? We haven't had much of it so far this year but its coming. And when it does come everybody will want Summer Clothes all at once. Why not get ready now. Don't wait. Read this "Ad from beginning to end. It means a big saving to you. We are making very attractive prices on all our SUMMER. GOODS. SUMMER WEATHER. Summer Dre Goods Dress Ginghams Yur ci (if our cntlr lino of Hie dress u fhnms utJiwr yard ... 't Organdies and Dimities- of our regular 20c goods, mmcIiiI u per yunl 1 5c Cotton Foulards six different colors ami patterns, a beautiful HUinmiT rubric, regular liOc, hik'cIiiI nt per ynnl 1 5c Percales :i(5 Indic'H wide, extra quality, all color, regular Hit. hm-c-ial at Kr yard 12C Flako Novelties-Something en tinly new, four beautiful colors, an ideal nuiiiiiu'r dress goods, rcKiilnr fide, special 'r ynnl 35c 1IT er n, all jieclnl 5c ;la CO 4 ..,, . , m1 ' doc; NK!Cllll 30C "Ctimfy Cut" Swiss rll. strnim will Htny in place. Thu very lit'Ht. Regular ilfic. six-cial 30c 44Cumfy Cut Union Suit, same a tlit1 vestA, Inco trimmed drawers, regular price jwr uit, 7fic; MiH.-cial 65c MMelba Modo" Unions AW trimmed, straps, close fitting, knee length drawers, regular price 7rc; special 65c T-E-N-T-5 "VOU can bo more comfortable In a good tent thi Hummer than you can in moot of thu houses. All of our tent are made of 8-oz. Army .Standard Duck and are complete except pole and pin. Prices- 8x10 $8.00 9,'xl2 9.75 12x14 13.00 12x18 15.75 14x16 16.75 Mens SumV. Pants Khaki Medium weight, all sires, regular Sl.W) value; Sicc. $1.35 Khaki Heavy twill, lest wearing punt for th" money, ft l 7 IT Reg VI. HjKiHnl f 'J Whip Cord-Olive color. Hide buckle, cliff bottom, tf0 Tt Reg. $2.7r special pCrJ Whip Cord Tun color, heavy cuir bottom, Reg ?:i, tfO (S special. CjUJ.JU Funston Cloth-Light weiKht but very strong, color dark tan anil olive. Hide buckle, cuir bottom, half peg toiw, Iteg $:i.7ri, S)vcl. $3.35 Corduroys -Kine wale, tan col . cuffbotm. Heg. $3 W, Secl $2.90 Corduroys....JCxtra quality. dark tan. lde buckle, Ml loop, cuir Imltom. Reg. Jl.fiO, Sped. $3.10 lKinlri Cnnte. With . I iut.l fnlfrt ! lYIlUKI VOaiB ttin.iihMit ihtr Kkfl. ililxti.llr lulti.ul, lt.tf. ltulf C I If v .-l..l H""JJ KIIKI MU'III.K ALKIlTi llfr 'l'M, I, lint .,... ItfwUt l H. l"l SI OO Mens Summer Underwear Fancy BalbrigganWhite with fine black atriic, good value at r()c; ecial at. 35c Fine Derby RibMedium wt color brown, Iteg. 50c; Sped 35c Extra Qtuafity Cotton Rib. lawny sateen waist band, reinforced at crotch, blue and brown. CC Heg. 7rc. social J JU Union Suits Kim cotton rib, white or blue. M'oltil $ 1 ,25 Mere. I.Ule t'nlon Hull", color Unlit ton It.'fc-J.I. .Sjul 52 25 Mere I.Ule IV I.UX iUnlliy, l-'rcurli net k Uiml, the ir Is-d mnde, iryulur 1AM. SNilnl $3.00 Groceries Our regular prices, good to everybody. Standard Corn I5c, 2 for 25c Standard Tomntoe 15c, 2 for 25c Kxtra Standard Tomatoes 15c Preferred Stock Corn 20c, 2 for 35c Diamond W Corn 20c, 2 for 35c Diamond V Tomatoes 20c, 2 for 35 C Preferred Stock Tomntoe 20c Preferred Stock Jollloa 3Sc, 3 for $1.00 Milk, nil kind 15c, 2 for 25c AlaskaSalmnn I5c, 2 for 25c WndcoSalmom 20c, 2 for 35c "Pearl" Coffee, our host .... 