THE BEND BULLETIN. VOL. IX. IJKN1), OKlXiON, WKDNKSDAY, JUNK 7, 1011. NO. 13 i i i jt V Mllfi E ROAD WORK BUND MIEN DO WHAT COUNTY CAN'T. lUtht Member of Commercial Club Will Put In 1lira Day UtMlng Trlt from Spring River to Cram) I'ralrle In Ouoil Shapo Members of the llond Commercial Quh who have iivtir lieon nllvo to the advantages of owning now. roads nearby have again hbown their liberal itplrlt mid willingncta to work for the upbuilding of til part, of Central Oregon. Headed by Manager Sawhlll, a party of "lght mt' n will leave her Friday Ui jiut In tbriti days oitening up n road from tho head of Spring River In Crano I'rnlrlu. u distance of 18 or 20 miles. Ijwt year cithons of Ilend joined in milking n Kd road to Spring Hlvor iuiiI will now complete tho work by extending it further. Antono Aune lirts donated the use of n team nml wagon for three dnys nndJ. N. Hunter hi uuto Uikc tho party up there ami bring It back. Those who will go and put in Friday. .Saturday and Sunday on tho road nro J. K. Sawhlll, John Steldl. John HUim, J. N. Hunter, K. It. Post, FranV II. Miry,..'JSncw nnd Tom Itobortx. iienklo & Ford have um donated the use of an auto. Kroin all the surrounding country llend is gradually Iteeiunlng more and more arwitiible by moan nf good pad.. Tlu niHit notable Instance uf the llbt'rnllty of the coplo here U, of cuume, the build ing of Ute Bcnd-llunw highway, but they have Jt all ilmru j-caiiondcd freely whenever asked to nan'nt.ln.n new work, -Mont of thonroads built wen thoae to which tho county could not Rive lU .attention. Movornl being through iiaiiunnl forests. TheM! highway through rovorn ment holding could not ixtcome county roiid and of coiumo the county could imt go abend nmldiulld them. The dtleim. however have steped into lite breach. Laving thu assurance of forestry olllclak Unit the rood u-ili be maintained la .good condition. MHS. I'. O. AllNOlt SICK. Mr. Minor, wife of Postmaster Minor, Iiom Ix-en very ill tho pant week with an attack of grip and tonidlitlH. Her condition was Im proved yoMterduy nml she now secnm to Ihj on the road to recovery. Sho la being attended by Dr. II. Kurrell. UN 10 I'UlM'VII.I.I! SUNDAY Thu Heud biiHebnll team will go to I'rlnovllle .Sunday to re deem llnclf for Its dufeut hero on May SJ8. An enthusiastic delegation of rooturn will go over to lend their wmlitance In winning tho game. A lively content Ih, expected. REPORT ON MAILlLOUiSLONGSHQT NEW POSTOFFICE TO BE' OPENED Kottler of Wtiltakar Vallry Will IMa WetW Utrln (letting Their Mali at Whltaker Otdce. Mm. Thomas K. firay, who wan recently appointed KMtinutiT of thv new olllce named Whltnker. 80 miles southeast of Ilepd, bun re. ccived her cuinmlsninn and supplies to ojm'II the ofllcc. Thh alio will do tbiit week, Mr. Gray being in town yesterday to take out the Unit mail. A regular carrier hcrvlee In not in quired ffr the first three months, but mail will Ik? brought In to liend and taken out about once a wwk. Tlw new olllce In located only Wbout a half mile off tbe Ilond-Hurns road and In the event that the Hurrnt petition asking forn mail service from here r granted, Wiiitukcr 'rmtroTW will ret their mall daily. Mr. Gray -intend to conduct u 'umall store In connection with the ' pOHtofflCC. "DAD" OF TOWN HERE A. tn. Drake Wind lac up llutlnei of Plkrttftutte Dvlopment Co. A. M. Drake af T'liaadenn, Cal., father 'of thU town and former owner mf "the tonnwlte and oilier property bore, in a viItor in ltnl thin week. He cunio in for tle punoJ nf winding -up the bunlnm of tleu)ld Pilot Huttu Duvclopment 'Co., Mhlcli wan not finally dune when Tlio Bend Ompany took over it boVJIngii. Mc JJrake mWI tliat lo notol many Hmprovemetita In the town nince lnt here. "Bene! in going ahead aw faat on oould be especteJ until tLo railroad eta here. Many lieople think that when n townwte I Uld tt n big Uwn ihould epring up Immediately. Mut towrbi are not buht in a day, :thoy grow. an4 Uiere tsunt bo hixtl work done by all tho citizens. Tbnt'a what build a town, pd that I what will make Bend." Ma Soling 7Sc.a Pair. Shoe half Holed t Kgglenten'a IlnrncM Shop for7oc jmlr, regular $1.60 Job. tlowl Jeariwr uwxl and work done neatly. Bring in your oli! ahoen and have ihtm made IIIuj new onen. 13 BUND OFFICE IS DOING BIQ BUSINESS. Duilnc May 60,116 I'ltce Were llan- ulftl, Dally Averaxo of 1,039- Purtmaaler Worked from H to 16 Hour a Day. D Like to feci that tnnQltnrc; in bringing: their CpUiILU bu8iness to a bank they are helping to build It up; In other words they are giving something for what they receive. WE ARE OROW1NO GROW WITH US. Wo want your account want to make our uelvca uaofu! to you In anything pertaining to finance, and wo can handle It with profit to you and to ourselvcH. Wo hopo