1 BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REALTY Of All Kinds Bougnt, Sold and Exchanged. We have a very extensive H.t of DESCHUTES VALLEY IRRIGATED LANDS. We bring the Property Owners and the Outside Buyers together. BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Hotaliug BUIrm Wall St., Bend, Ore. We arc prepared Tor the rush of homesteaders. We keep two men in the field and can locate you on the host lands ojwn for entry. Auto and team service to lands. JH WHEAT SOIL LOUIE Hi' II OF 111 -1 JL 1- tl 1 L7v "THE most refreshing drink, the best of all sprint; tonics and the purest bever a jr c obtainable, is BUDWEISER BEER The Silvertooth Saloon is the best place in Central Orejron to buy beer. Our private cold storage plant, soon to be erected in Itand, will Rive us every facil ity for properly hand ling beer. At Port land the beer will be loaded into refriger ator cars direct from the cold storage, nnd hauled to Bend and placet! in our cold storage without beiwr allowed to vary one degree in temperature. Any expert chemist will tell you that this is the only way to keep beer RIGHT. And that's the way you want it, of course. If our schooners aren't large enough, we'll put a handle on a keg for you. Yours to please, The Silvertooth WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS Family Liquor Store. CornerBontl and Oregon Sts. tms a J3end jyjachine hop All Kinds of Saw Mill and Farming REP-AI"RS We Carry a Large Stock of Auto Repairs and Supplies Wall St., next to Opera House FUNERAL DIRECTORS EMBALMERS UNDERTAKERS A Full Line of UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES WEST & NISWONGER J. I. West C. P. Nlswonjjer EXPERT PRONOUNCES IT BASALTIC SILT Prof. John Pulton Says Crook County Sample Is Like What Itaa Made Northern Counties of State Famoui for drain. Soil that is as good as any In Ore gon for wheat raising and that Is unequaled for its water-rotnining qualities is that of the Hig Meadows country, south of llond, is the opinion of John Fulton, professor of chemistry at the Oregon Agricul tural Colloge. who confirms what has been said by othur experts re garding Crook county soil. A sample of "clay" from the Allen ranch, on Little Itivur, was sent to Prof. Fulton for analysis. After examining it he pronounced it "baialtlc silt" and declared It similar to the soil of Northern Ore gon count iv which has made them fnmom already ns a wheat lelt. His letter stating the roault of the annlysis is a follows: Mis. C It Allrii, Hcml. Ore. Dear MuiUui 1 up'C ton hvr nUrn up hcarlnt: atiout -r miii. Ic oi clv lhtt r. celled lwr ome lim- i;ii for anliit. We aic nipti .lilu.ul with .ucli milk, nuil belli); lerv hutl) engaged in teach ItiK orlc, it ft only when we can find time on Salunlai that we can attend to tuWcrlUnroui nlye. The Mmple tent arar to he hat W known a Hvttaltic tilt" ami it not a proper clay. It it unite of an aiahle nature. At to i'.i ability to make hrick. it it not fittnt to mke khx! durahlc Illicit, except by proper iiiitiiii; anil trmperiiiK with material