.- C t i i w NOW HPRP. Dr- " Pte- -D- llVTT JLJLJL1VJL Optician & Optometrist Ten yonrs prnctlcnl experience In correcting vision scientific ally. Grndunto of tlio Philadelphia College of Optometry. Parents nre responsible for their children's Bight. If you don't wnnt them to keep on wenrinjr Rlnsses when they nro finally compelled to Ret them, you should not allow their eyes to Rot to that stage of neglect where they nro compelled to do so, on nc count of the eyes becoming chronic. If the right kind of lenses is adopted for sight or eye strain in time, the eyes may soon re cover nnd the glosses are often laid nside In a short time, not to bo worn again unless carelessness, nccidont or ago affects the eyes. Why prevent your child's future? Old ago of the eye, due to the hardening of- the lens of tho eyes, shows Itself as early as forty, although some nre affected earlier in life, by having allowed n defect of the eye called hyper metropin to remain uncorrected too long. To fight against it is to fight n losing battle. Although the use of glasses can behlefer rcd for quite a long time after they are really needed, the cost is very real, nnd has to be paid in some way, just ns machinery can be run for some time after oil is needed, to accomplish its work, It is with a waste of power and damage to the parts. I can cause you to store and reserve your nervous energy, thereby lengthening your life from ten to twenty years. Call and be convinced. Do it now. Office at Taggert's Hotel A Short Time Longer Tinning and Plumbing mi " i iii I. ,. i . OAS FITTING STEAAl AND HOT WATER HEATING ROOFINO, aUTTERINO, SPOUTINa, CORNICE AND SKYUOHT WORK. Repair Work Given Prompt Attention. McCloskey & Parker Fourth Street and Hawthorne Avenue " THE VEILED PROPHET. H Witt h Ml Nod fmpoitop ct the Mlddlt Agti. The cclehraffU "Veiled Prophet" of history was n Moslem fnnillc whoso real iinmo wna llnkeii llm Unshorn. Ho vfna born about the middle of tho eighth century nml bectuno tho most noted Impostor of tho middle ncc. Ito pretended Hint ho wns nil ciiiIkhII went of the spirit of tho "llvlnc QoA" nml. bcliic very proiklont In JuitRlcry (which the Ijriiornnt ml took for tho H)ver to work intrudes), soon drew nn tiiiineii!o iiiiinber of followers nrtuintl him, lie nlwnys wore a ptld music, claiming (tint he Old mi to pro toct the mortals of this enrth. who, ho snld, could not look upon hl.t fnco nml live. At Inst, nfter thoinnnds hnO qulttrri the city nml even left the employ of tho Cnllph nl Mohill to Join tho fnnnt Icnl movement, nn nrmy wna sent npitnst the "Veiled Prophet," forcing him to flee for safety to tho cnMle nt Kelt, north of tho Oxufc Finally, when ultlmnte Oefent wna certain, the prophet killed nnd burned his whole family nnd then threw himself Into tho On men, being entirely consumed, except hli hnlr. which wnn kept In n museum nt Hngdnd until the tlmo of the crusnde. Ho promised bin faith, ful follower thnt ho would renppenr to them In the future dressed In wlilto nnd riding n wlilto hone. BURN YOUR BRIDGES. Whtn Thsn The Pioneer Wood Yard Call on or telephone us for nil kinds of WOOD We saw Cord Wood and Ltrab Wood on sbort notice. Orders Promptly Filled. . '' W. P. DOWNING, Proprietor. - - - x The Home Land Company Real Estate and HOMESTEAD Insurance. LOCATIONS. Timber Lands, Irrigated end Dry Farm Lands. WANTED HIS PAY. Ths Husky Jamatean Didn't Car to Work For Nothing. An English nnvnl officer tells of be Ins on n wnr vmI which took pro visions to St. Kltts. ono of the Ilrlt Is h AVest Indln Islands. A hurrlcnne hml left many of the Inhabitants In n destitute qr even stnrrlnc condition. Hungry crowds gathered at the whnrf. but refuted to help unload the food