The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 31, 1911, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
'imnm trtm
NO. 12
Powellllutte Rancher, Returning Prom
Hend Sunday, meola Tragic Death
One of III Last Deeda Wn to
Anlit Suffering Friend.
Having fallen oir IiIh wagon and '
broken hlit neck, Itlclmnl Myora, u ,
I'owell Hullo rancher, waH found
lylnK dead In tho Prlnovillo road,
12)$ miles from Hend, Sunday after
noon. Thero wan no witness to the
tragedy and Juat how he came to
fall will never bo known. The team
and wagon were found In the
JunlH-rn home distance away from
wheru the dead man lay.
Mr. Myora hroiiKht n load of chop
to Auiio'h Saturday, for which ho was
paid $lK'J.'.i:i. Ten dollar of this
wax In cah and the balance a check.
Tli.. ......... I. .... luirl tt It tut In Mflffl
. . . . 1 1 i .. i m.-.i -
to hove kI veil. to his friend, Cliarlett,
... . i i ,i i i l.,.,11,.1 :
Titim, wlm la In the local hospital.'
, ., , i . i .... i.i.
mill WIO Cliecft Him iiiumi u inn
The body wan Ural Identified by
Oncar Hyde, win of the county
coroner, who wan returning to
l'rlnevillo from the ball gamo here.
The coroner- verdict was thntr
death waa accidental aa the reault,..
of a fall. The dead man had not
Ix-en run over by hia wagon,
although the body waa stretched
Bcrmw the wheel track when found.
He had fallen out of the rear of the
iiitiifini It tjutltlful
,, ' ,' ..... ,. ..
Myera waa about f,() or CO yunni
old. nay thiHxt who knew him, but
left no relatives In Crook county, ho
far aa the coroner waa able to find
out. Interment waa made at I'owell
NI'.W AUDI I ION 10 llli.NI).
Judge H. C Kill attended an
adjourned mnwIoii of the County
n i...,.i,.v. tfi.init uti li.ilil iii ,
the repeat of the Oregon Trunk
Development Co. The only mutter
coming up were the approval of
plat of addition to Madras. Red-
mnml. Oiwl City. Culver and Grand-
view Addition to Hend. which this
.,..,v. villi t.m mi tho niMrket.
lll'iJ " " -
The Control Oregon Welf Co., 'wore decornted with llnga and bunt
which I now drilling u well nt the jing. The banka were closed nil day
brickyard weal of town, will lake nn , thu IMwt0iicu olwon-wl Sunday
country to tho aoutJieaat aa noon aa
the preaent contract la completed,
Thia may beany day ns water la j
II yen lime a clirckiiiK account, the lUnk iloci your liookkrepliiK free
nt clmrc, ami rciidrri von a tutcinriit of )uur recelptt, nnil our cxctuli
mien, whenever yoiiaik lor It. ......
Your rancctlril check are your receipt for the lillU you have mM
You nrril necr wy a bill Ulce If mIiI hy cluck. The check ii ioi
tlve pioof that you wld the money. ..... ...
You cannot he roliheil, If you carry a check liook, Imteail of the actual
money You cannot line your money by catclcuncii or file If you keep it
III our Hunk, anil pay by check.
If you have a check book In your jiocket you will alnaya have the rlglit
chiitiKc. for you can make nut a clierk for any odd ainounl.
If you pay by check, people will e that you hc a Hank account,
anil your cir.llt will be eteatly linpioved.
If you have checking account at our Hank, you will lie i;len mwclal
ron.lileriition, nhontil ou vih to Uirrow money. ...
Your money In the lUnk kte the in,llln ruiiiiiuK, employ Ulwr, anil
innken uoml ami projeroii time, for all.
U nu lme ii chevkliiK arcount, u need not tend money IIiioukIi
the maiU. You can Mind your cluck. If check U lot, ur money i Hill
Mifi- iii ilu-
Ilnelieik uatoleii, orforged. yoiioo nut hte anything Thv Hank
Uliihtr Icir i.HHnlclivt'ka, il it ia)illwni.
Ml . Iicik ImhiU. bank ImmiWn, rte., am fife, anil It eoU ou alwulutily
ik.iIiiiik. to 'v a IwnLlitg acwiuul. .... , , ...
i ..n liaie a ehwklnH imI at onr Hank, ym will alwaw feel lirr
In -k li.r nlMce, or lor a reeoiiimemliUloii. V Hill m kmI t" furnih
mil. r Nine-twitliiuf Uw UlaJyeW U Wld to loimv eureka., Why
ii.iul , iiuiiliai ayr
I In .illi.iiHiif tltiM Iltuk lat yourkervtt. I key Invite you to inuUe
Ilu lUnk iur bnaiiiei- Uoair.
