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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1911)
r 1 BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REALTY Of All Kinds Bought, Sold and Exchanged. We bnve n verv extensive list of DHSCHUTUS VALLEY IRRIGATKD LANDS. We bring the Property Owners nud the Outside Buyers together. BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Hotaling BIiIr.. Wall St., Bend, Ore. Wc are prepared for the rush of homesteaders. We keep two men in the field and can locate you on the best lands open for entry. Auto and team torvico to lands. DEFENDANTS WN TRUE BILL IN ONLY OIN13 BEND CASE (Irnnd Jury Finds Actions Appealed l-'rom Justice Courts Here Not Worthy of Higher Court's Attention. 'THE most rofroshinjr 1 drink, the best of all sprint; tonics and the purest bevor n u e obtainable, is BUDWEISER b;eer The Silvertooth Saloon is the best place in Central Orepon to buy beer. Our private cold storage plant, soon to be erected in Bend, will Rtve us every facil ity for projorly hand ling beer. At Fort land the beer will be loaded into refriger ator cars direct from the cold storage, and hauled to Bend and placed in our cold storage without being allowed to vary one degree in temperature. Any expert chemist will tell you that this is the only way to keep beer RIGHT. And thnt's the way you want it, of course. If our schooners aren't large enough, we'll put a handle on a keg for you. Yours to please, The Silvertooth WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS Family Liquor Store. Corner Bond and Oregon Sts. tlio only vnrloty smoked In this rutin In- until unite recent time. Tho elny plpn Hindu Its nppoiiritneo hi Unijliind I In the Inter jenrs of the sixteenth con ' tury. Wrltlnir iiliout n century Inter. , n Crouch author remarks Hint the CiicMnIi "Invented llio iIih uf linked elny which lire now used over.v vv hero " 'llrusele.v. In HliilTnitlslilu. linn boon funimis fur It Iihm nud Iii, from Hui dl.vs of llllsiibeth." writes W A I'enii III '"riu Hoveiittie Herb" "Now nil tin clay of vvhltli while pipes nre niiiuuftiotured comes from Newton Alt dot mid Klin-Htelcntiin. In Povou shire. It l sent lo nil ports of Knit lituil and tlu world In roiiKli Itiiiipn nlHiut tin Hire of tpinrtcrn Innvo. vvclutilm some twenty eight pounds fiu-h." London Spectator. gmz&m Dofemlants from Bend fared well last week in the court proceedings at I'rincville, the grand jury return ing n true bill in only one case which was appealed from justice courts here. This exception was the case of GusZulnney, who pleaded guilty to shooting in a saloon and was lined $150. The most imortnnt case on the docket was that of Henry I.inster vs. 11. J. Overturf, alleging dece tion in the sate of real estate. Damages to the amount of $7000 were claimed. As rejuntetl last week, the decision was for the de fendant. Mr. Linster was repre sented by Jesse L. Sumrnll and J. A. Wilson and Mr. Overturf by Vernon A. Forbes. Tin suit if .Iminii iMillnr va l J. Morrison and 11. 