thnt was to bo given to them unless pnld for their work. A similar story sheds light on tho Jntnnlcnn negro. Home yenrs ago n hurrlcnne devastated tho Island, and n Inrco relief sum wns raised, much of It In England nnd the United Slntr. The committee having charge of this fund sent n wagon lond of lumber tn a husky black mnn whoso houso had teen scnttered over the parish. Ho and his family were living tn n rudo ahack. mnde out of odd nnd ends. "What's that furr ho nsknl of tho men who wero unloading the material In front of his pajch of ground. "That's for your new house." wns thn reply. "It's from the relief fund nnd won't cost you anything." "Who's Roln to build man bousor "You nre, If nnybody does." "Who' Koln to pay mo fur mnh workr-Wuj-urtUNa itcconl. . All nstrtat it Cut Off, You Must Qo Ahtad, toung men often mnko tho mUlnko when they start on nn tmportniit un dertaking of leaving open n wny of retrent If thine Ko too Imrvl, snys Ori son Hwctt M union In Success Mngn tine. No one can enll out his greatest reserves, do tho greatest thing pos sible to him. while he knows thnt If tho battle Kt'tn too hot ho hns ix lino of retrent still loft open. Only w lion there Is no hope of oscnpo will mi nrmy llcht with thnt spirit of de. perntlon wlili'h gives no iimrter. Mnny it grout geuernl In his march on the enemy Ims burned his bridges behind Itlm, cut olT his only txisslblo re trent, for the bracing, encouraging ef fect upon himself nud his nrmy, be cnuse he knew Hint men only enll out their grontest reserves of power when nil retrent Is cut off nnd when light ing desperately for thnt which they count dearer ttinu life. Wo nro so made Hint ns long1 ns there. Is n chnttci to retrent. ns long ns thero are bridges behind us, wo nre tempted to turn back when tho Brent test comes, "Will you hold this fortr Asked Ocncrnl Itoseeraus of Oeuernl I'terco at Stono river. "I will try, general." "Will you hold this fort J" "I will Olo In the nttempt." "Thnt won't do. Look me In the eye. sir, nnd tell mo If you will hold this H)sltlou." "I will!" snld General 1'lerce, nud ho did. An Old Oarrtt on a Stormy Day. I know no nobler forage ground for a romantic, venturesome, mischievous boy than tho garret of an old fnmlly mansion on n day of storm. It Is a perfect field of chivalry. Tho heavy rafters and dnshlng rnln. tho piles of THEY SEPARATED. Out tht Parting Was Mors Strsnuous Than Jim Expsottd. A mnn nnmed Itoyuor when gold hunt tug In Ahiskn hnd ns partner n vencr nblo prospector, who went about habit unlly with hU boot legs stuffed full of dyunmlto sticks. The old mnn hnd n pleasantly casual wny of tilling the store oven with these sticks In order thnt they might thnw out there. Home, times, too, lit1 forgot them, which wna Imprudent, to any the lenst. Itoyuor was not at all of a timorous dlxs. Hon, but the nucleut prospector's reck less carelessness troubled his nerves. Ho remousiruted with him repeatedly nnd strenuously, but his protest did not seem to Iinve the slightest effect. "Jim." he snld finally when driven to desHrntlou. "If you can't be more careful with that dyunmlto we'll haw to separate." Tlntf night ns ho approached the shack n terrific concussion rent the ntr and knocked hint Insensible. When he recovered consciousness he c,v,''d one of the nged pro cloi a legs lying nenr. lie stnred ;.t it n moment medi tatively. . ."Veirj Jim." he remarked at last sndly. "I guess we've managed to sep arate nil right, particularly you, Jlmt" Minneapolis Journal. A Pletura of Etsrnlty. The negro preacher Is tinted for his enthiifdnsm nud his picturesque, nlmoit poetic, wny of expressing things. In "I.lfo In Old Virginia" J. J. McDonnld tells about n colored