The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 07, 1911, Image 4

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An Independent newspaper, atamHng
for the )utrc deal, clean bVulnna, clan
Itolltics, and the best interests ut llciul
ml Central Oregon.
Nt months-
Thirt monthly.
(ITsrtibly la sdnnct.)
. .So
and it should bo tho aim of every
Bend citizen to do his or her duty
in ranking tho town attractive.
Prizes have been offered as Induce
ments along these lines, but civic
prido should bo n sulllcient incen
tive. It is often said, and no doubt
qulto truly, that tho first impres
sions obtained regarding a town nro
tho most lasting; therefore if Mend
strikes the visitor to these parts as
a clean, well kept and "live" town,
much has been accomplished In in
ducing him to remain with and bo
come ono of us.
Tho paint brush has been used
Bend. Forty-flve acres th cultiva
tion. Fifteen. acVea Jn tloVor.
Terms to suit purchaser. Phono
M. L. Pyatt. tf
Tho 8Ufftrestion of President Gray
of the Oregon Hill lines that an,08 effectively on residences and
appropriation bo made for tho!bus5ncs3 lw" recently, and the
purpose of establishing In Central improvement is noticcablo to all.
Oregon stations for making analysis ' Many of tho merchants havo had
of soil, that the beat results may be attractive signs painted and these
obtained from its cultivation, is one to ftro beautificrs, if tho work bo
that deserves not only trroat atten- Properly done. More painted signs
tion but undivided support. And
not only need this support cmanato
from tho interior districts, "which
perhaps properly may be expected
to benefit most from tho proposed
work, but from Portland, an increase
in whose business and prosperity
can not but result from an increase
in the productivity of Oregon's in
land empire.
"While Mr. Gray has much that is
enthusiastic to say regarding the
importance of agricultural experi
ment stations, his particular interest
is to advance scientific study of the
soil. This he would have done by
having the state support, at various
advantageously situated points
throughout tho state, analytical
would help, and there should be
additional electric signs so that Bend
might become known, as it should
rightly be known, as "The City of
Electric Energy." The City Coun
cil stands ready to grant a permit
for the erection of such signs, and
they no doubt would bo a paying
A meeting of vital interest to
Bend and all Central Oregon is that
called to be held in Princville Juno
SO and July 1 to form a Central
Oregon Development L e'a g u e.
Though the commercial organiza
tions of the various towns of this
great inland empire arc doing much
Wantkd Bad soles to make good
at Eggleston's Harness Shop, 7fc a
pair. Ill
Wantku Peoplo who need Iron
bedsteads, mattresses, tables, chairs
and other furniture to know tlmt
Millard Trlplott's store Is tho place
to got it.
Wanted 5 acres in cultivation
under ditch closo to Bend. Kay
McKay. I3tf
Youit City property listed with
us will find ready sale. M. S. Lat
tin & Co. 8-tf
List your property with tho Homo-
seekers Land Co., Wall Street,
Bend, Ore. tf
Kenwood Add. Is now on tho
market. Prices range front $75 to
$125. J. Ityan, ngt. 8-tf
Kenwood Add. is tho only good
viow residence property on tho
market. J. Kyan, agt. 8-tf
Before buying residence property,
let me show you Kenwood Add.,
level, cleared lots with a good view,
on easy terms. J. Ityan. 8-tf
We Own a property In Wlestorla
facing on three good streets, capable
of making four nice lots. We will
take $225 for the whole property.
M. S. Lnttln & Co. 8-tf
Rubbkr. Stamp Dat3 and' Ink
.pndiWsslo at Bulletin ofHce. tf
For Sai.k ltollnqulahmont of ,4d
ncres, m( of tho sw, 27-10-12.
Final proof to bo mado Nov. 25,
1012. Price, $1,000 cash or Bund
city property. Address, C. 11.
Shields, 4015 8th Ave, Senttlo,
Wash. 12tf .
Foil Saij: Gasbllno at $1.50 n
case nt Crescent. E. G. ltourk, 1:1-15
For Sauk Two-section CO-tooth
adjustable harrow, cheap, L. A.
W. Nixon. 13tf
Foilf SAIJi Khoda Island Bed
eggs for setting, $1 for 15 eggs.
L. A. W. Nixon. l!M0p
No. 871 gets tho Patterson Sliver
Dkead Gc at Tho Palm, 13tf
For 75c you can get a first-class
half-soling job at Egglcston h Har
ness Shop. 13
M. J. Morrison can locate you on
320 acre homesteads. tf
,'MM"ft in .1 'I "1 ...."' ' aaSr
Complete Houses $230.00 to $865.00
Cvarrthlnrf y ait U Ucl4t at ! ftU we ot- ell
an Eastman
Days are here. Get
at Patterson's Drug
, . ,,...., ,.
laboratories, where samples of sollKWU ",,u """ .muiiraiy wur.
would be examined and reports more " omplUicd by joint
made to the farmer concerning the c,ffort' a,nd such an organization as
nature of the land with which hclthattobe formcd wi" ive th!s
intends to cone, how best to work scct!on an idcntil' which could
it, and with what crops to sow it. ncvcr ? achlevcd from .
