CLOSE MEkGKR DEAL! The charges against B. Glrton woro dismissed on n motion of tho state. Dend Lumber Co. and ltrlck ft Tile Co. Consolidated. A 'deal was closed this week whereby tho Bend Lumber Co. and the Bend Brick & Tile Co. wns merged. A. II. Horn, who owned the 1 utter concern, has sold n third interest to W. E. Scott nml a third to R. C. Colver of Seattle. The price paid was ? 10,000 for the two- thirds share, says Sir. bcott. Air. Colver also bought the interest of F. McNaught in the lumber company. The name of the new organization will bo the Bend Brick & Lumber Co. A. H. Horn is presi dent and W. E. Scott secretary and treasurer. The organization is capitalized at $20,000. Mr. Colver and family are already here to make their hono and ho will take an active interest in the affairs of the company, The saw mill plant one and a half miles southeast of town will be enlarged and kept running all the time. Brickmaking will be started as soon as improved machinery which is now on- the way is received and installed. A sand mold power press will be used, insuring a good qual ity of brick. The clay Held of the comnany . southwest ot town is nearly nmety feet deep, as was shown during well drilling oper ations, and is of fine quality to make durable brick. Work continues on the well being drilled at the brick yard, the)iole being 190 feet deep yesterday. JUSTICE COURT BUSY TUMALO NUWS NOTES. Tumalo, Juno 19.- The father and mother of C II. Spangle have been visiting their son and family but have returned to their homo near Kosoburg. parts on business last week, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Woolley have returned to their Bend. ditch land east of J. P. Wlmer and C. Pederson are over on the Metolius (tailing. George Htgginson Is digging i Clarence Branton was in these well on his ranch near this place. wn JUST RECEIVED! A LARGE STOCK OF 1 Ho feels quite confident thnt ho will bo able to get water In tho well, LUMMIR Alll.l. RUSUMUS WORK. The Bend Company luw secured the services of W. II, Tyron of.Port land to operate the pinners' at their lumber mill. Clyde McKay, man ager of tho mill, says Mr. Tyron Is tho best planer man they could llnd, and that from now class planing work the mill. Tomorrow tho mill re sumes operations, and will not bo shut down for a long time, says Mr. McKay. A great number of logs are on hand, and ready to send down the river. Four Held to' Grand Jury on Bawdy Jlouse Charges. Justiccif-the-Pcaco Lawrence's court did a big business last week, on complaint of W. R. Wilkinson and Miliary Triplett four persons being bound over to the grand jury each with $600 bond, all charged , with keeping or permitting to be kept bawdy houses. I On complaint of W. R. Wilkinson, the local deputy sheriff who has' just resigned, Earl Myers was brought up, and alter a hearing' was bound over to the grand jury. I James Girton, Ada Hunt, alias Mary Doe, and J. S. Parminter. com plaint against whom was made by Triplett, each furnished the same bond, having waived examination.) Screen Doors WHICH WE WOULD LIKE TO SELL TO THE PEOPLE OF BEND AT VERY MODEST PRICES f Singer Sewing Machines in stock, at Portland prices. Unclneers' Supplies. The Bulletin' has received a supply of the best K. & E. blueprint paper, ililiil.iv tm,ni ttniIme t.liilli tiriUllit ' ,..,MV.. ''V., ....Wllf, VIII..,, ,'tWIMW paper, cross-section paper, drawing ixnidlx, iH'ii.s and inks, erasers, cruisers' compasses, steel taes, etc. m . i"iu i Invlilblt Indiana. All Imtlmiit setwii in have learned n wonderful wny of walklwt iiiikiimi. iiiiikliiu tlu'iiiKclYO Invlxlhln like err tnlii HpltliTn. which, In viihii of nhiriii. oiuni'tl, for cxttniplo. Iiy n lihil allulit' Iiik on tho IiiimIi tliolr wi'lm arc xpri'iid upon, liiumiUati'ly lioiiiu'ti tliomai'lveH up mid down on their elimtlc ihronil ho rapidly thnt only n lilur li x'ltlhlo. Tho wlhl tmllnn power of ciiiIuk olioervatlon. i'Vimi vrlieru lliero In little on much llrst ( or no rover to hide In. wns prolmhly will be done at ' slowly ai'ipilreil In hiird hiinilnu mid llHhtluir lemon while (ryliiK to up iroiicti jtaine. dike i'ihmiiIi'n Iiy surprint or net safely away when eoinpelled to retreat. And this experience truiinnill till thronuh innny KWienillouo seem, lit liMiiith to have become wliitl Ik vnk'iioly culled timtlmt.