' i : I I Silver By REX BEACH CUI'YIUCIIT, I DOS, BY Horde Authof of 'Tl Spolleti" and Th Kwn.r' ' SYNOPSIS OP I'WIICI'.DINO CHAIMIiHP. ' Unrrt Km.rsnn ami "I'lnffllMs" r"rai Hilar KalvlH, Alaaaa. unit itirnl a yuuhl IIM. unman, Clirrry Malutta. who ! t lln-m Cherry durrllin tt aaltnon flahrl mill Mural). Ili utiscrufiuluiia lirad uf Hi Kiilvlk rmin.rlna Clirrry owns a tannrry alte llrnmon. Ilrur 1UII mid ln a Into wrltirr.li1i Mmrraoii ilrarrlln-a hla fallui. lu "lunar KinxI" In Alnh, I'.iiirricm klMra Clirrry jrmidtiy Half. lr-r mill llintrauii nrnrly lux ihrlr llvrs In Katmal iaaa and mlaa IIik strain rr hi Kattnal on their way nut lu set lai'llal Alter dreadful prhstluna they ratrh I ho Inial at Karitak am) ar. aeiii rti inula fur I'lilraKU. ISiiirreon ka Mlaa ill hi in) Waylalid, HIib ami llmrrann mo rtisnitrd Her fa. Ihrr. Waynn Uujliiinl la it inllllnnnlia Altnn Cl)it. nlTfla IIO.IMJ IohhiiI Ilia tan nery. Hall ami Itnierenn meet Mnrali In Chi mn Marali la n riillnr fur Mllilinl'a hand Mnrali Irlla Mildinl mImiuI I'hnry Maliitle II and Wklia Uu)lulnl lall k iminarlra irini Mlldlrd le-arna llml Citirimn ami Clirr ry am Htrllirta liana. r llllllard. Heallle. irtliara III I Hill Klhi-raiH) IIW.MU Clirrry. who liaa nnltrd In Hrattla arrrpta a din irr Invitation fium lhlllaid Cliarry dinners thai Kmeraon la In marry Mildred Marali rauira a mm) In dalaya fur llmrraon's trly Tatnm re. him Kiner.on a loan I'lyd eus'seata that Chriry tan gat (ha Ivan (rum till Hard Itinarimi rnrasee Cherry hy rrttlrlsln lir friendly lelatluna Willi Milliard Cher ry wa llllllard, who uneictedly fur Illative Ilia rniinay Mar.h rauaee a alrlka, ilrlaytn Ilia loading uf Kinrraon's ma thlnrry. Haifa rlahermen flsht the atrlaere I'ra r aliMila a alrlkrr and liiiiKinatfi lltlieirun fur wlmm a waxiatil U leauej i -.-- It Ma on llie aftrnioon fullun lnu lili arrlrnl that Mb rati fur n tour of liitpcilon landed from lilt Inuncti anil atrollnl up to nlicrv llojrtl Kmvraou was at ork. II. was icrittrti cour trouitjr. If n bit coolly, nnd fuuud, in oil tlirlr latt nirvtlne, tlmt till onrn Ix-nrlim mm rvflrctrtl exactly l tlaat of lloj.1. "I you Imtp a iiuiiiIht of my oM flilirriurii." Mnrali jlicn !. Vra: wrr funuimic." -Vou aro rry lucky." "Inilrni: llowr "U'i'll, iIipii'i you tlilnk j on rrcrc lucky 10 lirni llml atrlkt-r' "It wnin'i nltok'ctlivr luck. However. I do coiialdcr iiiyaolf forliilinli In caplnc at tliii Inl moim-ut." lUiyd IhukIipiI rnilly. "Ily thv tvny. ulmt liniriird to tli mni) tlicy mlaiook for mo?" "11 him Ko. I U'llwe. I dldu't pay much attention to tho mnitvr. I rather ttiltik you will lifnu a lot to rxplulii one of lliitMj ilnyt," ho anld, wltU do lllxTntu tiipiiacu. "With (V).UUO cntra of anlmoii alxiard the lU-tlforil Cnatlu I will explain any Ihllik. Mranwtillo the iollio limy no to thodi-tl!" "Von ot a way from Bcattlp, but I tier 1 n cumnilailutier at Dutch llnr tKir. nUo a deputy marshal, ulio may have IhjIIit ucvia with a warrant thnti thoao Mjlcemcti hnd." The truit'a inunnKiT could uol keep down the nu try I rumor In Ida voice, and thv other, crclrliiK It, replied lu a man lier dcalgtifd to turinmo lilm kiIII moro: "Yea. I linvo heard of thoao ulllcer. I uiiiteratnnd they aro both lu your employ." "WhnlP "I henr you liovu boiiKht them." "Do you menu to lliilnuiili'" "I don't meati to IiihIiiuiiIv aiothliii;. I.Uten! Wo nro uhrre wo vtu tit Ik plainly. Mnrali, nnd I urn tired of all thin (iiliterftico. You