Important in all sections, such a1?01 by Individual localities. A
1 i.i t. .:-..i i i..t.i ' broader spirit of co-operation will
in a new and practically untried be cultivated and the natural rivalry
land such as Central Oregon. It of the several towns will be sub-
uld be of very material aid to the IT.' no.1 t0 th dctnmont of
incmscivcs, oui tor uic ociiermcni i
Real llatale.
Fou Exchange Three residence
lots in good agricultural town, 1200
population, in Oklahoma fur prop
erty in or around Bend. Will pay
any difference. Good proposition.
Inquire A-10, Bulletin. 13p
homesteader who finds himself
undertaking the taming of land
which never before has been culti
vated. It would save many a sorry
mistake, aid in the rapid develop
ment of the country, and be of vast
ircneral service.. It is to he honed
that the suggeston speedily will be, ra"roaaS( ,00 WI"
of them all. The influence upon in
vestors and homeseekers in v'siting
any part of a well organized terri
tory is always more favorable than
if the various communities there arc
working at cross purposes. The
worked out into reality.
That the Deschutes river cannot, under
I leaned by the county
it much
the terri-
easicr to co-opcrato with
tory if it is organized.
Bend, of course, as one of the
leading towns of Central Oregon
will send an enthusiastic delegation.
vxV::t;d tsw l in,numbcr nd
county court in sculon at 1'rinevllle , composed of the town's live wires."
the statute,
the con
lal month. The district attorney, who
tnailecxteusltclnquirr into the suliject, I ,, , -, , , -. ,
KaVeit as his opimoh that, under the The Metollus Central Oregonian,
Isws of OrrKon and the federal statutes, I published by Ed T. Picrson, is the
t navigable stream could not It used lor I ,, .. . , , .
that purpose. And 4oce the Deschutes, , name of a .weekly that has been
for a distance of about 40 nnles above started at the Oregon Trunk division
Ilcnd, is a naii;ablc stream, it cannot be , . ... ,
ued for Iokhiiik- ' Pint- lt ,s ot four Pa03. vn
This deculon was brought about by coulmns to the page, and a neat
the petition of the Deschutes ftoonini( . ... ..
.oinruu fora Ihlrtr years' franchise lu newsy publication.
ue the river for loCKing purposes. As
u result of thi. UccMou, logicers will Postal savings banks established
S.g tTCiZrJ S5? ' ln town, havo proved so sue
Urftciiuic. A the coto( transportation jcessful that the large cities of the
ly team is prohibitive, liciiil, which ha I countrv w:ii et hcm port.
louK since couutcd this logins amonn ( counlry w"' B00" Kd mem. t on
tshief future assets, will fail to realize land, Tacoma, Seattle and Spokane
yuwcTitih b. detent ind..
luiure business progress 01 ine town 1
merely conjecture. Hut it Is to be hopcl
For Sale.
Bye hny for sale will sell cheap
for cash. Ed. Halvorson. 4tf
AMKlttCAN BAKKIlY bread and
pastry sold at The Palm. 13tf
Baled clover, alfalfa and wheat
hay for sale. C. P. Becker, Ijtid
law. 50tf
Fou Sau: Chop Barley at O'N'eil
?:i" a ton sacks included. AildroM,
O'N'eil & Larson. O'Noll.Oro. 11-11
Fou Sau: We have two goml
lots on Wall street. Price reason
able if sold soon. M. S. Lattin &
Co. 8-tf
Fort SALETcam of good horses,
wagon and harness. Address A -24
care Bulletin or inquire nt this
ofilce. 12tf
TiionouGHURCO Scotch Collio
puppies for sale. Inquire of G. W.
Shrincr, second floor Chapman
building, Bend. 12tf
Fon Sale. Cheap, most com
plete 20,000 capacity sawmill In
Crook county. Machinery all new.
Reason for selling, timber all cut
out. Write or enquire at Bulletin
office. 7-tf
We White Fire Insurance, Auto
mobllo insurance, Surety Bonds.
M. S. Lattin & Co. 8-tf
Fort A Good haircut, go to Inncs
& Davidson.
Get Your Lumder from the Pino
Forest Lumber Co. House lath and
Irrigation lath a specialty. tf
Four to fifty miles per hour. "On
the High," can be made with an
"Oakland." F. F. Smith, Agt. Otf
Have You Seen Millard TriplottT
He sells furniture at prices that
can't be bent.
Dlioi IN at Patterson's for n re
freshing drink.
Telephone American Bakery and
wagon will call. 13tf
Pakticuumi People iwttronlzo
Innos & Davidson's barlwr shop.