that you, Mr.Rcader, will bo on our llut'of Depoaltora oon, If you arc not already one. NO MATTER HOW SMALL OR LARGE A DEPOSITOR YOU ARE ALWAYS ' APPRECIATED HERE. PoMtmaiiter F. 0. Minor today completed hia report of the number of pi6c of Incoming and outgoing mall handled by thia office during May. The total wwiGO.llGor an average of 1,0119 a day. The out going total wiw 2S.U3G.or 807 dally. Tim incoming total wn :tf,080, or u dally nveragu of 1,1:11. The Mwtul irmlructioiiH re(uired not only that every piece be counted, but that it be apeclficd to what cIilh.1 it lclongcd jtixl the amount of time required to handle it. This made the tank nn enormous oik. and I'atLmantcr Minor was kept buxy from t:'JU a. nt. to 10 and 11 p. in. every day In May. The following figure iJiow tb nature of tlte Incoming mull: Unit claw, 22,:ur.. Newnp4cr, U24U. MagazlneK, 7 IS. arculttTH, S21. Otlior llilrd claw matter. 12C4. Fourlli cIuks, 717. Franketl, 11. Ifegiittcred, 2S8. The outgoing matter uun.wi fol low: Firnt cliuw, 20,925. Second class, 28GX Third cltiHH, 332. J-'ourth cIom, 227. J'oreign lettera, 247, llegiiitered, -402. From these figure dttiit necn that the Bend pojitollioe Jadoing a tre mendoun biwiikyic Jin poHtodice receipU are a good barometer of bulneM conditionr in.n city, it Is evident that Bend in Xhrivlng. Postmimter Minor .will, effective July 1, receive an ittsrun.He of $200 in hia annual aolury.. PUOILIST KILLED J. L. RILEY Jualouiy Ovrr Woman, Said to lie KHry' Wife, the Cauie Slie I AUo Slightly Wounded Klley Now In Jail. Rkumond, Juno C LouIh Iyng, the prizefighter, wan hot and killed Thurwlay afternoon on the road a few mileM north of here by J. L. Riley of Portland. Riley'a wife, who was out riding with Ing In ' an automobile, was also fired on, ' being wounded in the thigh. Riley ' lied Immediately after the shooting but was nrrcHted Thursday evening 'near the Deschutes river and is now in jail at Prineville. 1 .IcatouHy on the part of Riley was the cause of thu trouble, and he de clared after the shooting that he 1 fully intended to kill his wife also, alleging that he had been unfaith ful to him. The Rileyi were married in Idaho four yearn ago, his buHi'msa waa training horses. Long, the Riley woman and Mona Adams, a resident of the rcdlight district here, were out in a car being driven to Redmond. A stop had been made to repair a tire puncture and all of the party were out of the machine when anotV'cr automobile, containing Riley, came up behind them and stopped. Riley got out and going up toward Long fired two shots at hinu The two men then clinched and -while in thia portion Riley fired a third Knot and Long dropped dead. Turning the gun then on his wife, Riley shot her -once but did not dangerously wound her. Defying anyone in the crowd to arrest him. be then fled but was captured a few hours later. OLIV1IK AUENCVIIUKH. A. Sheldon McOliw of Seattle, representing lis 0ltvmr Tyjowriter Co., was in Bend yesterday on busi ness. An agency .wau .established bexfi by him, with U. U. Hoffman la icharge. Tbe Olivw has just introduced wMncfihing nuw in type writer typo faces, :the prdntyie, and one of these tnodrf machines will be eihihltcd by Mr. UofTntun at the Butretin office. Ixu!s Lorur was well known in Bend, where be had annearedin the pritu ring. His lost bout here -was with J. D. Kice on April 17 in ' which Rice knocked him out. Ed ICuir, who wits to have met Rice in ,a ten-round nintch lost Friday j night, wasa5lose friend of Long uiiu uiu cuiiicttk wua iiosiponea. . iurs rvuia ice uox. A. M. Lara & Co. have again rri denced their progrpenvcoess as" merchants by tJie installation of the ( finest ice box in Central Onexon. It t is modo of qunrtcred oak and fitted with nickled brass trimminjrs. It ha eight cwtnpartnients, giving ample room for the storage of Ibuotcr, eggs, meats and other I things in a cool place. The Deschutes Banking & Trust fiomnanv of Bend. OreKcm ! Consorvatlvo Banking for Conservative People." I, n. 11A1RI). (rmlilent) J. W. MASTHRS, (Vice l'rc.Ment) 1', O. MJNOR, (Secretary) DIRRCTORS! I,. II. DAIIID, 1. O. MINOR, S. V. DAIRD. Full Stock of Builders' Supplies Of all kinds now on hand. Finest line of Cottage Doors in Central Oregon. COmMHKClALCLUIJ MHiniNfl A meeting of tho Commercial Club will be held tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock for the selection of delegates to the meeting to be held in Prineville Juno 30 nnd July 1 to form a Central Oregon De velopment League. All mem bers arc urged to be present. FROM MADRAS TO MEDFORD BY HORSE Two Washington College Men Pats Through Mend on Long Journey Taking a Look at the Country. from Madras to Med ford by horseback Is a trip being made by two Washington State College