35c, 3 for $1.00 Pref. Stock Penchoa, liced 35c, 3 for $1.00 Wadco Peache, halve 25c, 2 for 15c Mens Summer Ties We have the exclusive agency for the "Koiser Cravat" and wc are clotting out all of our ties except this well known line. Our regular 76c and $1.00 nil-silk, Mn-hnnds at 45c Our regular 35c and 50c 4-ln-hnnds at 25c Wash Ties "Kelser Cravats," a beautiful line in plain white, fancy strips and figured good. Very dressy and extremely practical. When soiled, have them laundried. Prices 35c, 50c and 60c each Ladies Summer Oxfords We are making special prices to close out some numbers of ladies' low shoes. If we have your size you can get a good shoe very cheap. WHITE CANVAS oxfords, regular $1.75; special $1.50 GRAY CANVAS oxfords, regular $1.75; special $1.50 BROWN KID PUMPS, one strap. Cuban heel, Reg. $3; special $2.35 Same a above, only black, regular $3; special $2.35 GUN METALbluchcroxford. school heel, -1 eyelets, Reg.$4;Spcc. $3.00 FOUR-STRAP Kid Sandals, turn sole, regular $2.25; special $ 1 .85 QCMyLU&y Mens Summer Shirts Work ShirtSOur entire line, your choice for 50c Chambray Fine quality, blue and tan, Reg. $1.25; Sped. 90c Pique Six different colors and styles, Reg. $1.50; social . $ 1 .00 SoisettO The best mercerized goods, all colors and several fancy design, Iteg. $1.75; Sped. $1.25 Silk and Mer cerized Lisle A fine dressy shirt, white, tan and blue with fine black stripe. Reg. $2.50; special $1.90 "The Store of Better Values." BEND, OREGON Mens Summer Hose Fancy Hose Gray, brown and black lace, ribbed hose in brown and white, brown and purple, brown and green, blue and white, blue and green, black and white and many other combinations, all splen did values at 50c a pair. Spcdal 3 Pairs for. $1.00 Black and Brown. hose at 15c and 20c a pair. Special to close A splendid lOtfts Mercerized Whip Cord a good heavy outing shirt, dark and light tan and dark slate, regular tf T 1 f $2.75; special PtlU Our entire line of Summer Shirts at similar special prices. BITS A1JOUT TOWN. left yiMterdy of the locals were un : .Itilin SIKortooth for Silver Ijike. I,. II. McCunn left Monday liU home in AlbertM, Canada, I lie state books have arrive! at cause mnny the library and hae been plitced on able to go. the nIicIvim for the um- of jwtrons. M,lcClokey and Parker, who have ljut week a new chhm walk wiui oened n plumbing and tinning shop for , Installed acrou Wall Stivot fiom at Fourth Street and Hawthorne the wiutherly corner of Minnesota Avenue, will make a sHicialty of re- Valley jwints and summer in Western On Friday the Woimndy Livery Co. ttml six ixuMerigerii from Itotd to HuriM. A Imudwimo wmIm watr fountain hm Ixiui inNlnllod in tint IUmI Crtxw Urug Store. Ralph I'olndexter left hint Thurs day for Spokane, Wiuh., for a tun day vacation. Jim Sllvertooth of Autelne Is In Street. An eiithuiiutic Reml interview with A. 0. Hunter, who is now in l'ortbtnd, iiHirn in the Sunday Oregon Journal. Walter Taylor wiw in town lnnt 1 week from his hotnuMtead on I'ringle Flats, returning Saturday accom panied by his larger children. G. I'. I'uthnm entertained the .nm h vurinnui oi rtiueioe is in ',,,;,., -", ;, ,,.,, '. town and may bring I.U family here ' , 6 ,0 ,H lb " .Mr8; C,,h' " ,,'1, 8 ,,,. i.. 