IN II ON mranMeanVMEmMamaeBBaaaaW NO MORE aOODWILLIE TRACT IS PLATTED. P 'J 1 I r k f T M i , 3 rc t V i M Freight Troubles The Oregon Trunk Hallway is open tor busi ness to Opal City, just north of Crooked river. The Jones Warehouse Company (WOWm A. JONHS of lend, Manager will Imntllo all iVciht at Opal City for the railroad. The old Shaniko Moody Ware house system will lie employed. MereluuiLs will gel their floods promptly and without inconvenience. Oi'ai. City will he the freight terminus for IK days more. Have your freight consigned in care of JONES Address communications to Bend. -- O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET WenandyLivery Company - All kinds of light and heavy Livery. Horses for Sale Wholesale Feed and Hay Branch Establishment at La Pine, Oregon. Autos For Hire J. H. WENANDY Bond Street LUMBER OF ALL Irrigating Lath and House Lath A Specialty The Umber e cut from It llie lir.l In tliccoutf Irr. mill 4). mile toutlirait of Html. Pine Forest Lumber Com'y BEND, OREQON m n. m.- BILL YOUR GOODS TO Metolius Warehouse Co. J. V. UOONR, We are prepared to handle all kinds of freight and do a general forwarding business. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Metolius Warehouse Co. Bend, Oregon KINDS 5 Manager. .iaeiail iiafaiumi birai New Addition Known llendjl'ark Will lio Made One of Leading Real. dentlnl District, of Town My Seattle Owners. Within n uhnrt tlmo iirrnnKemcnU will hnvo boon completed to place upon the market "Hend 1'nrk", formerly known iw tho Gowlwlllie trnct. Tho promoter of the tract have hiul nn eye to tho future Krowtli of tho town and have platted the Iota! nccorilltiKly, und with Henri' rapid i will become n rolrioiitinl ; dlHtrict of which uny city ahould hoi . proUU. An 80-foot winding boulevard ..... aweepIiiK through the property ' from eiui to end will Ik the main! ., , , , . . ,, , , thoroughfare of tho addition, und t from thin will branch circling driven. ' . . , , Irregular atreeU and meandering Inniw nrrmii'iiil In cimf,irm i.til, ilw. ... , , ... j elevation and character of the land ; and to balance with the general , . , ... j arrangement of the plat all thtuw. I to connect with and to merge into, the pioaent platted atreeta of adjoin-j ing provrty. A unique feature of , .. ,.. , . . . ' the proiwrty will be an artificial, lake, nature having supplied the . , , , . IJIl-Hlt) ready for the water tube turned ill. I . ' ... . . ii i! . . There Will 1) ll building roatric- tlon with no limit as to price but a! , . i requirement that every jiermanont j home will be attractive in ouUidc' I npiearance. I'ricua of lota will be' arranged according to size and lo-1 ctitlott and to conform with valuc in other additions of the town. I In (I few Weeks the proerty Will Ik? place.! on tho market. Tho So - attle backers of the enterprise say Uiov Will ndviTttao x , . . Reatoratlnn to llntry of Land In National Purest. Netm I. hnrby glrrn that Ihr Uml.drKtlVnl 'j'!'. ","'"" l'ati.iuii, iheca.-aHr; r.irt a4 Htiy M-M.r tre p"vSht of the I Ihhmc.imI Uw.uMhe I'nltnt MttH4thr an I JulW II. !, lu Mat WtUu4uHnT ! Ikrl ui. anne ibiici - IrtSul anJm H- Amit tlk-r bu ,-lt. AttlHIol h wit tH. MTwMrU elhm.r ihr M-iiMb m.Hiwiint UU mm. wt piiifirn r'Kiii Manyi i in pHJf lUkt uttttf .mh wlllrr. Mmt4r4 urh MitlVt at ju.harU u HMkr buaerlrMt rmr) Mdikr iM.hririKT iifht I. pttur lu Jt 1 iii i oa Mhih.l.t. in. UuU. Mill t in Mlllrnirul au.1 c'i h iMtitt.! iuh Tkr IkihU air a. Illu The r'tuf r', ulacit atntlnr rtuf .Hut wi, at a V I M 1 ami thr HSut.'t, ami HH ifj,H( V I ti h , H lu I. , H M , i.viao,., .HUlHslKm j of law. II CkiUltia. ikM Mill. lHrw: IM ' t-Vl Th wk ttlavlt iA i, BfntK.lrWrHU xrs ot.S . u4 l nS ). U'H ul t an. T tl h , K iii II . ii yi art... aujlKtWHuf flank 1I.V.M CoUlllll "i"ij il.a, u. .1 w HH U4 lln aua aaiiuH ulllaiir ihilitvta i.uld Hill. 