1. J. McDonald, for return of purchase money paid on Lytlo iroerty. wiw dismissed, i Vernon A. Forbes was attorney for the defendants. , The demurrer of the Oregon i Trunk Railway in tne ciue brought I against it by A. A. Anthony and A Mesrtltia Interruption, A yntiui: I'lirlslitn. noted fur his rnire nud readiness iih n second In tunny duel, was asked ly n friend lo accompany Idtn to the mayor's nine to nfllx his slpniiture ns n witness to ttie inntrlmunlnl reclstr.v. tie con eutnt. tmt when the scene wss reach ed forsot himself. Just ns thr mayor was ready for the Inst forumlltle lie broke out "(Jcntlcmen. cannot this nlTnlr te arranged? Is there no way of prvvcntlw: this snd oceurroucci" JOHN LEQAT lllCAI.KK IN Harness and Saddlery Trunks nnd Vnllscs Repaired Plain Hungtr. i "Pooler, what llNetlie Is the most prevalent anionic the MMir" ' "An alarming ondltlon In widen the neru termination In the Moniiieh stliuitlnteit liy neriiiniilnti'd secretion of the imstrtc rlnud end Irritation j to the splnnl cord liy wny of the pneii- i tuojmtrlo itetvo " "Woodm"! Iliivv awful And tn think i thnt we rich x-opte etui do iioihttiK for those uufortuuHle urtcrvt'"-L'lcvo- kind Lender. ' JUST ARRIVED i L 4 I Best KoulTol & Rwcr Blue Print v Paper, light and heavy weight, I MO and .Ui-inch width. Tracing F Cloth. Duplex PaH'r. Cross I Section PniH'r. Prollle Per. J Drawing Inks. Pencils, Iiimii. Cotnpnsws. lEo Bond Bulletin j I. 0. 0. F. Bend I-odgi. No. LMN Reg K. T night Meetings oM'iy Mniiilii) Visitms wi'leotm Butts. N. 15. V. A. Knrlios.Soc) w hen Out of thi Quettlrn. flrnildlne WliHt did p s'ny you nkod him fur my linudJ i tJemld I don't enrv to is he hl re nmrkx lu detnll. hut t iiiiildu't uiiirry jiiii rf I went where he tnld me tu -New York Press. In lh Otglnnino I Adiim-Wlint nre.xuii tlilnUInc nlMiutl I lti I'm iiiiiitirllti? If iill nllit I Mary Kelly asking for an injunction! couldn't piny n two ImudiM jrnme of to stop the building of n spur in ' "'methltn; fur the world's rlituuploti l.vtl. u-iiu siiMtiiin.v.1 ,n !,.. .,,.. ship.-i:chniijse. of misjoinder of parties and the DoM'hutOit lxlgo No 1IKI. K. f P. Meets every Wednes lay evening nt U p. in. in Castle Hall. potof lUv building. Visiting Knights vveleomo. Elmer NisvMmger. C C. M R. Knutson. K. R. A S end jfyiachine hop All Kinds of Saw Mill and Farming . REPA-IRS We Carry a Large Stock of Auto Repairs and Supplies Wall St., next to Opera House FUNERAL DIRECTORS EMBALA1ERS UNDERTAKERS A Full Line of UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES WEST Si N1SWONGER J. I. West C. P. Niswonger plaintiffs were allowed to amend by filing separate actions. C. S. Ben son was attorney for the plaintiffs. 'TREEZE" AND "BURN." Thti TWo Word Hsd a Common Psrsnt In On Aryan Root We nre likely to eousldrr "irrwe" and "burn" as luo dlMluctly opiNMlte elTects. but If. for a simple expi-r'iiieut. jou will i cm cli your luuistie to u lilt of hen t Ml Iron nnd to u bit nf Iron thnt l extremely cold the etTicls, showu In the lillitem pnxlii'-iil mid In the sensation of the luutni'ts. Mill be found to t surprUluisly ullke It Is doubtful If iiur Ariun nueestnr when they were plutilltic the miiI of the Kncllsh nnd Its sister Innisiinises thoucht of the silontltlc rehitlnus of what wc rnll hent nud cold, but lliy pive to us the root "prus." which ttiej cot out of the seuuillous prtMliiciil l) burning nnd fri-ezlnis. As usuiil, Arynn roots Ik-sIiiuIuk with thu "" sniiiid chance It tu "t" on the tnuisues of thu Teuton; so with these our mnrr modern nnccktor "prus" became "frus." nnd from It mine our "trwta" and "frost.' A en In. m Is usurI, our Hindu brother In his Sanskrit usually prcnerrcs the Arynu "p" sound, so he m from this root "prmli." iii(ulni; to burn. This root of freeze became "frcofln" In Anislo-Snxon. whhh Is out "frozen." In Icelandic It became "frjosn." In 8w(illsh "frjsn" nud In Iinnlsh "fryse." in thi I.ntln the iirlsliMl "p" sound Is retnluci) In "priilnn," menu lug hoflrfnwt. ii lid In "prunn." slk'nlfy Ini; n burnlnis riwl. Here we see unit ed two opiwreutly oppiwlte nicitnluss crnvcliiK out of the old root "prus." .N'uvv York Herald. 