did what you could to alop me, you euii tried to lime im tilled" "You dure to" "Hut I k'tii'H It inner iK'curred to you that 1 mny bo Juat in ilewpornlo ii a you ore. I broke thmtiKh In aplto i of you, nnd I'm on the Job If you v-nut to cry ipiltn, liu nIIIIiik. but I won't bo ImlktHl, and If nny of your hired IlliiraliuU try to take pie before I put up my catch I'll put you nwuy. Uiiilerntnnil)'' WIIIIn Miirnli recolliil Involiiutnrlly. "You nro liiHiuie!" liu cried "Am I J" Kiiieraou lunched Immlily. "Well, I'm Juat emxy elioiili to do nliut 1 mi)'. Don't come I hi ok here until I Kcud fur you. Something mlKht mil on you." Then It U to be wnr. eh?" ".Suit yourself." Ilo) d pointed to tho alioro. A a Mnndi iiiiulo liU uny to the n 4 4 4 II A II PC II f D HOT II tilt I 4B4 "Uelln. while folka'. Mere wo are nil together hkiiIii." They tlirmil in belnild n illlnltioua look In u' mini itfit mttiK heulKiily upon I irtii. lie wna dirty, lit ilollicu were lu rnim. and llironuli u rlotoua brlatle of beard thnl hid Ida t tit li feiiliirea a minify patch allowed on either cheek It wn iimleiiinlily "riniriTleaa" I'r-M-r but how I'hiiUKiil. how nllereil. from I lint nulla nl flower of Indolence they had known' He wna pnllld. emaciat ed nnd lilrnj.'i;lii!. "I'raaer!" I hey crlril lu rhonn, then fell iiimiii him noUlly. l'ror drew Ulmelf up with Injtin-d dlirulty, then "poke lu diiimntlc c tenia "I worked m way!" "How? Where?" "On thnl I.Iih.iI.i wind )niimi-r " "Hut the - Hi " iinriil lloyil. "Oil. I aipinri-il lliein eii.i. Il'a rim they mini i-. air, I wurked. I'm n cullory iiiiild " "Tell lia iilmiil ll." iircul Cherry "Wbnt'a ll.e He?" he ili'iimlnliil. with n clire in CI) ile '"I h.il Uoir hend wiiuliln'i uiidi rainnd " "CJo nheiid." Ilojil aeeoinled, wild twIichliiK Up "You liMik ii If you hnd worked, mid worked linnl" "Well, iheru ain't any I'ullmam run tiliiK ic (hi reaori, ao I now awny on u coal burner, but aoniebody Oaci me. Then I try to hire out na a flahennan. but I ain't there with tho gang talk and my miff drnt. ao I Di It for a hide-away on the llleaaed lale llial'a her tiam. Tan ynu tK-nt that for a moiinker? Ttila anllor of mine Irou Chlnka rlcht nwny," "Whnt'a up'" "I don't know, but aomcthlng la w run jr." A hurried examination allow ed the mnililncM to bu lunnluiily crl pledi certain pnrla were enllrely mlaa Ink' while other were broken. The Iron Chink, or mechanical clemier. la pcrluipa the moat liiKcnloua of tint miiiiy lulxir anvliiK derliea uaed lu the aiillnoli llaherlee, It la nil awk wnnl looklnir. yet wry effect he con frlviuiee of renhliiK kuhea and con e)ora which aelrea the IIhIi whole mid deliver It (Ii'iiiikI. illpped. lilt nnd remly to be wimhed Willi allperhu iliini dexterity II linen the work of, twenty IlKhtnlni. like blllehera Willi but Hie nil! of Iheae Iron Chink lloyd knew Hint hla lluli would mkjII before they could be Innnllnl lie liiiMleniil Mtiilifhlwny lo (leorce Unit. A half Loiir nil. down Ihe liny mill lioclillil U'nil from hi litumh to the pile ilrlwr. where, nuild the i-oiifulon and iioInp. he niiiile known hla llilliift. The blK felluw'a tiillillieaa iiuuixed lllin. "Whnt nre you koIiik lo do now?" "IIUK'her by hniid." an Id ihe flihcr djuti. "Itui Imw? Thnl take iklllrd labor -Iota of It." 2ori(e k'rlnti'Hl. "I'm too old a bird to be roueht like tula rldeuta from the atari, and when I hired in) Chluiiuieu I liK'ludid H crew uf illlleia Ulllla yiurah Will Il-Hu