The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 07, 1911, Image 7

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JlI fCTP rADHI All IlMlTr? Ffc T0 VISIT 0UR GR0CERY department, it is clean, it is
iVlv I vUlL'ALLl 11 1 V I I LI LI SANITARY, IT IS STRICTLY UP TO DATE. We have just in
stalled a new McCray refrigerator, the largest of its kind ever brought Into Crook County. We would like to show you how we take care of our butter and
ull of our perishable goods. Wc believe we have the best that money can buy. Come In and see It and we think you will agree with us.
Grocery Prices That You Can Depend Upon:
Round-Up Cleanser, per can
Old Dutch Cleanser, per can
Falrbank's Pummo Soap, 4 for
Royal White Soap,' 4 for
An good nil tlio boat.
20-Alulc-Tenm Borax, 2 for
Gold Dust, large size -
Lot the Twin do your work.
Lara's Special Soap, 6 for
'PEARL," our very best bulk coffee, 35c per pound, 3 pounds for
"M. J. B.," a high grade coffee that you will like per pound
"DIAMOND W," steel cut, the very best per pound
Lunch Tongue
Bend, Oregon
Mr. !.. W. Llndlwrg loft Monday
for Portland.
Mm. L. L. Fox Is up the river on
u Kummor outing.
Mliut Tot Tnggnrt Is In Portland
at tho Hone Festival.
IVrcy W. Urackott camo up Fri
day from Ojwtl City.
Mrs. C. II. Hosenlmn Is spending
the week in Portland.
A. II. Grant is now connected
with M. S. Laltln & Co.
J. II. Wunandy loft yoatordny on
n pleasure trip to Portland.
K. P. Norton of taldlnw wan n
Bond businoHM visitor Friday,
K. S. Ijipp is Ko Festival
visitor In Portland this week.
Mrs. J. W. Ditnlck wont down to
the Bono Festival at Portland.
Judge II. C. Kills attended Pro.
bate Court in Prlnuvillo Monday.
Mrs. Carlylo Trlplett, who has
been ill with the grip, Is improving,
A. M. Prlnglo Is Hiking in the
festival gaieties at Portland this
Charles Slpchon of Milwaukee,
Wis., has come to Bend to muke his
E. A. Snthor was sick wiveral
ilnyn week and unable to be at
bis store,
I Hev. V. h. Wilson, who preached
here Sunday, returned to Itedmdnd
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Stnnta nnd
Prince went down to tho festival ut
Hey wood
Just received shipment of thoso famous reclining
carriages, upholstered in black, brown and green
leather cloth. Thoy are going fast at tho low price
asked $7.50 and up. Call and inspect them
while the selection is good.
Successor to Thompson & Kennedy
Whoro your dollar
Wall streot, near Fjrat National Bank,
Deviled Ham
W. II. Adair Is having his rcstau
rnnt enlarged and will put in tables
for ladies.
The salo of six lots In Kenwood
Addition the past week Is reported
by J. Uyan.
S. Urowder of Shunlko arrived In
Ilend the Aral of the week on a
business trip.
A. L. French left last week for
Spoknno on account of the death
of his brother.
Among those going down to Port
land this week were Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh O'Kauc.
F. M. Marshall was called to
Mangum, Okla., Sunday by tho ill
ness of his wife
J. C. Wymon, representing tho
Pacific Paper Co, of Portland, was
In Bond Monday,
II. II. Darst of Dayton, Ore., and
A. L. Norris of Portland, are busi
ness visitors here.
U. II. Uorlinn.aiul C. CrawfonI
were hero the first of tho week en
route to Portland.
C. M, Davis sK)nt tuvorpl days
tho ,pnst week in the homestead
country to ute souuieasi,
J, L. Byrno has gone to Ann-
cortes, Wash., whoro he will 1k en
gaged in the fisheries business.
It. A. Puott will at 'once begin
the coiiHtruction of a residence on
lot 24, block IB, Park Addition.
Sunday's Oregonlan contained an
article, illustrated with three views,
on Bond, special referenco being
made to tho fact that much Eastern
capital Is being Invested hero.
does Its duty,
Bond, Oregon.
... 10c
Corned Beef
Peter Lchrman hits had a pictorial
sign painted on the front of his
blacksmith shop on Oregon street.
Tho Modern Woodmen lodge held
an. open meeting lust night nnd an
j enjoyable social evening was spent
I by members ano friends.
Tho Itov. Owen F. Jones of tho
Episcopal Church, general mission
no' of Eastern Oregon,, will hold
services in Bend June 18.
Tho Redmond baseball team, with
Tetherow pitching, defeated the
Prlnevllle nine nt the county scat
Sunday by n score of 7 to G.
