fihe d M ' . Silver Horde By REX BEACH COPY III CUT. 1000. DY SVNOI'SIS (II' l'WI!CIH)IN(l CIIAIMI'.RS. I llloril Kinrrion mul "I'lnijerlMi" I'm"! ttllar KaUlk, Alnaha. nil ii"1 yuuim hlln woman, Cli.iry Manilla, wiiu anal la tin-in I'li.rry tlrirrlti Hi" aalmnn nhrt ml Mniali, Ilio iiiii'riiiulmi lumil of (lit Knlvlk mnhnrlca ('harry nwna a ramnry lt Kmarann, (lamia Hull ith.1 alia " lux larlliPilili iliirraoti ilrmttlma Ma raJIM. lu "lllaka hI" In Alaaka. i:iiirraiin hlaaaa ("hrry Kmxtliy Hall, I'rnaor ntut Kim-rawi iiMirly loan llivlr llvra In Kitlmal imaa ami intia llin alrain r at linlmal on tlialr way uut In Kt capital After ilrmilfill rtvatlmia lliay rttlrh Ilia tHial at Kaillak ami aia mm an rout fur ('hlragii, Itmaraiiii aaaka Mlaa MIMiatl WflYlall.t. Hha aiul Kmrraiin am rtinnl I Irr tn- (liar. Warna Waylwtiil, la a riilltlonntra Alton Cl)il. iirtara IIO.UD Inwaul Ilia' tall- nary. Halt all Itmrrann in" I Marali In fill- man Jktnrali la a anllnr for MlhluM'a liaml Marali Irlla Mll.llrJ alxiul ('hairy Malnlla lla ntut Wu)tia NNuylaml (.tall a .nniiailra truit Mll.llr.1 Icirna Hint Kitirratin atxl ('liar ry am Hirllirra llaitarr IIIIIUl.l, Hoallln irfuara In lit Ciiiaraun u),di ('lurry wliii haa aritvr.l In ll-alllr, aitrita a illll rr III vltnt lott r r not lljlllaril t'U'tty ittai-ntaia Hint Kiiivtaiiii la In marry Mllilml Marali ramoa ahlnoliitf ilrlaya fur Cmrraiiii a arly Tni'nina Ir funra ttmrlaiiu a luan I'lxla aunifala lliat i'litiry tan Kl Ilia luan from Mil llar.l Kinarann i-tirnic" I'tirrry ty rrlllclitnu liar filarwlly irlallnna Willi llllllanl ('liar ry aaa llllllanl. who iinrirlrlly fur R ntatiaa Ilia nwiiiay Marali rauira a atrl4r. talarlM Ilia I nail Ink uf Ititiaraun'a ma. clilnrry "No; I Wna an rum rtiaaiil (ilrliOy I'trklnl tlinl I fork'"! I rrru atNikc iiImiiK Ilio aitlliiint rniiltlnu luialtlcaa. I'll lirrnk tny iirlarriw nml ami my flnak. nml from tlila iiimitcril milll wi riiiim nut nrxt fnll ih (Ikiiihh rum nml I run ilhotrnl. la Mint KMM1 tunta)" "Krrryllillic I n Jtikn In )iill. lan'l HT' .Mil lluril. "If tlila trip (Jm-an't inn k ii n man of )ini. you'll nrrcr crow Up " A a If llllllnnra omvrraliiti liml innrk fil ttin turn I n ir mIiii uf lliilr lurk, tlu IwirtliiTa nnur rnlirrvl iimiii n htIihI of lir atciini ma rimriiT. art'iiniiK n trump iNiffltniT tlii'ii illa hnrjfluif nl Trn'oimt. Hull cIimiimI Ilia eiililrm'ta fur Clllm-ar InlHir, nml tin' arntli'ml rnrltHiili tif imnli'tinl which liml hern Icwi rn nitito Eor lli;atirltiUal)r Inlit out nil alillng Im' L'nu In iiiltiii III na If of their iiwu c 1'iiril, A lirlKmlc of orlrntnla ntut n mlnln (urr nrmy "f flatirrmrii hntl npprnrnl ta If liy mnKto nml rvto tpmrtcrrd In ho Inurr pnrt of the city ntrnllltii; alilpmrut. At tho ilurk niic tlirobblnc Uprll frrnltiK (he llinlfunl Cnalln lHTthnl, tvnily to rrcrlvn her rarRii, itml lliu two itii'ti mmip Ihrlr wny tn IManl llii'lr htitcl, trmry, hut Klinrlni: ivllli (tin urntcfill actiao of an Brtluima nluiy well iMTfnruird. Tho fnllutvliii; riiinrnltiK wntilil flml Ilio wharf awnriu fJtiU' with alrVflorra nml rrholliK to I lie rattle of Inicka, tho clank of holata Rilul llin alirlll whlallra of tho alu'tlnl inert 'lwila like thry cotlliln't atop lit riiiiw," anlil Unit It iliMit," ncrriil Itmcrttoii. "Wc Lj'UBhl In clear In four ttnya-that'll ! ihr l.'.th" 'It amrlla llko nil rnrly aprllli;, too.1 It lie ftahrrmnu olmfrvtil. anllllnu ttic nlr If It U we'll Ihi In KnUlk tho Ural Juvk III Mny." 