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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1911)
-1. f u , 4 gi M, .'. i .va '1 NO MORE Freight Troubles The Oregon Trunk Hailwiiy is open for busi ness to Opal City, just north of Crooked river. The Jones Whrcliouse Company (WOW)! A. JONIJS of Hcnd, Manager will handle all freight at Opal City for the railroad. The old Shauiko Moody Ware house .system will he employed. Merchants will get their goods promptly and without inconvenience. Oi-ai. City will he the ireight terminus for HO days more. Have your freight consigned in care of JONES Address communications to Hcnd. -- A NOVEL DESIGN WITH SUN PIAZZA. ttetift. 007, by Clcnn L. 5axton, Architect, Mlnntspolli, Minn. MbTICIC I IIKRItnV OIVKU TJfAT TUB . . (fl'tJeetTlbed below, embf ariflar Jittere, wflhla the Caaeule ItnUni Portal. Oraton will be autyect la xltltmrnl and miry tmdef the protlaloa) of the homtatea41at,f of lb United IHiln au4 the act of June tt, lv.iu Mat., jj, ii Iht United flialra land office at f,akevler, Oregon, on July IS. IJ" AnyfWUt who wae artuatlr and In foul faith claiming any of Mid landt for aerf. cultural purpoaea prior In January!, , and hat mm abandoned tame, hat pt tfarrnre rlihl to make a homeatrad entry for the tanda actually occupied aldlai,da were Hated upon Iheappll ration of the peraona mentioned Ulow, who h.'. ". tt'ttnt' f'ltht uMecl lo the prior Mum bt any auch xttle r. tirorblerl aueh tilrne applicant fa qualified to make bomeatead entry ! NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. (not coal land) Department cflfc Interior, 0, 8. Land Office, at Lakcrlew, Oregon. Maw fa .air. Notice la hereby gr (hat Jamre T, Carter, oiMriM,oHo, who, on December il. laof, M15, (rterlel No. Towaihlp 11 s made honaeetcad .entry Mo. mm, (aerial' -.i.: in.iixnir iiini i riereiaeti prior 10 July 15, 1911. on which date the landa will be ulrject to artllement and entry by any qualified Peraon. The tanda are a. dllm Th. mil r neff ofae ee 0 of A. ie?f ofeeW and the e'of w of neV ttt(, ee ,andthe riK of.X andnwH of.e.aec ,T MH k l',W M ,iyacrra, application fJarneaO, Chlldera, Cold Mill, Oregon, ll.l M Til ! Of ' Of awl IttliPU tUm mU :t netfof nwl oaeW, the eK ofnJ of mV. the r( of lof , and the n! ofnwW ofawV ofwif nilim.ll 10 I! , 11. v, acre, atljt(catliti r.fl'tatik t MM, r:..M Illir .... i'Uuhi'jx'tivi: vn:w-ritoji a riiorouitArii. O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET WenandyLivery - Company- All kinds of light and heavy Livery. Horses for Sale Wholesale Feed and Hay Branch Establishment at Ln Pine, Oregon. Autos For Hire J. H. WENANDY Bond Street - Bend, Oregon L slJ rtr rwnai tK" SUH PVITTA natwMtcet S3Ui rna 1 Vll9 TrwrAce I'MIHT I'l.OUlt I'l.AN. aw Sh p- HfF CMAMaTIt a aaFfr am iaT iit. "SVmT: STeTUT I Sa 7 "J' " fir.rONI) 1'I.OOR VI.XH. to-i'l TheaHof aj of nX ol nw and" ap(4icatiHi of Harry Chlldera r;ld IIHI. te toll llatfciJJ TheeKoraeVofueK thi-.w,,f eKofncK.the of mil ofe of nejf the wSof ine ol ! the w)J of reW ol ne)f of IhenrUof titWol nctfor ntf Iheaelof ofne thenetfof nwjf of and the neUofaeK ul linfl i,( ae!. a U,T 11 H , M Iv I' tt ft acrea, application of John A Karn lh i'( Tbomaa htre.l, rteallle, Wa.hlngton. Iltfc4ir H V I'rowlftt, A.tnt CrmimlM lontr of the Ceneral Ijn.l orbec. Approved Mays in I'rank Here, flrit Aael.UnlRecre tary of the Inlerhvr 11-14 tSJ). for naU, ftectlon n. Ran(e to H WIS. m. tie RerMUn, ha tiled notice 01 intention 10 make Anal eammutallon proof. t eataMlah claim lo the land abort described, tpefore II. C. Kllla, V. H. Com m Mloner.athlaemce, atrvend, Oreron, on the 6th day of July, tan Oaimant namea aa wilncaace- Ie Caldwell, fieri Caldwell, (trover CM.II n.1 Th.. Itoukiip, all of M I'lne, Oreeon. II 14 AKTIIUK W OP.TON, RefUter. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court oflheAtatc of Orrron for Crook County, fn the matter of the Katateof Taut O. VeltlaJ, lxa-i The undera'cned, hln been appointed by the County Cuortof lh State of Orenon lor trook County. Administrator of the Ktuteof Paul (l Velaud, decraud. notice la hereby ilren to the nedltora ofaaid Katate ami all peraona harlnu italma agaliMt aald drcraaed to prcaent them, vcrlardaa required If law, within ala moulha from the .dale of thli notice, to the underlined, at the office Menaon, Flrat National Hank. IMU'nf, Bend, Oregon. Wated May jut, 1,1 1, AdralnUtrator of the liatate of I'aul O Velitad, deceaKd. ij-ij N'OTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Iild'AHTMIiNT OH TIIK l.TTIJRIOR Onltrd state Land The Dallea.Orerou, llav ilth. 1011 Notice la hereby rlern that Gertrude D. Market whoae poatorbceaddreaa la tlcnd. Oregon, who, .IH on thr IMhdayof May, lfo. Hie In thle ofbee Hwoni Ktateraeiil and Application, No. 1A40, to putchaae the eK ae)C, Nrctlon Town hip 17 fVMith, Kane 11 Kan, Willamette Mnl riian.andthe limber thereon, under the prorla loaaoflheactof Jane . iftju, and act, anienda. lory, known aalhe "TimUr and htone Ijiw," at aachealue aa rolfht be It ltd by at)pralrment, and that purauaul to auch application, the land and limber thereon hare been appralaed, tKJ". On fence M, f 11 00, the timbre ntlmated 144 an loan! fret at f 1 per M and the land Stoxn, that aaM applicant will offr final proof In upportaf hla application and aworn atatement on the 4th day of Anguat. 1911 b fare II C lUlla. V It Cotnmlaaloncr. at hla olbca, It Hcnd, Orcfen. Any prraon laat liberty toproteatthlarurthaae iKfore entry or Initiate a contra! at any lime be fore patent ieaura, by fillne a corroborated am dai in thU olhce, allela( facta which would defeat the entry "if C. W. M(e, Reflater. Tliln ilwidlltiK Imn nil Hit) Imporlrtnt fmlttreM fotiml in Imino tlmt cot up In J.Vmk. niimmik tlii'tti tlu nun Ah.ui n( ihf rtir of the Urine room. lnrlol ullli kImximI hIimIiiuh for ulnler lino hihI with wrfciM fur miiiiiiwt tiw. tlt winIi Uiii lxlitK ilriKHl iltiu'ii Into iHtekiMn. Ottir feMiMrtt Hrt tlt okii hre iIhii hihI ilt Iftrxe riyitniititrli'Ml cfiilml mII. In tin- mcoihI ntry tliru nr lour HimiiiImt. h Iwtli nihI hihiIIkt lnrK rMti wlilrti caii te iiIIIIkiI hh n pict riMiin. ilrit nr iiiirfHTj IIHKlit of III llrwt lo' nirte- ami a tutlf fwt ntiil tlic nmiiHl Mnry olRht nml n linlf ftt. WI1I1I1 frl) alx fi'vt, depth thirty fe-t, otf Hie itiHln jxirt. l'ot lo Imllil. oxrluolte of limUine hikI pltimlilnx. $('.000. If you nn' liilorcnlod In n homo of tliln rlmntrter ymi iim) writ mo tbrviiRli Hip editor (if tliU ntKr. nml 1 nlmll tx pliviHtil to oittililvr the mailer Willi you. Tho prlco of plniiK tWII bo fumlalioU tioii uppllrHtlim oi.i:n.v 11. 8.VXT0N. Just try The Bulletin Job Printery. Did you know Uiat the Bulletin job tttiop can print your visitlnR cards of tho Ix?t stock with hand some script type? BABIES' MOCCASINS SOFT SOLE SHOES "PATENT LEATHER SANDALS Children's scOfflers OXFORDS MOCCASINS BAREFOOT SANDALS A PLAIN STORY AND A HALF COTTAGE Dtn D3, by Clrnn L. Saxton, Architect, Minneapolis, Minn. LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Irrigating Lath and Houso Lath A Specialty Tlic tliiilxr v.e rut from It the lcat In the coun try, mill 4)1 litilei aotillicaat ot Until, Pine Forest Lumber Com'y BUND, OREQON BILL YOUR GOODS TO Metolius Warehouse Co. J. V. HOONR, Manajrcr. We arc prepared to linndle all kinds of freight and do a general forwarding business. Satisfaction is guaranteed. lw mi. i mm mi i ' i ' . "K '.:!i INirac'i'J'rVaaaaaaMaal'''" ''"' . II " 'Z1T WK ,' MaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafSkiarf 7 l'Kitai'ucTivn viKW-rnoM a nioToaitApn. pJ U PORCH j , -n ! TMaaf ""'"' "liiiaagli ! M OEM ' I I 31311 i b(?, :' 1 DINING nOOM n MITCHCN ! '2-to'AH-b I -1: j . IC-4.