, ceiling and interior finish, all KILN DRIED. Estimates furnished for buildings. Free delivery to all points of Bend. A reduction will be made to parties hauling their own lumber. At His and yards located in Bend. COMPANY Kanchcr Attention. All ranchers who wish to use the 8000 feet of free timber to which they are entitled from the fonwt reserve every year had better (iFJI'i HUSV. We can saw this for you, delivering the kind of lumber you want when you want it, at our mill three miles from Sisters. Ifitf W. II. I'OUUTNKV. LATH AND SHINGLES Offices Cor. Wall and Ohio Sts., Bend, Oregon. WHEN IN lil:ND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with tlin best that the town affords. Ncnt nml Comfortable Noams. Hu.vo, Okiic.on Hotel Bend Corner Uoml and Orepon Sis. AMERICAN PLAN Rates $2 ntu! $2.50 n Day HUGH O'KANE, Mnnnger Special Prices on all Suits at Men'sToggery In order to clean up and make room for my fall line which will be here by July 1i, 1 am going to make the prices as follows, commencing Saturday, June 17. $ 1 2.00 Suits reduced to $14.00 Suits reduced to $16.50 Suits reduced to $18.00 Suits reduced to $20.00 Suits reduced to $25.00 Suits reduced to $27.50 Suits reduced to These suits will not last long at these prices so come while the stock and sizes are complete. A. L. FRENCH Oregon street, between Wall and Bond, Uoml, Oregon. K33TA $ 9.00. $10.50 $12.50 $14.00 $15.00 $18.50 $20.00 w