'I'iii off lo tell Cherry." anhl lloytl. IIIm rourmi tiMik him niat lllllluril'i Jmiik, nut when nhrenat of It he nearly hillltliM with n mnn who en me hurry Ink forth. In the well Kfoniiml. Ilrry tmlretl. plump ilcuretl until KmerKou Trvnunlnil Ilio tnnniiuiT of the North uniTli'Mi rnckera naaoeiiiuoti. "(iooil erenliiK. Mr .Mttrnli." Mil nth whlrleii nNiiu. "i:ti7 Ah! Vhy. y. It' llmeptou." .Mrtmli liiforiiietl lloytl of the nncer if Mlldred'N futher lit hit ciillllltiK e'l- Rerprlae nml nUo thiit Mllilriil nml ail. It.. ..I t ......... a.. ..I..I, l...lwllf .... L0II tiijMillil nt'ir 111 t itii ii.iiiiit tin fa yiu'hlliiu lour. I.iui'nou witn Krent liy iimnzeil nt thlw Information; ulan he iri'iillrinl that Mnrali Imtl nrrlved on Bi.' apot htvniiMo lllllhirtl Imtl uritnlixl Gh'U opiMineiitM their ticcditl loan. The fnit'll aepiimletl. M 'I'hn next morulnit llult rtHlittl In on JlFiuemnii with new that the laborer ?Vntllnir t It V llttlford CuNtle hntl p'lie Qjvn Htrlkr beoouao the roplnlii, l'n PSr. rlKhtly refuaed it deinnud of t'.,000 )py the union, i "It'a Mnntli iiKnln." nhl IIIr Ooorixo. H "Ych," Kinerriou nuawertHj; "It'a n holdup piirn nml almple." A look of tiitiiiae unxlety riiiue Into hht pyva. When lloytl rt'luruetl aome two hour. Jitter he foiiutl the (lock deHcrlcd aitvtt fjir IIIk UitirKO. who prowleil wntehfuh )) iiliout the frelKhl pllea. "Well, tlltl you IU It up?' Willi Impllretl , "No," oxclnliiiitl Hoyd. "It'a n rank V .... I ..f.i.ul .. I... 1. 1...I o lai iiiui"iii, iiuu i irnmii iu iv ip,v l"(!oiiil for you." "TIhto uro fltimo IhliiKa n fellow a hmili.Li.l t.j,,i' uimiil tir I'll ntirrv 'Inn fri.k'ht iilunirit wild inv own If iiula before I'll ho robbud by n Inhor Inloii tit Hit) blddliiK of Wlllla Mnntli." "Hay, will you let mo loud lulu ahlp ,lpy way)" (leoruo ankcU. "Cnn you do Itr llnlt'a thick llpa drew hack from nl iillow tooth Id that aiullo which Umer- tho ilslior- Autho of "Th SpolUn" nd "Tin) flarUr' ii ah pc it v nitoTiirn ami hrul come to rceoKtil.i' na n liar hlnucr of the violent iicia t tint rejoiced hit Inwlfft aoul. "I.laleu." audi he, with n chlli'kla "Mown tho alreet yomler I'to Kit n hundred lllherilletl Half of i linn an ilrtiuk nl thU mliiule ami I lie re-tt ar half driinli." '"I'lieli lliey are tif no lino In lia " "I ilnn'l reekoll oll eler aet'll II herd of Kith Ik llahermen mil of it Joh, did )oii? Well, thero'a Jnt lv.0 llilnu'a Ihey I. now. ilalilnif nml IIkIiIIiiu. ami IhN itlu'l the llalilnu aeitmni When they hit tleiillli' lliu polieo foren uoiti Up Into the realtli'lieo neclloii anil NllllTa t'olloil III lla cam, lieeniiae the only lliliii; Mint U aliunu' cmiuuli to at n nil hetueeli a uniform ami a llnhermilll la hill." "Can you Induce them to work?" "I call. AH I'm afraid of U Hint I nu't Induce them to tpili They're llilble lo put Ida frelKhl n board the lliilford ('a "tie anil then pull down tint dock III a aplrlt of plit)filllleaa nml pile It III Cnplalu renitley'a en bill I'hero nlu't no cont ulaloii of mi I ii re Ihat'a eijual to n Kniic of Idle rialicr men " "When can they Ih-bIii?" "Well, It will lake me nil iiIkIiI to round them ui, nml I'll lime to lick four or five, hut there oiiliht to Im- n ilnrcii or two on band tu the mom Intl." (irtirKu "" " roUnu eye oter Hie wnri'hotiae from the henty plank lllk' limlerfoot to the Midi) apnilllltlB rtlftera nlHie. "Yea." ho rolicllltletl, "I