8h. Was Flippant. Artlt-Msdm. It Is not fnres nlon Hint I paint: It Is souls. Mndnm-Oh. you do Interior, then) L'os'ou Transcript. How to Mak Qrapa Catchup. Cor enitH cutchup allow n pound nf sugar to five pounds uf the fruit. Hull the suisar lu a cupful uf vluegnr for a (purler uf tin hour with tmlf mi ounce rnrh uf cloves uinrc mid cinnamon. Meanwhile brine the pulp and sMus of the isni'M's tu u sen Mine point, cool nnd rub them thruuisli n sieve. Add the pulp to the tvveuty mluutcs thick. It may be reduced with vlurcnr. M. W. of A. Pilot Butte Camp No. tl7U I Meets every Tuesday In hall over vostollice. Visiting NeiKlibors always vvelcomi. C. I. Boiell. V. C. M. B. Knutson, Clerk BHX1) LODC.K No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on ot lieforc the full nionn of each i vinci-nr nud cook for I month. ViiitinK brothers 1. If the cntrhup Is too ! always vvclcoiuc. o rius. B.C.. o. m ntoniLD. w m. New PALACE MARKET Clinrlns llnyd, Crop. MEATS Vegetables, etc. CITY DRAY ClUHI.KSnOxrjKN, CHOI'. as yjiiy if-i-n . irf CITY DMY f rr We Handle l!ser thin. Leave or drs wild llk .sinllh Ua.l Kllfil IK111I Palace Restaurant Rooms for Rent Confectionery, Prult IMcnlc Supplies, Cltjnrs J. F, Taggari & Co. How to Sava Hoia. A piece of very line, soft chamois fitted and sewed Into the heels and toes of a pair of hose will save many weary housevvlfa from hours of roendluc. KAY McKAY. WANTED 40 or 80 acres of k'ood Innd near Bend. Have buyers for one or two good improved farms. Also wnmeii koi-si vviichv innn. 11 you have a bargain we want it. if you want a bargain we have it. Buckley Express Co. DAILY Kxprc.M Service lctwcen Mndras and Bend. Careful Attention. Bend Agents, Marpcr Land Conipnny. No uiwr' If yon wnn t snmcthinjr to eat try Pure Ice Cream CAATCDT AC '"' I'ri-mn Kvtry Day O A Vl b F L A U C Kv ery Day on Uoijd street. Annex to Stephens vV: Puttie's miIooii. AFRICAN LIONS. ' Thay Oftan Hunt In Coupl.i to Start and Captura Thair Pray. Lions In Africa k" huniltiK often In couples nnd then'rothcr sjsteinatlcHb ly. When, for InstHiice. h toiiplo of lions Iihvu traced out a kraal-that Is to nay. u plate fenced by small nit UXUCUTOK'S NOriCH. rioi it S(HkT I. htb)r (lrn by the HixIcr.KnrO. n 1 lAlk. .! II.. .if atul Jll ttmt ua I..4m I.Iim. ksib.I Ihf uM rlriwl tu rririil trrtm, tr (hut at ftullnl lir ! ollhln li munlh. "flff lh Ht.ljwWkslKin oflhl. nolvrs tufo MIim.c il hUofhr tl Ihr I'lxionVtT si tHl. iirriHi. thr umr IxIhs Ihr Urr luf ltr lliiiullkin ( thrlni.lurK a? thr Mtol male in Ihr muI cltjr. county an! tlslr iMtnl IhU l,lh fUr uf Vpill. 