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bond, Oregon
U "Conservative Banking for
expected to liu found without much
more drilling. A ilcptlt of Ml foot
1 ii id been iciiclicil yiwtorday.
A ropronontntlvo Bond audience
heard Mrx. Jackson Bllbnugh of Sc
uttle, n National W. C. T. U.
Hponkor, iIImcuhm the temperance
question at tliu church last night,
Mrs. Hillmugh allowed horaelf to bo
a forceful nnd fluent iticukcr, tunk
Ing an Impresalvo talk. In the
course of her address she referred
So tho recent clean-up of Seattle,
illicit has been credited to the
women votern of that city.
AtMe , nWft
Engineer Hatter Says llrldgo Should
He Completed Hy l.t of July
Here (letllnit Hvldence.
Oregon Trunk trnlna will be run.
nlng Into Hend by September 1,
according to J. C. linxter, luwtatant
chief iinglneor. Ho auyH that the
Crooked Ktvcr bridgu ahould be
completed nt tho very latent by the
hint of July and that U0 dayn nhould
'-' 'imp o time for the road k largo
... . . ., ,, ,
track-ay ntc crew to k-1 the line in
, ., , ,
bIimih.' from the river to Hend.
I.. Griawold. division-engineer; H.
! K. Keif, claim intent; Hnrriann
Allen, attorney, and Mr. Baxter
were hero the latter part of last
week compiling evidence in the In-
! tinifltlnn utttid tltttlnli linl'it luLitn
"""'"" , "u"" t ""'" . '
lii.iiifvlit lii A A A ntlifinv firifl Mftrl
.. '
Kelly to prevent the building of the
Iytlo spur. Tho Circuit Court re
cently granted the railway'a de
murrer to the joint auit of them?
plnlntills, but allowed them to
amend their complaint by filing
separate actions. Ilia undcratood
. in ,., ,. ,
that they will take this step.
UxercUra In Honor of Old Soldiers
Held Here Yesterday.
Honor waa done veterans of the
Civil War in Hend yoatordny by the
HUHiienalon of IiuhIiiviw and the hold-
Ing of Memorial Day uxerciae. A
program waa given at the church.
ter which tho grave of the horoe
'' initio at the cemetery were
decorated. Tho nddrwt at the
c,u" wm Hvcnil by Rev. W. L.
Wlliwn, and talks wore made by
aeveral comrade.
Thu buaiuuaa hnuaoa all cIomhI in
the forenoon, und many of them
exorcise waa furnlahed by
Consorvativo People.".
I'lrxt-lland Knov.lidjce of Central Ore
gon la Obtained to It LUed In
liait I!. C. Lecdy ay More
I'coplo are Coming.
Wider and more effective exploit
ation will be obtained by Central
Oregon a tho result of a tour now
being mndu through thia
Hill olllclala. A party of hIx wn In
Ilcnd Monday night, leaving yester
day morning for I'owell Huttc,
l'rlnevillo, Madron and other iolnU.
Tlioae making thia Inunction nnd
get-ac(uainted trip are K. C. I.'edy,
general immigration agent of thu
('.. N of St. Paul; P. V. Craham,
weatem industrial and immigration
agent, Portland; W. C. Wllken,
aaat. frt. and pawi. agt Port
land; J, T. Hanly, Irnv. frt. and
pax, agent, of Portland, und W. K,
French and 0. A. Atwood of St.
Mr. French Ib in charge of the
Oregon demonstration car In the
Fast and Mr. Atwood of the Wash
ington cor. They are looking over
the country In order that they may
have flrHt-hnnd knowledge nnd be in
a aaition to do more effectual work
In letting the Kimtorn ieople know
of the opiKirtunltie offered by Cen
tral Oregon.
The party, with the oxception of
Mr. Hardy, drove up to Iji Pine,
accompanied by J. F. Sawhill, Mon
day afternoon nnd returned that
evening. It wan the first visit to
thnt part of the state for several of
them nnd they stated that they
were well pleased with tho country.
"There Is great Interest U the
Fnst in Central Oregon," said Mr.
Ixtjdy, "and I look for mnny more
newcomer to this section during
tho summer and fall. Ixw rate
round trip homiMteokors' tickets are
now on sale nnd this will allow
tho) looking for a new location to
come out cheaply, see the country
and return to mnko preparation
for moving out horc."
