sp Wt ft i NO MORE Freight Troubles The Oregon Trunk Ituilwiiy is open for basi ncss to Ojml City, just north of Crooked river. The Jones Warehouse Company (IKOKOI. A. JONKS of Itcnd, MnnnKcr wilt handle all freight at Opal City for the railroad. The old Shaniko Moody Ware house system will he employed. Merchants will tfet their omIs promptly and without inconvenience. Oiai. Citv will be the freight terminus for 1)0 days more. Have your freight consigned in eare of JONES Address communications to Ileud. r O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET WenandyLivery Company . All kinds of light and heavy Livery. Horses for Sale Wholesale Feed and Hay Hraneh Establishment at La Pine, Oregon. Autos For Hire J. H. WENANDY Bond Street - Bend, Oregon OF ALL KINDS Irrigating Lath and Houso Lath A Specialty The llinlwr ur rut from i Hie Wt In tliccotin. Irv, mill 4W mile Miullieattof Henri. LUMBER Pine Forest Lumber Com'y BEND, ORI2QON ROAD SURVEYED CRESCENT-SILVER LAKE HIGHWAY Omds will be Uagy and Nw Vy will , Sava IS Mlle-5ayer VltU Crescent Commercial Club Other Ncv. Notci. Ciikscknt, Juno 20 The board of review for thu new roail from Crescent to Fort Itock and Silver Ijiko hag flninheil itn survey under direction of Deputy McConnell nnd has recommended tho Immediate conntruction of the hiKhwny, The rond runx nearly cn.it from here and croHHt'H tho Silver Itku hUko road about four miles northweHt of the HtuKe utntlon. It Is about .two rnilcM from there to the Ijike county line where Ijiko county will connect iU roud with thu one projected by Klamuth county. There Is a saving of nearly 1ft miles and the grade is easy the entire distance. A dunce was given last Thursday evening at Kaiser's hall, compli mentary to Miss Maude Gnllogly of Portland, teacher of the Crescent school. Work at Odoll ranger station has In-en completed anil tho workmen are now employed on the suintrvis or's ollice at Crescent. Ilrackett & Funk Imvc about com pleted the remiMlellng of the Wil liam Haldwin building on itailnmd avenue nnd will shortly open a bill lard and mh) IihII, the equipment having arrived from I'ortland. Alf Aldrich of Item! and 0. Pom dexter of I'rineville are busily en gaged at Odell lake, preparing the hotel and IxmU for the fishing sea son which will soon begin. The out look is for a greater number of vis itors than ever at Lakes Odell and Crescent, th's summer. RAY SCHOOL DIRECTOR F. W. SlI.VKIITOOTII ('resident anil Manager 11. A. Si'lCKR, 11. S B. B M. K. Principal instructor antl IUisiness Manuger. W. II. DKtJMOlSK, H. S Seattle, Wash. II. K. SlloflltKN, A. M.. Kan Francisco, Cul. J. SAI.rMAN, Head, Ore. Central Ore. Automobile School aEaAaass, 3sJ! 'L Thorough Instruction along both Theoretical and Pr4?tlcal Lines. Address all communications to UUSINESS MANAGBK, HemlQro, rormer Member of Hoard Chosen Agaln-Wlest Re-elected Clerk. F. M. Ilay, who resigned from the School Hoard this spring when he moved outside the limits of the school .district, was elected Monday for a three-year term, having re turned to town to reside. Levi I). Wioat was re-elected clerk of the lmard for a one-year term. Tho election was held at the school house Monday afternoon. Mr. Kay received 3(1 votes, C. I. Uozell 7, and C. I). Howe 5. Mr. Howe asked that his name be withdrawn after he had received 5 votes. Mr. Wiest got 32 votes. J.I. West 3. J. M. Lawrence 8 and Miss Gertrude Mnrkcl 2, for clerk. A summary of the board's an nual report was read at tho meet ing. It will be printed in full in next week's Bulletin. MORE LAND OPliNliD TO ENTRyN Register Arthur W. Orton of the Lnkcvlcw land office has announced that plat of township 2G south, range 15 east, will be officially filed in that ofllco at 0 o'clock, July 12, after which time land in that town ship will be subject to entry the name as other surveyed government lands. 