tu try iiunlii-" Oeor expect we will be out all the expuime of bulldliiK llml trap." "iixnctlyl It' a fBHlmitlut? buil neaa, lau't II? It' a builneaa lu which thv uiicxpii'd I forever IiuiuIuk. Hut the aliike nre lilk'li. uiidl know you will auu'eeiL Hy the ivny," tho contliiueil, "lime you heard the his toric alory nlout the pink tulmou?" Ho shook hla hend. "Well, there n a certain shrewd old cannery mnli In Wnaliliiyion stalo whoe rntch foiialaied nlmoat wholly of pink llili. As you know, tlmt vnrle I ly iIim-s uol brink' fit high n price a , red siilmon. like theio Well. DnillllK j Hint he could not sell tils cnlrli. owlllK to Hie puptiliir prejudice iilxnit color. i una inn (j pnnnii u ioi in sitikiiik Clin I IhI...Im .. l.t-.l. .....I III.... ....!.. w I can't tell what "rrusKii!" llixr ciiuit IK cuoiica, cm KIMd ( Rrub me. but bo never shows fur forty-clk'ht bourn or yeur. 1 fork'vt which. Anyhow, I stand It at loiik' at I can, theu I dlk' my way up to a hntcli and mew like a bouse cat It seems (hey were hep from the start, and battened me down on purposa then made liook ou how lone I'd stay hid. Oh. It's a funny Joke, nnd they all set n aloinnch Much when I show. When I offer to pay my wny they're Insulted. Mxl that ain't their graft. They wouldn't tnke money from a stranger Oh. no) They permit me to work my wny The scullion tins quit, see? Ho they promote me to his Job." "You deserted thts morning, eti?" "I did. I wnut a bath nnd tome clean clothe and u whole hit of sleep." Ile was granted tits desire. The llfdford Cuatle having dlschnrg cd her enrgo steamed nwny to return lu August. The middle of .111 no brought f tit first king salmon, scouti sent ou nhend of Ihe "aockcyo." but tlo)d innilo no ef fort lo tnke nilvnutnge of Mil run, ta iloring manfully to proKiro for tho nil- riiAiTi:it xiv. IIII. I! iliey were iiilklug a lug- built lowing ii pile drher mine Iiiim view Io)il iii-knl Hie llieiiullik' of Ita present e III Ihla part of Hie iher "I don't know." tteorxt". ainrlng Intently Yonder looUa like nnollier one Ih-IiIihI It- wllh u mfl of piles." i "I thought nil the company traps were up al renin." "Bo they are. I they're up to." A half hour later, when the new , flotilla had come to anchor a short I dlatance below, Kmrrson's companion been n to swenr. , "I might linvo known lt.M whiity I "Mnrsh alms to 'cork' us." "What Is that?" "He's going to bulk) a trap on each side of this one and cut off our flab." "flood lrd! Can he do that?" "Sure! Why not? The law give us 000 yards both ways. A long us he stay outside of that limit lie can do anything he want to." Then of what uio Is our trap? The salmon follow definite courses close to the slMire. and If he Intercept them lie fun they reach us why. theu we'll get only what he lei through." 'Thill's hi plan." said dig fJeorce sourly. "If nu old gnme. but It don't nln work You can't tell whnt silmo'i will do till they do It. 1'te studlid this jmlllt of In lid for five yenrs, nnd I know more alrout It than ant.tdy else except the Creator. If the flah hug the shore, then we're up agnlnxt It. but I think they strike In about here: t lint's why I chose this site. We can't tell, though, till the run stnrt All we enn do now Is sco that them H-ople keep their distance." The "lend" of a salmon trap con sist of a row of web hung piling that run out from the shore for many hun dred feet, forming a high, flout fence that turn the schools of flail nnd leads them