Sunset Magazine for June
"In Apple Und" by Waltor V.
Woehlke, beautifully illustrated in
four color, "Tho Hlggest Job In
the World" by Frank Savile. the
present status of the Punnmn Canal.
"Tho Spell" by tho Williamson.
Ask your news dealer.
Full Stock of
Builders' Supplies
Of all kinds now on Imnri. Finest
line of Cottnire Doors in
Central Oregon.
Keep out that enemy of mankind,
thu Hy, with
.Screen Doors.
.'t (The kind that you
the price'
, Suve money hy buj ing your shovels
' pitchforks, stoves, hails aud other
1 hardware at the storo of
Dr. rietcher lloman Delivers Address
To Large Audience Seniors (live
Orations In Creditable Manner
- Manor Koll of the Year,
With Dr. Fletcher Unman, presi
dent of Willamette University,
present to deliver tho address to the
graduating class, the commence
ment exercises of the High School
were held last Wednesday evening
nt the church. The auditorium,
decornted esjcclully for the occas
ion, was filled to capacity, many
lcrsons standing, and the progrum
was interesting.
Tho nddress of Dr. Homan was
nn able one. He tpoke for the
most pert on tho value of good
humor and the philosophy of laugh
ter, and showed that ho practiced
what he preached by relating n
number of anecdote that convulsed
his hearers.
The four members of the gradu
ating clotw occupied places on the
rostrum and delivered orations in n
creditable manner. All were highly
complimented by Dr. Homan. Lyle
Richardson's subject was "Immi
gration," Steve Steidl spoke on
"Tho Place of Play." iTruco Deyar
mond on "American Industrial Edu
cation" and Max Ilichnrdson on
"The Call of the Wost."
Following Dr. Homan's address
Principal Harrington delivered
diploma to to tho graduates, an
nounced tho roll of honor and said
n few words of farewull.
The evening exercises were given
ndded interest by the musical pro
gram rendered. Mis Graves played
"UIgolctto" as n piano solo; Mrs.
Lindborg sang "Unto Thy Heart,"
with violin obligato by Miss Iva
Went and accompaniment by Mis
(irnvoti, and Mia West gave a violin
solo, "Logendo," in her usual skill
ful manner. The invocation and
benediction were by Rev. C. M.
Tho following i tho honor roll of
the High School for the year:
Ilruce Deyarmond, 92.7
Max C. Richardton. 91.3
Huiily Schtcdcr, 93.6
Margaret Yv'Iett, S9 3
Ivan McUillvray, 94 4
Ray Deyarmond, 86.5
Claude McGillvray, 94
Claude Kelly. 93 5
Hellena Roictt, 93
Thotc making the belt Kradc in the
want is hovo and
is right.
1 1 ,V 1 r n ii; 1 " 1 ii
MIkIi Kchnol. all cliir, were:
( villi Mcljlllvray, 91 4
Kinllv Schreder. 93 (
Claude McOillvray,
Claude Kelly. 93 5
Maruarrt Wleiit wan (he only llluh
ScIkmiI atiiilent neilher aUent nor tardy
during the year.
The following In the honor roll of the
UlKhlh Marion Lawrence, 96.7; Hazel
Thorton, .l.
Seventh lona Springer, 96; Suite
Kelly, 9t 7.
Sixth Margaret Thompson, 91,7;
Maliel Douxln, 90 5.
J'lflh-Hthel Clark, 95; .Nina Splnlng,
9I.8; Marie HroiterhouM, 91 8.
fourth Clara Vlnyard, 90.6; Hertha
Welch, 89 4.
Third laaic Hedell, 938; Ida N!
wonder, 93 1; Kuth I'leininR, 9? 8.
Second No Kradea reported.
I'irst IxiU Triplclt, 947; Maonle
Llnnter, 94 3; Oorii Pattie, 94. 1,
Neither atent nor tardy during the
rear Ronald Seller and Haren Grant
of the ecund K'de; Cora Hate, fourth
Six Und Young Men to Drive Through
To The Dalle--Will Carry Pcnnanla
To Uooat Their Home Town.
Leaving here next Sunday, a
party of six young men of Bend will
start for Portland by auto. John
Linstcr will take thorn In his Jack
son car. Tho following are the
other members of the party: Ward
II. Coble, Horace N. Steele, Chester
Springer, Clarence Youngstrum and
Hal E. IIoss.