1.0 bT WIIILU I ISIIINO. While fishing last week on the Metolius River, Charles French of Grass Valley, uncle of A. L. French of Rend, got lost from the party and was not found for three days. Itwaa feared at first that he had been drowned as his coat and fishing rod won) found by the river, but ho had wandered off while somewhat demented, Mr. French received a telephone message Friday saying that he had been found and would be taken to his home. KAY McKAY. WANTED JO or 80 acres of good land near Rend, Have buyers for one or two good improved farms. Also wanted a good wheat farm. If you havo a bargain we want it, if you want a bargain we have it. Hnglnecra' Supplies. The Rulletin has received a supply of tho beat K. & E. blueprint Manor. duplex paper, tracing cloth, profile Iaper, cross-section paper, drawing pencils, pens and inks, erasers, cruisers' compasses, steel topes, etc. I Positively no Smokinu signs for aalu at Tho Rulletin office. tf ro SALU. Ono glow) show cose, Good condition. Moderate price. Inquire at Rulletin office. . OFFICE FOR RENT. Handsome new office In best location on Wall street. In quire at Rulletin office. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION; Illll'AKTMI'.NT 01' TIIH INTIiKIOK United ritatea (.and OIT.ee, at The Dallet.Oregon, May Hth. I, Notice I. hereby firm that liertrude I) Market whoe ixMlorflceaddrcM l M'nd, Oregon, who, illl on llic utli day of May, 191a, file In thlt office Swum hutemeul ami Application, Ho 1A40. to puichate ihr e K w(f Section ij. Town thlp 17 fcxi'.h Mange 11 lUtt Willamette Merl Han ami Ihr timber thereon, under the pionla Iqiiaof thcait of June t, ihit. and acta amenda tory, known aalhe "Timber and Mom Uw," at such valur at wight be flted by appralarment. and that pur.Htiit toauch application, the land and tlmbe r theleon haee ln appralted. f rriM, tin ftnee .ta, fir ui. the Umber eatlraatcd 144. utxt ard reel at f 1 tf per M and the land V, that aald applicant wilt offer Altai proof In support of hi. application and aim atatcment 11 the 4th day of Augutl. ;u tfje II C. lilllt. U K Commlttloucr, at hit office, at lltnd, Ortun Anr xrv,n laatllhrrtytoprotrtthlttHirchaac l(mr mil)' or Inlllalc a ronlritat any time tutt iiatrnt iHiirt, by ISIIuk a conolivralrd affl iUi In thlt ottrfr, allfftug facta which would drfcatlhe riitrr. I IT C. W Mooar, Hrtlttcr. BS NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (not conl land) IHar;mfnt of the Interior, V H. InJOrTicr. at f.aktvltw, Orrgon liar 19, ivll. Notlr It hrrrby fln that Jainra T Carter. 01 , ,-inr. .irrfon, wno, on ittcttuiirr is, V man miniriMan entry No, 1115, (hrrlal IJIJI, Ir nwW, ftrctinn . Town. Ill I) 11 H Kanxrio V Ulllamtttr MrrMian. hat Sll notknf Intrnllon to make final eomniulllloti proof, to rtlaMlth claim to the land atnre drtctltmt, Ufore II. c Hllla, l. s. Com ittlxkHter at hltofTicr, at Ikud. O'cou, on the Mil day of July, 1911 Claimant nanra aa wilnrtaer l.ee CaMwtll, llrrt CaMwdl, Orutef Caldwell and Tbomaa rwMknu, allofl llHe, Oregon K-i AMrlllKVV OKTO.V. KeUter NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the CrwHiy Com it of the Mate of Oiefon foe Crook Cownty In the maiur bf the K.laleof I'aul O Vclitad kreeri The Hnrfnatcnnl. H(rln Iwcn apfwlHteH hy I the Cuumy C00M of th Mate of Oregon for 1 Crook (.oonly, AdmlnMratoe of the KHatrof i-aiti ii vriMai neeeatert. mtrer It hettby turn to the n4M-f ofMkt liM.le and all pettona haeinc -UIhm nalHrt uM deevated to twearnt