'Hv Kui., !.! i;i Hit .Suf hI, uf utl, ihr ki of' rWKij-aftfWar'Si tbrff m I, ! Hil,f x7 the a),' uf wb ufuili, tbviHl,' ul HUH ef a.U, an.l tkv I n ?s VA.V'., juhV a'cVh-. I t-ch. Thwoa. Mini. haillc. Ua.hiMiitoM. I UII n V riOU.ll, A..UI.M kUKUUw lonrr uf llie C.ciirial Ijin.l intice, AtHVt May lll ItallL 11rCr. I'll.t AaiilUut tifv tat) otllir llilfikif EXCURSION FARES EAST 19 11 FK0.M ALL POINTS ON Oregon-Washington Railway & Navigation Company TO KAitra Chicago $72.50 Council I!Iu!Ib Omnhu KansasCity... G0.00 St. Joseph.... St. l'aul St. Paul, vin Council nu!Ts.... 63.90 Minneapolis, direct 60.00 Minneapolis, via Council DlulTs 63.90 rtnlntl. ,llri- nr. ni Duluth, via CouncVr'uVuiTa.".''" 67.50 1 St. Louts 70.00 SALE DATES May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28 nnd 29. Juno 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17. 21, 22, 28, 29 and 30. July 1, 2, 3, 1, C, 0, 19, 20, 26, 27 nnd 28. August 3, I, R, M, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 nnd 30. September 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 nnd 7. tllop-uvrra williln limit in rlllitr cllrcctlou. ' I'lnal rttuiii limit IMoler jut. Out way tiuo.i,c.iifuf..i..sou.o0iiTu.l.i. I Inquiro of any O-W. R. & N. Agent I or Moro Complete Information OR WM. McMURRAY Genoral Passonger Agent rOUTLAND, 0KKQ0N, u M ri-imiu i)hM UihI. fr "all- '- priNiitri in- inie maiwiariiireri Kn.r. wIm wj.rtnarv I. ly .. hJ ,m..,. up.U' the imhi. and tk.. p,ol mwMMinf (m.ii M.bttiHr riabt ...... . ........ ... . J. . ......... Lr.lHMeMMlrfl.yf.rtMUwl..MiMllvi "M'" I"" """ """"" mMUiiIi rtrllMntwuaiilhaull. enMtteHt elliiimrt of home In.lllJ made in onraow. The miiltlnllelt tnd dlvrrilty ( prntluete made la Oregon are not a wll known to tba average realdant, or Imalneii nun, for that matter, i the ahnnM !, Here in Oregon we menu farture prrbarie nlnetr er eeat ef the average rnijrementa of our eltlrepe, hut rnniitallylf fir reallre the faet. "Mail In Oregon" aliuuld lie the alo Kn at 'ry i-itlren Kverjr dollar eirnt for bume kochI, rcmaltie at home, ml (lie jitnilcf RfH tuck at leatt (mt'lon of lilt moo lo ooa war or an .I her every time he bu a "Made la Oregon" product Oregon it ilratlncl to lie one of the aim1 matiufarlurui alalia In the I'lilnn. lint llif time it will ffiulta for i,rMurinsr hIhim li'r In lie In the forenioaf rank of man otiM crratly be '''' " r vv whmi.I make It a ,,,,,r(. if tiir. K,,0iU ther are Uuynu are "!:"': '" h"", tl ttn have fartnrli-a In thin etnln which lolfiy mf lrn(!ilin fur nlnlfori, and "''v' W",,M ,H 'B",nK Ib ""'hly, riMiilnyiii run uy mure men anil womrn ir wu ,,, womu and rum m the ","'' "r""M ,",,l "" .l,l,vl"K ,h" hm" liiiMlnel It I. Mil nnkr.l that our in ,, ur .U..I in Drim" Kwi In (''"'" t -""l " HUwhre. un ie tin1 Hnnm iirndurl In P11114I in (lial tty. flpirrr jti.i ine o the aime 1"'"I IihiiIh l.rvriictf. lint evru the annul Inn-.iigstliitt of our citiftn will .!, ti,t unr manufarionr, in moit "n"" "'" ',i ni" R",M' '"''"if ' fiiiKl n( any In the c.iHiitry, and the M'aii.ifaftiiii.ra' A.NirUti..n only atki ,,,,t ?hr" ",rb K,"",, "" ,ff"'1 'bt fhw i;i,i, to tiuuthxr iitiH.runt pbaee of',u 'i""n Tbn nnN-n of home Induotry la the duty of rmr ntin wv ii Uj the ""'''"K' "' T',r "'" "'P1 tiid'cd for ih ppl of Orrgon to go mti.le thlr atatr for the erery- y ""l,'l"",nla of life, and If the Ore- S"n P"P'e wonlil Ih.I.I on "Made in Oregon'5 gm.d. heinx M them, retail ''"'j"" '""'' "."Ui kr.'F ")' ltT itm'k to meet tb .IrtiMUil. of tbelr trade. n"" ""' ,J,,M '" '"'l11 "C, t!,, pay rnllt within the nut rroperty vaiuea ar krpt up by the payroll of the fnflorle Kami ralnen are kept up tiy the ilrmanda fur farm prndiicta from the eltlea. the rHMnnfaetiirlng eentera. The whole prnlilem in me whkh even .Uttlltf afu.llw.l lalll ,i,.l.M III MHV lfl. ( ren and t every man. woman an rhild 1 ,;',1Mn ' I?'1 h,, "PI"" ," "Maile lu (lietfiin ifornti meana that ' M nun pr.mi.wriu win lie greater It ! ' ." "'' "'thin wheel" propo- Ifinn Ii.bI.I mi ''.Ma.lM IR lllUMIl" KIIOlU The faetnrte are the life of oar ritlee. The muie farinrie r have, the more iwt)le ate rmwioyod and ereiter lie rnmea the pm.iierttv not only of the ""e. I"t ' the ft"' .HatneH. rir the fnrlnry supported eite mnnt depend Hpiti Ih- Mrtenllunil .tutrtrl. for tbelr r,Hfcl H1'. '"' l-rjjelv fur their pri.iHri ttir- mil I ii itetvt'.lrnt demanil for Made in O.riMa" Kti U meitni in erM'.il jwy rolti. whleh lo turn will tie to tlm Milviintt)e f tb farKiit a oil all rllil iiinli.rri .f Ibe MrrvMUlios of llf " . . The pe.ipt( if I hia ehr ahottld Imy "Made in Offiron" af.wvU the I ' . m,,r,h',," eer te price art.l ' ul,IV ate Hf tu l(e(H made geoda TW I'M.Jn In fXtromn" warinarnl Miile In Oreifan inntiriii n- t"e M.anmfiiiirM a o Ui'fin. of PotttuHil. will .I., miieh to -j - f K'wda twtile ultbhi the Hate. A" Pr'M.rrtv v..e. detiend npon the PronperltV of the eomirinall V If our nuinifrttirflrii nre piixper'ni;, mud the inei.lfHIit llwewiae. the( firmer will proi per. two The Mrt rit demand fur Ifixxl "Made In OreijoM" will help luliii; grralur ptoipaiily tu the people ) uf Oi.'Hiih SniMirt the mtntiNetiirer of your Ii.hiip eltv flt. Pit ind all the time, nn. I nn will help vim r elf to priperty I tt if onr loeal fnetore eannet n ply .mr ivntila ln.i.t that the Nter. luHt (niriea "Mmle in Orejtn" i!n"da fi.nn .ith.M Oionn tuurcea lu aupply yuur llacda llnine pronne'ltv ilpprnda upon home indnalrv. and 'te wide proaperltv will lie uiealer If fnetorle aelllnu "Made In Oirunn" ni)ii are patroulaed by the loi'al uierchantt. The mail order hnnaea of the F!aat wool I nut lie o prnsperom if the people of tlil lomiiuinltv would inaltt on lav Inp "Mode In Orecnn" roiiU from the lornl tnerrhanta The Iiii.Iiip.i of thl enniiimnlty would lie better ronaervej If th liiiylny pnldie and the merehanta woulil In-lp aloii the "Made In Om Hko " Idea. DRILLING FOR WATER For GIghty-flve Feet Not a Stone la Struck at Hrlckyard. Eighty-five feet without striking oven a pebblo wns tho record made by tho Central Oregon Well Com pany, which ia drilling for water nt tho brickyard three miles west of town. At 89 feet n soft, shnley rock was struck and was found to . ,r t -1.1-1, pi.i .. ., UO 10 ".t nutrk. iina .iiiu v.ii- sldornblu trouble as it caved in. Drilling oporntions will bo continued until wntor is obtained. A. II, Horn of tho' brickyard company says ho bolievca that this will, bo this week. J Iv.. ,f Good Clothes To know that he)i.becoming- ly and properly'uttired gives a man poise, confidence qnd distinction. To the purchaser of clothes there is nothing so convinc ing as these two words Satisfaction Guaranteed And whether it Is satisfactory you shall judge, always. The Clothing that is right at the. store of JiSZ0JLA Garden PLANTING AtTjaSSBrTS. You'll need good tools. !$W "srzsz THE PLANET, JR. Can he used as Hill and Drill Seeder, Wheel Hoc, Cultivator and Plow. Simple and practical, the Planet, Jr. makes garden ing a pleasure. For sale in Bend by H. J. Eggleston Harness, Saddles, Wagons, Buggies Hav and Grain Wall Street, The FINEST SODA FOUNTAIN IN CROOK COUNTY AND THE MOST DELICIOUS DRINKS YOU EVER TRIED ICE CREAM CANDY, CONFECTIONERY AND SMOKERS' SUPPLIES Oranges per dozen Lemons per dozen Tomatoes per pound Bananas per dozen TURPIN & Wall E. R. POST, LOCATOR Choice 020-acre homesteads. Soil from 5 to 80 feet deep, abundance of water at IS to 25 feet, entirely free from rocks. Grain and dry land alfalfa successfully raised tor several years. Let me show you the best in Central Oregon. Hoi aunq Building, 'I V. j -TLJf I Time Is Buy the Best! BEND, OREGON Palm 40c and 50c 40c and 50c 12Kc and 15c 40c and 50c BRANTON Street. Bund, Okbgon; .' in', t J