th.it roiiuim line at your tample any way it too c ally (ueil, l e . it run together too ejtily. In fart it IooU ami act for all the worM like the o 1 that it maLliiit the northern part of the ttatr fauiout for wheat I hate alto tried it for retaining watrr etc , anil It it ery kkh1 indeed. II jou hate one or two hundred acrct anil tl water on the land, try wheat anil k row rich. If )m can't Mini that atuouiit, you mhtlit ex periment with a ttnaller amount, ay about l(U fret ipire I will prnphrty that )ou will be urprled at the rctultt Vourt vrrv trul), JOHN I'U.TON. Fobl.J tht Poor 8avaQt. ttobvrt I.ouW Moti'iiHiiii uu'd to re Intc the folluttlui; Miitiaitii; atury told flui by a mm th him trader. Ilv hud been In the Imh4t uf currying nil Mirta of tinned meutt, nhkh the witlie buuglit mth nudity. Itacli tin im hrrttitleil tttth ii lulurod plciiire u cow for l?t'f. it nhmfji for mutton ami u tiah for minllne It li:ti-tit-d tlut thi llrm w hit h furn.alii'il tht iimtli.n thought It h ox"! I 'In ii to Hlivr It ImIh-Ih. thai Its kihhN m U III I hump mail) iliHilnKiiUlirtl from the other. The mark cUmii na the Hituie of a fnwk i-wili-il Slluiciiflll..' linliiMiial In u t'blmiHry mi hut. The nullum hi dim i' rmu- to the iMHicliinltui tlut the tint i-ontuim-d Mitiei mi4i,iimry. and there uui, u (.rmit run oil the liww ll.ie of cooja, Tht Poor Cnglith Landlord, I haw been it iiroiwri) ouuur for ntmrly forty jutim uml during Mint -rlod iiuvc 1 1- l from deprevlHiliiii vS. 0X, from uuiity hniuoa UU.tMJ uml from dufaulthm iriiuuu over tr,.mH. or a totul Iinm of out tto.ux) Uurlui; ih In forty youm I lme net it Limit ii a dufuiiltliiK IuiihiiI Iwiieat I'lmuKli to my u Hhllllnt; off the nrrenra ivhen once he reunited from the tielxlibor-hood.-l.cttvr lu liudoii Tele.-ruph. JOE QOODFELLOW TAKES JOHNSON NEXT Redmond Pujr Comes lack In (treat Shnpo as Ihibtlctty Artlat When Real Uatate Uutlncas Is Slack and Flailing Is Poor. Whatever Jady Kieo tlld to him In the ring Itule Ing him demon strated his ability to come back, as evidenced by the following pipo dream clipping from lite Spokane Spokesnian-Keview, In which local ( (ans will find their fellow citizen, i Joe Goodfellow, thrust Into thr limelight as another one of the 1)1' finds that some day will put "I.ll' Arthur" out of commission: Lome l.ouir, who uteil to thine lu till, eciiou a a lihtwciulii fuhier, ami iiHtd one, it in the iimI e.talr lmone it Kediiiond, Oickoii, in the Drtohule Vitllet. Iiittrad of i hiihIimk up ln fellow nun l.oiiu it iMtieiiiii; a lr wrt'er, kretdtn: trni'V. of hit laud ale He writrt Ihit he hit nullum; t " l hut ride around in an uulomohile ami iitte) the Ijnd'Cil-e with lintel, who hellvie what he It-lit ihrui. Hi- Hew ' name" u let ttreiiu mt thin the r in n. itml it eu litene I with tidlllli; tll. lvU -ill IK.