Tho route to be taken is by
Shaniko, with Moro as the first
night's stopping place. From Moro
the young men will go to The
Dallos. There they expect to loave
their car and complete the journoy
by boat down the Columbia River.
Everywhere the six go they In
tend to let it be known that they
arc from Hend as they will take
along n good supply of Bend pen
nants. They will spend a week in
Portland "doing" the Rose Festival.
Mr. Hos.1 will go to Salem to visit
relatives for a month before re
turning here.
Tho party may drive up the Will
amette Valley to Medford, then to
Crater Lake nnd join the Commer
cial Club party at Klamath Falls.
J. D. Rice, the local boxor, who
recently gave Louie Long n knock
out, has boon matched with Ed. Cud
of Denver, Col., for a ten-round
bout to be held at Linstcr's Hall
Friday evening. Four preliminary
contests have also been arranged.
Attention is called
to an error
which appeared in the advertisement
of The Bond Company, lumber de
partment, lost week. The prices
given were for Tho Bend Lumber
Co., a mistake having been made
over the telephone
similarity of names.
owing to the
The First National Bank
Dr. U. O. COE, Pr.ild.nt C. A. SATHCR. Vic Prtdnt
O.8. HUDSON, Oithlar
Capital rullr paid S25.00O
SlockholdtiV liability - - IB.OOO
. Surplui .... . SS.000
Stntamont of the First National Bank of Bend, dragon;1"
A rHiiird to tha Traaturr
Wathlnctan, O..
Loan; m4 Dbemwu 47M
a wnkiuif ajw uo.. ijaooM
PuruUurr ami ttatarra... .... i.aaaoa
V. . lkiid and Prcmlanib. K.Am jo
Wh IVr C UadanipOjm Ihiad......, taa.o
....... ........ Uh.I
DIR It'C T .0 R S:
U. C C0 It- A- SATHJ K a.-fi, MUUMINt- t (
J, l. SMITH , II. Q. IILLISm . - M tl
While Me Sleep, Cabin Catchea on
Fire and He Haa to Fight Way
Out Waa on Pithing Trip up
the Deachutca River.
By the narrow margin of one
minute, Charles Titus of Powell
Butte escaped being burned to
death in a shack seven miles up tha
river Saturday morning. As it was,
he was badly burned on both hands
and the left side of his face and
now lies in the Bend Hospital under
the care of Dr, B. Ferrcll.
Mr. Titus, with Ed. Smith, came
over from their homes at Powell
Butte Friday to spend the week-end
fishing in the Deschutes. They
went up the river and camped in an
abandoned shack. Early Saturday
morning the two went out to try
their luck and as the fish were not
biting well Mr. Titus returned to
tho cabin to get some more sleep,
having been up late the night be
fore. There was a small fire in the
fireplace when he lay down but not
enough to appear dangerous.
After he had been asleep some
time, Mr. Titus awoke to find the
roof and the side of the house where
tho door was afire. Rolling the
bedclothing about his head, he made
his way out of tho cabin through
the flames. In doing so he wa3
badly burned but saved himself by
jumping Into the river. The team
was tied near the burning shack and
as soon as Mr. Titus had drenched
himself in the river ho returned and
rescued the animals.
It is his belief that if he had slept
one minute more ho would have
been burned to death. He .says
that the blaze started in the roof as
there was no floor near the fireplace
to catch.
Mr. Smith was away fishing at
the time and as soon as he returned
sot out with his burned companion
for Bend for medical treatment.
Dr. Ferroll says it will be six or
oight weeks before Mr. Titus can
use his hands. He is practically
helpless, being unable to feed him
solf. Trespass Notice.
Notice is hereby given that stock
found at large In Wiestorla will be
sent to the city pound and all par
ties interfering with, cutting or
hauling away any material from tho
ditches connected with Wicstoria
will be dealt with according to law
I 11-12 L. D. WlEST.
Dfiartmfil f tlw Uflttad 84aa.
O.. Marah ?
7WI. fWI
tlABMJTIBa .ii, .,
Caaiul paid la lOL. ,.,, - , .JJaaw u
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' TOMI ....4w .. Wi'ii.fcj -it
I, II. HMKI), tl'ichleut) J. W. MASTKUh, (te I'mUilnul)
!'. O. MINOR, (Secretary)
. I,. II. HAIKU, 1'. O. MINOR, S. V. UA1IID.
Wall Street
m ,wj sa aiM m sim ,u u a.m 2s,a a,i s,n
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