Ihew, teetftrrfta rt-itirtl by Uw, witlMH U nwrnlh. from the dale of thlt nottee, to the uudettiitneit. al Ihe oeeoft Henwm, I'lrat M.lkH..! Hank HhiM'uk, Hend.OreicoM Ittlad May jiH. ion. ... . lOIINhTHIHI.. ,4mlnUtratoT of the l.Utr of I'aul (1. Vetttad, dreeat I5 ITtaMMUiym' 'JV'iaMalriaUlflLHMLBil Complete Houses $230.00 to $865.00 Krcr7thlB4 yon b0 l laclsdad at th prlc w qnot. all naifarlAt r.rrflle1 In fit. ruAf trnrilcia At m. anAalairai kaniA Archllecta' pUni, ipecificitloni. bl prtnti, and full dtuili about cotutruction are alio (urnlihcil, together with an htmlied itatement of the material the bert on the I ...t. u. .tii ..a. -.:-.. r..ut.. ...... ..... 1 ,,. .., n. h". f'"- '" ina auibutna- annvain nuuaa prepaid to your nation. aoOKLIT ni!-torba4ffttfi)ef Mar lltt It wattk a a rtat aeu af aMr i tw aua raltr tielU. Ill fill of lnumtlar Utaertrlntt, run in4 aKnuat teni rrre la Itt'itllaf WHaeri. I arc (alalia o WU4UI, write lof K as aMOiJgCsr 2230 "artiAiu oiALtar WftTLAKC Ave aiATTLI. WM. Tinning and Plumbing GAS FITTING HOT AIR, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING ROOFINO, aUTTERINO, SPOUTINa, CORNICE AND SKYLIOHT WORK. Repair Work Given Prompt Attention. MacCloskey & Parker Fourth Street and Hawthorne Areooe J. A. HAZUKA W. M. McGREGOR Contractors--BuiIders Wo are Always 'GIad to Furnish Estimates Shop in Hear of Howlce Building on Wall Street NOTICE FOR FURMCATI0N (Itulated Tract ) I'l'llUC LAM) SAI.K. (Not coal land ) tVpaitment of the Interior, l. S UudOflice at The Dallea. Oregon, May lo. nil. Notice la hcrehr tlten that, aa directed by the Commiatlonrr of lh Oenerai Jnd Otnce. under prorltlont of Act of Conerew approred June ;. I", J4 Mala , IJ.) we will offer at public aalr. to tbehlfhett bidder. at 945 o'clock a.m., on the tat day of July, 1911, at thlt oAce, the following dracrlbertland tt'H KHV. Sec. 9, T. IT8..R. 11 K., W. M., aertal Ho 0747. Any peraont claiming adreraely the abore de c'lt.! landa are adrtted to Ale thrtr claima.or objection., on or before the time detlgnated for aale. P'flD C. W. MOOKK.Kralater. NOTICE FOR FUBLICATION. Depattraent of the Interior. V li Land OlftceatThe lullea. Oree on, line jrd. 1911. Notice It hereby given that John W. While, of llend llregaa, who, on June nd. 1904, made draett land entry. S" 47 aertal No, ojj, for teU nej. nc ae! trctlvn ,u, townahlp ij sulh. range 11 can, Willamette M'tlolan. ha. Bled notice of Intention to make final deaert proof, to eatabli.h ctalm to the land ahore le actilwd. before II. C Ittllt. U. h, Coiumittloner. at hit older at Dend, Oregon, oil the lath day of July, 1911. Claimant namea aa wltnettet Leei I). YVIett. albeit C I.ucaa. lohu h, farwinler. William II. Hltalt, all of Ueud, Oregon. I4IS CW MOOKK. Regltter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DepanncBt of the InterW, V, S. Land Offlce at The Dillre. Oregon, . ., , 1 . Mar th, 1911. Notice la hereby glee that- ,M..IUI,niHIVB, of Laldlaw.orri-ou.who.ooApill jth mo, made wmniHufiiiiT, o, TO404, ior en awu, awu tw. nee. it T 10 S.. H. 11 K aad uwg nwK, Section J. Tswn.hip 17 Houlh. Range II Katt, Wlllamelle af tidl.n. h.. ftll i.nit a. t...M. tion to make final commutation ptoof. to ealabllth ctalm to the land above described, Uloie II C. Illllt. U H. Commlatloner. at hit olAceatBend Oregon, ou the iilhdayof July, I9H- Claimant nametaawlitneatet I'reO N.Wallace, George border, Charlt a I. Muck, AuJlcw Mc AlllMer, ail 01 Midlaw.Oregou ij'i7l' .. w. miiuhk, Krgl.ter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ieMrtnieiit of the Interior, U. S. Laud OfAce at The lull.., Oregnn, May 15. 