-IIIK 04ni;ht on one ttti. I.uiie. it hrtl known to fame at the mil) man who eter knock ed Alirrli.i I lei r l ii llf eel e' . I.on. l-clile- hi leal rtlate eul.iii;lra liietn. Im a white Imi e lt (he iiHine ot Jor Itootlfrl ow, wltom he will evluliil u; ik.inc in n h rt time He it li )cait old, weight Jlo pmiiitt and ttamlt tu feet two. He hat had three tittlllt and won them nit Inn punch, a) l.oulr He think he will Wn world heater after a few- more finhtt, and it puttlne, him lluoinjh a couie of tproult eteryda) When l.nne. tellt nil the i;ehrutli land lu eattem Oietiou he it ipdoe, Iwok to the fight cauie, wbete he think he belong!. ISOTICUTO CHUDIIORS. In the Comity Court ot the Stale of Oregon, far the County of Crook, In the matter of the Kttale u( Ortoit I'. PorMiiu, ilecentedi Notice I hereby given, by the under lgneil, ndmlitUtratrlx ot tliq ettatr of Orton V, I'emont, deceated, to the cretl Itora anil all permnt havinn claim agalunt the ld drceaied. In prevent them terlflfd a required by tiw wllliln 6 month after thr flrtt puhllcallou o( till notice, to the tald admlulttnttrW, at the nlTlce of Vernon A. Corbet In the Pint National llatik liulldlng, llend, Oregon, ante beluR the place ot the Irautactloti of the liutlnrM of tald etate, In tald County an I Slate, Dated thlt 17th day of May, 1911. Ida Pkhsons, Ailmlnlttratrlx of the Itttateof Orton V. Pertout, lUceated, lo-U New PALACE MARKET 1 . Ctmrle Ihiyd, Crop, MEATS Vegetables, etc. CITY DRAY CIIAMI.KSIIOKTjnX. fMOf. I'lne Dry 16-Inch .Mill Wood. Already split for your cook stove, only $H.7f a cord delivered. Pioneer Wixxl Yard. Phono 11. tf Just try The Hitllctitt Job Printcry. Photo mailers, large and small, for sale at The Hulletin office. Induitrlou. "So your tluli U golutf to kIvp n lee turo lonllnV mild the lull auffrucette. "Wliut will Im; the tuple)" "Home luduatrloa." riKiiideU tho prenldeiit. "And whut do you consider homo la duntrlesV" "Why, our liUNbandi. who remain nl home uud mlud the bublea and wutli tho dlaboi while wo attend the club." Chlcaso Newa, Truthful. It was 4 a. in., nnd IHIklni crept softly Into tlie bouxe uud ruuiovod hU RhoeN, but aa be tiptoed upitalra one of tho treuda kovo a loud creak. "I that you. John?" demanded Mrs. XIII- klna from above. "No. my love." replied Utlklni. tho italrs." Judee. "It'i with NOTIOR FOR PUBLICATION. lllil'AKTMKNT 01' Till'. INTKKI0R United tttci Mail OlScc, ttThe Otllct.Orcgon, April nth, 1911 ti,iii 1. rrrt.v siren tint I'. Violet Hmlih, for jirrlr f v.oin Krea, 01 nena, wrcivn, won, 1 va !. - -r ..--. ' -V ." - . .u -.., ..!.. .. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Itoltltd 'I'KCt) 1'UOI.IC r,NI) HAI.U. No, 06 to J U. S. Land Office utTfac Utile, Orrton, irrn jin. 1911 Notice I hereby gi to thai, rtlrrued by Hie r the (ieneral I and Otice under .r... . 1 M iJua ftr iwl ml, mne. J. J!lji'. t. and f njf.ec 9,r.li.H.,H It pruvitlona of Art orioncreM tpprnvrd June J7, rfH....-""'., 'i,,...'.. fii'.i ,jl,r,f. loa& Public Nn.vii.wlllffr 1 ... ,1.11... I. ,A Wlliimnit-. '" '.,:"-" u. r .- .L , ..1.1.1..... M.,..i "."' ".'. , .- ...-'-.. ,. . vjvu,u . iiit.nn inc I'. leutlan w liftC riu. ,-..