don't aee notlilliK hreaknhle, ao I Klieaa 'a anfe" "Would you ULn mo to C with your The Riant rnnaldcrcd him apcculn tliely. "I itnu't think ao I nln't ner er ai-en )otl lu nclloti. No. you belter alny here ami arrniiBe to Kuanl thla atiirf till inornliiK. I'll tin the real." '1 lie follow Injf tnoriilliB. true to Ilia word, the hh; fellow walkrd Into the wareliouxe follownl by a acoro or innre of Inirly nahcrmeii Halt laire lcna of alrlfr. The IiIb mau'a II pa were cut. while track of one car n knot hntl aprutiE up orernlBht like a funriH 'they fell to work ipilcklr. alrlpplliK tlielllaelira lo their limleralilrta. they maillletl the Imtata. aelretl trtlrka and hale hitoka ami Im'Chii their tnaka with a thorotlBhly noilllliloii elirrBy Motile of thrill were atlll an drunk Hint lliey ataBBcrod. their awkwarducna afford tliB htlB" aporl to their compalilolia, yet ercn In their tnioxlcatlon they wero atirprlalnk'ly riiinhle. (ii-orce aoiiBht out lto)d anil proudly in quired! "Whnt do you think of thorn. rhV They nn aplcndld. Hut whero ar the othcrar "Well, thcro aro two or three that won't ve able to Ret nroiind nt nil " He medltattrrly atroknl the knticklea of hi rlcht hand, which wero badly brulacd. "Hut the bfllnnco will tx hero tomorrow. Theao aro Jilat the mlldeat mauneri-d om-a - the family men. you iiiIbIiI any. Tho othent will ateiw up Krndual." Tho work had not rnntlnurd mnny hour before n atrotiBcr innile Ida wny lu upon the dock nml Ih'bmi to nrRUo with the flrai tlahermnn he met. Hoyd. nppronchliiK him, dcmniuled: "Whiil do you wuulT" "Nothlim," aald tho newcomer. "Then net out." "What for? I'm jut tnlklui: to thU ! man " "Will you bo?" "Hay. you enn't load that enrpi thU wny." the man Ihkhu ilireaien liiBly. "Ami y mi can't make me bo" - At which Klllcraon aelnit him by the collar iind tpilekly dlaprotetl l lie naaer i Hon, to the Brent dellBht of Hie lUh ermcii. Ho thruat him out Into the Htrecl. , "I'm n union tuiiu. nmlyoucnn't loml thai ahlp with 'acnlia'" The atrnuccr awore na he wltink off ' The llrat acinnl violence, however. ' occurretl when the tlalu rmeii kliiH'ketl off for the noon hour. Ito.vd called up the vollce tleparlinenl. then Hiimmoiied MB (icnrRC. It will with coualderalile tlllllculty Hint tho iiouunlon crew foiiKhl Ita wuy buck lo reaunui work tit I o'clock. DurliiK the nflerniHin the itrlkerx mnile acvcral nllnnpta to enter tho dock abed, and It n-tiulntl n firm ataiid by tho iruarda to rcrttraln them. Tho next monilnir found tho non union men out tu audi force that they were dlttdcd Into a nlRht and n day crew, half of them hcliiK ent hack to report later, while nmnnc the inoun tnlua of frelKhl tho work went for ward faster than ever. Hut tn time the city nwoko to tho ronlliatlim that u aerloua conlllct wna In proBn'aa. The handful of flxhcrmcu, ouliiilin be r eil twenty to one and ininrded only by a thin line of plckela, hoenmo a center of pencral Interest. It wna on tho fourth day that Hoyd raplcd tho man In the pray null iuuoiik the Ntrlkcnt and pointed him out to hU tbreo rompanlona, Clyde mid Fra iler bavtiiK Joined him and Oeorco In n aplrlt of curtoalty. I.nto In tho afternoon, without a tnoincnt'a wurnlnif. tho atrlkora ruahml lu n hody, beurlng down tho guards llko reodi, Uinoraon and hla coinnanlona found Iheinaclvea ciirrled nway before the on alatmht llko chlpa In the aiirf. then nicked Into n maelstrom where the flrat duty waa aolf