4 The BEND COMPANY i : 4s By the purchase of the property of A. M. Drake, The Bend Townsite Company, The Pilot Butte Development Company and The Bend Water Light & Power Company the above company secured the real estate upon which the future city of Bend must locate. To encourage the development of the city and to give everyone an opportunity to share in the prosperity of the city, a reduction of $125,000.00 was made from former prices on the present platted real estate. Choice Inside Business Lots from $500 to $ 1500 Residence Lots from $100 to $300 On very easy terms of payment. These prices are special and those who con template the. purchase of property should make their selections at once. CALL AT OUR OFFICE OR WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW PROPERTY. ADDRESS: A. O. Hunter, Real Estate Representative, Bend HAMS COST LIFE t was held there. The verdict was I that Miller came to his death from 'frunshot wounds inflicted by Deputy ' Williams. The officer was later , exonerated. THIEF, TRYING TO ES CAPE, SHOT.' Tom Miller, Being Taken to Prlnevllle In Auto, OeU Out and Run Re- futlnr to Halt, Ho li Killed By Deputy Sheriff. CELEBRATION JULY 4 OrAL City, June 6. The theft of three hams from the commissary department of the Oregon Trunk here cost Tom Miller his life Thurs day. He was shot to death by Deputy Sheriff Claude Williams while being taken to Prinevillo In on auto. .Early Thursday the watchman at the Jones warehouse saw a man whom he presumed to be a cook i getting meat out of a supply car. ' Later in the day the hams were missed and Miller was arrested for stealing them and selling them at a restaurant. Accompanied by six men besides his prisoner, Williams started In a big auto for Prlnevllle to" 'lodge him In jail. Tho car was driven by D. D. Gardner of Bend, oil the seat with whom sat Miller. Three mires this side of Crooked River, Miller asked to be let out of the car a minute. The request was granted and ho took advantage of the opportunity to escape. There is a growth of junipers at this point and through these he started to run., The deputy called to'hlm several times to halt, and when he did not, fired once or twice into the air to frighten him. This having no effect, he lowered his pi&Co) and two bullets took effect in the man's chest, one cutting through his arm before entering tho body. The wounded prisoner was picked up and placed in the auto and the machine driven rapidly toward Pjtheville. Miller lived only about fifteen minutes, however, and when O'jNeiil was reached tho coroner was; telephoned for. An inquest Preparations Being Made (or Observ ing Independence Day In Bend. Plans are being made for the celebration of July Fourth here in a big way, and a largo crowd is ex pected in town on that day. Details of the program have not yet been worked out by those having the arrangements in charge, but these will probably include races of various kinds, a baseball game, parade and other features to amuse both the young and the old, as well as the middle-aged. The band will furnish music to add liveliness to the occasion, and in the evening there will be dancing for those who enjoy such. An invitation is extended to all the people of the surrounding country and tho entire county to bring their basketa and join Bend In making this historic day a festive one. ADDITION WEST OP RIVER. The new addition to Bend, Grand view, plat of which has been ap proved by tho County Court, as re ported last week, lies on the west side of the river. It is situate in section 31, 18-12, and adjoins Ken wood on the southwest corner, cm bracing ten acres. The property was sold to the Oregpn Trunk De velopment Co., which also has bought land at Madras, Culvor, Opal City and Redmond, by The Bend Company. The approved plat in the county clerk's office bears the name of Frank May as the engineer who surveyed the addition. CORNETT SELLS OUT Buckley Company to Handle Express and Stage Business. The Cornett Stage and Stable Co, has transferred its stage and express business between Oregon Trunk and Deschutes Railway points a,nd .Bend' to the Buckley Express Co. The Wenandy Livery Co. is the com pany's local agents and will operntu autos in connection with Buckley. .An improved service with railway points will be given by the new arrangement. The stage will arrive here daily at 7 a. rn. and leave here at 12 noon. The Portland papers will be dolivercd nearly as early in the morning as in that city, though a day later, aa the stage will leave Opal City every evening after the train gets in. REALESTATU IRANSFliRS. (PurnUhrd by the Crook Couutjr Abstract Co ) Crook County Inv, Co. to Wlllielmlna Dcy, Itjo. blk 31, ami It 31, 1IU i, Hillman. 1150. Keilmoml Townilte Co, to Maria L. Tlnlcy, It 5. bile 34, Redmond, Sijo, O. V. Well et at to J Taliaferro, It 17. I'lk 35, Kctluioiul. f6$o Cludwick II Irvin to '.. Taliferro, tlk 13, Killuiter'a add to Redmond, (Si Frederick It. Kan ton et ux to T II. Shcvliu, Kji, sec it 19 12 fl Opal City Land Co. to t.ydla S I'air chiles. It 6, blk 44, Opal City, ftoo. iMward Schroder, by sheriff, to J II. Haner, et at, s lie,1, nwjf setf and ne; wi cc 15-1 1-lH. (sheriff's deed on exec.) Crook Co. Inv. Co. to Michael Ilynan, Its 36 and 37, blk 93, Ilillinan. The lleml Co to Maurice C. Coihman, It 3, blk 18, I'ark add , Wend. $130. Maurice I'. Coshman to Marguerite GenunK.t ,t 3, blk 18, I'ark add , He ml. 9- The llend Co, to C. J. Chamberlain, ncU o( sw of ncXi ec 3M7'I3. 1 1 R. J. Scofield and hiuband to I'.tnil Qrickson, Its 11 and 13, blk 9, Deschutes 4oo. John W. Saxton et ux to W C. Darter I Y, jut in netf sec 17-13 13. fiuoa. 1 II, J. Overturf et ux to Dorothy, nitmey. It 5 and sw 35 ft of It 4, blk 10, I'ark add., Ilend. ft. Crook County Inv Co. to l'orent I', Houston, Itv 11 and 13, blk 30, Ilillinan. J40. Leet 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ijjjnjra rnnrn TiiAoe Marks DCBIQNa G0PYRIQHT8 AC AnvftnaiaMfiilfnaT & akfctr'j a.ndfSaacrlDlInn ma qnicaxir aicertaln our iipixiloii free wbeibar an Intention ( probably tun table Coniuuiilc lionjainctiroonoaeruiau. tinnuDuy tent free. OMoit afncr for avcurfn metal nolle, without cbarue. to tba on I'ttiuu g patent t'n fiia Scientific flitterican. A handaomtlr Illutrala4 waeklr. Irtit dr. eolation or nr acl.nuoa journal. Taroia, is a .art four months, f I. Solaball nw4aalr. lUaJub 6(5oa bt V RU WaMnuw 7 S55 J INCORPORATE every desired feature of all other typewriting machines into one and compare it, feature with feature, working part with working part, with the Underwood Standard Typewriter and the Underwood glands out as the best machine one permitting the greatest latitude of work, doing more and better work per given effort, and is "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy." fl It is mechanically perfect. It stands up under every trying condition and is simple in construction The Un derwood Type Bar Stroke has but three elements: The Key Lever, Connecting Link an.d Type Bar. fo Underwood Typewriter Company Incorporated Portland, Ore., Office: 68 Sixth Street s "ri5 i tS ., V it t h