Into cunningly contrived luclo sure, or "und." at the outer ex tremity, from which they nre "brallcd" a needed. These corrals are so built that oncu the (lib nre Inalde they cannot pcbk. The entire struc ture U devised upon the principle that the snlmtin will not mnko a short turn, but will swim a nearly at possible In n straight line. It looked to lloyd at it .Mara ii, ny mocking mo line or prog ress nbore ami below, hnd virtually deatroyed tho ettlclency of the new trap, rendering the cost of Its construe Hon a total Ion. Thnt evening when ho had teen the night thlft ttnrtcd l.niomon decided to walk up to Cherry' house, for he vn worried over the dny'a develoi mcut nnd felt thut an hour of the girl's Hocluiy might serve to clear his thoughts. Cherry' house wa situated a short a nee of the main army, that terrific ,i.lnlll.. niMlvp ii,o ennnerv which .. horde Hint was whiii to come from the ' , n WI Marsh's hoiuhiunrtorn. and iiiysierioiia tiepins eiuier lo nmi.e or ruin hint, Oncu the run proper Marled label, which rend. 'Heat Ornde I'luk Hiilmon. Worm tiled Not lo Turn lied J li ihe i'iiu' They tell me It worked like n charm," "No wonder!" lloyd laughed. "I wish I Were n limn." she went on. ! "I'd llko to engage In a bualm-a of this ! tort, something thnt would require In genulty and daring. I'd like to handle Ms affairs." 'There ts ynur copper mine You surely tin rid led that very cleverly." ' Cherry's expression altered, and the alio! a .mirk t'lmiei. uf lilm m-i Ii wnt , I figured ot- nc- ' 01, "How I It comfig along, by the wny? I hiivsu't lieu id you mention It lately." "Very well, I In-Hove. The men were down the other day unit toid niv ll ( whs h big thing." "I'm ilellghted. How dm- It seem to be rlehr "l-l hardly know Hlili! That has, nlwny been my driiiui. mni tei" j "! In wonderful feature about i answered Dig divum." he look nihnutiike of her pum-e lo any. "I Hint they come true." I "Xot nil of them- not ihe real, won derful drenui." she returned "Oh. yes! My dream Is coining true, and to I yourt." "I have given up hoping for that." the an hi. without turning. "Hut you shouldn't give up. Ilemrro- ber that all the great thing ever ac complished were only dream at first, and the greater the accomplishments j the more Impossible they teemed to j begin witu." 1 1 something In the girl s attitude and In her slleuce made him feel that bis words rang hollow and commonplace. While they hsd talked an unaccus tomed excitement hnd been mounting In his brain, and It held htm cow In a kind of delicious embarrassment. It was as If both had been suddenly en folded In a new and mysterious un derstanding without the need of speech. He did not tell himself that Cherry loted him. but he roused lo a fresh iM-ni-plluii of her beauty and fell himself privileged lu her rieamc. It may hare been the unusual ardor of hi gnxo thnt warmed her checks and brought her eye back from the world outside. At nny rate, thv turned. flnalihiL him it alurlliil flnnrn that caused his pulae to leap anew. Itl.ilngj silently, she weut past him to the'(S piano. Never before had the surprised that look lu hi eye and at the mill ml Ion n wnvo of coufuslon surged over her 8ho ttroto to cnlm herself through tier music, which shielded while It gave expression to her mood, and neither spoke a the evening ihndowi crept In utiou them. Hut the girl' exnltntlon was abort lived: the thought came that lloyd' feeling was but transitory: he was not