1911. Notice It hcrehr alrenthatRrurcr It tierklue. ufLal'itaw, Oiegou. who on May 7lh. i made ilrvrt land entry No 710. aerUINu.014.s1 fortW arW wv 7 and whawU aevtioit 8 towu.hin 16 l, wtiianirlle Mriutian. haa Stoddard-Dayton AUTOMOBILES "The Best Car Made." Fourteen Different Styles. AUTO SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. Agent for Kissel Auto Trucks. K. S. LAPP ' Bcntf, Oregon. We both lose money if you don't trade with H. J. Eggleston Manufacturer of Harness and Saddles Dealer in Wagons, Buggies, Fann Implements Hay and Grain for sale. r UMilh.ranice II r. filrit noticr nf intention lo make Anal proof, to e.labllth claim to the land abure dcacriUit, le furr II t. Ulln v. h. Commtitioiir- at hit oRjcc, at llend tlirnon. oil the nth day 04" ty. 1911. ClaliiiMiit uaiuetat wtluraara II C Cai'y of lund, oreguii. nnd I N 11, finking I'mlWilaoii and W N Kay, of LaidUw Oregon IJI7P c W MiKIKi:, Kegl.trr. NOTICE FOR l'UBLICATION. Hrnitmcnt of the Interior, U S. Laud Office at The lullet, Oregon Juue )nl, 1911 Notice la hereby aleen thai lohu W. While. of Ileud, lllraon. who, oil juue nth, io4, made llomratrad Hntly No, IU99, Serial No. ojnj, foraHiiwM and n)t twij1 action J4. lowntl.ip 1 17 aoulli. range l ra.t. WlUiaiuclte Mtll.lUu, haa tilnl notice of Intcntiou to make final fie-Yrar rroof to ealabllth claim to the land above tlcacrlbetl, Ufore II. C Klll, f S. Com inlulouer, at hit olticc at Ueud. Oregon, on the iSih day ofjuty, 1911. CUImaiit iiauicaat wllneatet: Lett II Wiett, Albert C I.ucaa, John S, rariiiiulrr, William II hltalt, all of llend, Oregon, i4'll C V MOOKK. Kegl.tcr, NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. Deparlmeul of the lutttlor, 1 H. Land onicc at The IhiHea, Oregon. Jnuejth, 1911, Nnllce la hereby given that fruuvraCaMwell, formerly t'raucta ThCourey ul lle.nl, llreson, hii, 011 rkptember nth lout) luade homea'.ead eulry. No, ouS for H eW, awK ueVf and ac)( awU, tictlou 11, town.hlp jo Miuth, range 11 rati, Willamette Meridian, haa Hint notice ofiii leiuloit to make filial commutation proof, to eotahlith claim to the land aliove Uecrlleit. I, rurell C. Klllt, V H Cuuunlaaluuer, at hit tifnc at Itcnd, Oregon, on the 19th ila ol July. 1911. V.UUUIUI llrmr i,mi J l- . . C.CuMwvi., Luther MttCcrbrHeT.aiOrr.toh.- l it,a V t'tuunii) ROUND TRIPS EAST a From Madras, Metolius, Culver and Opal City. $72.50 $70 i'hiTa.idphu $108.50 WashiiiKtont; IUItiuiore St. I'aul Aj-ktrt CIiIchko MliineapolU I II IB I Milwaukee ni,,.i. 111 III Denver (frc Aft Vliinix;e fV '. SI'K OJw.UI Itoatoa MANY OTIIKK 1'OINTS IN PROPORTION, Dates of 17 31 a, ait. 39. 30. J"'' 6. '9- . J6. 7. '8. August 3, 4, 5, 14 to 17, 31 to jj, 18 lo jo, September 1, 3, A to 7 A variety of route nln ami returning. Return limit Of to be r 31st. Stopover are allowed in each direction. '$107.50 $Uo tale: June 16. Oregon Trunk Railway lBj))))))))))T i.i iBj)))))))W Kit':vji Clatsnp Iteach on the Pacific, Round Trips Mailrau 15; Metolius u.4S;Culer 111 30; Opal City $1375. Tickets sold daily good tetutu. liiK all milliner, blopovers at Astoria. Astoria Centennial. Astoria, Ore., Auuust 10 to Sept. 9. Low round trir fares to and front eastern points arc ill effect ou various date, Details will le furuhhed ou application. Train Leave Opal City dally 900 A. M ; Culver 9:15 A M ; Metolius 9:30 A. M ; Mailrns 9:4s A, M arriving in Portland at 7:4$ f. M. R. K. MICH RI., Agt. II. R N8SS. Agt. T. A. t'.RAHAM. Agt. &iatiras, urc v.uivcr, tire. nictoiiiii. J. it, lOKiiiti 1, Auent, upai tity, Oregon, II "'' II AM. Agt. II 1 Ore. JJ Tho wIbo business man is particular about his printing. ' !Thq Puljetin Job Prlritcry strivestb please the'phrticuiar br.ea. Phono us or call at oflico,