George F. Harris last week bought
through J. Ryan the n of the sw
and the swK oftheswtf, 1-17-12.
George Brosterhous was the seller.
Work was begun yesterday by
Sutherland & Mcintosh on a four
room residence which M. D. Knut
son is having erected in Deschutes.
Frnnk II. Reynolds, n Pullman
conductor running from Portland
to Chicago, camo In last week to
reside on his homestead near Whit
nkcr. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Jones
camo up from Opal City Saturday.
Mr. Jones returned Sunday but
Mrs, Jones is spending the week
L, A. W. Nixon, who recently
came in from Seattle, has bought
lota t) nnd 10, block 18, in Park
Addition nnd will make his homo
John Ilclfrich and his cousin,
John Gudfrich, natives of Germany,
wore hero last week from Baker,
Ore., looking for homestead lo
cations. Tho Episcopal Guild will givo a
strawberry nnd ico cream social In
the now Fuiks building on Wall
street, Saturday afternoon nnd eve
ning, June 10.
Charles F, Underwood went down
to Culver Monday to Burvey nnd
plat -10 acres adjoining that town
which Douglas & Dillenbeck of Bend
will put on tho market, s
C. N. Clark, who has been
brightening up Bond business houses
by his sign writing, loft Saturday
for Redmond, Prineville nnd other
citios to do similar work,
Charles Titus, who wns severely
burned in a cabin up river, Is get
ting nlong ns well ns could bo ex
pected. Ho is still nt tho hospital
hore. Ills brother, L. F. Titus,
was horo from Powell Butte to sec
him last week.
Standard Corn, 2 cans for 25c
Standard Tomatoes, 2 cans for 25c
Extra Standard Tomatoes, 2 cans for . ..... 35c
Preferred Stock Tomatoes; per can ...:... ..'...A.f.t...idi'..'....l.: 20c
Preferred Stock Corn per can, 20c
Diamond W Corn per can, 20c
Standard String Beans, 2 for 25c
Extra Standard String Beans, 2 for 35c
Milk, all kinds. 2 for ". '..'. 7.". .". 25c
Pigs Feet
The Bend Company received a
big logging wagon from the Holt
I Manufacturing Co. of Stockton,
Cnl., Tuesday. It was ordered by
, telegmph April 5. The truck has
f wheels 10J4 feet In diameter, with
an eigni xooi clearance.
"W. J. McGlllvray, through J.
Ryan, has closed a deal by which he
trades the ne, 30-18-12; tract 6,
Lytic Acres, and lot 4, block 1C,
Lytic Addition, to Torkil Swanson
for 160 acres of fruit land in Cherry
Valley, Wash., on Puget Sound.
A pleasant social event Saturday
evening was the house warming
party given by Misses Edith Eastes,
hvn Graves, Sara nnd Alice Perry.
They have taken the Jones cottage
near tho railroad nnd will keep
bachelor girls' hall. The guests of
the evening were: Ward II. Coble,
A. M. Prlngle, Horace N. Steele, H.
A. Miller, Ernest Luthey and Benja
min Sawbridge.
F. L. Goodwin, n civil engineer
nnd surveyor from Senttle, has
come to Bend to reside, being associ
ated with the Hnrer Land Co. Ho
has been with the Ut S. Alaska
road commission, which has just
completed a survey for a govern
ment mail trail from Nome to
Stewart, nnd been in the govern
ment service for fifteeiyears. He
Is well known ns n townsite nnd
civil engineer. For tho pnat ten
days he has been looking over the
country around Harper.
This is a good timo of year
to have your piano tuned nnd
tho tone regulated. All work
guaranteed. Sixteen yours
Bend, Oregon.
A nuUiM Directory f Mtb CUT,
Toon ana YUiut
.a Omna
WathliistoD, gl
Hk.tch ( enth iU
tM I
Hhlpplns rctUtlf and CU..1
tttd lllr.rtorr ol cuti Uulaa
. LArsIkin.
anil k-ru!in.
H. U VOIJ5 CO, Ib,
Vienna Sausage
Tho Horrible Rita India Maintained
For Ovar Twsnty Canturlaa.
The abolition of the horrid rite of
widow burning In India was decreed
by the Itrltlh authorities In IKS).
The dreadful practice wan found
there by the Macedonlani under Alex
ander the Crcat 300 year before
Christ, nnd for more than twenty-one
long, weary centuries did It rvut tta
almost Imonrelrnble torture nnd ago
ny upou the women of Indln. The
aitrrlflre. while not actually forced on
the wife, wan no strongly Insisted on
by public opinion Hint It amounted to
a Inw, nnd It victims were legion.