If you contemplate the purchnM)
of an automobile, invostigate the
"Oakland" line. F. F. Smith, local
Agent. (i-tf
TlIK IlUU.l.TIN hns just installed
a full line of now type socially de
signed for high grade visiting and
businesH cartl work. tf
Hie "Oakland" Automobiles are
made in seven different styles of
bodies, 30 and 40 horse owor.
Quick deliveries F. F. Smith,
Agent. (5-tf
871 Is U10 lucky number at
BUtvrUI rtealraa la M. oMitmctlea er a medtra aeaia 1
Arthlnrli' plsni, iptclficatlonr, Wat prints, and full itstalli about conitructlon are
alio fiirnlihtil, toosiher with an itsmlied lUUmtnt of tha material lli btit on Hit 1
msiktt. we will quoit fltifsi irtiRnt Tin builder.- nirs iw
prualil to your station. IJ itisf-
poomtr rait-osisstMMtMtidusiMn
HMHM It Klk IttU ltl tf WMI l,llUllll
lla f kalM. Il'i tall l IhiihIm UUonlUot.
rlt hi4 OwilftlMt. SM rt I MIlMIM Hiwil
I IN likl l SIMI. will, f It,
2,10 wasrLsae Ave .tstrta. Wssw
Nho If aa Lucky 871?
The lucky number in the Silver
Chest drawing of tho Patterson
Drug Co. Is 871. If this number Is
not presented by June 15 a second
drawing will be held, so don't throw
away your tickets. 12tf
Tho Bend Bulletin $1.50 a year.
that the little city by the river will con
imue ululated its present industrial dc
velopmcnt. ,'llcnd' has tome very pro
gmslte business men and they are
worthy of continued success.
Thus The Metolius Central Ore
Ionian in its second Usue of volume
1 "gets off on the wrong foot" and
takes a fling at Bend. The records
of the County Court at Princville
show that at the May term the De-iciiuU.-a
Booming Company WAS
granted a thirty-year franchise. But
granting that the lumber companies
were not allowed to float logs down
the river, Bend's hope for a promis
ing milling industry would be far
from crushed 'and likewise the
The ftedmond Spokesman was
converted into an evening daily on
June 1. This newspaper venture
will be watched with interest to Bee
how long it will bo before the
Spokesman is again merely a weekly.
The Attorney-General of the
State has decided that the time of
compulsory attendance of children
at school starts on their 8th birth
day and ends on their 15th.
RATES: I'lve cents aline for first in
sertion in this column, four cents a line
Jttr iaIi ftiitktrititi I Intrtlnti
- . . - . -.. . ...,-... .n...v.., .wM..,
jutureiarirom merely conjecture, ,u noma ion line.
,;w the Central Oregonian puts it.
Logging roads can and will bo built
na a supplementary means of getting
logs to the mills which will be lo
cated here. Let not our young
contemporary fear, for Bend's pro
gressive business men will look after
the milling industry here all right.
Several timQS recently the writer
haa heard visitors here remark
about the clean and neat appear
ance of Bend and the attractiveness
of its business houses and residences.
Such an impression gained by a
newcomer ia.iwhat is to be desired.
Taken Up Big catches of fish
with Patterson's fishing tackle. 13
Found The best of barber ser
vice at Innes & Davidson's.
Found That Patterson serves
delicious drinks and ices at his new
For Rent.
For Rent Two rooms over R.
M. Smith Clothing Co.'s store. See
R. M. Smith. 12tf
Fon Rent Five room house with
barn, in Lytic. See F.,H.;May. 12tf
For Rent oii Sale. Eighty acres
of irrigated, land 14 miles east of
This is the Best Place
to go for Underwear
Shirts and Drawers
of fine balbrlKgan
and derby ribbed,
excellent values at
50c and up
that fit absolutely per
fect, fine qualities that
will give good service....
$1.00 to $1.25
R. M. Smith Clothing Co.
Our mill, the largest In Crook
County, is again In operation. Wc
are prepared to supply A COM
ing, ceiling and finish all
We can fill any bill, large or
small, quickly and to the pur
chaser's entire satisfaction.
Free Delivery
The Bend Company
Lumber Dept. Clyde McKay, Mgr.
Mill nml Yards located just across the
River, West of Bend
Pastries, Rolls, etc.
13 Dread Tickets SI OO
3 Oread Tickets 25c
Meals Served from 6
a. m. to 8 p. m.
Furnished Rooms
mrs. ne:l.iie: wright
The Pioneer Wood Yard
Has on hand fine dry 10-inch mill wood (al
ready split for the stove), at $0.50 per cord,
delivered. Also dry block wood at 81.50 per
cord delivered. Leave orders or telephone
O'Donnell Bros. Market.
W. P. DOWNING, Proprietor.
Kenwood Addition
The only good view
residence property on
tho market. The Prices
range from $75.00 to
$125.00 a Lot
wkh interest at rate of
6 per cent per annum.
J. RYAN, Oregon Street.
' 1 . - j - - ' ' .' .