1411 I. C hlsHMMKK, llircultir of lhrrlatr of WWBMf, lKi. Ml NOTICK FOB IMJULICATION (ImU.iH 1 rati ) l'L'11'..C I.ANI) HAM! No AM V H rwl Oflx alTKr IMka. Oirivn. Match .Oh I'ji Nolkr la hf itby vltrn that iln. br thr CiHnwiu.r of Ihr li'Htral I nl O'lxr mrfir 1 ptinrl.los. or Art i(eiHif'M sfvl Jusr ri. ifi t'ubUc N. . rwllluO'tr alullwlr lu 1 ihr hmbm l44.r l v xu.IiaI. a m , utt Ihr vl day WJunr, IhlaiiffKr Ihr fbllow 1 11 a; liactof liwl.twil italt Nl M awl NWI M.lf. I IjT SK H 10 l'.l VV Vt Vll) tlalHUSKSlrf'ly Ihralwvc iIik'IU.I lamlaarr aci.iMNi in nir iiur tiaima '.r oijriiiniia mi in NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. PKrAKTMKNT OH TIIH INTKXIOK Unltrd Slstrt Land omcr.slThe Dallcs.Orrgon, April lith, 1911. Notice la hereby given thai Y. Violet bmllb, formerly H. Violet Rerd.of bend. Oregon, who. ia March wn, t. made llomeilead. Mo. ?5jj. SeriaJ No. 01SJ6. for awtf a. V. c. 4. e)4 liu aei i. aad M nwii.aec. 9, T. If. S., R. is . UWamette Metldlauriaa Slctl notVeeofia. Unlloo W Waal -le-year tW, loca UbJlib claim to the land abate dMcnbed. before JI.C. KUU.U.B. Vend, Oregon. os the lia djr r Majr. ion. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, V. A. Und Office, at The Dalles, Or., April 7th, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Carl II, Hatch, of Laidlaw, Oregon, who, on February Jjrd, 1006, made homestead entry No. 14970. (Serial No. oMiO, for loll j and 4, See 6. T. 17 S , K. 1 1 K.. W, It., has filed notice of inteatioa to make Anal five-year proof, to establish claim to the land abore described, before II. C. li, U. 8. Com mlaaioaer, at hit office, at Bend, Oregon, ea the jjrd day of May, 1911. CUimasI names as wilaeasetc Pred N. Wal lace, Bert MUlcr, Jacob C.Tborp aad X. llarry Baylty, all of Laidlaw, Oregon. Mo c v, MOORn, UrgUtir. is4iva)a)44 ituifiii t tFaaa' s lisipa IliisitL'tJ iir a uaJiLal it ,U.,.I. ,,..-.. n.,v ,. . r. . ... Kfce,w,iy nUrt, ,,..,,.l t Mile oxen, konih or shvep nro shut up for '711 c c mimiki KrkiMr thu nllit- the IkniwM Hppnnichii chii tlously. proMtltiK ly every tn-e or hush to hide licrwolf. At tho hhiiiii llmw thu lion hlmirulf lies WHtchliiK on thu (i Iioxlto In the dlstHiiie. Now thu 1 1 (i news exerts liPrself tn nrouso the cuttlt -which Is nut dltll cult, as they tiecomo excltwl merely by smelllnu a licflst or prey-HH tho cuttle nro (Tiruuiuti'd tu tho utui'wt by four nud horror, lirwik thniUKh the Urun I on thu side opposltu to thu lion esH nud thus fall an eusy prey to thu Hon. The lion his rlctlm nud throt tles It hy ftprliiKluf ou lis neck or tircnst nud MtlnK his teeth Into this part. The hunted nnlmul fulls, and the lion now tears open the (lank. Tho lioness ap'iears and hns her sharo of tho meal. Very often they cannot devour their victim In ono night: then tbey come back to tho place where the remains are ou the following or the second nlgbt. Tho lion's favorite food la zebra, rjuaffga (of which there are few left In Africa) and wild ass. The meat of these three kind of animals la some thing alike In taste. 1 TO BUILDERS WE HAVE A NICE STOCK OF FLOORINC Rustic Shiplap Rough Lumber . and and can furnish any bill on short notice. Send us your orders for FINISH LUMBER.. BEND LUMBER CO. S $ : Kngllah Clay Pips. The clay plpo, watch la vanishing ttW. M Fltflt afreet coflhKH.e. waa o 0 0 0 I I I I 1 " A 1 e We Now Have in Stock a Carload LIME CEMENT and PULP Plaster. mmmimmmmnmi Tk OVERTURF-DAVIS-MJLLER COMPANY OFFICE IN DENfiON BLOC. ON WAJX8T. 25s Deschutes Bar BOND STREET Wmes, Liquors and Cigars "EVER.YTHING TO DIUNK BUT DESCHUTES WATER." GIRTON (ft COMPANY s K sX