mlnUter who was big trunks to hldo In. tho old whlto ! conducting n revival without much coata nnd hnts bnnglng In obscure cor- " At Inst, however, ho awnk ncrs like ghosts, nro greut! And It Is i fne "' congregation by asking: so far away from tho old lady who "te ? k.uow w,inl Jl''lty keeps ruto In tho nursery that there Is i "e."' l u'" 7'; no ponMblo risk of n scolding for twist- M,f ouo of ,,,em " ' lrrow whnt Ing off tho frlngo of a rug. Thero Is J0' 't0. foun, f '' unhb wn" no baby In tho irret to wako up. t0 rtP ,,u ,,nl ln ',0 Unt,c MM nn There Is no "corapnny" In tho garret tnko on h.0'' " r nn" hop 'cross de to bo dlsturll l.v tho noise. There Is country nn' put dnt drop of wnter Into no crochet? o'd uncle with their everlasting nnd then n look of horror. Donald O Mitchell. or grandma. ;CWc ucwin nn' den ho hop lck to Itoys. Itoysr ! 'n""c ocean Jes ono Imp n dny rnAn.i.i n i nn' If ho keep dnt hoppln' up twell de J. A. HAZDKA W. M. McGREGOR ContractorsBuilders We are Always JGIad to Furnish Estimates Shop in Rear of Ilowlee Building on Wall Street -gaa TOregon Trunk Railway j I Rose Festival, Portland, June 5-11 Portland and Keturn. Madras R. 15: Mrlolim f 8 30; Culver fS. 50; Opal City fH 75, Tickets wild June 5, 7 and 9. Return limit June 12. San Francisco and Return. Madras fj.t.8.?; Metotlus ftf.wi; Culver faj.jo; 0al City $jj 45. Tickets wild June 16 him! 17. Keturn limit July 31, Also old June jj, July 1 and 6. Keturn limit Sept. 15. Via steamer ill one or both directions south of Portland 85 cents lew than fares given above, Stopovers permitted ut ami fcoutli of I'orlland. Clatsop Beach nn the Pacific, Round Trips Madras 9 11. 15; Mctolius 12-45; Culver 4u 30; OjmI City f u 75. Tickvts sold daily from June 1st; t;ooil returning all summer. Stopover at Astoria, Astoria Centennial. Astoria, Ore., Auputt 10 to Sept. 9. Low round trip fares to and from eastern points are in tlTect on various dates. Details m ill Ik: furnished oil apjilicatiou. Train Leaves Opal City daily 900 A. M J Culver 9:13 A. M.; Metolius 9:30 a. .m.; aialras 9:45 a. ii arriving 111 rorllamlat 7:43 1'. Ai. R. K. MICHAHL, Agt. B. R. NI'.SS. Agt T. A. GRAHAM. Ant. Aiaurat, ure. uuiver, ure. ftlclolliu, Ure, J, 11. CUUUKTT, Agent, Opal City, Oregon. FOR SALO. Two glass show cases. Good condition. Moderate price. Inquire at Bulletin office. Notice to Water Consumers. The use of water for lawns is strictly prohibited except between the hours of 5 a. m. and 6 p. m. The Bend Water Light & Poweb Company. , o-12 I Jack 8hppard as a Ttxt Jack Sheppard hnd a grent hold upon the Imnglnntlon of tho people of I1I1 time. Tho fact thnt 200.000 peoplo wit I nessed tils execution nt Tyburn on Nov. IS. 1734. "upon tho tree thnt hears twclvo times a yea re" is same witness to his grim popularity. Hut ono of tho strongest tributes ever pnld him wns the sermon preached upon hi 111 In n London church. "Oh. that yo nere nil like Jnck Shop pnrdl" begnn the prencher. to the stu pefaction if his congregntlnn. Ho went on to draw a parallel between things of tho tlesh and those of the soul nnd to point out that the genius shown In housebreaking might have been be stowed u Kin "picking the locks of tliu heart with (he nail of repuntniiec." London Htandnrd. Cure on Ono Point. "Do you believe thnt greflt wealth tins a tendency to kep n iimu out of heaven''" queried the jwrty who an nddlcted to the eouunilruiii halilt. "I nin not preired to oxpn-sM nn opinion on thnt subject." answeri-d the student of huiiiHii nnture. "Imt I know thnt grent wmiUIi lias kept iimuy a rnau out of the peiilteuthiry."-Chleiiga News. 8tuttcred Out tho Child's Namo. Flauucry-It hcuiiih hlx full iihhio Is DlntiU K. K. K. ('Mcy. What's nil Ihliu K'h fur? Plnuegnii Nothlu'. 