preaerrnllon Ihiyd auccoedml In kcepliiR hla foolln and ovautualty found! hla woy to n backliiR of crateil machlnory, wIhto he atooped and ripped n cleat lootn. Then, laying alxiut him with thla weapon, ho clear cd a apace. At tho flrat alarm tho flahrrmen had armed tti'ltnaelrea with halo hooka and bluilKooua ami forn tints worked hnroc amoiiK their aaanllnnta. Hrolnic (Mydn In a littlplea condition. Klncrann ahotited "Coiiip on! I'll help yott nlonri) the hip" II" found n hardwood club be nenth hla feet nml with It cleared n pathway for Clyde nml hlmaelf. lie aildiletily apled the mnn In the gray atlll, who bud cllinhetl .i"ri onn of the frelilht pllei, wlicneii Im waa acnu nliiB the crowd. 'Jim man recounted IJiiii'Ihoii nml poluietl him out. Tho next liiatniil lloytl aw him approach IllB, follotMil by aoMiral olhera. Then, IhollBh lloytl fell buck further, the olhera nulled in nml ho found hliuaelf hard beaet. Wlml lmpiened thereufier nelllier he nor A limi Clyde, who wna half ilnred to heu'lu "lib. utor cliiirly reliit'llibereil lief ore he had rccoElilred the peraoll ol linluroof (he naanult Kllieraon found hliuaelf eiiBaBt'd III n furlntla hand lo hand atriiRvlii. Then n atiddeu black ucnh awitlloneil him up, lifter which he follllil hliuaelf Upon hla klieea, hla II rill looaely em-lrclliiK a pair of ib". Aa ho alrtlBBled upward aometliliii; amuto him In the aide with nlckciiluj; force, nml he went to bU kneea riB'iln. lie cniild only rnlao hla ahoiilder nnd rtlnt,' nn arm weakly alxive hla In-ad u niith'lpitloii of llin crilahlni; blow he niJfsmi? so vi iviVfi Acres near Hentl, of the best soil in the Deschutes coun try. Grand for alfalfa. Will sell at a bargain. W.M. Ou.AUI), Tacorna, Wn. 4 l!0R SALIJ. Two kIohm hIiow cosch. fiorxl contlitmn. hUnlvrnU) price. Imiuirv nt Hullutln ofHcc. EXCURSION FARES EAST ii i ..iufrn i City I , 19 11 FROM ALL POINTS ON Orefjun-Washington Railway & Navigation Company TO KAllrJH CiiIcjikii $72.00 Council Omtiliii KnnwiHCity CO.OO St. Jowpli St. Paul St. Paul, via Council ululTii.... CU.'JO MinnwiMili, direct 150.00 MiniictiHilin, via Council lilulTtt CU.1XJ Uulutli. direct (JC.DO Duluth. via Council liluirs.. .. (57.50 St. IuIm 70.00 SALE DATES May 10. 17, 18. 1J, 5J2, 2, 2-1, 25. 27. 28 and 2!). June 5. 7. Ii. 10. 12. 10. 17.21, 22. 28. 21) nnd 30. July I. 2. 'A, !, f, G, 19. 20, 20. 27 ami 28. Auk'uat 3, . B. II. 15. 10, 17. 21, 22. 23. 28. 29 and 30. Septemlier 1, 2, 4. G, 0 and 7. within limit' In c(lhr illrrrtlon. final trtxin limit (Mobrr Jlt Our r (hrouih California fijoi ajctltwuil. Imiuireof nny Q.V. H. & N. ARent For More Complete Information OK WA. A.cAlURRAY General PiuwenKer Aent I'OUTl.ANIi. OltW.oN UK I'Ot't.l) (INI.Y rltV'l AM AIIU WKAKt.T AllxVI. Ilia IIKAtl , HiniiBht wna -oiiiIhb Hut It did not dcm'clid. I inleiul hn heartl a Rtinahot. ' A WelBllt an Ilk ncroaa hU cnlven Then, with n tlnal effort, he (lullfl hlmaelf fret' nild alBBBerc! to hla feet, hla beuil rtH-kltiB. lilt kneea angRlnc-1 lie aaw n mau'a figure facing htm and lunged nt It to brine up tn tho a run of Tlttserleaa" I'raaer." lloyd turned nml beheld the body of ! a man alrclclied face downward on j th tloor. Ilcyond the fellow In the I ffrny ault wna d Ian ppca ring Into the j cniwd. Then he now n elcam of blue I metal In I'ntaer'a heada. "(Jive me that kuh!" he panteil. i "1 may need It myaclf, nnd I nln't i got but the one here. 1't'a get Clyde , out of