the sort to burn lasting Inrcuae ln-fore more than one shrine. Nevertheless, at this mo ment he was hem. nnd In the Joy of thnt certainty she let the moment tup. They heard a child crying tome where In the rear of the bouse and j Chakawana's voice soothing; then In n i moment the Indian girl apenrcd In the doorway, saying something nbout i going out with Constantlne. Cherry acquiesced halt consciously. Impatient of the lutrunlon. llojd finally rose nnd. going to the door, saw that tho sky was deeply overcast, rendering the night at dark ns In a far lower latitude. "I've overstayed mr welcome." he I ventured and imlletl nt her uusweriug laugh. I With n trnco of solicitude the tntd: "Wnltl I'll get you n rolncont." Hut ' ho reached out a detaining tinnd. In I tho darkuess It encouutorvd tho bare flesh of her arm. "I'lenso dou'tl You'd hare to strike a light to llnd It, apd I don't waut u light now." "It has been n ploosnut cveulng," tho : tcr'M edge ho stumbled like n blind man; bis IIm wuro bleeding whore Ills i -mull, sharp teeth hail bitten the in, nnd ho punted llko nu hysterical wo man, ' During the next fortnight tho snlllng ship begun to nssumble, standing In , under ii grout tprend of canvas to berth clonu alongside tlio two stoam ships. On the morning after the arrival of tho Inst tlilp Kmursou uud hi com panion were (rented to n geuulno tur- Uprise, Cherry had coma dowu to the tlte at usual the could not let a day igo by without visiting the place nnd Clyde after a tardy breakfast hnd Just come athoro. 'I hoy were watching Hlg 'George direct tho launching uf a scow when all of a tuddeu they heard a ft . miliar toJco behind them cry cheer- Hoyd'H Mth uivessnrlly took him imst his oiioiuv'a verv hIi-hiil-IioIiI. I'IiicIIiil- I there would lie no more oppiiriiiiilt)' j ,uo lUt, too Mttll ,0 ,Hr,t of .w1H1nB said Inanely. for building or for setting up inuohln- bonoiith Hui dock, lie turned tin union- I "1 MV" '0 f ",0 flrtt time tonight, the buildings, where, to his surprise, he ,-"rj. turn- i.u utfuu to uo . encountered his own day foreinnu talk , yu" , Ing wirnesily with n slrangor. I A8nl" uo "'' '" wrt leap. Heach- The llNliermiiu slnrted guiltily. ' "ul ,u "J fcwuuy, ins iinuti siuipeti ery. -lie mum lie remly and waiting by the llrst of July. Tor some time lilt tin machines hnd been buy night uud day I urn lug out grout lnHipt of gloaming enn. while the cni'pouier mid inaclilnUiH com pleted their IiihI.. 'J'lio gill uetlem were overhntillng their gour, the bench was llnetl with llahlng bonis. On (heir dock great plloti uf seines nnd drift not ero being Inspected. Three iiiIIoh below lllg (leorge with n picket! crew nml n pllcdrhcr wan building the flHhtrnp. II consisted of half mile "lend," or rows of piling, enpped with stringer upon which netting was hung and terminated lu "lionrts," "corrals" nml "spllleru." Hie Intricate nrrniigo menu of webbing and tlmbcra out of which the llsh were to be taken. A for lloyd Hie fever lu bit veins mounted dully a bo taw hi droit hi assuming concrete form. Ahvny he found Cherry at til shoulder, unob trusive aud silent for tho mutt part, yet Intensely observant nnd keenly nllve to every nctlou. Sho seemed to have tho faculty of dlvluuHon, know ing when to be tlleut aud wbeu to Join her mood wllh hla, aud the gave htm valuable help, for the jiosscssed a praetrjal mlud. -One day when their preparations were ucarly completed a foreman came to lloyd nnd said ex