'Twns tho fault of his godfuther stut terln whin he tried to wiy "DIuuU Cn ey." I'hlludelphln Ledger. Aleo It Uses Up Oold, "Did you ever notice how n ring Is lllco the inurrlnge obligation)" "So. How do you ineuni" "A ring Is more easily put on than It Is taken off." Boston Transcript. Musical Note, A newspaper suys of 11 recent oper atic performance. "The ladles, the bar itone and tho bass wero good, and o wcro tho tenor's Intentions!" Every good deed performed is not only a present pleasure, but a support for the future. p tint hoppln' up 'Ijintlc ocean nut dry ns n Ixiue, It wouldn't bo break o' dny In eternity." "Dnr, now," said one of tho breth ren, "yo seu for jo'sef how long eter nity Is." A Tributs to Woman. When everything iirouiid n mnnatng gers nml wavers, when nil seems dnrk nnd 1II111 In the fur ilUtnnre of the un known future, when the world seem but 11 picture or n fairy tale mid the unlrerse n chimera, when the uhole structure of (dens vnulshes In smoke nnd nil certainties become enlgmnthnl whnt Is the only itermniient thin which mny still bu hW) The faithful heart of n woman. There he mny rest his head; there he "III renew hi strength for the ImMIi of life. Increase his faith In Providence nnd. If need be, II lid strength to die III peace with n bem-dlctlou on his llM.-lleurl Pred urlc A111I0I. Eaiy Marks, "Tnlk erbnut yore ensy mnrks," snld Um-le Kilns (Seehnw. who bud lieeu pnssliig n week In I lie city, "ns rubes ain't in It with them air tcowu ehnps." "Did jew sell 'em enuy gold bricks. HllasV queried old Daddy HqusNhueck. "Naw, I didn't," answered Uncle HI InN, "hut I seed II feller ieddllu' nrtl llelal lee-lusl th' sign rlfeht on his wngon-nn' blnmed ef th' chumps did not buy It fer th' real thing, by grass!" Clilcnftu News. Lots of Nerve. Parmer's Hon-My father sent me over to borrow your horse nnd curt. She (loudness! Why. ho already ins till our tools, our uxos, our hay rakes nnd" Ilo I know. He Just wants tho horse and cart to bring them hack. London Telegraph. A Bsisr Motive. "Yes, ho played tho Inst two acts with n broken wrist." "Heroism, eh?" "Not nt nil. Ho wns nfrnld to give tils understudy u chance" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Sooner or later tbe world comes around to see the troth and do the riht.-nilUrd. I ! The Best Trees That Grow ARB NOT TOO GOOD l'OR YOU Our stock htm kIvch hucIijm collent Nitlrtfnctlnn whuruvor plttutisl that you citnnot nlTord to'dn wlllumt It. ThoroV it ronson, too. A uploiulld lonitlon with ileop rich Hull, vll ilrnlncd. A loujr Kiowltiu; Hu'iiHon, Moist uru undor control. Kcmcmbor thnt tliu rocollec tioil of Quality remains lotiu; after the price Ih forKotton. Yakima Valley Nursery company Topncnlsh, Washington. Mouk Saijjsmv Wantkm . Wo Now Have f in Stock a Carload LIME CEMENT and PULP Plaster. TEo OVERTURF-DAVIS- mitt i trn rnMOAiuv OKril'K IN IIKSHdN Ill.tXl. ON WALI.MT. r i 1 M Bend Hardware Company A FULL LINE of HIGH GRADE VELIE EHICLES NOW ON HAND Bend Hardware Company UBS ft Henkle & Ford HOA1ESTEAD LOCATORS REAL ESTATE BROKERS Wc know the land open to settlers know the soil -know the corners anil OUARANTEE EVERY LOCATION. Dont overlook these fncts if you want to locate. If you have good real estate at the right pricelet us know of it and if we do not buy it, can sell It for you. Call and see us. StoddardsDayton AUTOMOBILES The liest Car Made." Fourteen Differ cut Styles. AUTO SUPPLIES OP ALL KINDS. Ant'tit for Kissel Auto Trucks, K. S. LAPP Dcnd, Oregon. Tho viso bUBincaa'mnn Is'particulnr about hla printing. Tho Pullotln Job I'rlntery.Btrivea to picasotno particular ones. Phono us or call at ollico. . i M i ?