Hilar I'mxcr llfttil the young clnbmnn. ! who wna huddled In a formic hedp na If he had fallen from Krent belBbt. nnd toBcther Hie two dragged him to ward the lledford Cattle. , That tilBht under ghirlng hcndllnes i Hit evening pa era told the atory, ri- i porting one ilaheriunu fatally hurt, one atrlkcr dead of n ttunliot wound and many other Injtiml. CIIAPTI'.II XII. all.VI.r mile from Cnptnln Pent ley a ahlp the rival company (cuden were loading rapidly with union labor. The next day i:tucrou ami Cljtle drove down to the dock with Cherry lu n dined riirrhiBi'. experiencing no aniiojtitn'e beyond Mime Jeers and IiihuIin at they ptiHMid throiiBli the picket Hue. Hoyd hntl barely aeeu them lomfortably ea lahllnhed on lauird wheu up the ahlp'a piiigwny came "ringerleaa" 1'ruaer rndlnntly ntllnd. three heavily liidcii hotel porten groaning at bU back, the cti-ttomary thick wnlattnl ctgur hctwivn hla teeth. "Are you going with usT" Hoyd In quired. "Hure." "See here! la life one long auccea alon of aurprUe pnrtlra with youT" "Wliy, I'vo flggvnxl on thla right long " "Hut the ahlp la Jammed now, Thero la no rooiu." "Oh, I fixed that tip long ago. I am going to hunk with the atewnrd." "Well, why In the world didn't you let ua know you wero comlngT" "Bay, don't kid youraelf. You know I couldn't atny behind." Kroner blew n cloud of Hinoke nlrlly. "I never atari nuythliig I can't llntah, I keep telling you. mid I'm going tn put thla deal throiiBh now that I've got It , atnrted." With n hnlf embnrriiHaed htiiKh ami a complete chnnge of mini j ner. he laid Ida hand upon Hoyd'a , shoulder, waving! "Pal, I nln't much good to myaclf or anybody else, but I ! like you mid I want to xttck around. Mnybe I'll coino In useful yet you can't tell." Ktncraon Imtl never gllmpaed thla aide of the mau'a nature, and It rather nurrUcd him. The Men's Toggery U-J HCdU W Foot Outfitter RIOHT PRICES RIGHT GOODS. A. L. FRENCH Oregon Street, UOND, ORB : I YOUNG , j ! CLARK (To bo continued.) Engineers I and Architects j Ofllco temporarily with J. A. Eastea, on Oregon St. i We are prepared to j handle Engineering and Architedural Work of all kinds, j Irrigation j Engineering j and Modern Bungalows j our specialties. 5 - It Will Pay You in dollnrs nnd cents and in the sntisfndlion of hnvintf J A 1 the very best, to trade at v d t U V S Fine Stock of Dry Goods and SHOES Just Received. We Sell Only the Best Line of Footwear. The Famous "GOTZfAN" and "SELZ" SHOES. They "fit like your footprint." It Will Pay You in dollars and cents and in the satlsfudlion of having O a 1 J the very best, to trade at ddlD6r S THE OLD RELIABLE E. A. SATHER GENERAL MERCHANDISE BEND, OREGON O'NEIL BROTHERS COMPANY, Inc. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS nnd JOBBERS IN WINES, LIQUORS and CIOARS COLE AGENTS for Stonewall and McCoy Whiskies, and The Napa Soda Springs Min eral Water. Distributers for Edel Brau, Schlitz and Rainier Beers. We also carry a large line of Glassware, Bar Towels, Playing Cards, etc., especially adapted to the saloon trade. Orders by phone or mail will receive prompt and careful attention. Madras, Oregon DESCHUTES Addition Adjoins Bend on the south. Most beautiful residential sec tion in Bend. REASONABLE PRICES Also Some Choice Business Lots. Timber Lands Bought and Sold. HUNTER & STAATS WALL STRE.ET, BEND, OR. Suhscribe for The Bend Bulletin $1,50 a year. Attractive premium offers and clubbing rates. , A