-j. -,"-; il,HhdOalitulul'je oetcnooi, ueiurc 1 jm i juue, ivn.i miipmce, inrioiiiwinE ii"r? J'lUt. U S ConimlMloncr tl hit office, at tract of Uud, lowll Hwjtf NHtf.andNWK HKhf. iuS,6ftdou. ou the JIM d.y of May. 1911. . IJ. T. 16 B. K. n, lUrt W."t. A ly xtvu - Cllmiil iwinr wituee! IrWogJ. Heed, cUlmlng adycrtely lhetedecle.TIiidre iiu. iK eeJ. Prrd A'HJnntll, Kd. P. Brotter- adritedlofile their cllro.,or oljectlou. on or h7,uj I ah T Swidl, ll of nud. Orf on. before the dy bore dnlnt1 fr !. UJi V-!-.. yy.Moo, Ktcuter. j-ii C. W. MOOU, RegltUr. Droke It Otntly. "Vou broke your encasement Ilia Jnulller?" "Yea. but I broke It ccntly." "Howr "Told her whnt my salary woa." Clevelaad Leader. Fur On. One day little Mnrcle nar n dray loaded with hldea piiaalni; the houao. "Oh. mainmn," hIio exclnlmed, "thero CoeH a mini with n whole htnek of cowh overconla!" ChleoBO News. Mutt Da Pretty, He Ilnre you ever looked In plans when you ore nnnyT 8he I'm never ancry when 1 look to flat. the No: lbs The Men's Tog'gery JUST RECEIVED TRUNKS SUIT CASES ' TELESCOPES AND HANDBAGS RIGHT PRICES RIGHT GOODS. A. L. FRENCH Oregon Street, IJKNO, OKU ! YOUNG CLARK I Engineers and ArchUcds Office temporarily with J. A. Eaatca, on Oregon St. We are prepared to handle Engineering and Architetftural Work of all kinds. Irrigation Engineering and Modern Bungalows our specialties. NOTICK VOU IH'llliU'ATION. IWh'ti"il irh tntrt.K. t' n l.M.Hm.rt Th llltt- Oirian Imi i?lh. i.i 1 Sivlle I. hrieliy lfn Ihil U i'lm I IM.ill 1141 nr ,'ih.i aViwi Nit lawn llrldltll, l of Uf Hd Ofveti Mh on ;4n,4t m'l llimi.itrrul Bl,y Ni w uJPM r 1 i( U wl ft, hft Altl M-tl.V if iHleilll.Ht It Hl.k. 11111 11 War l-fmil tur.uhli.h l.tni o, thr Und ,tM, e llrtrlbml Im-AiIV II I. KHl I K I.WIM iiUl,Mtei i lid uiN 11 Hri,tl ,, ,n on the ih dy uf Imhi- im iI.im4hi nm .il' 11 1 1 l UiImm ! A II tti t-1 1 !.' Ml 4,itoitt tai4tt frrUMm tit i,f 11.11 I -ltrj,HI 111 I U M.HINl Hrtlllrr Wood! Wood! IIKI.LO! "Vhnw are you going? Down to Carter' after a con! of that gooil dry Mivok wimmI. My wifewon't hum anytlilng elm?. Carter in four lilta chenier than otheni. He .-n'llHilry block wood nt $l.r() Hjr cord. F. M. CARTER I wms? jvxTvva "cirr t jse" iimY We llandlo livery Ihlnic. Leave or- dra 11 (ill Mik Smllll Utn micci Hriit Ittllmatr on application Wall l'awr at Portland PrUr N. P. WEIDER PAINTER S: Paperhanger Cheatirtt and llrt Vll pafrr Sam ple III thr roiin-y. Oct My 1'iRct. Ihix 39. Ilcml, ()rrnn. Palace Restaurant Rooms for Rent Confectionery, Priilt Picnic Stippllc. Clgnri J. F, Taggart & Co. Ahe Buckley Express Co. DAILY Kxprct Service lictwctn Mddtaa and llcuil. Careful Attention. iknd AgcntA, Mnrpcr I. nnd Coinpnny. No 5kfrrct Ul,vl"" If you witnl sdiiii-tliiiifr to ail try """ SAM'S PLACE on lionil stitr t. Put e ri Criitin .vi-r !) Annex to Stt-phtus iV: Pnttif's siiIimiii. TO BUILDERS WE HAVE A NICE STOCK OF FLOORING Rustic Shiplap and Rough Lumber .... and can furnish any bill on short notice. Send us your orders for FINISH LUMBER. BEND LUMBER CO. The Deschutes BOND STREET Bar Wines, Liquors and Cigars "EVERYTHING TO DRINK BUT DESCHUTES WATER." GIRTON 2b COMPANY .1 3 ii 1 '