men, B. G. Stambaugh and Byron Smead, whose homes are in Spokane. Mr. Stambaugh will graduate this year from the agricultural department at I'ullman, and Mr. Smead is already nn alumnus of the electrical engi neering department. The two are making the journey to look over the country, each pay ing special attention to his line of work. They left Madras lost Thurs day and spent Sunday night here, meeting In Bend several old friends. They will attempt to go by Crater Lako and expect to reach Med ford by Friday. Both arc hardened to "roughing It" and have already slept out two nights. One night they camped at Crooked River, with only their saddle blankets for cover ing. They carry only light packs with tbem. From Mcdford they will go to San Francisco by train and return to Portland by boat. Mr. Stam baugh is business manager of the W.S, C. student publication, the Evergreen. He will have to be hack at Pullman by June 22 when he is to receive his diploma. DATES FOR FAIR SET FOUR-DAY TRIP BIG PARTY WILL GO ON TRADE EXCURSION Leaving Mere June 15, Bend Dullness Men VVIlfviilt Klamath and Lako County Town and Get Ac qualnted With People There Agricultural Society Show at Prine ville October It to H. PntNKVlLLE, June 6. The date f the fair of tho First Central Ore gon Agricultural Society has been set for Oct 11-14. It has been suggested that the four days be defiicnated as Prineville, Bend, Red mond and Madras Days. About the first of August, a man will be sent out to travel the county to meet with the farmers, encourag ing them to send exhibits and come themselres. The officers of the society are: William Bocgli, President; J. E. Roberta, vice-president; J. S. Fox, secretary. These, with G. H. Rus sell. Oliver Powell and J. H. Gray, form the board. Plans for the trade excursion which Bend business men will make to Southern Oregon towns the middle of tho month have been nearly comnloted and the Itinorarv' mapped out. Already a large num ber of men have given notice that , they will take the trip, and the ' party will probably consist of fifty. I The tourists will leave here In about tcn'autos on the morning of Thursday, June 15. Going by Li Pine, they will reach Crescent at noon. The first night out will be spent at Fort Klamath. If the roads will allow of such. Crater Lake will be visited the morning of the ICth. Klamath Falls will be reached that afternoon and the second night spent there. Lakcview will be visited the following day, and after luncheon there the start will be made for Paisley, which will be the next stopping place over ' night. Summer Lake, Silver Lak'e and home will be the fourth day' program. Invitations have been sent by Manager J. E. Sawhlll of the Com mercial Club to Portland news papers, jobbing houses and railroad officials, a number of whom areejt pected to go or send representatives. The object of the trip is mainly to get acquainted with the people I of a large territory for which rcnd I will be the railroad center for some 1 time. The various towns to bo visited have given assurance that the tourists will be well entertained, and the trip is expected to afford much pleasure to all who go. INSTALLS FING FOUNTAIN The finest .and most modern soda fountain in Central Oregon ha3 been installed by the Patterson Drug Co. It Is' of marble, with wall mirror of French beveled giasa and trimmings in mahogany and nickel, and is a thing of beauty. It is an iccless fountain, being so built that drafts of cool air do the work of ice! Another feature of It Is that an electric current b used in carbonating water. Just try. The Bulletin Job Printery. ray !)p Keep out thut enemy of munkind, the fly, with Screen Doors The kind tlmt you want is here and the price is right. Save money by buying your shovels pitchforks, stoves, nails and other hardware at the store of N. P. Smith Wall Street lEe First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Or. U. O. OOC, PrstldaM t. A. 8ATHCR. Vic PrttliUM O.8. HUDSON, Oathlcr ColU) fultr paid ... S2B.000 Stociholdtrt'llabllltr - 2S.0OO Burplua .... . aS.OOO MR. FARMER. Do You Want These Prizes? We ofTer the following sums, in cash, for the best exhibits, thro' the BcndCommercial Club: $25.00 cash, for the best assortment of sam ples grown on either dry or irrigated land. $10.00 for the best samples ot clover. $10.00 for the best samples of alfalfa. $10.00 for the best samples of root crops, $10.00 for best assortment dry land grains. $ 1 0.00 for best assortm't irrigated land grain. All exhibits to bo raised within twenty-five miles of Bend 'and to remain tho property of tho Bend Commercial Club. TFe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS: U. C. CO H. A. SATUl'K C. S. HUDSON V. V. SMITH H. C. BI.US fj 2&w) 6ff(Ml $jvj $JSyjJ