Store of wldowa were often burned
liHin the funeral pile of n slugle ni
Juh. In Hengnl. the hend renter of
the monstrosity, thousands were sao
rlHred annually, nnd the figure for at)
India wna appalling.
The millions of widowed women
were completely nt the merry of the
tvmurseless superstition of the times.
The ministers of llruhmnntsm told
the widow thut her sncrltlee wna nec
essary as a means of her own happi
ness nnd that of her husband In the.
future state, nnd oftener than other
wl"e she consented to le burned along
with the dad body of her husband
fnless ahe did this ahe wna covered
with the malediction nnd cure of
the jieople. wna virtually outlawed
and unremonlnualy cnt oittalde the
pule of hiiinnn aympntliy nnd cormld
hrnllon nnd had to himiu1 the rest of
her dnya In deprndntlou nnd wretch
elne. It vczn death on the funeral
pile of her hnahand or n living death
of contumely mid almme. of lout-linen
and tulaery.
The women of India can never dla
rhnree their debt of prntltude to Ens-
hi ml for the abolition of the suttee.
New York American.
Dut Ht Didn't Know tha Kind of Qama
Ha Was Traeklng.
In the old day a man known na
Judge Douglnxs lived In Helena, Mont.
The Judge had met with an accident In
hi youth nnd hud lost both of hi
legs aNive the knees. He never would
get nrtlllclal legs, but hnd some big
leather mds made to (it ou the ends of
the atumps ami walked on them.
Locomotion was slow for the Judge,
but he niumtgcd to cover n good deal
of ground nnd wum very fond of walk
Irg out ou the edge of the town, where
he could take his exercise without be
ing the aubject of remark from stran
ger lu tho city.
One day an Englishman came to lie).
ena to hunt. He had'anme letters and
put up nt the Helena club. He stayed,
around for several days. Finally, nft.
er a light full of xtinw, be decided Id
go out Into the mountains and get si
sheep or n doer or something. , j
He left early In the morning. Wheij
It camo ulgbt he hiid'jiot returued
.. j. . $1.00
.. 4 . . 40c
Roast Beef
Bend, Oregon
nts boats around the club waited until
8 o'clock and then decided to so out
and look blm up. thinking- be mlsht
bare been font In one of the gulches or
cauyotu In the hills.
They formed a rescue party and
went out to the edge of the town.
There they met the Englishman, who
waa wildly excited.
"Did you get anything?" tbey asked
-No." he replied, "not yet. but Ire '
been tracking au elephant for the last
three hour." rhlladelpbU Saturday
Evening I'oat
Jurlta In tha Old Daya.
In olden tiniest when a jury In Eng
land remained lmpcrlou to the Judge's
penile mode of perxunslon fine and Im
prisonment were reported to. The Jury
that acquitted Sir Nicholas Throck
morton wna condemued to eight
mouth' Imprisonment In addition to
the payment of n large sum of money.
In the reign of Queen Elizabeth a Jury,
having reduced a prisoner's alleged
crime of murder to that of manslaugh
ter, wna at once sent to prison and
bound over In targe sum to be of
good behavior. Penalties were like
wise Indicted upon the Innocent wife
uud children of the offending Jurymeu.
A Moving 8rmon.
"I once had a parishioner who, was
a miser." said an English clergyman.
"For this man's beueflt I preached one
Sunday n stroug sermon on the neces
sity of charity, of philanthropy a ser
mou on the duty and the Joy of giv
ing The miser, at whom t gazed
often, seemed Impressed.
"Next day I met blm on; the street.
- 'Well. John I said, 'what do yoo
think of yesterday's sermon 7
"It moved me deeply, sir, he an
swered. 'It brought borne to me so
strongly the necessity of giving alms
that honestly, sir, I've a great mlad
to turn beggar."
A Ooomsrang.
"What's the matter with your heady
isked the first bunko man.
M.V farmer I met today Just banged
me there with bis carpetbag," replied
the other. '
"It must havo been a pretty ha,rd
"Ye: It had " gold brick- In It
I sold blm yesterday." Catholic
Standard nnd Ttmea.
Anyhow, Thsy'ra Oano,
Mr. Jrtwbnck That-' boy gets hi
brains from me. Mrs, Jawback
Somebody's got 'cm from you. If you '
ever had any. that's a cinch. New
York American.
Tho Old. Old Story.
"Daughter, has the duke' told you tha
old. old story as yep" ,
"Yes, he says he owes about 200.000
,plunks."-ritsbtrg Post, , , ' '
- '
I For himself doth a man work evil
In working evil for another. neslod.