'hwt WM!nolay. ljist night the I" ... Thu Red Cr Drug Store nt Redmond has been cImo1 and the goods moved here. S. C. Caldwell made a biiHlnuwi trip to F.ugono the first of the week, leaving here Sunday. Mrs. Roscoo Howard arrived Monday. With her came Mrs, .SturgoH of Rerkley, Cat. AIkj Wolf brought from Opnl City to ISend, Saturday, whnt Is wild to be a record freighter's load, with fix horses hauling 15,700 pounds. club met at Mrs. J. K. Sawhill's. Having resigned his position as cashier with the Central Oregon Irrigation Co., Herbert K. Allen is now in the olllce of The Rend Com pany. J. A. Knstus will leavo tomorrow for Portland on a business trip. He exacts to bring numlHir of men erty here. Tho baseball gamo that wiw to have lieen played with Sisters in that town Sunday was called oil' be- pair work The University Club will give a "fed" nt the Pilot ilutte Inn this evening after the school exerefcos in honor of the graduating chuw of the High School. Rev. C. M. Cline preached twice Sunday at Redmond. Services were conducted here morning nnd eve ning by Rev. W. L. Wilson, the Methodist pastor. J. Ryan sold to C. R. True sc of tho nwtf, S. 31, T. 18 S., It. 13 H for I). Iiarcluy, and to J. M. Fanvllle, tot -1. block 17, Deschutos Addition, for F. May. There will bo rogular services Sunday morning nnd evening nt the Raptist church, preaching by Rev. C. M. Cline. The public is cordially back with him a 'invited to all services, to Invest in pn- Half of Our New Stock of Rocking Chairs Were sold threo days after wo got 'em. Why? Because they are tho BEST LOOKING, tho BEST LASTING and BEST PRICED Rockers you1 vo seen. E. M. THOMPSON Successor to Thompson & Kennedy Whore your dollar does Its duty, Wall street, near First National Hank, ij- i in ' Uond, Oregon. ae Hazuka & McGregor have just installed n largo refrigerator in the Palace Market. It is 8x10x11 feet and is so constructed that It can be easily taken apart and moved. C. L. Hotiillng nnd family left this morning for Nez Perces, Idaho, to Willamette may spend the Oregon. In the Minneapolis Tribune of May 7, Hoke Smith, who was here recently with F. W. Graham of the fl V linn an itnthlluiuttlV "wrilu. up" concerning the Dwchutw crry th fu" lwrty Valley in genera! nnd Rend in jmr tlcular. J. L. Hyrne returned Saturday night from Seattle. Leaving bore Monday morning at six he arrived in Seattle that evening; on" the re turn trip he left Seattle 10:30 p. m. Friday, reaching Ittnd 11 p. m. Saturday. Leon Fulcks is constructing n building 00x20 feet on lot 7 of block 3, immediately south of his )hx1 hall on Wall Street. Sutherland & Mcintosh are doing the work. What will occupy the building is not announced. ( "Den Syttonde Mai," as the "Seventeenth of May," Is written in Norwiegnn, was celebrated by many local Scandinavians last Wednesday. It was on this date, in 181-1, that the Norwiegnn constitution was adopted nt Eisvold. The Central Oregon Automobile School, with offices probably in Rend, Prineville, Rurns and Silver Iakc, has been organized to give V mercial organizations in these towns , COMING ...Ml t... . I- i ; i.j I ni w maul-, uisunoK "K recep tion for the Rend junketers. Already about 20 local boosters have signified their intention of taking the trip. Probably nine automobiles will be employed to NEXT WEEK mobile instruction, F. W. Silver- tooth is president and general manager and 'It. A. Splcer business manager nnd principal Instructor. Four exerts will be employed by tho school. Skating This Eiienlng. Roller skating tonight at Linster's Hall. U where they will make their home, j both theoretical and practical auto- Mr. Hotalmg did not dispose of any of his Rend real estate holdings. An exceptionally attractive dis play Is tho Summer Togs for Men" window nt Lara's, a piece of show window display art that would do credit to any metropolitan store. Tho dressmaking establishment conducted by Mrs. Shriner nnd Mrs. Mcintosh