-Johii Atulr In Atlantic. morning. First come, llrst nerved, , (ireun corn, cucumbers, all kinds of strawberries, etc,' at Mrs. Schiller's, llowloo corner. , . Rmiclier Atlenllon. All ranchers who wlnh to uno tho f'' NOOO feet of fioo timber to which they are entitled from tho forest reserves every year had bettor (ilCT BUSY. Wo can saw this for you, delivering the kind of lumber ynu want when you want It, at our mill tluew miles from SIsUuh. Ifilf W. II. f'OUKTNKV. , "i ' i i i m Klll-OKT Ol' Tllll CONDITION III' The First National Bank or tDEND No. J t Html, In the Wte af Of it" ! f l0 Of Tlt Montymoon. "Mniiiiun. I .a honeyinooii n vnen (lonV "It may W. my dear, and It may tln lieulnnliiic of n loin iwrlml vr llildi'."-YoniiKKiowu Telegram. I'reah I'rult and Vegetables. To tho lovers of fresh vegetable and fruit: A telegram was received this (Wednesday) morning from iMttlllfM, JllllC 7, 11 1 KHHHl'KCIIH. IMtf KHtl lMfMllUv ifrtiltaft'. MVMlrO ii.lliKMur4 l' I. ihiI In wuir vlrUliM . riTHUUlM Mil 1' H llulllt. . . IhhkI., xrvurtllev Klc ........... lUiiklim liwiw, flllllr Httut. . till fllllll Mult mfct ltllf llMMk l lUnkef., lni.l CuiiiimuIo nml Mi. I nil IwimW . ., I4)J Out frtmt AruT.l Hrvrttr A(mt . 17.Tfj w$ Chkml uihtr Ch Hunt . y ' Nulrxifolhrt Nalluutl funk j.Na, u Kr.llinl yt Ciiitvurr, Mi k.l, iul Cnil. . . y liMful Money Krwttc III flauk, ll tpl ... . Ill V ii l.f l linJrl nolo i i; iw iMJ U Knlrnitilluii fjmt with V H. Tltmuttr (3 ptrcrni uicii(Miuoui ii id liirM Si PLUMBING $80J2H Work Tromptly Done and Guaranteed Hint Clati. Bend Hardware Co. TUt JM3.J UABIMTI1M. CtplUt (loch M In - JJ.t in Katplut (unl -. . m Oiiultlri! ,iv(iu, ! )',ikum nj Tr Mkl I.l) J9 Nahun.l IUo' Nulcoiil,lulln( .... ll.j eo Inttlvkluri UTanl uhjrl Ischnk IM.) Dtmaml Crttiactrr lrolt M l Time ClllRlr oUwool t,ij M CertlSnltheekt .....'. V Cithitr'e cheekt eulManJIuf ...... jm Toul STATU 111' OHHnoN. CeualyefCluuk. lkl J . New Mux of Millinery Mrs. Mcintosh and Mrs. .Shtiner have Just ivcelved a lino line of new millinery, of the latest stylos nml shapes, bulled should call early ami make their selections. I'mli lonable iliotwmuklng at leasoiiablo rates, ('outs anil suits tuiiile tunnlor. Olllce second lloor Ciiapmim build ing. Noik'o lo Water Users. The Central Oregon lirlgatlon Comitany Water Users' AssocJation Joan Schlirer, who Is In Portland. ! will meet Ui Jleilmouil on Mitunlay. that he had made arrangements to July J. HM1. at I o'clock p. in. All ..i.r.. rH....i. a ..i.i.... .., I fill I tt'tiiiiM tiNitm tin riMttiiMlird tn lm i piiii ii rnii wKi'iiiuiim iiiivi unit ",j' ..' -..,,..-... ,. .,,, dally at tho cheapest possible pi Icon, present. H. II. SN DISK, llrst shipment to arrive Friday irn twreiary. Hotel Bend Corner Dond and OreRon Hit. AAER1CAN PLAN Rates $2 and $2.50 a Day v HUQH O'KANE, Manager A I. C s llKm.C.l)ler t the (tare named tink.iloMletnnly iRttr tKl the ttHi.e .U1e menl U Hue to llie fcetl uf my kui.lnle n. belief C. S. llClMOS, C.hl.l. Conner Tfr: i! A sriua. f C Co. V f tittitn. v Dltrtioit. SutKrlbednl im lo Ufuie me Ihl.i'th day f lune 1911 LKWIh II. McHHV.S'OLIH, .Nsltty I'uttlc My IS TIIK ONLY I'UCI IN IIKNt) THAT IH Restaurant Open All Night SHORT OKDUUS QUICK SHKVICIi Sandwiches and Lunches n Specially New Dining Room Just AddedTables for Ladle. BILLY'S I LACU W, H, ADAIR BILLY'S IU.ACI! Riverside and Lytle in m ", Additions One Hundred Lots Wc are offering one hundred lots at a reduction of 25 per cent from list prices. Make your selection early. List prices range from $100 up. Size of lots 50x140 feet. The biggest bargains to be had in Bend 25 Off 20 Per Cent Cash and $10 Per Month An adequate water system will be installed and in operation in these Additions within 30 days from the time the railroad is completed to this place. VA large water wheel and piping is ordered and one and one-half miles of ditches for water mains arc already dug. A 20,000-gallon water tank is under construction. Along the railroad, which passes through this property, are natural locations for manufacturing plants. Let me take you over this property and quote you prices. You will find Just what you arc looking for. J. A. EASTES, Agent. OREGON STREET. FIRE INSURANCE. NOTARY PUBLIC. FARM LANDS. BUSINESS PROPERTY. 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS. WE HAVE TWO AUTOS IN OUR SERVICE AND A CIVIL ENCHNEER IN THE FIELD TO LOCATE YOU ON THE CHOICEST PUBLIC LANDS. OUR FEES ARE AS REASONABLE AS ANY RELIABLE LOCATOR'S. ' I r A r. CDtTtPfAI 160 Acres One and One-Half Miles from town in 5 and 10 Acre Tracts. We give 1000 chickens CDITIAI Or I!IiTLl-"with each 10 Acre purchase and 500 with each 5 Acre purchase. Write for further partlculars""0r J&VsIXaLs ! ,v