citedly; . . , "What tiro you doing here, I.nrscu?" inked llo)d. "I Just wnlkitl up after supper to have a talk with an old mate." "Who Is her "He's Mr. Marsh' foreman." Kiucrxou npoUo out bluntly: "See here. I dou't like this. Those people have cnim-d me n lot of trouble ul ready, uud 1 don't wnut my men hang-1 Ing around here." "Oh, Hull's nil right," said Israeli carelessly. "Him nnd me used to Huh together." And ita If this were a sutll clout explanation he turned back to hi cotivcnmtluu. leaving Kmorsou to pro ceed on his way. He found Cherry nt home uud, fling lug himself Into one uf tier eusy clmlrs, relieved his mind of the day's occur rences. "Marsh is building those traps pure ly out of tpltc, the declared Indig nantly when ho hud Uulahed, "He doetu't need nny more tlsh he ha plenty of trap farther up the river." JTfljx urel It look a It, wo ru.lgbt, have to depend upon the gill nutters." "We will know before long-. If tho fltb ttrlke In where George expect Harsh wlll.b out prelty.pDny." "jEd if ita 'do-Tittiitrto w- down over her urm llko a caretM until , her palm lay In hit. i With trembling, geutlo bauds the , pushotl hi in from her. When the black bulk of Marsh's can nery loomed ntiond of Kiuersou he loft the gravel liench mid turiUHl up among the buildings, seeling to retrace his former course. As he turned the cor ner of the tlr.t building he Hourly ran ugnltist u mati who was standing mo tionless against the wall. Thu fellow, with it sharp exclamation, vanished Into the gloum. Huytl lost no time tu gaining the plank runway th.it led to tho dock uud, tludlug nu angle lu the building, bucked lutu It uud waited Krotii his momentary Klliupxe of the uiau us be mudu off he know thut ho wus tall uud active Just the tort of person to prove dangerous lu uu eu couutcr. Hut If his suspicious were correct there must ho others close by, and lloyd wondered why he had beard no slguul. After u breathless watt of a moment or two he stole cautiously out. and. leleotluir the darkest shad- 'bwi, illpped from due" to auother till be was caught by (ha sound of voice Issuing- from the yswulug entrance of Hi malu bulkltug on bit right. The It Will Pay You in dollars nnd cents nnd in the sfttisfndlion of having . a the very best, to trnde nt vJ cl t U T S Fine Stock of Dry Goods and SHOES Just Received. We Sell Only tho Best Line of Footwear. The Famous "GOTZIAN" and "SELZ" SHOES. They "fit li ke your footprint." It Will Pay You in dollars and cents and in the satisfaction of having m . 9 the very' best, to trade at J I L H e I S THE OLD RELIABLE E. A. SATHER GENERAL MERCHANDISE BEND, OREQON (WEIL BROTHERS COMPANY, Inc. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS nnd JOBBERS IN WINES, LIQUORS and CldARS COLE AGENTS for Stonewall and McCoy Whiskies, and The Napa Soda Springs Min eral Water. Distributers for Edel Brau, Schlitz nnd Kainier Beers. We also carry a larjie line of Glassware, Bar Towels, Ploying Cards, etc., especially adapted to the saloon trade. Orders by phone or mail will receive prompt and careful attention. Madras, Oregon DESCHUTES Addition Adjoins Bend on the south. Most beautiful residential sec tion in Bend. REASONABLE PRICES Also Some Choice Business Lots. Timber Lands Bought and Sold. HUNTER & STAATS WALL STREET, BEND, OR. Subscribe for The Bend Bulletin$1.50 a year. Attractive , premium offers and clubbing rates. & Doit, I'd UU you to look nt tlit wkere """ (To t eontiriueU.) r rt ..,