in tho Putnam building will move Juno 1 to tho second Moor of the Clmpmnn building, into larger quarters. Miss R. Catherine Hnskins, teach er of tho second grade In tho Rend school tho past year, loft Monday for Salem whore she will attend summer school until July 1, when Bho will go to hor homo ut Yreka, Cal. Prof. J. C. P. Harrington will leavo tomorrow or Friday for Rod- rnond whore on Friday evening ho will deliver nn illustrated lecture. Prof. Harrington will go fronvth'oFc Ego. An cjto I IjiIIiiIwiI I. All men nre itwUimI egim miiiI mhIowpU by Uielr ('roMtur Mllh riTtulit limlleonMo wiiuc tliltipt of wlilch neither xtntule, uUuse, (Old, lujuiu'lliin, Uvmir. tnnpuHte. lnok UKOtit twr promoter can deprive thorn. lie who stotUx my purse steal trash, tuit lie who f.tche-i from me my vpo tiikei tlmt of whlih he already Iiiih enough nml uuiUes mo nut ut nil. Women without VDten huve vno nnd. Htm lively cuoiich. would still liavo them If they secured tho votw, heiu'o eKn are not n ollt!ciil Usue. An epu In whnt n mini i when he tins notliliiK nnd U iiotliliiK elio; that U to Hiiy, he I then llrxt person uliiinJ- lur nnd no nrtUulur ceuder. An ei,o Is neither xnul, Ixidy. spirit family, country nor nice. It Is neither moral nor pntuoloctml. A criminal has Just us much oro ih n patxou nud no more. Home ego nre bettor than others, chleily our own. Life. C. T. U. Worker Will Speak In Bend Next Week. Mrs. Jackson Silbaugh, wife of a prominent Seattle lawyer and said to be one of the bost speakers sent out by tho National W. C. T. U., will bo in Bend next weok to de liver two nddrosees on the ten rom ance question. She will speak a: the church Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, and the people of Bend are invited to hear her. Mrs. Silbaugh took a leading part in the campaign which rest. Red In the recall of Mayor GUI of Seattle and will tell of that struggle. PLANS ANOTHER TRIP Tour of 450 Miles Will Ho Alade By lldnd Ilooster. Leaving Bond probably May 15, tho Rend Commercial Club plans another business men's trip for "got together" purposes, to tho towns In southern Central Oregon. A 450 mllo trip is contemplated. La Pine, Crescent, Klamath Falls, ! Bonanza nnd Lakovlow will bo visited. Arrangements with com Coeknty Chivalry. There whs ii enwh In the pit, rnd the nnnemle looklni; girl stood with the Into comers behind the last Ix-ncli. The young mini In fruut of her. com fortnbly seated, wus not too alMortted In the musical comedy to note. that tho girl looked t(rvd us she doggedly stood out the tlrxt uct. He roO'iWlo thu curtain fell. "Would you," hensked pushing past her, "like to mind my Kent while 1 go out for u drluk?" Tho ii go of Oilvalry U not past. I.ondou 'linmli'ltf ... i TYl'tiWRirUU RIBBONS. Typewriter ribbons on sale at The Bulletin Office, record ribbons for the followin machines: Oliver, Remington, Visible and Royal, Engineers' Supplies. Tho Bulletin has received a supply of tho best K. & G. blueprintpnper, duplex paper, tracing cloth, profile paper, cross-section paper, drawing pencils, pens and inks, erasers, cruisers' compasses, steel tapes, etc. OFFICE FOR RENT. Handsome new office in best location on Wall street. In quire at Bulletin office. FARM AND MILL Machinery Supplies of All Kinds. , Call and see our Subsoil Packers Alfalfa Cultivators Potato Planters Our Prices are Right. Bend Milling (S& Warehouse Company C. !. IomU, Mgr. i mqpmitimmmmmtmmmmmmammmmmimmmmmmammummmma i Irnr