-AII- y 12-0'AII-b' , I V- i.'l ', I rnRiii i (-i I I1 ii 'j u-ou-o cnAnatn fl LIVING ROOM U I ll'-OAII-b I f-0"AI5-0" ? fl ' ! U ' RCCCPTIONVl J . gmm w. I I - I L. '.,c: lj ii V0TI i S PIAZ2A V. iij 60.00 excursion! FARES EAST 19 11 FROM ALL POINTS ON Oregon-Wiishington Railway & Navigation Company TO FARES Chlcnfco $72.50 uouncil uiuirs Omaha Kansas City... St. Joseph..... St. Paul St. Paul, via Council DlulTa.... C3.90 Minneapolig, direct CO.OO .Minneapolis, via Council DlulTa 63.90 Duluth, direct 66.90 Duluth, via Council Bluffs 67.50 St. Louis 70.00 SALE DATES May 16. 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27. 28 and 29. June 5. 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17. 21. 22. 28, 29 and 30. July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 26, 27 and 28. Aujrust 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22. 23. 28. 29 and 30. September 1, 2, 4. 5, 6 and 7. 8top-ortr within llmlla In either rflrmlnn Klnat return limit October jiL Oue war throufh California $i j oo additional. Inquire of any 0-W. R. & N. Afirent fror More Complete Information OR WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent fOItTLAND, OUEGON LADIES' VELVET CANVAS AND CRJWENETTE SHOES W. C. Bredenhagen STEVENS Tfee Naaber 520, Sii-Sket It a hammerlcM gun with a (olid frame. Hauler to operate quick er end imoother axtlon lhxn anv other. It nerer balks and pcrfectl balanced. Detailed deactlptloo of anr of oar aTuna U In ojr ICO Parr) I'm DUloc, Sew! or f TO-DA V If rMi nniwl obUIn STnVENS ".:.-.-:r.t:'"'w"s- IUIVU, TU.K5CUr&S Ihroorh ronr dealer. w will ahlp dUecL eioreaa prejW. ' eetptof eaUloc price. J. STEVZ3U ASMS & TOW. COMPACT r.O.EaxtO03 t4 ailCOPEE PALLS MASSACHUSETTS ,!- ay h 14 & : Y&zr aaaaaaHlTV -, . . I JMY1 'fFjj-- Metolius Warehouse Co. FIH8T ri.OOU PLAN. 8KCOND FI.OOU PLAN. TliU doaliru romliliH'n nn nttrncllvo oxtorlor with a practical and econora. leal Interior urranuoinont, Tho rtvt'ptlon room and llvltiR room nro ticparated liy n hIIiIIiii: door, lu tho llvlnc room tbvro Is an nbuudnuco of Rood wall piico. While pliiunlttK to Kot tho othur features luauy pooplu often foruet to plun pliuvN for thi'Jr fumltutt). In the dining room Is a built lu sideboard or Imffot. with four Btnitll windows aboro It. Iu tho kitchen arc a sink, cup Nurtlit. inoldluit table, flour blua and other nccessorlc. Tho flrat story U flnUbed In birch, left natural In the kltphen iind Htalntnl n soft toiit1 of tobacco brown In tho other roomn. Tho ccond story Is flnlHhed lu plno to palut. Ulrch (loom throuchout. Width of houso, twenty six feet; depth, tweuty-elcbt feet. Coat to build, oxcluslvo of hcatluK and plunblne, $2,330. Ity Hpeclnl nrranu'enieut with mo tho editor of this paper will furnish one Garden PLANTING Time Is Here! You'll nod gooa tools. Buy the Best! THE PLANET, JR. :fev Cun be used us Hill and Drill Seeder, Wheel Hoe, Cultivntor and Plow. Simple and practical, the Planet, Jr. makes garden ing a pleasure. For sale in Bend by 1 i! H. J. Eggleston Harness, Saddles, Wagons, Buggies Hay and Grain Wall Street, - - - BEND. OREQON set of plana and speclflcatloua of deslcn No. 03 for e 15. QHENN U, SAXTON.